CRM 1300 Mid-term Flashcards Quizlet PDF

Title CRM 1300 Mid-term Flashcards Quizlet
Course Introduction to Criminology
Institution University of Ottawa
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CRM 1300 Mid-term Flashcards | Quizlet

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Social Science / Sociology / Criminology

CRM 1300 Mid-term Terms in this set (186)

Legal definition of crime

Behaviour prohibited by the Criminal Code (focuses on the act/law itself)

Social norms' definition of

Behaviour that violates social norms (focuses on



Social Constructionist

Crime defined by powerful, sometimes to

definition of crime

disadvantage others, and mostly white collar.

Laws are a ________ social control


Social norms are ________ social



3 ways we respond to crime

Consensus, interactionist, conflict

Abolitionism, crimes of powerful, criminological 5 things criminologists study

theory, First Nations and racism, gender and sexuality

Sources of criminological

Surveys, experiments, stats, texts, media, interviews,

CRM 1300 Mid-term


05/12/2021 20:34

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Biology Psychology 6 areas of study that crime



Sociology Political science Law


Behavior that violates significant social norms

What happened to those who

These people were believed to be witches or

violated religious norms or

possessed by demons... Resulting in them being

social practices in the Middle

burned at stake

Ages (16-17th century)

Estimated number of people


who were prosecuted for witchcraft in 16th & 17th century Europe

Ppl were believed to be more rational therefore Basis of Classical Criminology

punishments needed to be sufficiently painful enough to outweigh pleasure of committing crime

Role of gov't should be to act on behalf and in best Cesare Beccaria's theory on

interest of all citizens... punishments must be

Crime and Punishment

constituted by uniform and enlightened legislation (must fit crime)

Hedonistic (utility) calculus... Law should ensure greatest good for greatest amount of ppl & should Jeremy Bentham's theory

be social contract between gov't with citizens accepting consequences... Focus on moral rightness and wrongness

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Positivist Criminology


Theories that focus on both psychological and biological factors to explain criminal behaviour

Aka. Craniology.... study that character and mental faculties correlate with the shape of one's head

Theorist that studied to see if criminals were Cesare Lombroso

physically different from non-criminals ("Born Criminals").... Argued that criminality is genetically inherited... Atavistic traits

Theory that states human traits may cause criminal behaviour Biological/Trait Theory

Examples are: testosterone, PMS, neurological impairments, tumours/injuries/diseases, twin + adoption studies, biochemical imbalances (ie. Twinkie defence)

3 types of psychological

Psychodynamic, behavioural, cognitive


the Freudian theory that unconscious forces Psychodynamic theory

determine behavior... Childhood experiences shape personality

Behavioural theory

Cognitive theory

Theory that states behaviours are acquired thru conditioning (interaction w/ environment)

Theory that explains human behaviour thru thought processes

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CRM 1300 Mid-term Flashcards | Quizlet

U of Chicago studied # of poor or transient neighbourhoods and concluded communities that Social ecology/Chicago School theory

suffered from high rates of poverty and social disintegration were more likely to condone criminal activity - Areas were characterized by recent immigrant groups, poor housing, factories

Learning theory

Theory that criminal behaviour is learned thru interactions with others

Conflict or disparity between culturally specific goals and culturally available means to achieve Strain theory

those goals Access to means = stratified Goals = universal

Theory that focuses on how individuals come to be labeled as deviant, that we all have a master status Labeling theory

(ie. student) which can be changed after labelled criminal.... New master status becomes internalized to further deviance

Common law

Stare Decis

Statutory Law

A legal system based on custom and court rulings ( judges)... basis for criminal law in Canada

To stand by previous decisions

Law created by Parliament which reflect social conditions and behaviours of concern

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- Provide social control - Discourage revenge - Express public opinion and morality 6 Functions of Criminal Law

- Deter criminal behaviours - Maintain social order - Punish crime

Identifying problematic behaviour, defining certain Process of criminalization

behaviour as crime thru legislation, regulating this behaviour thru laws & enforcements, punishing those found guilty

Legality Mens rea Elements of corpus delicti (must be proven for conviction)

