CYB105 A2 - Assessment 2 PDF

Title CYB105 A2 - Assessment 2
Author Jaya Kumar
Course Understanding Audiences
Institution Queensland University of Technology
Pages 6
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Assessment 2...


School of Communication Student Name: Unit

Tutor’s Name: Assessment No.: Assessment Title:

CYB105: Understanding Audiences

Executive Summary The proposed content idea for Kellogg’s Rice Bubbles breakfast cereal is a simplistic game in the form of an app that can be downloaded onto any smart device with a touchscreen. A perfect example of this proposed idea that gained popularity was ‘Fruit Ninja’. The game was simple and easy to play, making their target market play the game and get them hooked. Kellogg’s Rice Bubbles game will invite emotional, cognitive and imaginative forms of engagement for the audience. Through such forms of audience engagement, it will hook in the target market in many ways making long lasting relationships between the customer and product. The target market for Kellogg’s Rice Bubble game is 15-25-year old’s, located in countries where both Kellogg’s and technology and gaming are a norm. Countries include Australia, United Sates of America, Canada and United Kingdom. Thus, the imagined ideal audience includes teenagers and younger adults that are attending or have secondary or tertiary education. This is because school or university students do tend to procrastinate between their work load, making this game the perfect activity for down time.

Kellogg’s Rice Bubbles The Game: An Audience Analysis Proposal for a New App Game from Rice Bubbles Cereal

1.0 Content Proposal The proposed content idea for Kellogg’s Rice Bubbles breakfast cereal is a game in the form of an app that can be downloaded onto any smart device with a touchscreen. The game’s name is ‘Rice Bubbles’ alongside sharing the same slogan as the cereal, ‘Snapped, Crackled, and P opped’. When this app gets closer to release it will be available on digital stores such as Apple App Store and Google play. This release will be primarily promoted on social media platforms as the digital community is second nature for the target audience. Kellogg’s breakfast cereal is intended for children and parents. While this new game app will also appeal to the current audience through curiosity and nostalgia, this product will primarily target teenagers and young adults. This will be valuable, as there will already be an existing audience this brand has captured through existing products. With a new product targeting a new audience, it will help increase the brands overall demographic appeal. The proposed game idea transforms the slogan, ‘Snapped, Crackle, and Popped’ into different types of rice bubbles with a coordinated colour. The game is designed to be simple and easy to play, with a continuous attribute, giving players a never-ending feel to make it addicting so that the audience is hooked. Rice Bubbles the game will consist of three different coloured bowls (Pink, Blue, Yellow) displayed at the bottom of the screen, with coloured rice bubbles matching to a bowl appearing from left to right. The aim of the game will be for the player to place the coloured rice bubbles in the respected coloured bowl. There will be different levels of difficultly, and each level will only be able to be unlocked after reaching a certain score on the previous level. There will also be a universal as well as a national leader board for all players. This will add to the addicting aspect as it’ll make it a competition.

2.0 Imagining the Audience The first attraction that will initially grab the audiences’ attention will be simplicity and ad free aspect of the game. Most app games these days are filled with storylines and complex instructions, which slows down the process of just playing a game. A perfect example of a simplistic game that gained popularity was ‘Fruit Ninja’. The game was simple and easy to play, making their target market play the game and get them hooked. Another aspect that will be included in the original launch of the game will be that it is ad free. Most app games these days are filled with pop up advertisements that annoy and disrupts the gaming process, which make users not want to play. In order the further assist in drawing in the target market, is making this game downloadable and

accessible on an array of touch screen devices other than a phone, such as iPad, and other Android touch screen devices. This is so that not only do the younger audience (children younger than 15) do not need a phone to play this game, but so that it is more easily accessible for everyone. The target market for Kellogg’s Rice Bubble game is 15-25-year old’s, located in countries where both Kellogg’s and technology and gaming are a norm. Countries include Australia, United Sates of America, Canada and United Kingdom. While this game is designed for both males and females, it will predominantly target females. This is because the main aim of the game is to organise, which is stereotyped as more of a feminine practise. This game will also be targeting those of a middle class. Overall, the imagined audience are teenagers to younger adults that are attending or have secondary or tertiary education. This is because school or university students do tend to procrastinate between their work load, making this game the perfect activity for down time. Audience engagement and feedback will be primarily measured through surveys that will be a be accessible on the app as a pop up. In order to get completed surveys, users will receive a certain amount of points that will go towards their ranking after completing a survey. In order to keep the answers of the survey true, users may only complete one survey per month. Other forms of monetising audience engagement will be through social media. The game will have its own social media pages and will track audience engagement through the likes and comments. Other uses of the social media platforms will be to receive audience feedback back on new updates and improvements that may be able to be made to the app through polls. Another form of monetising the initial audience engagement will be through paid advertising on social media, such as Facebook and Instagram. These advertisements must have a clickbait aspect to be able to measure audience engagement. Thus, it will allow current users and those who do not have the app to receive a certain amount of points of will also go towards their national and global ranking once they click the advertisement to open the app or app store for downloading.

3.0 Audience Behaviour Kellogg’s new Rice Bubbles game will invite emotional, cognitive and imaginative forms of engagement for the audience. This game is designed to be simplistic and easy to play so that not only hooks in the target market, but all other ages can play as well. Therefore, the participatory audience does not need to have a large skill set of technology. Emotional engagement will be primarily be used through the social media platforms, as they will allow customers to voice their opinion on new updates for the game. This form of engagement is important, as in most cases it forms the original attachment between the product and target market. A study showed that 80% of emotionally engaged consumers will share the product and speak highly of the brand with friends and family (Autry. A, 2019, para. 5). This will assist in gaining the brands overall demographic appeal. Cognitive audience engagement will be accomplished by the different levels of difficulty in the game. This will allow users to acquire skills, knowledge and understanding on how to finish each level, through their experience. Imaginative form of audience engagement will be created through the national and global leader board, as each level completed makes each player one step closer to ranking the highest scored player. Through such forms of audience engagement, it hooks in the target market in many ways making long lasting relationships between customer and product.

4.0 Transnational Appeal Transnational appeal in terms of media includes re-licensing and customising the product to suit the culture of the country (Athique. A, 2016, para. 2). Globalisation also plays a role in this as it influences the style of media and the movement of culture among different parts on the world (Ruby. Z, 2018, para. 2). As mentioned previously this app will have a national (for each country this app is available in) and worldwide leadership for users, making it an app you can play from anywhere in the world. This app will be available firstly in Australia, and other first world countries with similar technology standards such as the United States, Canada and United Kingdom. Each country/ region can also get custom updates for certain times of the year for example USA and Canada may get a Halloween theme for October as this holiday is bigger in these areas. USA, Canada and UK may also have a white Christmas theme in December time. While, Australia may get an Australia Day green and gold theme in late January. The idea of customising the game for special times of the year also ties back to the emotional experience described in 3.0 Audience Behaviour above. This will give the consumers of different countries a more thought out experience, as it gives them something to look forward to when playing this game.

5.0 References Athique, A. (2016). Transnational audiences: Media reception on a global scale. Autry, A. (2019, January 23). 4 Ways to Create Emotional Engagement with Your Customers/ Members. Access Development . bers Ruby, Z. (2018). Transnational Media in Globalized and Hybridized Environment. Medium.

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