Assessment 2 communication PDF

Title Assessment 2 communication
Author Pavi Vive
Course Diploma of nursing
Institution TAFE New South Wales
Pages 8
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Assessment 2 communication...


HLTENN002- Apply communication skills in nursing practice

Question 1) a) Describe the principles, process, and resources required to communicate effectivity with all members of this family. Principles - Use appropriate language


Identify the client Obtain approval and explain the procedure clearly Assess relevant documentation and seek clarification if unsure (Narayan, 2017)

Process - Is able to construct and clearly deliver a message - Make the conversation concise, and with minimal jargon - The message should be complete and supported by observations and facts. (Narayan,

2017) Resources - Sender to receive feedback to ensure the message is received correctly. For example using body language and paraphrasing to get feedback - The sender should include empathy gestures to understand the receiver’s perspective.

(Narayan, 2017) In this scenario, as I am the nurse, I would need to use effective communication to gets the message across to the family. For example talk face to face with Jason, Bob, and Shirley when possible and focus the conversation on the well-being of Julia.

b) List a minimum of three areas of self-awareness that could affect your communication with all members of the family. 1. Respecting the parents/ elders - values 2. Attitude towards aggression (verbal and physical aggression) 3. Bias towards Julia as the nurse main priority is the patient

Question 2) Describe how you would use the Open Disclosure process in this scenario. I would acknowledge the situation and the comment made by Gali "Boy, this is a doozy with lots of trouble!" is inappropriate and unprofessional. So I will apologise to Julia and reassure that this situation will not happen again in the future and work on ways to improve.

By: Pavashanth Vivekanandamoorthy Student ID: 803327203

Question 3) Discuss the ethical and regulatory responsibilities when using online services and social media in relation to this scenario. It is ethically wrong to post on online or social media about other people’s problem because some families would like to keep their problems to them-self and not to other people. Gail post "Glad that shift is over! I am sick of being a mediator today. #familyincrisis" is regulatory incorrect as most of the hospitals have a strict social media policy, that does not allow workers to post or comment about the patient(s) on social media and if it is breached, serious consequences apply.

Question 4) Describe the processes an organisation would have in place to manage and support employees engaging in social media. Many organisations such as hospitals have the social media policy to manage and support employees engaging in social media. The policy states “When using social media, health practitioners should remember that the National Law, their National Board’s code of ethics and professional conduct and the Guidelines for advertising regulated health services apply. Registered health practitioners should only post information that is not in breach of these obligations by: -

Complying with professional obligations Complying with confidentiality and privacy obligations Presenting information in an unbiased, evidence-based context, and not making unsubstantiated claims.” (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, 2014)

Question 5) Describe three signs that would assist you in recognising that the communication between Bob and Jason is deteriorating and has the potential of becoming complicated and difficult. 1. Loss of personal space between parties (becoming aggressive) 2. Raising the tone of the voice and using inappropriate words 3. Lack of eye contact and body language is aggressive. (Narayan, 2017) Question 6) List four factors likely to inhibit communication in this scenario 1. Arguing (shouting, inappropriate body movement and may get physical) 2. Rejecting Response ( not agreeing with each other) By: Pavashanth Vivekanandamoorthy Student ID: 803327203

3. Being defensive (not keeping an open mind) 4. Asking unnecessary and inappropriate questions (Narayan, 2017)

Question 7) Describe the strategies and resources (including health care personal) you could use to address this situation within your scope of practice and in line with relevant policies and procedures. As a nurse, I can use many strategies and resources to address this situation, such as -

Discussing using a calm approach in a calm and polite manner Give the person plenty of personal space Organise help from suitable health team members Report the situation to NUM or Nursing manager Document information in progress notes (Narayan, 2017)

Question 8) Describe the basic principles of conflict resolution and describe how you would use them in this situation The basic principles of conflict resolution are -

Show respect for each other Avoid blaming Encourage active listening Promote fairness State your own view, needs, and feelings (Narayan, 2017)

In this situation, I would show respect to all the members that are involved in this situation and avoid blaming if anyone is at fault. Actively listen to the information from both side and encourage fairness and giving my point of view and feelings about this situation.

By: Pavashanth Vivekanandamoorthy Student ID: 803327203

Question 9) a) Describe where you would document the communication strategies used and the outcomes achieved I would use the SOAPIER charting to document the communication strategies and the outcomes achieved. SOAPIER Charting consists of S - Subjective data O- Objective data A- Assessment P- Plan I – Interventions E- Evaluation R- Revision (Harrison, 2013)

b) Identify who you would report to on strategies and outcomes in a complex situation such as this. I would report to my Supervisor, Registered nurse or NUM.

Question 10) Identify and describe the resources you could utilise to assist people such as Shirley in relation to their grief Shirley, Julia’s mom can reach out to many places to control her grief and get some advice and comfort from the people that have already been through similar situations. Some of the places are counseling services which offer counseling, social worker and community resources for example support for pastoral care. (Narayan, 2017)

Question 11) Explain and justify why it is not appropriate for you to email results to Sonia in this scenario Blood test results are confidential information, and to be kept within the privacy of the certain person, such as Julia and anyone who she has given the approval to see the reports. It is a breach of confidentiality to share personal medical information without the owner’s approval. So, as a nurse, I would not email Sonia the blood test result, as I am putting my job in danger.

