Quizzes answers PDF

Title Quizzes answers
Author Hilary Conto
Course Introduction To Musi
Institution University at Albany
Pages 14
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Just a simple test guide....


Chapter 30: Classical Music 1. Unlike the thicker, often polyphonic texture of Baroque music, classical composers often set their themes against simple chords, creating a thinner texture.! True! 2. Classical composers often opened their orchestral music with attention-grabbing crescendos.! " True 3. Which of the following is NOT an example of a new form developed during the Classical Period?! " ritornello concerto! " ! 4. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Classical music?! " improvised harmony over a!basso continuo 5. How was the Classical era similar to the Renaissance?! " Both eras saw revived interest in ancient Roman and Greek culture in art, architecture, and philosophy.! 6. The limits of Classical style were most stretched by which of the following composers?! " Ludwig van Beethoven! 7.What instrument began to rival the harpsichord in the 1760s and 1770s?! " the fortepiano! 8. What is the principle difference between Baroque and Classical melodies?! " Baroque composers crafted melodies that ran on with little or no pause, while Classical composers favored melodies in short, balanced phrases. 9. Which of the following lists the correct order of elements in sonata form?! " exposition - development - recapitulation - coda 10. The form theme and variations developed during the Classical period from which Baroque prototype?! " fugue

Chapter 31: Classical Forms In which section of sonata form does the composer elaborate upon established theme development ! In which section of sonata form does the composer establish tension between themes often heard on the tonic and the dominant?! " exposition! Which section of sonata is repeated?! " exposition ! Where do movements in sonata form typically occur within multi-movement works?!

" first and/or last movements! Which of the following lists the correct order of elements in sonata form?! " exposition - development - recapitulation - coda Sonata form typically ends with a/an _________.! " recapitulation

Chapter 32: Haydn Haydn’s music was so popular that his compositions were widely performed in Vienna, London, and Paris, and he received commissions from France, Spain, and Italy.! " True In which of his symphonies did Haydn petition Prince Esterházy to grant his orchestral musicians leave to visit their families?! " Symphony no. 45 Joseph Haydn's total of ______ symphonies, the last ______ were composed in the city of _________.! " 104/ 12/ London Later symphonies, called ________, contained ____ movements.! " German/ four Earlier symphonies, called ________, contained ____ movements.! " Italian/ three What was the basis of the relationship between Joseph Haydn and W. A. Mozart in Vienna?! " Haydn and Mozart played string quartets.

Chapter 33: Mozart

Which of the following composers of Italian opera most influenced this composer? (se voul ballare)! Christoph Willibald Gluck Mozart was active in the Freemasons, a secret male society dedicated to Enlightenment principles of tolerance, freedom, and humanitarianism.! " True! Which of the following Mozart operas espoused the principles of Freemasonry?! Die Zauberflöte / The Magic Flute

This work$includes a solo, virtuoso passage near the end of the first movement, called a/an:! Cadenza This work was dedicated to: (flute solo song)! Babette von Ployer This work is typical in its genre as it contains ____ movements, in _______ order. (flute solo song)! 3/ fast-slow-fast Identify the composer of this work. (flute solo song)! W.A. Mozart This was composed during the ________ Era. (flute solo song)!

Baroque This is an example of a/an: (flute solo song)! "


Identify the title of this work. (flute solo song)! Piano Concerto no. 17, K. 453

This work$combines which two organizations principles to achieve its form? (flute solo song)!

sonata form and ritornello! Which statement about Mozart’s early life is NOT true?! The Archbishop of Salzburg was a significant supporter during Mozart’s childhood and always believed in the prodigy’s talent Throughout his lifetime, Mozart wrote over six hundred compositions, catalogued in the 19th century by Ludwig von Köchel.! True

While the _______$writes the notes of the score, the _______$writes the words which are sung in opera.! composer / librettist Identify the composer of this work. (se voul ballare)! W.A. Mozart This work was composed during the _________ Era. (se voul ballere)! Classical This work is an example of an: (se voul ballare)! aria from an opera Identify the librettist of this work. (se voul ballare)! Lorenzo da!Ponte This work was based on a play by which of the following?(se soul ballare)! Pierre de!Beaumarchais Identify the title of this work. (se voul ballare)! Se voul ballare!/ If You'd Like to Dance

Chapter 34: Beethoven Identify the composer of this work.! Ludwig van Beethoven (fantasy-eerie song you like)

One of this composer's orchestral innovations was to darken the sound of the orchestra. He achieved this effect by:! emphasizing the lower string instruments by giving them melodic material.

