CS101 Review - Lecture notes 1-13 PDF

Title CS101 Review - Lecture notes 1-13
Author brandon Prete
Course Canadian Communication in Context
Institution Wilfrid Laurier University
Pages 47
File Size 789.4 KB
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lecture notes for cs101...


Communications Final Communications Final: critical media studies cares about video game livestreaming because it represents a career path that many young people are pursuing, even as it becomes an increasingly crowded marketplace. affective labour, meaning that their efforts are designed to generate emotional responses in viewers; they are expected to project a certain attitude, which can be compared to service workers who are expected to always be pleasant and smiling. immaterial labour, which describes activities that do not resemble traditional work, but which is now recognized as work, in part because people are paid to do it. Another aspect of immaterial labour today is precarity, which refers to workers’ experience of precarious employment that might be linked for example to the rise and fall of particular games or software companies. Immaterial labour is a term coined by Maurizio Lazzarato, an Italian sociologist in the 1990s. It refers, in part, to changes taking place in workers' labour where the skills involved are those linked to technological work with computers and networks. Intertextuality indicates that a text (such as a video game, or advertisement, or film) is not a self-contained unit; rather, the possible meanings of a text are produced through our recognition of their relationship to other texts, for example, within the context of genre of particular video games. Equality is a simple quantitative approach to balancing the numbers, or equal numbers of males and females in a company. Informal apprenticeship refers to the system by which a young apprentice acquires the skills for a trade or craft in a micro or small enterprise learning and working side by side with an experienced practitioner. "copyright" means "the right to copy." In general, copyright means the sole right to produce or reproduce a work or a substantial part of it in any form. public domain, which refers to the commonwealth of literary and artistic ideas, inventions and creations that are not protected by intellectual property laws. Copyright Act, which was created in 1921 The Copyright Act also determines what portion of a work can be reproduced and under what circumstances.

In 2012, the Canadian Copyright Act was amended partly in order to update the law in light of new technologies and cultural norms Imperial unity (1886-1889). Canada joins the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works under Great Britain’s signature as a British colony in 1886. The Berne Convention of 1886 established the first international treaty on copyright. Copyright rebellion (1889-1910). The Canadian government departs from the policy of imperial unity and, beginning in 1889, denounces the Berne Convention for bias against North America. Reconciliation (1910-1957). In the early 1920s, after changes made to international copyright law requested by Canada, it rejoins the Berne Convention as an independent member and has remained so since that time. Scepticism (1957-1971). Canadian policymakers lobby for fundamental changes to the way the international copyright system works according to the Berne Convention, but their efforts fail. Second reconciliation (1971—) Canada seeks to expand intellectual property rights granted to rightsholders and joins with other countries to formulate international treaties. 1790: First copyright law enacted. The duration of copyright protection is set at 14 years. If the author is still alive at the end of these 14 years, they would be granted an additional 14 years (28 in total for books, maps and charts). 1831: First major revision. The duration of copyright protection is extended to 28 years with an additional 14 if the author were still alive at the end (42 in total, with the addition of music). 1870: Second revision. Works of art added to protected creations. 1909: Third revision. If the author is alive at the end of the 28 years, they can get another 28 years of copyright protection (56 in total, including some unpublished works). 1955: Universal Copyright Convention (signed in 1952) comes into force in the U.S. 1976: Fourth revision. Existing copyrights extended by 19 years (75 total). 1989: U.S. joins the Berne Convention. 1998: Copyright protection extended to the life of the author plus 70 years after the author’s death.

Bill C-11 amended the Copyright Act in several ways in order to address the problem of digital piracy, which is the illegal use of copyrighted material. Bill C-11 provides for the use of digital locks – a method of preventing digital piracy by restricting the unauthorized use of copyrighted material. Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) Creative Commons is a U.S.-based organization oriented on broadening the public domain. It seeks to make copyrighted material more accessible and its terms of access more negotiable. It was founded in 2001 by Lessig and other high-profile figures. CC licenses protect creators who do not want to use traditional copyright from having their work copied and copyrighted by someone else. In the decades preceding CC, these licenses had been called copyleft (in contrast to copyright). The main difference between copyleft and copyright is that in contrast to copyright, which severely restricts the public’s use of the product, copyleft attempts to encourage engagement with the product by enabling the creator to determine in greater detail how their product would be used. Nick Scharf’s (2017) article examines the achievements and the limits of Creative Commons.

