Csis 110-final exam-and all quizzes reviewed PDF

Title Csis 110-final exam-and all quizzes reviewed
Course Introduction to Computing Sciences
Institution Liberty University
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all quizzes including final exam...


CSIS 110-all quizzes and midterm review Liberty University

True or False? A local-area network (LAN) connects a small number of nodes in a building or close geographic area. True True or False? Lexical ambiguity can occur when two words are interchanged in a sentence. False True or False? A Turing test is a behavioral approach to determining if a computer system is intelligent. True True or False? Select operation is an SQL operation to identify records in a table. True Which of the following represents the type of analysis that spreadsheets are particularly good at performing? What-If True or False? The process control block (PCB) contains the algorithm that determines which process will gain control of the CPU. False True or False? Contemporary operation of networking technology is possible only through the usage of open-use technology and layering approaches such as the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model. True True or False? Computers can recognize the content of a picture easily. False True or False? A stack is managed in a FIFO manner. False True or False? A simulation of a simple system is more useful than a simulation of a complex system.

False True or False? A node on a computer network must be a computer. False Which of the following describes the equality of two systems based on the results and the process by which they were determined? Strong Equivalence True or False? Encapsulation is a language feature that enforces information hiding. True Which of the following is used to specify a set of adjacent elements in a spreadsheet? Range Which of the following tracks the progress of a program during execution? Process Management Which of the following contains bits organized into groups of 8 or 16 that represent characters from a character set? Text File True or False? An operating system acts like a playground monitor, making sure all of the participants "share nicely." True A statement such as owns(mary,bo) comes from which paradigm? Logic Which of the following is composed of a related set of database records? Schema True or False? A spreadsheet cell can contain numeric or text data. True True or False? A text file does not store binary digits (bits). False True or False? The SCAN disk-scheduling algorithm is similar to the algorithm used to manage elevators.

True Which of the following malware programs embeds a copy of itself in another program? Virus True or False? Second generation high-level programming languages come in one of two varieties: those that are compiled such as COBOL and those that are interpreted like APL. True True or False? Two identifiers with the same spelling but different capitalization are considered to be the same identifiers in languages that are case sensitive. False Which of the following best describes a model that represents a real environment, such as a flight simulator? Concrete Which of the following scientists developed the basic computer architecture that continues to be used today? John von Neumann True or False? The respective speed of downloads and uploads will always be the same for DSL and cable modems. False True or False? A binary file might contain image or audio data. True Which of the following provides the logical view of the data in a database? Schema True or false? Cryptanalysis is the process of "breaking" a cryptographic code. True True or False? Value-returning programs include the RETURN statement followed by a value to be referred. True True or False? A breadth-first approach to analyzing search trees examines select paths down the tree in the hopes of finding a successful move.

False True or False? A file's extension dictates what type of data it contains. False True or False? Both DSL and cable modems generally provide data transfer speeds in the range of 1.5 to 3 megabits per second True True or false? A Transposition cipher substitutes one character with another. False True or false? A password should never be sent in an email message. True Which of the following describes a reference made by a program relative to itself? Logical Address Which of the following is not one of the three laws of robotics defined by Isaac Asimov? A robot must obey orders given it by another robot. Which of the following is a knowledge representation technique that represents the relationships among objects? Semantic Network Which of the following is NOT a game genre or a game subgenre? Console Games In which of the language paradigms is the addition of two values expressed as (+10 20)? Functional True or False? A breadth-first approach to analyzing search trees examines all possible paths of length one before examining any path of length two. True True or False? A domain name server is a computer that attempts to translate a hostname into an IP address. True True or false? Malware known as a Trojan horse uses a system-oriented event to determine when it launches its attack.