Actus reus Concurrence of mens rea and actus reus Harm Causation Punishment

Mens rea

A guilty mind

Actus reus

A guilty act

Criminal offences that are minor in nature and carry Summary offences

consequences much less severe (usually served in provincial facility for max. of 6mths and fine of $2k)

Indictable offence

Specific intent

Very serious criminal offence

Accused had intent to produce further/additional

CRM 1300 Mid-term


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CRM 1300 Mid-term Flashcards | Quizlet

General intent

Meaning to commit crime


To carry out crime with knowledge


Reason for committing crime

Reason motive can be useful in

Gives evidence of intent




Excuse defenses

Could be present in actus reus... is the presence of an act (ie. assault)

Could be included in actus reus... Failure to act

When defendant admits to the criminal act but argues he or she cannot be held responsible

Age Mental disorder 5 excuse defenses

Automatism Mistake of fact Mistake of law

Excuse defense: Age

3 Age based stages of criminal responsibility

Rests on ability to formulate required intent

- Children > 12 = no criminal responsibility - Youth 12-17 = limited criminal responsibility - Adults 18+ = full criminal responsibility

Excuse that accused lacks mens rea & is incapable Excuse defense: mental

of appreciating act or knowing it was wrong... Must


be disease of mind not self induced states like being

CRM 1300 Mid-term


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Mistake of fact

Mistake of law

Justification defenses

Not Criminally Responsible due to Mental Disorder

Unconscious/involuntary behavior.... not in conscious control of bodily movements

Illegal act was committed under mistaken belief about circumstances

Ignorance of law

Defense to make criminal act justifiable

Duress Necessity 5 Justification Defenses

Self defense Provocation Entrapment


Crime is committed because 1) thread of imminent death or 2) there was no realistic alternative action

Crime is committed because of danger caused by Necessity

forces of nature OR human conduct other than threats of harm


Use of force against another person to defend self, others, or property is justified

Provocation ("Crime of

Wrongful act or insult that deprived ordinary person


of self-control

The defense that the individual was induced by the

CRM 1300 Mid-term


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CRM 1300 Mid-term Flashcards | Quizlet

Chinese migrant workers using opium which then History of opium in Canada

led to White Canadians doing it as well... Because of this Mackenzie King got mad and enacted drugs laws

Law enacted in 1908

Drug act enacted in 1911 which

Opium Act

Opium and Drugs Act

included cocaine, morphine, and opium

Year that cannabis was added


to Opium and Drugs Act

Form of cocaine used more by

Crack cocaine

poor people & visual minorities

Type of cocaine used by rich

Powder cocaine

White people

# of grams of crack needed for


5 yrs sentence

# of grams of powder cocaine

500 g

needed for 5 yr sentence

% of reported drug offences


that included cannabis (2013)

Age range of those mostly

18-24 yrs old

accused for drug offences

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Province with highest rate of

British Columbia

drug crime

Frenz Gall

Neuroanatomist and physiologist... founder of Phrenology theory

Forces Black Market Funds from Black Market help finance criminal, 6 Reasons criminal penalties

terrorist, and insurgent groups

for drug related harms are

Law enforcement only marginally reduces supply


Large seizures have negative effects (drives up prices... leading to injections and health risks) Little evidence to prove it deters drug use

3 people/groups benefiting from prohibition

Tough on crime politicians trying to get elected Police organizations Crime control industry

Minimal restrictions on production, sales, and possession Impose testing, quality control, and labeling standards 6 options for dealing with

Limit who can produce and buy drugs, as well as

psychoactive drugs

where and when drugs can be consumed Make available thru prescription Involve criminal law only when actions of a person are impaired by drugs Ban or make drugs illegal

Criminalizing (incl. manufacturing, distributing, 4 typologies for dealing with drugs

possession) Legalization (regulating) Decriminalization (eliminating)

CRM 1300 Mid-term


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Police 3 key groups involved in


Criminal Justice System


Offender must be punished fairly and with justice through prison sentences that match seriousness of Justice Model

the crime - Found to be discriminatory - Goals = eliminate discretion within CJS and protect legal rights of accused

Application of punishment is to affect future behaviour rather than inflict pain Deterrence Model

- Problem = biased and barbaric system - Goals = prevents future crimes by appealing to the rational choice of individuals

