Combinedquizzes - all quizzes PDF

Title Combinedquizzes - all quizzes
Course Data Science
Institution University of Sydney
Pages 157
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Evaluate Quiz 1 Due Aug 15 at 23:59

Points 5

Questions 5

Available Aug 9 at 9:00 - Nov 24 at 23:59 4 months

Time Limit 120 Minutes

Allowed Attempts 2

This quiz was locked Nov 24 at 23:59.

Attempt History LATEST




Attempt 1

16 minutes

5 out of 5

Score for this attempt: 5 out of 5 Submitted Aug 15 at 15:32 This attempt took 16 minutes.

Question 1

1 / 1 pts

Sydney Data Stories: According to A/Prof Elizabeth Scott, what is true of the teenage brain?


A time of much change, and disorders can emerge

Question 2

1 / 1 pts

Is this statement true or false? "A contemporaneous control group occurs at the same time as the placebo group."



Good work! A contemporaneous control group occurs at the same time as the treatment group.

1 / 1 pts

Question 3

Is this statement true or false? "In a double blind experiment, all the subjects cannot see the investigators."



Good work!

1 / 1 pts

Question 4





Day 1

760 / 900 = 84.4%

40 / 100 = 40%


Day 2

600 / 700 = 85.7%

150/300 = 50%


On day 1, 1000 people were asked 'Do you like Coke more than Pepsi?'. On day 2 another 1000 people were asked the same question. The number of people who said yes is recorded in the above table. (E.g. 760 out of 900 males answered 'yes' on day 1.) Did more people like Coke on day 2 compared to day 1? [Note: the question is different to the exercise in class, so think carefully.]



Good job. :)

Question 5

1 / 1 pts

Using the data() command, which of these is NOT a real dataset preloaded into R.



Quiz Score: 5 out of 5

Evaluate Quiz 2 Due Aug 22 at 23:59

Points 5

Available until Nov 24 at 23:59

Questions 5 Time Limit 120 Minutes

This quiz was locked Nov 24 at 23:59.

Attempt History LATEST




Attempt 1

11 minutes

5 out of 5

Score for this quiz: 5 out of 5 Submitted Aug 21 at 19:19 This attempt took 11 minutes.

Question 1

1 / 1 pts

Sydney Data Stories: According to Dr Mike Bambach, where does his road fatality data come from? 


Linking of police data and hospital data

Question 2

1 / 1 pts

What variables could be represented by a double bar plot? Given data: Age = quant Income = quant Country of birth = qual Phone provider = qual


Country of birth by phone provider

Good work! Double bar plot needs 2 qual variables.

Question 3

Is this true or false? "A histogram is basically the same as a bar chart".



Well done! Histogram = quant data Bar plot = qual data

1 / 1 pts

Question 4

1 / 1 pts

A large study is conducted by the Australian government through a third-party company. The aim is to investigate the community's attitude to the budget. The following information is collected: Age [0-18, 18-25, 25-40, 40-60, 60+] Place of birth [Australia or Other] Annual Income [in $] Nature of Employment [Eg student, full-time, part-time, casual] Attitude to Budget: "I believe the Australia government is managing the budget well." (Measured on Likert scale: 1. Strongly disagree; 2. Disagree; 3. Neither agree nor disagree; 4. Agree; 5. Strongly agree)

Which of the following graphical summaries best represents the relationship between Nature of Employment and Annual Income?


Side by side box plot

Question 5

1 / 1 pts

Using the `iris` data create a histogram of the `Sepal.Width` variable using `ggplot` and the `geom_histogram` functions. Set the number of bins or columns in the plot to be 15 using the argument `bins=15` argument inside the `geom_histogram` function. What is the height of the largest column in the resulting plot between?



Quiz Score: 5 out of 5

Evaluate Quiz 3 Due Aug 29 at 23:59

Points 5

Questions 5

Available Aug 23 at 9:00 - Oct 9 at 23:59 about 2 months

Time Limit 120 Minutes

Allowed Attempts Unlimited

This quiz was locked Oct 9 at 23:59.

Attempt History LATEST




Attempt 1

24 minutes

5 out of 5

Score for this attempt: 5 out of 5 Submitted Aug 29 at 21:37 This attempt took 24 minutes.

Question 1

1 / 1 pts

Sydney Data Stories: According to Dr Danika Wright, what did she discover about "outliers" in real estate data.


The outliers are usually real properties

Question 2

In data wrangling, what is an API?

1 / 1 pts


Application Programming Interface

Good work!

Question 3

1 / 1 pts

How does the population SD relate to the RMS?


SDpop=RMS of (gaps from the mean)

Good work!

Question 4

1 / 1 pts

Data is collected on the number of hours undergraduate students slept across an entire semester. The data was then stored inunisleepas the average number of hours slept per night for a given student. Using quantile(unisleep), it is found that the 25% percentile is 7 and the 75% percentile is 9. The minimum is 0 and the maximum is 15.

Which statement is TRUE?


