CU u1-u2 (gram-vocab) - apunts PDF

Title CU u1-u2 (gram-vocab) - apunts
Author Alba Rivas
Course research in analytical philosophy
Institution Universitat de Barcelona
Pages 2
File Size 53.5 KB
File Type PDF
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CLOSE UP UNIT 1 - UNIT 2: VOCABULARY VOCABULARY! bare-bones—> the most important facts about something

stubborn—> determinated to do what that person wants

tandem—> two people that work together to achieve a result

dumb down—> (actuar o explicar algo para que una persona no inteligente lo entienda)

staggering—> very shocking - suprising

box clever—> (ser inteligente en cuanto como comportarse en una situación difícil, la cua cosa te da ventaja)

top-notch—> excellent

a no-brainer—> stupid

acclaim—> public approval (aprobación pública)

streetwise—> able to deal successfully with difficult situations

earned = pocketed (proporcionar)

a bright spark—> intelligent person, full of energy

take = snatch

exceed—> excederse

beat = crush (ganar)

harnesses—> arnés

jump = leap

holds—> have something (position - money)

widely acknowledged = hail (alabar a alguien)

inflate—> make something increase

reach—> to arrive at a place , to get to a particular level

lure—> quality that makes someone attractive

accomplish (to finish something successfully) - achieve (lograr algo)

hitch—> temporary difficulty

resolve (end a problem) - solve (to find an answer to a problem)

knot—> nudo

defeat (to win against someone) - failure (fracaso)

bill—> a paper sign giving information about something

bold—> not danger (frightened)

compilation—> (recopilación)

gutsy—> brave

head it—> (encabezarlo)

vain—> unsuccessful, with no value

scenery—> view of a landscape

merciless—> having-showing no mercy (misericordia)

set—> (un set, plató)

pitiless—> cruel

setting—> the time - place in wich something is set

ruthless—> not thinling about any pain caused to others

stage—> where a show takes place

selfless—> caring more for what other people need

elite - high - supreme—> the richest, most powerful, best-trained…

crafty—> clever

joy—> great happiness

cunning—> (manipulador)

bliss—> very happy

sly—> (persona de la que no te puedes fiar, )

sort—> a group of similar things

upbeat—> full of hope, happiness


fair—> treating someone in a way that is right

devote—> (dedicar)

rash—> careless

stick—> criticism

reckless—> lack of care about risks and danger

handy—> useful or convenient

impetuous—> do something suddenly

willing—> to be happy to do someting if it is needed

candid—> honest and telling the truth

bid—> (subastar)

purchase—> buy something

widespread—> happens in many places or to many people

wide—> (amplio)

stroke—> (tocsr algo cariñosamente)

towards—> in the direction of

nudge—> push something gently (con el codo)

enquiry—> place were you can get information

sources—> the place someting starts at

survey—> an examination of opinions (enquesta?)

approach—> (acercarse)

sweeping—> affects many things or people

gather—> to collect several things (recolectar)

unite—> to join together as a group (unirse)

grants—> beca

aim—> intend something (i aim to be millionaire)

EXPRESSIONS ! come through—> superar algo de manera positiva

come off—> stop (doing) something

come between—> stop something happening

come up—> appear

come into—> heredar

come down—> bajar el precio (reducir)

come across—> encontrar algo sin buscarlo

prone (to)—> show a negative characteristic

come under—> suffer something...

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