By: Pavashanth Vivekanandamoorthy Student ID: 803327203

Question 12) Identify who would be appropriate members of this Case Management Team. Describe their role and explain what they would contribute to the meeting. Members of the Case management team are doctors, registered nurse, and social worker, nursing staff, allied health, clergy, community nurses and family members. (Narayan, 2017) Different position involves different role to fulfill when it comes to contributing to the meeting, for example, the RN will bring up issues involving the patient and the doctor and other professional will try to solve the problem or give alternative ways to proceed with the issue. The protocols that occur during the meeting are agenda, the opening of the meeting, apologise, correspondence reports, issues regarding the patient, general business and action plan suggested. According to these protocols, the assigned medical personnel will contribute to the meeting. (Narayan, 2017)

Question 13) Identify and discuss the procedures that would be appropriate to follow during this meeting. These are the appropriate procedures to follow during this meeting -

Establishing the purpose, objectives, and agenda of the meeting Facilitating participation of all members Assisting the client to put forward their views, if necessary Resolving conflict where relevant. Summarising the agreed outcomes Checking with everyone that they agree with the outcome and understand what their role is Making sure that the plan is written down Arranging further meetings as required Follow-up with participants to make sure they undertake the tasks they have agreed to. (National case management working group, 2017)

Question 14) Describe two strategies you could use to manage group dynamics during a meeting when conflict arises or to address competing personalities. These are two approaches you could use when a conflict occurs during a meeting -


Try to maintain the structure of the meeting, for example, if you are the chairperson, take control and get everyone settled and back to focusing on the meeting. Switch the focus to facts rather than fiction, which encourages people to provide information. Seek the correct solution that suits the situation. (Narayan, 2017)

By: Pavashanth Vivekanandamoorthy Student ID: 803327203

Question 15) Explain the principles, processes, and practice of open disclosure in relation to this incident. Open disclosure is the open discussion of adverse events that result in harm to a patient while receiving health care with the patient, their family, and carers. The process and practices of the open disclosure are: • an apology or expression of regret, which should include the words ‘I am sorry’ or ‘we are sorry’ • a factual explanation of what happened • an opportunity for the patient, their family, and carers to relate their experience • a discussion of the potential consequences of the adverse event • an explanation of the steps being taken to manage the adverse event and prevent recurrence. (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, 2013)

In this scenario, Julia received 2 doses of Morphine instead of one as a result of poor reporting. After finding out about the situation, I will let my supervisor know and directly inform Julia that a mistake happened, and apologies. Also, explain what happened and what will be the consequences of this action. Explain to Julia how we can manage and prevent this event from happening again. Question 16) a) Describe the benefits of holding a debriefing session for staff Some of the benefits of having a debriefing session after minor/major events are It provides the opportunity to confirm a full and accurate account of the event by the staffs sharing information about the situation. Also, it provides the time to share emotions, reactions and gain support from each other. Giving the staff a voice to express their feeling and experience. Strengthens the group’s unity and morale. (Narayan, 2017) b) Outline what would be covered in the debriefing session Debriefing guideline STEP 1: Pre-debriefing STEP 2: Contact/Contract STEP 3: Story STEP 4: Impact STEP 5: Symptom Education STEP 6: Current Functioning and Coping

By: Pavashanth Vivekanandamoorthy Student ID: 803327203

STEP 7: Follow-up (Snelgrove, T 2017)

Question 17) Explain the strategies you would use to give feedback to your colleagues.

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Some of the strategies I would use to give feedback to my colleagues are Recognize positive aspects of work, describe performance accurately Provide feedback as soon as possible following the performance or behavior in question Tell them the ways to improve and avoid repeating the same mistakes The feedback has to be helpful and supportive Discuss the performance privately and keep it friendly Avoid giving feedbacks when you are angry (Narayan, 2017)

REFERENCE Narayan, N 2017, Apply Communication skills in Nursing Practice, lecture notes, Communication HLTENN002, TafeNSW, delivered 28 July 2017.

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency 2014,Social media policy, Nursing and Midwifery Board, Australia, viewed 28 July 2017 .

Harrison, C 2013,Therapeutic Communication in Nursing, online video, viewed 21 July 2017, <>. e National case management working group 2017, Case Management ANTA Toolbox, study guide, RMIT University, viewed 31 July 2017

Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care 2013, Australian Open Disclosure Framework, ACSQHC, Sydney, viewed 1 August 2017 <>.

Snelgrove, T 2017, Seven Steps of the peer debriefing process clinical incidents, Mobile member care team, viewed 5 August 2017 . By: Pavashanth Vivekanandamoorthy Student ID: 803327203

By: Pavashanth Vivekanandamoorthy Student ID: 803327203...

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