There are outliers

Question 5

1 / 1 pts

Using the road fatalities data set from the lab and ggplot, create a boxplot of the Age variable grouped by the State variable. For which state is the size of the box the smallest? (ie The size of the IQR)



Quiz Score: 5 out of 5

Evaluate Quiz 4 Due Sep 5 at 23:59

Points 5

Available after Aug 30 at 9:00

Questions 5 Time Limit 120 Minutes

Attempt History LATEST




Attempt 1

11 minutes

5 out of 5

Score for this quiz: 5 out of 5 Submitted Sep 4 at 20:32 This attempt took 11 minutes.

Question 1

1 / 1 pts

Sydney Data Stories: According to Kylie Moulds, in what area do more young swimmers drop out of elite swimming?


city areas

Question 2

Which of the following istrue regarding the General Normal Curve?


It has any mean and any standard deviation

Well done!

1 / 1 pts

Question 3

1 / 1 pts

For a Normal curve with mean 10 and standard deviation 4, what percentage of the data lie between 10 and 14?



Wonderful job!

Question 4

Which command will calculate P(X>1.2) when X∼N(3,4)?



1 / 1 pts

Question 5

1 / 1 pts

Create a normal model for the `Petal.Width` variable from the `iris` data set and use this model to answer the following question. What percentage of the sample (to the nearest percent) would you expect to have a petal width between 0.5 and 1.



Quiz Score: 5 out of 5

Evaluate Quiz 5 Due Sep 12 at 23:59

Points 5

Questions 5

Available Sep 6 at 9:00 - Nov 24 at 23:59 3 months

Time Limit 120 Minutes

This quiz was locked Nov 24 at 23:59.

Attempt History LATEST




Attempt 1

12 minutes

5 out of 5

Score for this quiz: 5 out of 5 Submitted Sep 11 at 13:53 This attempt took 12 minutes.

Question 1

1 / 1 pts

Sydney Data Stories: According to Mitch Gibbs, what is linear modelling used for in his oyster research?


calibration curves for lipids

Question 2

1 / 1 pts

If we are using the independent variable to predict the dependent variable , then which of the following statements istrue?


A residual plot graphs residuals against x

Well done!

Question 3

1 / 1 pts

Which of the following isNOT an indication that a linear model might be appropriate?


The residual plot looks linear

Well done! This is the only answer that is false.

Question 4

1 / 1 pts

It is hypothesised that the second-hand market sale price of a certain vehicle decreases linearly with the distance (kms) travelled. Data is stored inprice (y)anddistance (x),where both variables are in 1000s of units (dollars and kms). The following linear model is produced: y= 40 - 5xwith a correlation coefficient of -0.8.

What plots would support this hypothesis?

Correct! A scatter plot of price and distance is mostly linear, and the residual plot shows no trend.

Question 5

1 / 1 pts

Using the olympics data with the filter function, determine how many women in the dataset are from the USA.



Quiz Score: 5 out of 5

Evaluate Quiz 6 Due Sep 26 at 23:59

Points 5

Questions 5

Available Sep 20 at 9:00 - Nov 24 at 23:59 2 months

Time Limit 120 Minutes

This quiz was locked Nov 24 at 23:59.

Attempt History LATEST




Attempt 1

11 minutes

5 out of 5

Score for this quiz: 5 out of 5 Submitted Sep 26 at 15:01 This attempt took 11 minutes.

Question 1

1 / 1 pts

Sydney Data Stories: According to Dr Jason Chin, what Australian law case could be an example of the Prosecutor's Fallacy?


Kathleen Folbigg

Question 2

1 / 1 pts

If event A and event B are complementary and P(event A) = 0.6, then what is P(event B)? Please answer correct to 1 dp.


orrect Answer


0.4 margin of error +/- 0.1


Question 3

1 / 1 pts

Is this statement true or false? "If distinct objects are drawn at random, then each object has a different chance of being selected."




Question 4

1 / 1 pts

In a group of 20 friends, 9 like pizza, 11 like coke and 5 like both. If you know someone in the group likes coke, what is the chance they don’t like pizza?



Question 5

1 / 1 pts

The rules of a game are: The game costs $10 dollars to play You get to throw a fair die 20 times Every time you throw a 5 or 6 you win $1

Set the seed to 1 using the code `set.seed(1)` and run a simulation of this game. How much profit or loss do you make?


$2 loss

Quiz Score: 5 out of 5

Evaluate Quiz 7 Due Oct 10 at 23:59

Points 5

Questions 5

Available Oct 4 at 9:00 - Nov 24 at 23:59 about 2 months

Time Limit 120 Minutes

This quiz was locked Nov 24 at 23:59.

Attempt History LATEST




Attempt 1

55 minutes

4 out of 5

Score for this quiz: 4 out of 5 Submitted Oct 10 at 15:24 This attempt took 55 minutes.

Question 1

1 / 1 pts

Sydney Data Stories: According to Andy Tran, if we could model the physics of a coin toss, what could we potentially predict?


the side it will fall on

Question 2

Is this statement true or false?

1 / 1 pts

"For repeated simulations of any chance process, the simulation histogram converges to the probability histogram."



