CVG 3132 Revised Lab Manual 2019 v6 (Winter) PDF

Title CVG 3132 Revised Lab Manual 2019 v6 (Winter)
Author mustafa odaii
Course Physical / Chemical Unit Operations of Water and Wastewater Treatment
Institution University of Ottawa
Pages 46
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File Type PDF
Total Downloads 245
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Warning: TT: undefined function: 32iTable of Figures ............................................................................................................................................ iiTechnical OfficerPatrick M. D’AoustOffice: CBY D108A Telephone: 613.562 x 6154 envtech@uottawaPlease ref...


Table of Figures ....................................................................... Please refer to the syllabus and the laboratory presentations TAs............................................................................................ Lab Grade.................................................................................. Laboratory Safety..................................................................... Laboratory Report Guidelines.................................................. CVG 3132 Laboratory Report Marking Scheme .................... CVG 3132 Laboratory Report Evaluation Criteria ................. Experiment #1 – Indicator Microorganism Enumeration .. Experiment #2 – Laboratory Study of Flow in Reactors ... Experiment #3 – Coagulation and Flocculation .................. Experiment #4 – Spectrophotometric Determination of Ph Appendix I – Common Laboratory Equipment ...................... Appendix II – Precision and Accuracy ................................... Appendix III – Precision of Glassware ................................... Appendix IV – Titrations and Burets ......................................

Figure 1.1 – Total coliform bacteria on mENDO media .. Figure 1.2 – Possible filtration results for the membrane Figure 2.1 – Schematic diagram of two types of ideal cont mixed flow reactor and; (b) plug flow reactor.................... Figure 2.2 – Ideal and non-ideal output for plug flow reac Figure 2.3 – Sketches of the A: model rectangular settling chlorination basin; and C: model mixing tank. .................. Figure 2.4 – Structural diagram of rhodamine WT molec Figure 2.5 – Schematic diagram of a spectrophotometer .. Figure 3.1 – Jar Test Machine Setup....................................

Technical Officer

Patrick M. D’Aoust Office: CBY D108A Telephone: 613.562.5800 x 6154 [email protected]

Please refer to the syllabus and the laboratory time & date, and lis

Lab Grade The lab component of the course is worth 15 % of your total follows: Lab reports

15 %

Marking scheme found on Page 7. Pre-Lab Quizzes


Laboratory Safety 1. Personal protective equipment MUST be worn at ALL Lab coat, safety glasses, pants, close-toed shoes and, gl 2. No food or drink is permitted in the laboratory. 3. Attendance is MANDATORY. If you cannot attend your session, notify the technician technician will result in a grade of ZERO for that labor 4. Students must be present for pre-lab quiz. Any students arriving after quiz collection will be deni 5. Students operating personal electronic devices may do 6. Backpacks, bags and purses must be kept away from la 7. Gloves are not permitted outside the working area. 8. Do not touch, smell or taste any chemicals unless direc 9. Report all spills and breakages immediately to the tech

Laboratory Report Guidelines The report should be structured as follows: 1. Title Page University of Ottawa Name and code of course Title of laboratory exercise Date lab was performed Name, student number and signature of all group memb 2. Statement of Authorship Include a statement as to which team member prepared 3. Table of Contents 4. Table of Figures 5. Theory & Objective Provide a detailed description of what is being investiga Discuss its importance and impact on water treatment a Briefly and concisely describe the goals of the exercise Refer to the laboratory manual, course notes, course tex 6


10. Discussion Describe the conclusions that can be made from your da explained (i.e. explain why you think one sample has a sample, explain possible reasons for the occurrence). Describe any possible sources of error. Answer the questions asked in the lab manual. The discussion points (listed in the laboratory manual) obvious answers); try your best to present conclusions w 11. Conclusion The following conclusions are not conveying any mean  The experiments were a success…  We learnt how to perform the following… Use the Conclusion section to give a summary of your in the sample indicate that sample A is possibly from a present a general conclusion about the samples you me 12. References References should be presented in a separate section pr Any acceptable scientific reference format may be used information in a consistent format for all listed referenc The following information must be included for each re edition (book), editor (book), place of publication (book For websites please list as much information as possible The lab manual must be referenced in your report.