Which of the following acts regulate the telecommunication and broadcasting spheres in Canada? Answer: broadcasting and telecommunications act

Indie Game: the movie explored some of the difficult working conditions of the video game Answer: Witheford In the Glenn Greenwald interview we watched in class, he mentions that this social media company is particularly good at objecting to government demands for info and protecting of their users Answer: Twitter liptonGree As Hartowitz discusses, under the CRTC’s recently abandoned priority programming program, Canadian entertainment shows would need to air in prime time and devote this percentage of content to Canadian entertainment news: Answer: ⅓ Edge writes that monetizing convergence was easy because it was easier for converged companies to sell advertising over multiple media, leading to increased revenue Answer: False The MAPL system requires that the music be entirely vomposed by a Canadian in every case to be considered CanCon? Answer:False The article about the blog EASpouse is about a woman who made a blog complaining about how her husband spent too much time playing video games and not enough doing his share of the house work? Answer: false Canada’s copyright modernization Act, Bill C-51, displays SOPA-style restrictions Answer: False Did tencer say Tv wasn’t going anywhere but broadcast model will be replaced by public domain? Answer: No Hamilton argues that it is important to understand the division made b/t critical and

administrative approaches to studying communication, but that the division can create its own problems, such as creating unfounded assumptions that work without it necessarily embodying those qualities Answer: True What figure talked about in lecture was a key part of establishing Creative Commons? Answer: Lessig Which of the following is NOT one of the general principles of Canadian Broadcasting Policy? Answer: Be free of obscenity, seditious material,or other matter that does not reflect Canadian family value This article talks about the importance of creating a “call in culture” in order to address structural and institutional privilege? Answer:Harvey The pollution sanctuary hypothesis holds that pollution-intensive economic activity will tend to migrate to those jurisdictions where costs related to environmental regulation are lowest Answer: False The main point of the article written by ________ is to map the “moral geographies” of the international trade and traffic of electronic waste Answer: Lepawsky and McNabb Winseck claims that copyright infringement is a form of “wealth destruction” akin to theft ? Answer: False As discussed in lecture, according to Leslie Shade Canadian communication studies can be characterized by three traits what are they? Answer: critical sensibility, cultural policy focus, social justice orientation Television network advertising profits dropped from Cnd 113 million in 2007 to this in 2008 Answer: Cnd 8 million

The switch from analogue to digital TV happened in Canada(broadcasting) by ___ and will happen in India (cable) by ________ Answer: 2011, 2014 Who talks about surveillance state? Answer: Vaidhynathan Shepherd draws on what important concept discussion in class? Answer: immaterial labor In our discussion of the online harassment that Sarkesian recieved for proposing her video series Tropes vs. Women the instructor make a link b/t this backlash and recent incidents. They Were: Answer: Anti-feminist bus asds in Toronto, online against university of Toronto students In our reading from week 1 on Canadian Communications studies which of the following figures was NOT listed as figure in the field? Answer:Nobert According to Fletcher, french and english culture have a lot in common, but what is the missing narratives that depict thus Answer: True Under bill C-11, mash ups and remixes would be made illegal due to copyright infringement Answer: True OPKKK is related to what major news event? Answer: Ferguson Canadian experience serves to bolster the claims of critics who have warned that increased ownership consolidation would place too much power over public perceptions in the hands of:

Answer: a few large corporations Watching shared media from another country can bring English and French media cultures closer together Answer: True When CanWest Global broke up, their newspapers became the Postmedia Network and their TV assets went to this company in 2010 Answer: shaw Wagman’s two main points about Facebook are that it takes away from face to face encounters and that it can lead to internet addiction ? Answer: false 3d printers may be used to infringe on trademarked products and according to Cory Doctorow that is a HUGE problem Answer: False If a program is framed as “communications” with an “s” as opposed to “communication” it is more likely to centre administrative research Answer: True In the lecture, Nathan said that due to digital technology, using your phone or laptop to record the audio from lectures so you the audio from lectures so you can listen to them as many times as you want is much better than taking notes? Answer: false Part of the CRTC’s 2016 “closing the broadband gap” strategy involves ensuring offered, but outside of major cities Answer: False

In the early US copyright was automatic not voluntary Answer: False It is generally accepted that a free and iverse media is NOT a vital component of democracy? Answer: False Harvey and Fisher discuss a new equity and social justice-oriented research/ activism agenda called WIG ( Women in games) that moves beyond more general equality-based initiatives Answer: True The origins of Canadian broadcasting policy go back to the: Answer: 1920s The Maker’s Bill of Rights states that: Answer: cases shall be easy to open At the time the Bannerman article was written, The Berne Convertion encompassed how many member states? Answer: 164 Was the two step flow associated with uses and gratifications? Answer: No As discussed in lecture, according to Leslie Shade Communications Studies can be characterized by three traits, they? Answer: critical sensibility, cultural policy focus, social justice orientation The chapter on doing media studies about Stuart hall’s three broad kinds of reading, they are Answer: dominant, oppositional and negotiated 44 % of European Union Ewaste comes from medium to small electronics Answer: true

Overall the CRTC broadcasting policy is a federal responsibility, except for the province of Quebec, which has its own, independent provincial version: Answer: True According to lecture, Internet making culture started in the mid to late 2000 s when 3D printers started to become more popular? Answer: False Making culture is about changing the “many to many” flow of mass culture to one that is “one to many” Answer: true Maxwell and Miller make the argument that the emergence of the knowledge economy and proliferation of ICTs/CEs has resulted in a decline in manufacturing as the production is less energy intensive and less polluting than earlier industries? Answer: false The CRTC eliminated priority programming in what year? Answer: 2011 According to Luka, the CRTC’s 2014-2017 Three Year Plan has three pillars, which are: Answer: create connect and protect This article mentions the privacy issues that befell the infamous “Star Wars kids” Answer: Vaidhyanathan The number of TV households in India is estimated at: Answer: 147 million Which of the following is not a component of Creative Commons licensing Answer: Domestic only

In _______, over-the-air television transmission in major Canadian markets and on certain channels in other areas switched from analog to digital Answer: 2011 The author talked about self-branding in the context of precarious employment in creative industry careers Answer: Shepherd Canada’s copyright Modernization Act Bill C-51, displays SOPA-style restrictions Answer: False Which of the following is NOT a part of the Canadian Standards Association's Model Code for the protection of personal information? Answer: Limiting Use, Disclosure and Sale According to Lepawsky and Mcnabb, between 20 and 50 % pf e-waste designed for recycling domestically is actually being exported overseas Answer: false (50-80%) According to lecture, copyright law serves two sets of interests, copyright holders and _______. Answer: media users If someone writes Doctor Who Fan Fiction, you could consider them a prosumer Answer: True Susan Bryant’s article at one point discusses the motion of time-space compression, as theorized by David Harvey Answer False According to our readings, the revenues from the children’s consumer market are: Answer: 115

Where does most caribbean e waste go? Answer: Venezula The author talks about how User Generated Content can be seen as a form of informal internship Answer: Winseck In Ghana: Digital Dumping Ground, one of the major dangers associated with e-waste wasn’t waste but rather: Answer: Cybercrime Fletcher states that Canada’s “two media solitudes” were a danger to creating a unified…. Answer: public sphere According to Edge, what company’s unwise convergence decisions led it to file for protection from creditors after the 2007 market collapse? Answer: CanWest According our readings, Canada is a net copyright exporter Answer: False Johanna Blackley states that social media is dominated by women, which could lead to women becoming a more powerful force in the shaping of mainstream television and film narratives, for example Answer: True Facebook was first open to anyone with an email address in: Answer: 2004 Penley writes that one of the reasons that K/S is popular is that there were enough fleshed out strong females characters to write stories about

