All Quizzes - Whetmore Fa19 PDF

Title All Quizzes - Whetmore Fa19
Author Kensha Secrease
Course American Political Parties and Elections
Institution California State University Dominguez Hills
Pages 81
File Size 2.3 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 73
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● Question 1 0.16 out of 0.16 points

The authors of your "Taking Sides" textbook argue that ______ comes from the progressive liberal wing of the Democratic Party. Selected Answer: Answers:


President Obama a.

Hillary Clinton b.

President Obama c.

President George W. Bush d.

Vice President Joe Biden ● Question 2 0.16 out of 0.16 points

Roosevelt's "New Deal" was an attempt to _____. Selected Answer: Answers:


effect relief and recovery from the Depression. a.

give welfare to people who did not want to work b.

turn the US into a communistic nation c.

effect relief and recovery from the Depression. d.

turn the US into a socialist nation ● Question 3 0.16 out of 0.16 points

"_____" is, according to the authors of your "Taking Sides" textbook, "a highly coveted label," because, although "its meaning is not precise," it "carries the connotations of sensible, balanced and practical."

Selected Answer:





Moderate b.

Conservativ e c.

Liberal d.

Religious ● Question 4 0.16 out of 0.16 points

True or False. Like liberalism, conservatism has undergone historicl transformation in America. Selected Answer:





True b.

Fals e ● Question 5 0.16 out of 0.16 points

Those who adhere to what the mainstream media calls the ____ in politics usually prefer to be called "religious conservatives" or "cultural conservatives." Selected Answer: Answers:


"religious right" a.

“Wall Street” Republicans b.

"religious right" c.

“radical right”


“Blue Dog” Democrats ● Question 6 0.16 out of 0.16 points

The classical root of the term ____ is the Latin word libertas, meaning "liberty" or "freedom." Selected Answer:





liberalism b.

democrac y c.

library d.

republic ● Question 7 0.16 out of 0.16 points

In the “Nurturing Parent” model of the family, ___ is crucial. Selected Answer:



Good communication between the parents and the children a.

Obedience of the children to strict rules b.

Good communication between the parents and the children c.

Corporal punishment when rules are broken d.

Unquestioning respect of the parents by the children ● Question 8 0.16 out of 0.16 points

The “Strict Father” model posits a traditional nuclear family. The mother’s role in this type of family includes all of the following duties except: Selected Answer: Answers:


Supporting the family a.

Taking care of the house b.

Supporting the family c.

Upholding the father’s authority d.

Raising the children ● Question 9 0.16 out of 0.16 points

In the “Strict Father” model of the family, adult children must … Selected Answer:


Be self-reliant



Be self-reliant b.

Take care of their parents c.

Find a way to be happy d.

Pay their fair share of taxes ● Question 10 0.16 out of 0.16 points

Lakoff says that his models are meant to be descriptive, not prescriptive. What does this mean?

Selected Answer:


That they are attempts to describe what people's actual unconscious worldviews are, not what they should be.



That they are attempts to describe what people's actual unconscious worldviews are, not what they should be. b.

That they are attempts to promote the liberal worldview of politics, but not the conservative worldview of politics. c.

That they are intend to help people understand how they should think about the world, family and politics. d.

That they are attempts to describe what conservatives are doing wrong, but not to proscribe what they should be doing instead. ● Question 11 0.16 out of 0.16 points

Conservatives tend not to conceptualize regulation as a form of protection, only as a form of _____. Selected Answer:



interferenc e a.

weakness b.

interferenc e c.

taxation d.

socialism ● Question 12 0.16 out of 0.16 points

Most conservatives claim to favor states' rights over the power of the federal government. Yet several policies promoted by conservative groups would give

the federal government considerable powers previously held by the states. Conservative support for which of the following policies demonstrates this fact? Selected Answer: Answers:


Tort reform a.

The death penalty b.

Tort reform c.

Single-payer healthcare d.

The legality of abortion ● Question 13 0.16 out of 0.16 points

_____ (in Congress) tend not to be in favor of government programs providing prenatal care and have voted to eliminate existing programs that have succeeded in lowering the infant mortality rate. Selected Answer:



Conservativ es a.

Progressive s b.

Conservativ es c.

Liberals d.

Feminists ● Question 14 0.16 out of 0.16 points

Which of the following is not a reason that America has consistently had a two-party political system? Selected Answer:


Constitutional prohibition of multiple parties



Winner takes all elections b.

Media attention (or lack thereof) c.

Federal funding d.