This composer began to lose his hearing in his twenties.! "


This work was dedicated to:! A student, Giulietti Guicciardi

This was composed during the ______ Era.! " classical! Identify the correct order of the movements in this work. Adagio sostenuto - Allegretto - Presto agitato Who gave this work its nickname?! A music critic, Ludwig Rellstab At what age did this composer first become a salaried musician?! " 13! This composer considered this work to be the most significant of his$oeuvre.! False In this work, this composer combined sonata form with which of the following?! " Fantasy! This composer was given a grant to study with _________, but the death of his future teacher resulted in his studying with ________ instead.! " W. A. Mozart / Joseph Haydn! Identify the title$ of this work. Piano Sonata no. 14

Chapter 36: Schubert This composer composed more than _____$lieder$during his career. 600!

This work combines ____$characters in ____$realities.! "

4/2 (angry piece)!

Identify the composer of this work! "

Franz schubert!

This work was composed during the ________$Era.! "


Which of the characters in this work is depicted with music in the higher range, piano, and in G major?! The Erl king Which of the characters in this work is depicted with music in the lowest range, forte, and in G minor?! " Father! This work is an example of a/an:! " Art song! This work is a setting of a poem by which of the following poets?! johann Wolfgang von Goethe Which of the characters in this work is depicted with music in the mid range, mezzoforte, and in G minor?! " Narrator! Which of the following composers' attention did this composer attract during childhood?! " Anton Salieri! Which of the characters in this work!is depicted with music in the highest range, forte, and in G minor?! " The son! This is an example of a/an _________$art song.! " through-composed Identify the title of this work.! " der Erlkönig!/ The Erl King

Chapter 37: Chopin Identify the composer of this work. (scattered piano piece) Frédéric Chopin!

Which of the following terms best describes the first few measures of this excerpt?"


Contrary motion

This work was composed during the ______ Era.! "


This is an example of a/an:! "


Which statement about this composer's life is$NOT$true?! " He pursued a career as a public concert pianist only late in life, after already living in Paris for over a decade! This composer had a famous affair with George Sand, which was a pseudonym for! "

Armandine Aurore!Lucille Dupin!

Which of the following Romantic composers complimented$the composer of this work by referring to him as a poet?! Robert Schumann

Identify the title$ of this work.! Mazurka no. 17 While this composer was born in _______, he spent most of his professional career in _______.! "

Warsaw / Paris!

To what do the terms "damper," "sostenuto," and "$una corda" refer?! Pedals on the piano

Chapter 38: Berlioz Which of the following was first to use a baton in the 19th century?! "

Felix Mendelssohn!

While the typical nineteenth-century symphony contained ____ movements, this work contains _____ movements. (march like symphony)! "


This work includes a passage where the violinists use the wood of the bow on the strings. This technique is called:! Col legno

Identify the composer of this work! "

Hector Berlioz!

This work quotes a medieval hymn, entitled:! Dies irae this was composed during the ________ Era.! " Romantic!

In this excerpt, the composer is mocking:! "

academic counterpoint as taught by the Paris Conservatory!

This is an example of a/an:! program symphony

What is the term for the unifying melodic device used in this work?! "

idée fixe!

In the hands of this composer, the art of scoring music for an orchestra gained recognition as a particular skill in its own right.! "


Identify the title of this work! "

symphonie fantastique, mvt. 5!

As a youth, this composer received musical instruction from his uncle, a professor at the Paris Conservatory.! "


Chapter 40: This work is in binary form, with the A section based on a chromatic scale and the B section based on a diatonic scale. (very familiar piece; you’ve heard this in movies)! True This work was composed by:! "

Georges Bizet!

This work was composed during the ________ Era.! "


This work was based on folk dance from which country?! "


This is an example of a/an:! Aria from an opera

This work was setting of a ______ by ______________.! "

Novel / Prosper Mérimée

This work is based on a/an:! "


Identify the title of this work.! "


This work is in binary form, with the A section in _________ and the B section in _________.! D minor/ D major This work was composed by: (very high piece; sounds eastern asian)! "

Giacomo Puccini!

This work was composed during the ________ Era.! "


This is an example of a/an:! "

aria from an opera!