Important Notes  It is important to write in a professional tone (avoid usin  The report is expected to be professional and of high qu throughout and the report must be free from spelling or  Any acceptable scientific report format may be used for formats are as follows: Sections can be enumerated as follows: “1.0 Objective”  Pages must be numbered. Roman Numerals are tradition table of contents, list of tables, etc…) and the main secti Introduction” is page 1).  Make sure each group member reads the final draft befo Other guidelines CVG 3132 Lab Reports Writing style a) As a technical report it should be written in technical lan Example: a) instead of saying “done” use words such as word “cheap” use “economical”, “cost effective”, “less “currently”, “presently”, etc. b) The writing must be specific. If it is stated that somethin provide a more clear description. Be specific. c) It should be written in the third person singular.

Lab Procedure

Conclusions a) The material in the conclusions section should be only b The conclusions should be concise. They should only in in point form. Generally the conclusions are less than a b) The ideas of the conclusions should not appear for the fi restatement of the key ideas or results already presented

Citations 1. Whenever a piece of information from a source (such as a conversation with an expert, the course notes or the lab citing the source of the information within the text and p section. 2. Failure to do so will lead to at least a zero grade on the r not involved. THIS IS CALLED PLAGIARISM AND IT THE UNIVERSITY. 3. Fear of plagiarism should not lead to the overuse of dire paper is to improve your writing, so summarize in your o give credit to the source of that information by referenci 4. Quotes and references should be formatted properly. 5. Direct quotes should be avoided and if needed they shou main objectives of the term paper is to practice your wri 6. Standard procedure for quotes longer than two lines is to single space Example: and Tchobanoglous et al (1993

CVG 3132 Laboratory Report Marking Schem Title Page _________________________________________ Is the information on the title page clear? _________________ Are all of the required components and signatures present? ____ Table of Contents/ Table of Figures ____________________ Do the pages listed correspond to the correct pages in the report? Is the table of contents/figures aligned and formatted appropriate Are all items present in the laboratory listed (all sections, image Theory____________________________________________ Are the following questions answered: What? ____________________________________________ Where?____________________________________________ Why? ____________________________________________ How? _____________________________________________ Is the importance of the investigation discussed? ___________ Objectives _________________________________________ Are the objectives of the experiment clearly defined and explain Materials _________________________________________ Is the lab manual referenced properly? ___________________ If changes have been made to the laboratory experiment, are the

Discussion ________________________________________ Is the discussion presented in a clear and logical manner? _____ Are appropriate observations from the results presented? _____ Are the results and answers to the questions explained and elabo Are possible sources of error discussed? __________________ Conclusion ________________________________________ Are appropriate and general conclusions drawn from the data? _ Is the general significance of the experiment discussed? ______ References ________________________________________ Are 3 references used? _______________________________ Are the references cited appropriately? ___________________ {3-yes; 0-no} Structure__________________________________________ Are the pages numbered properly (roman numerals, numbers)? _ Is the font (size, face) consistent throughout? ______________ Does the laboratory read in a logical order? ________________ Is the report written in the appropriate voice? _______________ Is the report written as one cohesive unit? _________________ Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation ______________________ 5 – No errors ; 4 – Few errors (1-5); 3 – Some errors (6-10); 2 –

University of O Faculty of Engineering – Civ

CVG 3132 Laboratory Report E Professor: _________________________________________ TA: ____________________________________________ Lab Title: _________________________________________ Group Number: _____________________ Group Member Name

Student Number

Contents Title Page Table of Contents/Table of Figures


Experiment #1– Indicator Microorganism Indicator microorganisms are organisms used as biologi that are present in a water sample are often few in numbers a cultivable in the lab). Therefore, to aid with the identification of easily and safely detected is used. Several criteria must be met fo the indicator must be present when fecal contamination occu microflora of warm blooded animals. The population of the population of the pathogen in the sample and it should exhibit th addition, for the safety of laboratory personnel, the indicator shou cultivation should also be more rapid than the pathogen, more co After collection, samples should be stored immediate refrigerator operating between 1 - 4 °C. The samples should not b Overall, the sample should be analyzed as quickly as possible within one hour of collection. When working with samples containing bacteria, it is im analysis is thoroughly cleaned and sterilized. This prevents contamination with foreign bacteria. For sterilization, the equipm autoclave which kills bacteria present due to its high operating te should be covered in brown paper, aluminum foil or, placed in an sterile until use. Another method of sterilizing equipment is to equipment. It is important to note, however, that methanol is h

