Marriage Toolkit Winter 2019 PDF

Title Marriage Toolkit Winter 2019
Course Preparation for Marriage
Institution Brigham Young University
Pages 6
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This was to help us get married. LOL...


Marriage Tool Kit Unit 1: September 19, 2019 Unit 2: October 10, 2019 Unit 3: October 31, 2019 Unit 4: November 19, 2019 Unit 5: December 12, 2019 100 Points Total The purpose of this assignment is to have you compile a personalized summary of all the things you’ll learn this semester to then have as a future reference throughout your marriage. What you learn in this course will be of limited use if you don’t keep some sort of record that you can refer to when this information is more applicable! This is something you will want to hold onto and perhaps refer to throughout your life. After each lecture you should reflect on what you’ve learned, how you plan to apply it, and include research that supports what you’ve learned. This will be an organized and structured journal of sorts. You might also want to include readings or articles in your toolkit that will be helpful for future reference. From this information, you should divide your tool kit into five different units that will make it easier to navigate: 1. Philosophy and Application 2. Foundation Principles 3. Becoming 4. Finding 5. Committing The breakdown of each section and their requirements can be found in the Marriage Tool Kit rubric further on down in this document. There are no specific formatting guidelines beyond the content requirements listed for each section; you are welcome to include drawings, personal examples, pictures, class notes, bulleted lists, charts, etc. You may choose to complete your toolkit in whatever format you like; this could include a blog, a personal website, a handwritten journal or notebook, a word document, a PowerPoint or Prezi presentation, etc. Sky’s the limit! We recommend that you add to your tool kit after each class lecture or at least update it weekly so you don’t end up having to do the entire thing the night before it is due. ** This assignment will be turned in in five parts (Units 1, 2 & 3, and then Units 4, & 5). See the top of this document for the due dates of each part/unit. Each unit will be worth 20 points, except for the first and last unit as they have the “What’s Your Why” section worth 25 points. Each unit must be turned in on the due date listed above at 11:59 PM via Learning Suite. If your tool kit is a hard copy such as a journal, poster etc. you will need to bring it to the TA lab (1053 JFSB) and put it in the drawer that says SFL 223 Marriage Prep with Tammy Hill by 5 PM when the TA lab closes for the day. Those will be graded first and available for you to pick up the following week (we’ll make an announcement in class or send out a LearningSuite message when they’ve been graded.)

Marriage Tool Kit Grading Rubric *Important Note: You do not need to follow the exact order of how things are listed in the rubric for each section. Organize each section in such a way that will help you most easily access information in the future (For example, you can put the activity at the end, and scatter things you want to remember from class throughout. As long as you include the information that we ask you to, and as long as we can identify where specific things are as we grade, you are welcome to structure your own toolkit however you may like). Please make your sections obvious along with the subsections. We highly recommend using headings and subheadings to organize. * There can be taken up to 3 points off of each unit for poor grammar/sentence structure.

What’s Your Why? (Beginning of the Semester) Following Professor Hill’s lecture on what is your why we would like you to sit down and write what you think your why is. Please be thorough and personal as you write what your why is. This is should be about ½ a page to one page as you write so that you can have plenty of room to explore and what your why is. The more detail you go into will help you understand what your personal why is. Points ____/5

Section 1: Philosophy & Application ● Activity (5 points): Write out your own personal philosophy of marriage. This should include what marriage means to you, and how you truly feel about marriage. Is it important to you? Is it something that you foresee in your own future? Why or why not? If you are already married, how has your philosophy changed over time? (You need to have at least 1 big paragraph with a minimum of 7 sentences). ● Things you want to remember from class (5 points): This can include class notes, class readings, comments or insights that you heard from other students, pictures or graphs from Tammy’s lectures, personal impressions that you receive, etc. If you choose to format this subsection like a bulleted list, you need to have a minimum of 20 bullet points of things you want to remember from class. Tammy’s class is filled with information that will be helpful as you aim to create a fulfilling marital relationship—take the time to record this information for future reference. The things that you want to remember should be detailed enough that if you were to look back in 10 years you would know what they mean. ● What are you going to do? (5 points): After learning the principles in this Unit, what are 2 specific things that you are planning to do to put these principles into action? These answers should be in-depth and well thought out, including what you plan to do and why or how you are going to do it. Please write one fully developed paragraph (minimum 5 sentences) for each action plan (you should have a minimum of 2 paragraphs).

