CS200B Exam 2 - Instructor: Nick Pennington Fall 2021 PDF

Title CS200B Exam 2 - Instructor: Nick Pennington Fall 2021
Course Computer Concepts
Institution Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Pages 4
File Size 68.4 KB
File Type PDF
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Instructor: Nick Pennington
Fall 2021...


CS200B Exam 2 If you are unsure about a question, elaborate on your reasoning! You may earn partial credit! Multiple Choice (circle your choice) 2pts each 1. ________ software helps maintain, repair, and protect the computer. a. Utility b. GUI c. Command

d. System

2. Modern operating systems can artificially extend the computer's RAM by using ________ memory. a. PnP b. progressive c. virtual d. read-only 3. ________ is software stored on a flash ROM chip in a piece of hardware. a. PnP b. firmware c. malware d. middleware 4. ________ is an embedded version of Linux that runs on many phones and tablets. a. Blackberry OS b. Red Hat c. iOS d. Android 5. “C:\users\nick\documents\cs200exam.docx” is an example of a(n) _______. a. hierarchy b. search utility c. address d. path 6. The ________ in Mac OS X file system is similar to the Windows File Explorer. a. Search utility b home folder c. finder d. spotlight 7. File names can contain up to ________ characters. a. 100 b. 260 c. 150

d. 360

8. You can make files accessible to any internet-enabled device by using ________. a. A subfolder b. mobility c. cloud storage d. a homegroup 9. A small network that consists of devices connected by Bluetooth, such as a smartphone and a computer, is referred to as a ________ network. a. FTP b. wide area c. local area d. personal area 10. The ________ , installed on a server, enables multiple client devices to communicate with the server and each other, to share resources, to run applications, and to send messages. a. Router b. protocol c. network OS d. domain controller 11. ________ define the rules for communication between devices. a. Routers b. protocols c. network OSs

d. domain controllers

Matching (draw lines between matching pairs) 12. Network Types (8pts): client-server peer-to-peer LAN WAN

covers a single physical location one central computer manages resources and communication decentralized: there is no managing authority links multiple physical locations

13. File Extensions (8pts): .mp3 .bmp & .jpg .exe .wmv & .mp4

images video programs/applications audio

14. Cybercrimes (6pts): phishing pharming DoS

pretending to be someone else to get personal info using a fake version of a website to get login info spamming a device with network packets to overload it

15. Hacker Hats (6pts): white hat black hat grey hat

Hacks to steal info or do harm Hired to hack and point out flaws in existing systems Hacks to see if they can

Fill in the blank (2pts each) 16. Apple devices include free online storage and sync service called ____________________.

17. Zip files use ____________________ compression.

18. A _____________________blocks unauthorized network traffic between a LAN and WAN.

19. _____________________ is hacking done to a political/social end.

20. _________________ compression loses some of the data being compressed.

21. A _________________________ captures individual keypresses to steal information.

Short Answer 22. Name one benefit and one drawback to using cloud storage, and list one of the providers of cloud storage discussed in class. (6pts)

23. List three network topologies, and draw a basic picture of each (include devices and connections) (6pts)

24. What is the single most important rule for making a good password? Aside from that, list two other rules for making a good password. (4pts)

25. Under what conditions is lossy compression unacceptable, and why? (2pts)

Survey (bonus 5pts) If you’d like to answer anonymously, write responses on a separate sheet, and add a star right here -> [ ] On a scale of 1 to 10, how is the pacing of the class? 1 = too slow, 10 = too fast, 5 = just right

Are the review sessions helpful enough to warrant the class time spent on them? What can I do to make them more engaging/useful?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how much of what has been taught did you already know? What concepts were you familiar with, and what was new info?

Overall, what do you like about the class? What do you dislike? Is my teaching style working for you?...

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