Figure 1.1 – Total coliform bacteri

For an accurate determination of total coliforms using th prior to filtering. This will ensure the separation of all bacteria i on the filter arose from only one organism. Defined Substrate Technology (DST) Colilert® is a commercially available enzyme-substrate Westbrook, Maine) that allows the simultaneous detection of to probable number (MPN) or the presence/absence (PA) format. I

h d fi d





PART A – MEMBRANE FILTRATION TECHNIQUE Materials Reagents  99% Isopropyl alcohol  M-endo culture media Apparatus  4 – 100.00 mL glass beakers  4 – Petri dishes with absorbent pad  4 – Grid filters  1 – 100.00 mL graduated cylinders  1 – 2.00 mL pipette  Forceps  Tape  Bunsen burner  Filtration apparatus  Incubator set at 35 °C

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Methods 1. All glassware has been previously sterilized by the techn 2. Sterilize the lab bench and hands with rubbing alcohol. 3. Using a 100.00 mL graduated cylinder and the 10.00 mL dilutions of the water sample into the glass bottles:

The possible results that may be observed following incubati results for the membrane filtration technique. For the ideal con the filter. Other erroneous cases are also illustrated, and their po


Ideal filtration results

E c

Growth around sealing edge


Dry spot without growth


   

100 mL Colilert sample bottle Colilert DST medium Colilert Quanti-Tray Incubator at 35 °C

Methods 1. Measure 100 mL of sample directly into Colilert© bottle. 2. Add DST medium to bottle. 3. Cap bottle and shake. 4. Pour contents of bottle into Colilert© tray. 5. Seal the tray. 6. Incubate for 24 hours at 35 °C. 7. To determine the presence of total coliform bacteria, com colour change (clear to yellow). Count the number of we 8. To determine the presence of E. coli. bacteria, expose sa Count the number of wells that fluoresce. 9. Use the following table IDEXX Quanti-Tray®/2000 MPN total coliform bacteria and E. coli. bacteria.

Discussion Questions 1. Note the distribution of coliform colonies on your filter m filtration? If not, note possible causes of error. 2. Compare the values for total coliform that were obtained technology What are some possible sources of error for

Experiment #2– Laboratory Study of Flow There are three main types of reactors used in water and w batch reactors (CMBR), completely mixed flow reactors (CMFR ideal reactors are depicted in Figure 3.1 – Schematic diagram CMFRs are open systems, with inlets and outlets. The concentr the concentration found within the reactor. CMFRs are ideal for as coagulant can be added and flocs may be formed. PFRs are operationally different from both CMBRs and CMFRs uniformly as a plug, with no mixing occurring lengthwise (in composition of the plug is assumed to be uniform and well mixed assumed to have the same residence time within the reactor.


to reduce short circuiting in a reactor is to add a baffle, a wall spread the influent evenly. Short circuiting may also occur in corners which act a occurring. Tracers are substances that can be added to a reactor and of fluids within a system. They are frequently utilized to quanti water systems and, to assist in the evaluation of the non-ideal flo be easy to analyze either by spectrophotometry or by fluorometry diluted, exhibit little diffusion in water and not compromise flow adhere to the inner surface of the vessel, to other particles prese organisms in the water. Overall, the amount of tracer added to recovered from the system. By adding a tracer to the influent of a PFR, the hydrody deviations from ideal conditions may be observed. When monito a distinct intact peak at time,, representing the residence time o can be calculated from the volume of the basin (V) and the influ 𝛕=


The concentration versus time graph for ideal conditions time curves for ideal and non ideal plug flow reactors Any dev

Figure 2.2 – Ideal and non-ideal outp

For this experiment, one model well-mixed reactor, serpentine–flow chlorination basin will be studied (see Figu

For tracer analysis, fluorometry is the preferred method o concentrations than spectroscopy. In addition, fluorescence Fluorometers, however, can be very expensive and are less versa Rhodamine WT is a non-toxic fluorescent dye that is use because concentration of less than 1 µg/L can be detected with a can be detected using spectrophotometry. Overall, the tracer is c be compromised in the presence of bleach, sulphides, sunlight an to chlorine in its elemental form. Its chemical structure is shown

Figure 2 4 – Structural diagram of rh

transmitted. The light then passes through a slit, which focusses absorbs some of the light, while a fraction of the light passe photodetector detects the intensity of the light and converts the l often very weak and requires the amplifier to increase its inten reading is given for absorbance.