False True or False? The domain name system (DNS) uses one large table to map hostnames to IP addresses. False True or False? A schema provides the logical view of the data in the database. True True or False? An advantage of the single contiguous memory management approach is that conserves memory space and CPU time. False True or False? A compiler and an interpreter both accept a program in a high-level language as input. True Which of the following describes a language, like English, that humans use to communicate with each other? Natural Language True or False? A high effective weight simulates an excited biological neuron. True True or False? Printers can be connected directly to a computer network. True Which of the following best describes a partitioning approach that uses the base register to store the beginning address of the current partition? Fixed and Dynamic Partitioning Which of the following translates a high-level language program into machine code? Compiler True or False? Strong typing is a mechanism by which a high-level program is entered into a computer. False True or False? A dumb terminal is made up of a monitor and keyboard, without a CPU of its own, used to access a mainframe computer.

True The mp3, au, and wav file extensions are generally used for which of the following? Audio File True or False? The Internet backbone is a set of high-capacity, high-speed networks that carry Internet traffic. True Which of the following describes a key step in object-oriented programming Isolating The Classes Within A Problem Which of the following is a language feature that enforces information hiding? Encapsulation Which level provides an abstract view of data and the operations that manipulate them? Logical Level True or false? A website's security policy is a written description of the security measures that the organization has put in place (firewalls, etc.) to protect your information. False True or False? For national security, the U.S. government enforces a national access control policy for Internet traffic. False True or False? A network's topology determines how many file servers need to be installed in the network. False True or False? In a discrete-event simulation, an event is an interaction between objects in the system. True Which of the following describes a collection of similar programs processed at the same time? Batch Which of the following describes the equality of two systems based solely on their results? Weak-Equivalence Which of the following best describes a model that represents interacting objects?

Discrete-Event Which of the following describes the amount of time a process uses the CPU before being interrupted by the operating system? Time Slice A Caesar cipher that shifts characters 4 positions to the right would encode the word LADDER as which of the following? PEHHIV Which of the following is an example of biometrics? Fingerprint Analysis Which of the following describes a file whose contents require a specific interpretation? Binary File True or False? Both sequential files and direct access files can be stored on either magnetic tape or magnetic disk. True True or False? An object in the problem-solving phase is an instance of a class. False How many comparisons would it take to find the value 30 in the following binary search tree? 3 4 21 12 30 28 3 True or False? Standing in line to ride a roller coaster is an example of a queuing system. True True or False? Only computers can be connected to a computer network. False True or False? A disk-scheduling algorithm determines how the outstanding requests for disk access will be satisfied. True

Which of the following describes the amount of time it takes to move the read/write heads to the appropriate cylinder? Seek Time True or False? A text file contains bytes of data that represent characters from a particular character set such as ASCII or Unicode. True True or False? A file server stores and manages files for multiple users on a network. True Which of the following is a network device that directs a packet toward its final destination? Router True or False? The operations on a list differ depending on the implementation strategy used. False True or False? An expert system is a rule-based system. True Which of the following describes the process of determining the words that are spoken by a human? Voice Recognition Which of the following allows one class to be derived from another? Inheritance True or False? A declaration is an example of a control structure. False Which of the following database elements is composed of a set of related data items, such as a person's name, address, and id number? Record True or False? A star topology is a LAN configuration in which all nodes are connected in a closed loop. False True or False? Non-value returning subprograms must always have a RETURN statement False

True or False? Network packets contain instructions regarding the route they should travel to reach their destination. False Which of the following is made up of 128 bits? Address True or False? E-commerce provides the consumer with several advantages over in-store shopping. True True or False? A mobile robot moves around and interacts with its environment. True True or false? Encryption is the process of converting plaintext into ciphertext. True To which state does a process move when the CPU scheduling algorithm determines it may next use the CPU? Running True or False? Computers can interpret a conversation quickly and easily. False True or False? A picture on the screen that represents a file or a folder is called a pixel. False True or False? The most common application of computer graphics in modern operating systems is the graphical user interface. True Which of the following provides a way to uniquely identify a single computer among all others on the Internet? Hostname What is the minimum number of nodes in a binary tree with 3 levels? 3 True or False? Most operating systems allow the user to specify a set of paths that are searched in a specific order to help resolve references to executable programs.

