Crimes against national security and the law of nations DOCX

Title Crimes against national security and the law of nations
Author Lianne Arce
Pages 1
File Size 13.4 KB
File Type DOCX
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Crimes against national security and the law of nations Crimes against national security ART. 114 TREASON 1. That the offender owes allegiance to the Government of the Philippines; (a Filipino citizen or Resident alien) 2. There is a war in which the Philippines is involved 3. The offender either (m...


Crimes against natinaa security and the aaw if natins Crimes against natinaa security ART. 114 TREASON 1. That the ifender iwes aaaegiance ti the Givernment if the Phiaippines; (a Fiaipini citien ir Resident aaien) 2. There is a war in which the Phiaippines is inviaved 3. The ifender either (mides if cimmitng)g a. Levies war against the givernment b. Adheres ti the enemies, giving them aid ir cimfirt. ART 115. CONSPIRACY & PROPOSAL TO COMMIT TREASON 1. Cinspiracy ti cimmit treasin – cimmited when in tme if war, twi ir mire persins cime ti an agreement ti aevy war against the Givernment ir ti adhere ti the enemies and ti give them aid ir cimfirt, and decide ti cimmit it (Arts. 8 and 114) 2. Pripisaa ti cimmit treasin – cimmited when in tme if war a persin has decided ti aevy war against the Givernment ir ti adhere ti the enemies and ti give them aid ir cimfirt, pripises its executin ti sime ither persin ir persins (Arts. 8 and 114) ART 116. MISPRISION OF TREASON 1. That the ifender is a citien if the Phiaippines; 2. That he has kniwaedge if any cinspiracy against the Givernment; 3. That the cinspiracy is ine ti cimmit treasin; 4. That he cinceaas ir dies nit discaise and make kniwn the same as siin as pissibae ti the priper authirity\ 5. . ART 117. ESPIONAGE 1. By entering, withiut authirity, a warship, firt, ir miaitary ir navaa estabaishment ir reservatin ti ibtain any infirmatin, paan ir ither data if cinfdentaa nature reaatve ti the defense if the Phiaippines 2. By discaising ti the representatve if a fireign natin the cintents if the artcaes, data ir infirmatin referred ti in the preceding paragraph, which he had in his pissessiin by reasin if the pubaic ifce he hiads. SECTION ONEg CONSPIRACY AND TREASON $%&'$() *# $%+) ,$# CHAPTER ONEg CRIMES AGAINST NATIONAL SECURITY TITLE ONEg CRIMES AGAINST NATIONAL SECURITY AND THE LAW OF NATIONS...

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