Constitutional prohibition of multiple parties ● Question 15 0.16 out of 0.16 points

“Duverger’s Law” states that: Selected Answer:



winner-take-all, single-member district political systems result in two-party dominance a.

third parties are against the Constitution b.

winner-take-all, single-member district political systems result in two-party dominance c.

everyone should vote in a democracy d.

only Republicans and Democrats can run for president ● Question 16 0.16 out of 0.16 points

Political _______ want government to interfere as little as possible in the behavior of adult citizens, because they do not believe that it is the government’s place to dictate individual moral choice.

Selected Answer: Answers:


secularists a.

moralists b.

secularists c.

conservatives d.

internalists ● Question 17 0.16 out of 0.16 points

The “no-harm” principle is similar to the _______ principle. Selected Answer:





consideration b.

direct causation c.

absolute freedom d.

free market ● Question 18 0.16 out of 0.16 points

Political-secularists tend to believe that it is our collective responsibility to maintain a “reasonably safe and peaceful society” so far as that pertains to peace within the society and to collective health. It is for this reason that they often are advocates of Selected Answer: Answers:


both a and b a.

gun control laws


no smoking laws c.

both a and b d.

none of the above ● Question 19 0.16 out of 0.16 points

Loosely speaking, a(n) _______is that which helps us make sense of the world around us. Selected Answer: Answers:


paradigm a.

ideology b.

paradigm c.

political party d.

religion ● Question 20 0.16 out of 0.16 points

Political-secularists tend to want proof that a given individual’s behavior causes actual harm to other individuals before they can accept the government’s limitation of that behavior. This is known as the Selected Answer: Answers:


no-harm principle a.

Declaration of Independence b.

no-harm principle c.

separation of church and state d.

independence clause ● Question 21 0.16 out of 0.16 points

The __________ tend(s) to seek protection of collective goods (“our land, our air, our water”). Selected Answer: Answers:


progressive left a.

free market b.

progressive left c.

Reagan democrats d.

conservative right ● Question 22 0.16 out of 0.16 points

Today, the term “______” is used to refer to economic internalists and those who adhere to social moralism Selected Answer: Answers:


conservative a.

populist b.

progressive c.

conservative d.

liberal ● Question 23 0.16 out of 0.16 points

“Under God” was added to our national Pledge of Allegiance … Selected Answer: Answers:


in the 1950s a.

when the pledge was first written b.

at the turn of the 20th century c.

in the 1800s d.

in the 1950s ● Question 24 0.16 out of 0.16 points

The notion that if economic hardship exists, the individual is to blame uses the ______ frame. Selected Answer: Answers:


internal causation a.

indirect causation b.

internal causation c.

external causation d.

none of the above ● Question 25 0.16 out of 0.16 points

What percentage of people in the US self-identify as Christians?

Selected Answer:


76 Answers:


55 b.

80 c.

98 d.

76 ● Question 1 0.16 out of 0.16 points

Is the following statement false news?: In a 2014 congressional race in Florida, the local GOP offices created a website with the name of their Democratic opponent, Alex Sink, to fool people into thinking they were giving money to her; in reality, the money went to her rival, David Jolly. Selected Answer:


No Answers:


Yes b.

No ● Question 2 0.16 out of 0.16 points

Which of the following false statements was not circulated on the internet last year. Selected Answer: Answers:


Donald Trump was born in Canada a.

Hillary Clinton will be indicted in connection with using a private email server while she was the Secretary of State


Donald Trump was born in Canada c.

Obama unfollowed Clinton on Twitter d.

Donald Trump is dead ● Question 3 0.16 out of 0.16 points

Who runs the website Selected Answer: Answers:


Stormfront, a white supremacist, neo-Nazi hate group a.

The ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) b.

John Lewis, who once marched with Martin Luther King c.

A group of people who are trying to honor Martin Luther King. d.

Stormfront, a white supremacist, neo-Nazi hate group ● Question 4 0.16 out of 0.16 points

In a 2016 Gallup poll on honesty and ethics by profession, only ___ percent ranked journalists very high or high, just above lawyers. Selected Answer:


23 Answers:


45 b.

23 c.



10 ● Question 5 0.16 out of 0.16 points

True or false. Books are always fact-checked for accuracy. Selected Answer:


Fals e



True b.

Fals e ● Question 6 0.16 out of 0.16 points

In 1971, during the Vietnam War, the U.S. government obtained on national security grounds a federal court order to halt the New York Times from its ongoing publication of the Pentagon Papers. What happened in that case? Selected Answer:



Ultimately, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the newspaper, finding that the government could not exercise "prior restraint" on the content that the paper chose to publish. a.

Ultimately, the Supreme Court agreed with the government, setting a precedent for making it illegal to publish classified papers. b.

Ultimately, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the newspaper, finding that the government could not exercise "prior restraint" on the content that the paper chose to publish. c.

The newspaper was fined for jeopardizing the safety of American soldiers d.

