Assessment 2 PDF

Title Assessment 2
Course Perspectives in Criminology
Institution Western Sydney University
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How has globalisation impacted criminal justice in Australia? Globalisation has had a significant effect on criminal justice in Australia. Globalisation can be defined as the connection of the different parts of the world through cultural, political and economic aspects and the integration of such aspects into different countries. The sources used highlight how globalisation seriously impacted the social/ criminal and incarceration rates of Australian Indigenous people and created challenges for the government in achieving equality for indigenous people and how globalisation increased the different methods of crime and made it even more difficult to prevent such crime by highlighting the issues which influence it.

Carrington, K, Hogg, R, Sozzo, M 2015, ‘Southern Criminology’, The British Journal of Criminology, vol. 60, no. 1, pp1-20, viewed 23 April 2021, Academic Search Complete database: Southern criminology highlighted the impact of globalisation on Indigenous people all over the world and Australia. During the 18th and 19th centuries, Europeans nations colonised significant territories around the world. With this came the slavery of the native people of the colonised land. The treatment of Indigenous Australians was no different to the treatment of Indigenous people elsewhere. They were enslaved, children taken away from their families, faced genocide and extreme racism and subjugation in society and were pushed into under developed rural areas. All of these factors led to a substantially high crime rate among indigenous communities in comparison to non- Indigenous people. Further, as western nations industrialised, they mainly industrialised cities and not rural areas. A similar pattern was seen in Australia. However, this ensued in modernisation theories analysing crime only from a city perspective and not from a rural perspective. This resulted in ignored and increased crime in rural areas which had significant Indigenous populations. All of these factors contributed to an increased incarceration rate of Indigenous people and challenges for the Australian criminal justice system.

Aas F 2007, Crime, fear and social exclusion in the global village, Sage London, viewed 23 April 2021, WSU Library database. The effects of globalisation can be seen throughout the current laws in Australia and most western nations. Crimes such as terrorism had large impacts all over the world. Following the 9/11 terror attacks, a global shockwave resulted in international solidarity with the USA However, the most notable impact of 9/11 was influence on terror laws all around the world and in particular Western nations. Australia, like most nations took action through the introduction of anti- terror legislation and harsher penalties for terrorism. Amendments to these laws continued to be made based on the terror movements around the world and in Australia. Another significant issue highlighted by Aas is the effect of industrialisation on the definition of crime. As western countries industrialised only the cities, a huge influx of people migrated from the rural areas to the cities thus increasing the crime rate in the cities. This ensued the foundation of laws and theories which understood crime from the influence of a city and not the whole population. Hurst, D 202, ‘Human rights watch warns US capitol attack could be wake-up call for Australia’, The Guardian, 13 January, Viewed 23 April 2021, The Guardian database.

Political events in the USA have an impact on international politics and movements. This is due to the cultural influence the USA has all-over the world. Following the riot at the US State Capitol the Human rights watch warned the Australian government of similar events happening in Australia due to two factors: the overrepresentation of Indigenous people in the Australian criminal justice system and the far-right movements in Australia. The far-right movements in Australia have been significantly rising following the election of former USA President Donald J Trump. They have started to comprise a significant proportion of the terror watch lists and sentencing in Australia due to fears of militia style groups appearing in Australia and threatening minority groups. Graham, J 2021, ‘What the George Floyd verdict means for Australia’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 21 April, Viewed 23 April 2021, The Sydney Morning Herald database. Indigenous people are the most over-represented group in Australia and they account for 29% of the adult prison population despite the fact they are only 3% of the population. Since the conduction of the royal commission into Aboriginal deaths in custody, 400 Aboriginal people are known to have died in police custody. Following the Black Lives Matter Movement (BLM) In the USA, there was similar solidarity protests all over the world. Australia had considerable large BLM rally for Indigenous deaths in custody. The goals of the rallies were to put pressure on the Australian criminal system to acknowledge the overrepresentation of Indigenous people within the criminal justice system and to solve the issue of deaths in custody in hope of more just outcomes for Indigenous people in Australia. However, some professionals such as Tim Lynch noted that BLM would not have much effect in Australia as the race relations in Australia are different to the USA. Coyne, J, Westendorf T 2021, ‘Australia’s illicit drug problem is getting worse’ The Strategist, 30 March, Viewed 23 April 2021, The Strategist database. Drug trafficking has proven to be a major challenge for the Australian criminal justice system. The supply of methamphetamine and heroin from overseas In Australia has grown and is to have a street value of $1.2 billion a year. It is believed Australians $1.2 billion is paid to international wholesalers overseas to smuggle the drugs into Australia inputting $5billion into the Australian economy. Due to a globalised world, it has been made easier for international drug syndicates to smuggle drugs into Australia. Despite the work of the authorities to fight the drug trade, only up to 34% of the imported drugs have been seized. Fighting imported drugs remains a significant effect on the criminal justice system due to the size of the drug trade and its demand in Australia. Borten J 2020, ‘Remote Human trafficking’, Probone Australia, 21 October, Viewed 23 April 2021, Pro Bone Australia database. An increasing problem in the Australian criminal justice system is online human trafficking. This is due to the complications associate with tracing down the criminals due to its virtual/international context. During the COVID pandemic, it is believed many people were put in vulnerable positions due with traffickers due to many factors such as youth, vulnerability, being jobless because of the pandemic. The types of abuse included forced sexual videos which were uploaded onto international online pornographic websites such as Pornhub. Due to the international widespread use of Pornhub and other websites, it is difficult for the government to track down victims and perpetrators without joint international policing,...

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