● Other resources (5 points): Include at least two supplemental materials that you have found that emphasize or add to what we have discussed during this unit. DO NOT use resources that we have already used in class. These other resources can include research, news articles, videos, books, quotes, etc. that you want to remember. Include a summary of what you want to remember and why (minimum 5 sentences) as well as some sort of citation that includes the URL (if your resource is online), the article/video/blog title, author, and published date (if it’s included). Missing information from citations will be penalized. Each source needs a citation and a summary. Sources you create yourself will NOT be considered outside resources. Also, if you do photos, you do NOT need to include the URL or title, but you still need to have a summary for the photo and why this source would be helpful. A maximum of 2 photos per semester can be counted towards the required amount of outside resources. Points ____/20

Section 2: Foundation Principles ● Activity (5 pts): The Savior spent much of His life serving others. Practice becoming more Christ-like by choosing one specific person you can serve at least once a day for five days in a row without letting them know what you are doing. This can be a significant other, a roommate, a family member, etc. The sky is the limit for what you can do to serve that person. For example, if you chose to serve your roommate, you can do things like clean your roommate’s dishes, stay up late to talk to him/her when they had a hard day, offer to help him/her with homework, drive your roommate to the grocery store, pay a sincere compliment, etc. For your tool kit, write a one- or two-paragraph summary of who you chose, and what you did for them each day. Also include your thoughts on how serving others can help us better prepare for marriage. ● Things you want to remember from class (5 points): This can include class notes, class readings, comments or insights that you heard from other students, pictures or graphs from Tammy’s lectures, personal impressions that you receive, etc. If you choose to format this subsection like a bulleted list, you need to have a minimum of 20 bullet points of things you want to remember from class. Tammy’s class is filled with information that will be helpful as you aim to create a fulfilling marital relationship—take the time to record this information for future reference. The things that you want to remember should be detailed enough that if you were to look back in 10 years you would know what they mean. ● What are you going to do? (5 points): After learning the principles in this Unit, what are 2 specific things that you are planning to do to put these principles into action? These answers should be in-depth and well thought out, including what you plan to do and why or how you are going to do it. Please write one fully developed paragraph (minimum 5 sentences) for each action plan (you should have a minimum of 2 paragraphs). ● Other resources (5 points): Include at least two supplemental materials that you have found that emphasize or add to what we have discussed during this unit. DO NOT use resources that we have already used in class. These other resources can include research, news articles, videos, books, quotes, etc. that you want to remember. Include a summary of what you want to remember and why (minimum 5 sentences) as well as

some sort of citation that includes the URL (if your resource is online), the article/video/blog title, author, and published date (if it’s included). Missing information from citations will be penalized. Sources you create yourself will NOT be considered outside resources. Also, if you do photos, you do NOT need to include the URL or title, but you still need to have a summary for the photo and why this source would be helpful. A maximum of 2 photos per semester can be counted towards the required amount of outside resources. Points ____/20 Section 3: Becoming ·

Activity (5 pts): As we strive to Become, we are often required to face very real fears. In the same vein as Tammy’s Fear vs. Faith lecture, learn to process your fear with someone you trust by having a heart-to-heart conversation about a particular fear you have (this could be fear about moving forward in a relationship, fear about a certain aspect of the other person, fear about your own inadequacy, fear about a big decision regarding schooling or work, etc.). As you discuss, work on pulling apart your emotions and your cognitions regarding this particular fear. For your tool kit, include a one- or twoparagraph summary about how the conversation went and how it affected your feelings. ● Things you want to remember from class (5 points): This can include class notes, class readings, comments or insights that you heard from other students, pictures or graphs from Tammy’s lectures, personal impressions that you receive, etc. If you choose to format this subsection like a bulleted list, you need to have a minimum of 20 bullet points of things you want to remember from class. Tammy’s class is filled with information that will be helpful as you aim to create a fulfilling marital relationship—take the time to record this information for future reference. The things that you want to remember should be detailed enough that if you were to look back in 10 years you would know what they mean. ● What are you going to do? (5 points): After learning the principles in this Unit, what are 2 specific things that you are planning to do to put these principles into action? These answers should be in-depth and well thought out, including what you plan to do and why or how you are going to do it. Please write one fully developed paragraph (minimum 5 sentences) for each action plan (you should have a minimum of 2 paragraphs). ● Other resources (5 points): Include at least two supplemental materials that you have found that emphasize or add to what we have discussed during this unit. DO NOT use resources that we have already used in class. These other resources can include research, news articles, videos, books, quotes, etc. that you want to remember. Include a summary of what you want to remember and why (minimum 5 sentences) as well as some sort of citation that includes the URL (if your resource is online), the article/video/blog title, author, and published date (if it’s included). Missing information from citations will be penalized. Sources you create yourself will NOT be considered outside resources. Also, if you do photos, you do NOT need to include the URL or title, but you still need to have a summary for the photo and why this source would be helpful. A maximum of 2 photos per semester can be counted towards the required amount of outside resources. ● Points ____/20

