CS3009 Exam Question Paper 2017 PDF

Title CS3009 Exam Question Paper 2017
Course Software Project Management
Institution Brunel University London
Pages 2
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Download CS3009 Exam Question Paper 2017 PDF


Exam Question Paper College / Institute

College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences


Computer Science

Exam Author(s)

Dr Kate Hone

Module Code


Module Title

Human Computer Interaction


April / May

Paper Type



THREE hours



Question Instructions Attempt ALL questions. You have already achieved the threshold of a D- grade by passing your coursework. You are now being assessed at the C, B, and A / A* grade threshold. Each question will be marked on a pass/fail basis. Part I assesses answers to C grade threshold; all sub-sections must be passed to achieve a grade C- or above. Part II assesses answers to B grade threshold; at least one sub-section must be passed to achieve a grade B- or above. Part III assesses answers to A / A* grade threshold and is only marked if all sub-sections within Part II have been answered and passed at threshold level. If you pass the question in Part III you will be awarded A / A* depending on the overall standard of the work.

Are Calculators Permitted?

Not applicable

Permitted Reference Materials

Copies of the two case study papers will be provided to candidates in the examination.

Required Stationery

Pens, pencil, eraser, sharpener.

PART I 1. As a case study example you were given two academic papers to study: (1) Randrambelonoro et al’s (2015) paper on activity monitoring for diabetic and obese patients; and (2) Koskimaki et al’s (2017) paper on a game and wearable sensors to promote activity. Both papers address a similar problem but use different methodologies. Please answer the following questions in relation to these two papers: (a) For both cases, identify at least two types of beneficiary group and describe the ways in which they might benefit from the research findings. (b) Identify two types of research contribution provided by Koskimaki et al’s (2017) research (try to use the HCI contribution types defined by Wobbrock and Kientz (2016) to guide you if possible). (c) Identify the similarities and differences in the research approach / methods used in the two papers. Give one example where you consider a good research design choice has been made in one or both papers. Given one example where you consider a poor research design choice has been made. Justify your answer.

PART II 2. (a) Give two examples of qualities that have been associated with methodological rigour in qualitative research. To what extent are these features evident in the paper by Randriambelonoro et al (2017)? (Justify your answer with examples from the paper where possible). (b) What outcomes are measured in the paper by Koskimaki et al (2017)? To what extent are the outcome measures used in the paper valid and reliable indicators of the constructs of interest in this research project? Justify your answer. (c) Explain why you might be cautious about concluding that fitness tracking is effective from the evidence provided in the two case study papers? PART III 3. Imagine the scenario where you have been asked to design a controlled experiment to evaluate the possible benefits of a fitness tracking game designed for university students. (a) Define the independent variable(s) of your study and resulting experimental conditions. Explain and justify your choice. (b) State whether your experimental design will be a between or within-subjects design (or mixed design) and briefly outline the procedure you will follow. Justify your answer. (c) Briefly explain how you would decide on sampling strategy and sample size. (d) Define the dependent variables of your study and how these would be operationalised in practice. Explain your choice. (e) What type of analysis would you expect to conduct on the data and what, if anything, might this be able to prove from this? (f) What psychological / behavioural theories might be relevant to the design of an effective fitness tracking game and why?...

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