Great job! (That was a tricky one)

Question 3

0 / 1 pts

Which of these statements istrue?

ou Answered

A probability histogram represents chance by data.

Oops! This is false - a probability histogram represents chance by area

orrect Answer

A probability histogram represents chance by area.

Question 4

1 / 1 pts

Consider a box with mean M and standard deviation SD. 10 draws are taken at random with replacement from the box, and thesumis calculated. What is the EV and SE of the Sample Sum?


10M and sqrt(10)SD

Question 5

1 / 1 pts

Suppose we have a 12 sided fair die and we toss it 20 times. What is the expected value of the sum of all tosses?



Quiz Score: 4 out of 5

Evaluate Quiz 8 Due Oct 17 at 23:59

Points 5

Questions 5

Available Oct 11 at 9:00 - Nov 24 at 23:59 about 1 month

Time Limit 120 Minutes

This quiz was locked Nov 24 at 23:59.

Attempt History LATEST




Attempt 1

49 minutes

5 out of 5

Score for this quiz: 5 out of 5 Submitted Oct 17 at 21:52 This attempt took 49 minutes.

Question 1

1 / 1 pts

Sydney Data Stories: According to Dr Mel Keep, what is 1 limitation with surveys? 

Correct! We only have a snapshot not a perspective of how things are over time.

Question 2

1 / 1 pts

Is this statement true or false? Bootstrapping involves using the population to estimate properties of the sample.



Great job!

Question 3

1 / 1 pts

Is this statement true or false? When a selection process is biased, we must take a larger sample to reduce this bias.



Well done!

Question 4

1 / 1 pts

Consider 3 box models as follows, where the draws are madewith replacement, and thesumof the draws is calculated. BoxModel1: 100 draws from the box with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 BoxModel2: 100 draws from the box with 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 BoxModel3: 10,000 draws from the box with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Denote the standard error (SE) for thesumof draws of the 3 models by SE 1, SE 2and SE3respectively. Which of the following statements is TRUE?


SE2 = 2SE1 , SE3 = 10SE1

Question 5

1 / 1 pts

Using the same Oyster example from this week’s lab video answer the following question: Using a bootstrap technique consisting of 5000 samples, what is the approximate that probability of a sample of 1000 oysters containing less than or equal to 300 pearls? Set the seed to 99 before creating the bootstrap sample using the code set.seed(99).



Quiz Score: 5 out of 5

Evaluate Quiz 9 Due Oct 24 at 23:59

Points 5

Questions 5

Available Oct 18 at 9:00 - Nov 24 at 23:59 about 1 month

Time Limit 120 Minutes

This quiz was locked Nov 24 at 23:59.

Attempt History LATEST




Attempt 1

32 minutes

5 out of 5

Score for this quiz: 5 out of 5 Submitted Oct 24 at 22:23 This attempt took 32 minutes.

Question 1

1 / 1 pts

Sydney Data Stories: According to Dr Lara Ford, what famous medical trial in the UK established the importance of early peanut exposure?



Question 2

1 / 1 pts

Suppose we have a Proportion Test, testing the percentage of International Students in a class. The null hypothesis H0 is: p = 0.3. We take a sample of 10, and the observed value is 2.

What is the test statistic?


Good work! The is the test statistics based on the Sample Mean.

Question 3

What is the formula for the test statistic?



Good work!

1 / 1 pts

1 / 1 pts

Question 4

You have a suspicion that a die is improperly weighted, so you throw it 100 times and get 20 1’s. You want to find out if there is enough evidence to claim that the die is unbalanced. Let p = P(die rolls a '1'). What are your hypotheses?


H0 : p = 1/6 vs H1 : p ≠ 1/6

1 / 1 pts

Question 5

Suppose we have a coin that we suspect is biased towards heads. Out of 50 tosses we had 34 heads. Using a simulation method with 10000 trials, find an approximate p-value (rounded to 2dp) where we have the following null and alternative hypotheses:   Set the seed to 2 before running the simulation.



Quiz Score: 5 out of 5

Evaluate Quiz 10 Due Oct 31 at 23:59

Points 5

Available after Oct 25 at 9:00

Questions 5 Time Limit 120 Minutes

Attempt History LATEST




Attempt 1

49 minutes

5 out of 5

Score for this quiz: 5 out of 5 Submitted Oct 29 at 22:26 This attempt took 49 minutes.

Question 1

1 / 1 pts

Sydney Data Stories: According to Dr Llewellyn Mills, what did his caffeine withdrawal trials reveal?


the nocebo effect in withdrawal

Question 2

Consider two datasets:

1 / 1 pts

Dataset A = 3,9,9 Dataset B = 2,5,3

What is the mean of the differences A-B (to 1 dp)?


orrect Answer


3.67 margin of error +/- 0.1

Question 3

1 / 1 pts

Is this statement true of false? "Statistical inference involves making decisions about the sample data given what we know about the population."



Nice work!

Question 4

1 / 1 pts

Kettle Chips suspects that a machine which fills packets of 175g Sea Salt Chips may be wrongly ...

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