The editor of the newspaper was fired and ultimately sent to prison

● Question 7 0.16 out of 0.16 points

Jonathan Albright tells us that the term "fake news" has become a weapon to invalidate reporting that would otherwise ….. Selected Answer:


hold politicians accountable for their actions.



spread vicious lies. b.

Help to elect the best candidates c.

entertain us all. d.

hold politicians accountable for their actions. ● Question 8 0.16 out of 0.16 points

True or false. If you choose to, you can follow most news reporters on social media. Selected Answer:





True b.

Fals e ● Question 9 0.16 out of 0.16 points

The quote, “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes” is usually attributed to the write Mark Twain. Did Mark Twain really say this? Selected Answer: Answers:


We don’t actually know who first said that. a.

It wasn’t Mark Twain. Thomas Jefferson actually said that. b.

Yes, we are sure of that, but his real name is Samuel Clemens, so that is how the quote should be cited. c.

We don’t actually know who first said that. d.

No, Mark Twain definitely did not write or say that. ● Question 10 0.16 out of 0.16 points

Sometimes one “news” outlet (outlet A) will publish misinformation. Then, a second news outlet (outlet B) will re-report the story. Once that happens, the first outlet (outlet A) will cite the second outlet (outlet B) as the source of its information. This is called _____. Selected Answer: Answers:


Circular reporting a.

Faking lies b.

Validation reporting c.

Circular reporting d.

Twittering ● Question 11 0.16 out of 0.16 points

In Ferguson, news reporters were arrested for … Selected Answer:



Trying to record what was happening so that it could be shared with the world a.

Assaulting police officers b.

Trying to record what was happening so that it could be shared with the world c.

Stealing tear gas d.

Carrying weapons ● Question 12 0.16 out of 0.16 points

The Rachel Maddow show on MSNBC received ___ at its “sendittoRachel” site. Selected Answer:



Forged documents that were labeled “top secret” and appeared to be real leaked classified documents a.

Top secret documents b.

Nothing. That is not a real site, and you can’t really send anything there. c.

Forged documents that were labeled “top secret” and appeared to be real leaked classified documents d.

Proof that Donald Trump collaborated with the Russians to “attack” the election process in America ● Question 13 0.16 out of 0.16 points

The video “How False News Can Spread” lists three ways to help slow down the spread of lies. These include all of the following except: Selected Answer:



texting information links to your friends instead of “liking” those links on Facebook a.

tracing the original source of a report b.

searching for criticisms of suspicious information


avoiding sensationalist media d.

texting information links to your friends instead of “liking” those links on Facebook ● Question 14 0.16 out of 0.16 points

Jonathan Albright's research revealed that most commercial fake news sites will: Selected Answer:


load multiple trackers onto the phone or computer of each person who visits the site.



load multiple trackers onto the phone or computer of each person who visits the site. b.

monetarily reward their visitors. c.

be on Facebook but not on YouTube. d.

get found out very quickly. ● Question 15 0.16 out of 0.16 points

True of false. Printers leave a “fingerprint” of barely visible yellow dots, scattered across the page in a patterned grid. This can be used to trace where a given document was printed. Selected Answer:





True b.

Fals e ● Question 16

0.16 out of 0.16 points

All of the following are reputable factchecking sites except: Selected Answer:



thenewyorkerfact.or g a. b.

thenewyorkerfact.or g c. d. ● Question 17 0.16 out of 0.16 points

A site called "_____" is one of the largest propaganda actors. Selected Answer: Answers:


Truthfeed a.

theTwitter b.

Truthfeed c.

TheDonal d d.

MSNBC ● Question 18 1.2 out of 1.5 points

A G Sulzberger says that President Trump has a "private posture" with journalists that is different from his "public posture" towards journalists. What does President Trump publicly call journalists in the U.S., and what is his "private posture" towards them?

Selected President Trump calls journalists "the enemy of the people" publicly. In the Answer: podcast, The Daily, A G Sulzberger explains that President Trump's private posture

with journalists is much more open and he seem much more engaged with them in a sincere and concerned way. Mr. Sulzberger also states that, in his private posture, President Trump listened and behaved in a way that seemed like he was truly interested in the concerns the journalists were raising. Correct Answer: Answer: Publicly, Trump calls American journalists "enemies of the people." Privately,

however, Trump has a lot of respect for these journalists, he just feels like he deserves more flattering press than he gets.

● Question 1 0.16 out of 0.16 points

The "Four Americas" video refers to 3 additional ideological axes. What are they? Selected Answer: Answers:


conservative/progressive; interior/exterior; & individual/collective a.

green/business; Democrat/Republican; & tea party/tax and spend b.

conservative/progressive; interior/exterior; & individual/collective c.

big government/small government; private owner/government owned; & corp...

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