This work was setting of a ______ by ______________.! "

novel / Pierre Loti!

This work was set in which country?! "


While this composer composed his first opera at age ____, his first successful opera was composed when he was ______ years of age.! "

24/ 35!

Identify the title of this work.! "

Un bel di!/ One Fine Day from!Madama Butterfly

This work "text paints" the difference between Eastern and Western culture, as Western culture is heard in ________ and Eastern culture is heard in _________.! "

diatonic scales / pentatonic scales

Chapter 41-42: Debussy Why was Stéphane Mallarme initially unenthusiastic about this work? (flute chromatic song)! "

He believed that his poem was musical enough

This composer was considered a musical impressionist, analogous to the artistic style originated by which artist?! "

Clause Monet!

Which of the following choreographed this work?! "

Vaclav Nijinsky!

This work was loosely based on which of the following mythological characters?! "

Syrinx and Pan!

This work was initially successful as a/an:! "


The two cities which served as centers to music of this era include:! "

Paris and Vienna!

This work was composed by:! "

Claude Debussy

This work was composed during the _______$Era.! "


This is an example of a/an:! "

tone poem!

This composer based this work on a work from which of the following movements?! "


Identify the title of this work.! "

Prélude à L’après-midi d’un faune!/ Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun!

This work explores octaves which are divided into equal steps. Identify the scale below.! "

whole tone

Chapter 42: Stravinksy & Schoenberg Why was this composer's op. 10$String Quartet (1908) significant? (tone deaf piece)! This is the piece in which he broke decisively with tonality. Identify the composer of this work! Arnold Schoenberg This was composed during the _________$Era.! Modern Which of the following movements was this composer most closely aligned?! "

Expressionism !

This is an example of a/an:! "

art song!

This composer invented a technique in which the notes of a melody are split among instruments in the ensemble.$What is the name of this technique?!



Having lost his teaching position in 1933$because of the Nazi movement, this composer left Vienna and moved to:! Los Angeles In addition to music,$in what other art form was this composer$actively involved?! "


This composer invented a technique in which the vocalist speaks words on specified notes.$What is the name of this technique?! "


The title of this work is:! “Der Mondfleck!/ Moonfleck” from!Pierrot Lunaire This work was composed by: (drums one with trumpets)! Igor Stravinsky This was composed during the _________$Era.! "


This is an example of a/an:! "


Which part of the plot doe this excerpt accompany?! Dance of the Youths and Maidens" This composer emigrated to the United States, settling in which city?! Los Angeles What unusual instrumental timbre is heard at the beginning of this work?! a bassoon straining in its top register This composer continued to follow one facet of Romanticism, which was:! nationalism This title of this work is:! "

Le sacre du printemps!/!The Rite of Spring!



Chapter 48a: Varèse This work was composed to accompany which of the following? (scary, sounds like death; maybe undertaker’s theme song; weird af)! "

Architecture !

What musical idea serves as the unifying concept throughout this work?! the ascending 3-note motive This work was commissioned$for the _______ World Exposition held in ________.! 1958/ Brussels The first center for electronic music in the United States was founded on which university campus?! Columbia University This work was composed by:! Edgard Varèse This composer collaborated with which of the following while creating!this work?! Le Corbusier Which of the following arts did NOT accompany the premiere of this work?! dance Live electronic music was a staple of$avant-garde$compositional technique as early as 1950.! "


This work was composed during the ______$Era.! "


This work was commissioned$to showcase recent advancements in sound engineering in speakers manufactured by which company?! Philips This composer's$work influenced which of the following popular musicians?! Frank Zappa The$ondes martenot, a revolutionary electronic musical instrument heard here, is played by two steel wands: one controls pitch while the other controls volume.! "

false" !

Chapter 48b: Cage This composer's experimental work,$4’33”, features what sounds? (sounds caribbean)! " no sound whatsoever: focusing on the ambient noise of the listener’s surroundings The composer was inspired, in part,$by music from which country?! " Java! This composer's philosophy of music$was based on the precept that chance was the central operation of nature.$Musically, he referred to this approach as __________.! " Aleatory! This work is an example of ______ form.! " binary! Identify the composer of this work.! John Cage This work was composed during the _______$Era.! " Modern! Identify the instrument(s) heard in$this work.! prepared piano Identify the title of this work.! Sonata no. 5 This first part of this work is more rhythmically even than the second part.! " true


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