Section 4: Finding ● Activity (5 pts): Create a MAP – Marital Action Plan. Evaluate yourself and your dating status, and set goals that you can work on in the coming months to improve your relationships with others and become better prepared for marriage. o If single: What are 12-15 things I can do in the next 12 months to help me come closer to finding a marriage partner? o If engaged: What are 6-12 things I can do during engagement to improve our relationship in preparation for marriage? o If married: What are 6-12 things I can do during the next 3-6 months to improve my marital relationship? ● Things you want to remember from class (5 points): This can include class notes, class readings, comments or insights that you heard from other students, pictures or graphs from Tammy’s lectures, personal impressions that you receive, etc. If you choose to format this subsection like a bulleted list, you need to have a minimum of 20 bullet points of things you want to remember from class. Tammy’s class is filled with information that will be helpful as you aim to create a fulfilling marital relationship—take the time to record this information for future reference. The things that you want to remember should be detailed enough that if you were to look back in 10 years you would know what they mean. ● What are you going to do? (5 points): After learning the principles in this Unit, what are 2 specific things that you are planning to do to put these principles into action? These answers should be in-depth and well thought out, including what you plan to do and why or how you are going to do it. Please write one fully developed paragraph (minimum 5 sentences) for each action plan (you should have a minimum of 2 paragraphs). ● Other resources (5 points): Include at least two supplemental materials that you have found that emphasize or add to what we have discussed during this unit. DO NOT use resources that we have already used in class. These other resources can include research, news articles, videos, books, quotes, etc. that you want to remember. Include a summary of what you want to remember and why (minimum 5 sentences) as well as some sort of citation that includes the URL (if your resource is online), the article/video/blog title, author, and published date (if it’s included). Missing information from citations will be penalized. Sources you create yourself will NOT be considered outside resources. Also, if you do photos, you do NOT need to include the URL or title, but you still need to have a summary for the photo and why this source would be helpful. A maximum of 2 photos per semester can be counted towards the required amount of outside resources. Points ____/20

Section 5: Committing ● Activity (5 pts): Make a list of the characteristics you want to have in a future spouse. This list must include 6-12 things that you must have, 6-12 things that you would like to have, and 6-12 things that you can’t stand to have in someone that you would consider committing to. These can include spiritual characteristics, personality traits, physical

characteristics, etc. Remember to consider what we have discussed in class about attraction, soulmates, and complementing! ☺ o If you are already married or engaged, write a letter to your significant other detailing the traits that you particularly admire in them. Make sure you give them the letter! Include how this experience made you feel, along with how your significant other responded, here in your tool kit (minimum 5 sentences). You do not need to include your letter. ● Things you want to remember from class (5 points): This can include class notes, class readings, comments or insights that you heard from other students, pictures or graphs from Tammy’s lectures, personal impressions that you receive, etc. If you choose to format this subsection like a bulleted list, you must have a minimum of 20 bullet points of things you want to remember from class. Tammy’s class is filled with information that will be helpful as you aim to create a fulfilling marital relationship—take time to record this information for future reference. The things that you want to remember should be detailed enough that if you were to look back in 10 years you would know what they mean. ● What are you going to do? (5 points): After learning the principles in this Unit, what are 2 specific things that you are planning to do to put these principles into action? These answers should be in-depth and well thought out, including what you plan to do and why or how you are going to do it. Please write one fully developed paragraph (minimum 5 sentences) for each action plan (you should have a minimum of 2 paragraphs). ● Other resources (5 points): Include at least two supplemental materials that you have found that emphasize or add to what we have discussed during this unit. DO NOT use resources that we have already used in class. These other resources can include research, news articles, videos, books, quotes, etc. that you want to remember. Include a summary of what you want to remember and why (minimum 5 sentences) as well as some sort of citation that includes the URL (if your resource is online), the article/video/blog title, author, and published date (if it’s included). Missing information from citations will be penalized. Sources you create yourself will NOT be considered outside resources. Also, if you do photos, you do NOT need to include the URL or title, but you still need to have a summary for the photo and why this source would be helpful. A maximum of 2 photos per semester can be counted towards the required amount of outside resources. Points ____/20

What’s Your Why? (End of the Semester) Now that you have finished your semester in Marriage Prep, we would like you to reflect again on what your why is. Keep the following questions in mind as you write: what is your why? Has your why changed? Why or why not? How has this class influenced your why? Please be thorough and personal as you write what your why is. This is should be a full page as you write so that you can have plenty of room to explore how your expected why resulted and what your why is now. Points ____/5...

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