To incarcerate worst and repeat offenders in order to reduce crime and increase community safety - Problem = Low % of offenders account for high % Selective Incapacitation Model

of crimes - Goals = prevent future crimes by incapacitating worst offenders thereby ensuring an increase in community safety

Offence for which offender has been convicted is a "Dangerous Offenders"

serious personal injury offence and the offender continues a threat to life and safety of others

Rehabilitation Model

To positively intervene in life of individual criminal in order to effect positive change

CRM 1300 Mid-term


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% overall crime rate decreased

CRM 1300 Mid-term Flashcards | Quizlet


in 2013-14

% violent crime rate decreased


in 2013-14

Biggest decreased crime in

Property crime

Canada (2013-14)

% of crimes that are violent in



Demographics Public reporting rates to police Factors affecting police reported crime stats

Local police policies and procedures Legislative changes Social and economic factors Technological change Trust

Victimization surveys Alternative Sources of Data

Self-reports Ethnographic research

Estimate unrecorded crime Ways victimization surveys help

Explain why victims don't report crimes to police

in crime rate studies

Provide info on impact Identify populations at risk

Those most often to commit

Makes and young adults

violent victimizations

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______ household income =

CRM 1300 Mid-term Flashcards | Quizlet


higher rate of violent victimization

Most common location of

Commercial establishment

violent victimization

Those more likely to be


convicted of theft of personal property

Age range for highest rates of

15-24 yrs old

personal property theft

% of those who personally


knew their killer

Crime widely perceived as


most serious

Most frequent crime in violent


crime category

White collar crime

crime committed by people of high social position in the course of their occupations

Report sensitive Reasons crime stats change

Policing sensitive Definition sensitive Media sensitive

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Crimes committed Crimes reported Crimes cleared Criminal Justice Funnel

Convictions Custodial sentences

Fear suffered by victims and their family, friends, and Intense fear of crime

neighbours that comes from physical injury, property loss, economic costs, psychological trauma

Concrete fear of crime

Fear of specific crime, especially violent

Formless fear of crime

General feeling that one is unsafe

Lack of capable guardians Routine Activity Theory

Suitable targets Motivated offenders Leads to crime

Guard potential targets Control means to commit crime Situational Crime Prevention

Monitor potential offenders Crime prevention thru environmental design (CPTED)

target hardening

Access Control

increasing security at a specific place to prevent attack... slug rejector devices, bandit locks

Determines types of user access, such as read-only access... fenced yard, parking lot barriers

CRM 1300 Mid-term


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Deflecting offenders

Controlling facilitators

Bus stop placement, tavern location, street closures

Credit card photo, caller ID, gun controls

Entry/exit screening

Automatic ticket gates, baggage screening

Formal surveillance

Burglar alarms, security guards

Surveillance by employees

Natural surveillance

Target removal

Park attendants, pay phone location

Street lighting, can driver ID

Removable car radio, women's refuges

Identifying property

Property marking, vehicle licensing

Reducing temptation

Gender neural phone lists, off street parking

Denying benefits

Rule setting

Moral condemnation

Pin for car radios, graffiti cleaning

Harassment codes, customs declaration, hotel registrations

Shoplifting is steaming, roadside speedometers

Controlling disinhibitors

Drinking age laws, ignition interlock

Facilitating compliance

Improved library checkout, trash bins

Reason for Classical

Response to chaotic systems of justice in Europe...

CRM 1300 Mid-term


05/12/2021 20:34

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Man who murdered 11 children in B.C. Police didn't have good evidence against him and in Clifford Olson

order to retrieve bodies, had to give him money. Classified as a dangerous offender, case raises additional uproar due to compensation for crime.

Alberta mom who had a very sick child, but didn't Tamara Lovett

believe in medicine. Because of this, the child died. Charged with criminal negligence

Westray Disaster

Paul Bernardo

Lac Megantic

Coal mine disaster in Nova Scotia that resulted in the death of 26 individuals

Ontario man who raped and killed three young girls alongside his wife, Karla Hamolka.

Runaway train and derailment in Eastern Quebec that caused 47 deaths.

Man with HIV who was convicted of first degree murder ...

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