Light Source





Figure 2.5 – Schematic diagram of In order for the spectrophotometer to operate properly, it reagent blank sets the zero point for the absorbance of the samp cases where the sample is already coloured, it is adequate to use samples that are colourless, the reagent blank is distilled water sample to obtain the coloured complex. The reagent blank is t zero. Therefore, any signal measured that deviates from zero res

Materials Reagents  The tracer injection dye was previously prepared as follo o Pipette 1.00 mL of concentrated rhodamine WT 100 mL volumetric flask. o Dilute to 100 mL o This solution is the INJECTION DYE. 𝑪𝒊𝒏𝒋𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒅𝒚𝒆 =

𝟏 𝒎𝒍 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑾𝑻 𝒎 × 𝟎. 𝟐 𝟎. 𝟏 𝑳 𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒎𝒍 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒎𝒈 𝑾𝑻 = 𝟐𝟑𝟎𝟎 𝑳

Standards The standards were previously prepared by the instructor us 1. Pipette 1.00 mL of concentrated rhodamine WT (20% v/ L volumetric flask. Dilute to 1.00 L with distilled water. This solution is the STOCK SOLUTION. 𝑪 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒄𝒌 =

𝟏 𝒎𝒍 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑾𝑻 𝒎 × 𝟎. 𝟐 𝟏 𝑳 𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒎𝒍 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒎𝒈 𝑾𝑻 𝟐𝟑𝟎

Apparatus  50 – test tubes  2 – test tube racks  1 – 1 L graduated cylinder  1 – Stopwatch  1 – Syringe with needle  1 – Thermometer  2 – Plug flow reactor  1 – Complete mix reactor  3 – Peristaltic pumps  1 – Spectrophotometer  1 – Syringe with narrow-bore needle  1 – Measuring tape

Safety gl

Syringe be take NOT re-c


Methods 1. Fill a test tube ¾ full with prepared standards and measu Use this data to create a standard curve (absorbance vers concentration when absorbance is measured.

4. Measure the influent and effluent temperatures. 5. Once all measurements have been taken, inject the injec the PFR) into the influent line of the tank by puncturing the stopwatch simultaneously and take a sample immedi 6. Take samples from the effluent at appropriate time inter intervals during peak times of tracer output, while 3 min the first two minutes of the CSTR, take measurements ev measured for all times the samples are taken. 7. Record observations throughout the experiment. Make n Is there evidence of dead zones or short circuiting? 8. Continue taking samples of effluent for a period of appr calculated in step 3. 9. At the conclusion of the experiment, take a second meas Take final measurements of the influent and effluent tem water inside the reactor basins at 3 different locations.

Data Analysis 1. Plot a standard curve for concentration versus absorbanc Perform a linear regression to determine the factor neces

𝐢=𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥

𝟏 𝟏 𝐭 𝐚𝐯𝐠 = ∗ ∫ [ 𝐭 ∗ 𝐂(𝐭) 𝐝𝐭] = ∗ ∑ [𝐭 𝐀 𝐀 𝟎



Where Ci+1/2 = (C i+1 + Ci)/2 ti+1/2 = (t i+1 – ti) ti+1/2 = (ti+1 + ti)/2 6. Calculate the mass of tracer recovered (Mrec )

Where Q avg = (Qinitial + Qfinal)/2

𝐌𝐫𝐞𝐜 = 𝐀 ∗

7. Calculate theoretical residence time, , using eq. 1.5. graph. 𝐕𝐫𝐞 𝛉= 𝐐 𝐚𝐯 Where V rec = reactor volume.

c. Did tavg =  ? What are factors causing them to differ? d. Why were the temperatures of the influent, effluent and e. Comment on experimental error in the lab.

Complete Mix Flow Reactor Time (minutes) 0


Pug Flow Reacto (Sedimentation Time (minutes) 0


Experiment #3 – Coagulation and Floccul Coagulation and flocculation are integral in water and w remove turbidity, hardness, and colour causing compounds from w of colloidal or dissolved particles causing them to form minute and is promoted by rapid mixing. It is also greatly affected by Similarly, flocculation can be defined as enhanced contact bet larger, more readily settled particles. Because waters vary widely in constituents and quality, c with theory. As a result, experimental results are used to determ order to conduct multiple experiments in tandem, a jar test mach machine setup the apparatus is configured such that four to six conditions and the observations can be compared directly.

Safety First! Safety glasses, lab coats and gloves must be worn at all times.


Keep fingers, loose clothing and ...

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