True True or False? A top-level domain uniquely identifies a particular computer among all others on the Internet. False Which of the following describes the situation in which memory appears to be unlimited because the program size is not restricted? Virtual Memory Which of the following security attacks collects key information like your password using a fake web page? Phishing True or False? An interpreter is a simulator that executes high-level language code directly. True Which of the following describes a CPU scheduling algorithm in which each process is given a small amount of time to use the CPU before being forced to wait until its turn comes around again? Round Robin In which state does a process reside if it does not have a needed resource, such as a page from secondary memory? Waiting Which of the following shares CPU time among multiple processes to create the illusion that each user has a dedicated machine? Timesharing Which of the following is a high-level protocol used to log into a computer system from a remote computer? Telnet Which of the following is the plot of the frequency changes that occur when a human says a particular word? Voiceprint True or False? A schema describes the relationships among the cells of a spreadsheet. False

True or False? Boolean expressions are used to make decisions in a high-level language. True Which of the following describes a reference made to an actual location in main memory? Physical Address True or False? A directory tree conceptually organizes the files in secondary memory into a hierarchy. True Which of the following specifies a file or directory beginning with the root directory? Absolute Path Which of the following indicates the format of a file attached to an email message? MIME Type True or False? In partitioned memory management, the bounds register holds the address of the end of a program's partition. False Which of the following is NOT part of information security risk analysis? Backing Up The Data True or False? Graphs are useful for representing hierarchies. False Which of the following designates a single location in a spreadsheet? Cell True or False? An operating system is the core part of the system software of a computer. True Which of the following security attacks exploits a flaw in a program that could cause a system to crash and leave the user with increased authority levels? Buffer Overflow True or False? A spreadsheet cell can contain a data value or a formula. True Which of the following is a generic term used for any device on a network?

Node True or False? A semantic network is a representation of objects and the relationships among the objects. True Which of the following LAN configurations connects all nodes in a closed loop? Ring Topology True or False? The root of a tree has no parent node. True True or False? In the client/server model, a user may only access files stored on his/her own computer. False C++ is considered a procedural language with features from which other paradigm? Object-Oriented True or False? Whenever possible, a constant value should be used in a spreadsheet instead of a formula. False True or False? A relational database table is composed of records and each record is a collection of related fields. True True or False? The human brain contains billions of neurons connected into a network. True Which of the following is a numeric designation that corresponds to a particular high-level protocol? Port Which of the following allows information to be passed into a subprogram? Parameter True or False? The system developed for medical diagnosis across the Internet developed by the Problem Knowledge Coupler (PKC) Corporation (www.pkc.org) is an example of an expert system.

True True or False? A file's extension is used to indicate what type of data it contains. True True or False? The current file pointer indicates which record in a file is currently being accessed. True True or False? A queue is similar to a waiting line at a bank. True True or False? In partitioned memory management, an application program is separated into pieces and loaded into multiple partitions. False Which of the following is organized as a hierarchy? Binary Search Tree Which of the following is executed by the Java Virtual machine? Bytecode True or False? Strong equivalence in a Turing test means that the human and computer are equivalent in results, but do not necessarily arrive at the results the same way. False In which of the following LAN configurations is there a center node to which all others are connected? Star Topology True or False? A queue is managed in a FIFO manner. True True or False? In a binary search tree, the value in any node is greater than the value in any node in its left subtree and less than the value in any node in its right subtree. True Which of the following languages does NOT enclose the expression in a WHILE statement in parenthesis? Python

True or False? In a binary tree, each node has at most two child nodes. True Which of the following represents the direction in which a mirror points? Normal Vector True or False? A physics engine simulates models based on Newtonian physics True...

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