Answer: True According to the stats in Harvey and Fisher, the number of female employees in video game industries has grown slightly compared to the numbers in Dyer-Witheford and de Peuter’s article Answer: True According to mr jalopy makers should use profit developed by selling special making tools to fund their making projects Answer: False Penley describes this as “romantic porography radically shaped and reworked by the themes and tropes of science fiction Answer: slash fiction Bryant writes that we need to find ways to overcome the disjuncture b/t our knowledge of environmental degradation and our social practices Answer: True The potential to know virtually anything about anyone may well identify some new threats, (but) the loss of privacy is clearly excessive Answer: Harper According to Bildook, this percentage of journalists believe that news stories reflect the beliefs of the owners of a media outlet Answer: 56 Does UGC stand for universal general communication? Answer: False According to Holmes, the bill that created the Privacy Act and Access to Information Act was Answer: Bill C-51

This author’s article discusses Canada’s two media solitudes Answer: Fletcher Books like Pride and Prejudice and Zombies are made possible by what? Answer: public domain This switch from analogue to digital TV happened in Canada (braodcasting) by ________ a d will happen in India (cable) by ________ Answer: 2011 and 2014 According to Penley, early slash fiction writing was circulated mainly through what medium/ media? Answer: text based internet Lessig’s model is useful for showing the various forces that can work to regulate a particular aspect of culture Answer: True In the video “social media and the end of gender” Johanna Blackley makes the argument that: Answer: gender won’t have the same impact b/c social media connects people with similar tastes, changing up the impact of traditional and stereotypical demographics According to one of our articles,_______ shall be a design ideal, not an afterthought Answer: interoperability The “pollution sanctuary” hypothesis holds that pollution-intensive economic activity will tend to migrate to those jurisdictions where costs related to environmental regulation are lowest Answer: false According to the readings, the Postmedia Network operates a dozen major daily newspapers

that were formerly part of CanWest global Answer: True English Canada the only known world group[ that prefers another nation’s media to domestic work of same quality Answer: True The CRTC rules are very hard to administer according to the report by Sara Horowitz, so the CRTC does not enforce which enforce which rule in entertainment news shows Answer: ⅓ According to lecture, Internet making culture started in the mid to late 2000s when 3D printers started to become more popular Answer: false Bildook makes the argument that loosening Canadian restrictions on foreign ownership could help alleviate some of the problems associated with convergence of ownership in the media industries Answer: True The Wikipedia (and other online companies) blackout day on January 18, 2012, was instrumental in stopping SOPA in the US Answer: True According to one of our articles, _____ shall be a design ideal, not an afterthought Answer: interpolobility “Just because I watch trashy, stupid movies it doesn’t mean I have bad taste or believe what

they say; I watch them to make fun of them” This statement aligns most closely which what audience perspective Answer: Uses and Gratification The agency that started in 1958 as the first proto-CRTC was called: Answer: board of broadcast governors According to the reading we had our first class, which of the following disciplines does Communication Studies draw insights from? Answer: Psychology, sociology, philosophy, political science and economics The role of the CRTC is primarily: Answer: oversee the airwaves According to Wagman, the fact that Facebook already has so much Canadian content has mitigated the appearance of calls for a Canadian equivalent of this popular US site Answer: True The newspaper assets of CanWest Global were purchased by what company after their bankruptcy? Answer: Postmedia Which of these is NOT a labour issue in communication industries?

Answer: they are all labour issues One of Wagman’s main points about Facebook is that it capitalizes on one of the main modes of internet use among Canadians, which is Answer: Archiving and sharing Quebecor’s lockout at the Journal de Montreal, demonstrates that convergence has also allowed media owners disproportionate power over: Answer: Journalists and other media workers Television network advertising profits dropped from Cnd 113 million in 2007 to this in 2008 Answer: Cnd 8 million According to Dyer-Witheford and de Peuter, women make up what average percentage of video game developers staff? Answer: 10-15% Which of the following does Doctorow NOT say about making culture in the Pauli article Answer: That it is a chi...

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