CW2 - Grade: 56 PDF

Title CW2 - Grade: 56
Author Maxwell Helm
Course Television Drama
Institution Edge Hill University
Pages 6
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CW2 Essay...


MED2309 CW2

Reflective Report Episode Treatment


Reflective Report In my reflective report, I will be looking at the development of my television drama knowledge that I have been learning over the past couple of months. Especially, how important it is to make a pitch deck for my show and how much it is needed to send to production companies to fund us to make our idea. I will also be focusing on my understanding of what a pitch deck is, and which type of deck needs to be created for the different companies you send it to. Finally, I will show the episode treatment I made for an episode of a show we have been developing in our groups.

In the second week of the course, we learned about pitch decks, and how important they are for our show to develop. I learned that a pitch deck is created when trying to develop your film or tv idea as it is an introduction portfolio that I would send to production companies. The pitch deck gives the readers an idea of what you want to create by telling them what it would be about with the style you want it in, it will establish everything about the show including the target audience, the main character, storylines, and even what inspired the show to be created which lead to my show being created. The pitch deck is the first thing you send to companies to start conversations with so it must be simple, eyecatching, and it must be formative. This week made my understanding of how important pitch decks areas the skills I learned moved across to my group work for our production. When it came to group work we were all given different parts of the show to work on and develop, the work I was given to make was one of the main characters that will be staring in the show with a brief description of what he is like which a picture of what I think he would look like so it would catch readers eyes. Because of how quick my group was working I already had an idea of who I would cast as the character as the inspiration page that had

been done in our pitch deck so I knew what we were inspired by which was the show You, The Fall and even the film Fatal Attraction which established that our show would have themes of thriller, mystery, crime, and murder. The page made me think of actors that would be in that genre of shows that I would make it a lot easier for me to create a character for the show as I based him on the actor Nick Robinson who is an actor I think would be great playing this character in our show.

Another thing I had to develop on my pitch deck was deciding who our target audience would be and what time slot would I say the show should be shown. The research I did for this section was easy as I searched for growth of Netflix in the last couple of years as it has grown from ‘22 million subscribers in 2011 to nearly 150 million subscribers in 2019’ (Watson, 2020) from learning this information I knew that more people have started to move to Netflix when they are choosing something to watch, with our show being inspired by You (Netflix Series) that my show would have pretty similar target audience which would be people aged 18 – 40 years old but it would be more driven towards the women target audience due to a female lead. While the show was inspired by a Netflix series we took more inspiration from the show The Fall which was shown on BBC channels around 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm this made me decide the show would be preferably shown on television at 9:00 pm because of how graphic our show will be.

On week 11 we had to present our show bibles which would have all our pitch deck into everyone in the class on a 10-minute timer so we can experience what it would be like to present our idea in such a small time slot to a production company that could potentially fundus. I prepared for this by writing the section I will be presenting to the class days before

class then made sure I could remember everything I wrote so I seemed more confident while presenting and it would also give the rest of the group more time to present as I wouldn’t be forgetting what I needed to say. In the presentation, I was starting by giving information about our show and what made us write our story about a girl called Saskia, and how we were inspired by other shows. While developing the television show my strengths have been clear as I am always on time with my work and make sure that if I have done something wrong I would correct it straight away but what I need to develop on for future work would be finding out more about what made the shows that inspired us more successful as I will research them shows so our products will have the same attraction as they did when it was first shown.

In conclusion, my understanding of the pitch deck has improved substantially over the last couple of months, definitely when it comes to developing a television drama. I have learned that it is needed to develop your own ideas in the film or television industry as it shows them if it would appeal to their target audience that watch their channel. Furthermore, I have discovered every single part that needs to be thought of as this will help the show drive through the story and what each season of the show would be about instead of creating each episode idea up on the spot, I now realise that is many things that need to be thought of while in preproduction.

Bibliography Watson, A. (2020). Netflix - Statistics & Facts. Online:

Filmography 

The Fall, United Kingdom, BBC, 2013 - 2016

 

You, America, Netflix, 2018 - Present Fatal Attraction, Paramount Pictures, 1987

Episode treatment “Suspicion” Written by Maxwell Helm

Logline: Saskia is intrigued by this new girl hanging around with Simon, are they going out with each other?

The episode starts with Saskia sitting behind her dress putting on makeup while Simon catches her eye from outside her window as he walks down the path of his house with a mysterious girl who Saskia had never seen before. Saskia sees them leaving the house multiple times in the morning as they walk towards the town centre with Saskia suspicious and worried that Simon had a girl, she just had to find for herself. The day continues with Saskia over hearing the two outside of her window talking about how they need to go shopping for food as the two are planning on having a movie night knowing that Saskia thought it would be a good idea to get dressed and head into town planning on bumping into the two of them. Saskia wants to find out who this girl is and what she means to Simon as she becomes more attracted to him as time goes by. The two eventually bump into Saskia which leads her to introduce herself to the girl who is called Lily and she finds out they both work together. Saskia returns home with a cunning plan for her to get rid of Lily from Simon's life, the next day Saskia is woken up by a loud knock at the door which turns out to

be Simon panicking as he hasn’t seen Lily since yesterday afternoon and he’s afraid that she has ran away overnight but where has she really gone?...

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