Cyber ethics PDF

Title Cyber ethics
Author Tasnia Khan
Course Statistics and Probability
Institution East West University
Pages 12
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In this century we live in a world of which is full of technology. For every types of activates we depend on technology . They make our life more easier .Specially for communication we badly depend on technology. Though technology helps a lot but at the same time it creats a lot of problem and dilemmas. . Cyber crime is one of the biggest problem. Now it become a concerning issue for all over the world. Many crime and social problem organized by internet. For those reason Government of different countries takes a lot of steps . For avoied this problem every internet user must follow cyber ethics.

What is cyber Ethics: According to Wikipedia Cyber ethics is the philosophic study of ethics pertaining to computers, encompassing user behavior and what computers are programmed to do, and how this affects individuals and society. For years, various governments have enacted regulations while organizations have defined policies about cyberethics. But it is more than this. The explosion of social networking and the ubiquitous sharing and posting of so much information online have changed the way we communicate. We must ensure that users understand their responsibilities for conducting themselves online. An important component of that is Cyber Ethics. Cyber Ethics refers to the code of responsible behavior on the Internet. We should all employ the basic tenets of Cyber Ethics to be good “cyber citizens.”

Issues behind cyber Ethics: Computer technologies have continually and rapidly changed and advanced in the last two decades. The impacts of these rapid changes are affecting the use and applications of computer technologies in society. These impacts bring about new focus and new scrutiny. One of the fundamental changes in the last decade has been the realization that the context in which computer technologies are used must take into account the ethical implications associated with its use. Examples of computing ethical issues include, but are not limited to: cyberterrorism; security and privacy responsibilities; intellectual property rights; online piracy; blogger litigation; data recovery; data protection; wireless computing; computer crime; et cetera. Another fundamental change is the increased importance of the legal impacts that new computer technologies introduce. However, these changes do not necessarily correspond to the changes in the computer technology itself.

Ethics, when applied to technology-related issues, is also recognized as cyberethics (Tavani, 2010). There is a plethora of viewpoints regarding the subject of cyberethics. For instance, one major question that many professionals within and without the computer community consider: Is cyberethics different from “regular” ethics? Regular ethics is defined as ethics that apply across all contexts (i.e., medical, legal, business, and religious). In some instances, this question can be answered with a definite yes. However, many theorists would state that there are differences between regular ethics and cyberethics. They base their arguments on the fact that cyberethics is based on the impact of computing technologies on individuals and society. However, this does not indicate that computing technologies have introduced new ethical

issues. Therefore, some would argue that there are no differences between regular ethics and cyberethics. Their arguments are based on the fact that computing technologies only bring a new dimension to existing ethical issues. A major problem is the practice and application of ethics in computing environments by computing professionals and users. There are many reason behind cyber ethics. They become the warning issues for modern universe. The most important issues are

1) Copyright. 2) Hacking. 3) Cyber bulling.

Copyright: Fundamentally, copyright is a law that gives you ownership over the things you create. Be it a painting, a photograph, a poem or a novel, if you created it, you own it and it’s the copyright law itself that assures that ownership. The ownership that copyright law grants comes with several rights that you, as the owner, have exclusively. Those rights include:     

The right to reproduce the work to prepare derivative works to distribute copies to perform the work and to display the work publicly

To hear intellectual property attorneys describe it, it seems so simple. Copyright covers creative works of expression fixed into a tangible medium of expression. Trademark covers business names, slogans and other items used to identify it in the marketplace. Patent covers ideas and inventions. Simple. But now some people break the copyright law. They download and upload others content without permission. For that reason original content creator suffer more. Specially in Youtube people copy and steal content .In recent years a huge number movies and videos are licked by hackers . Hacking: While this term originally referred to a clever or expert programmer, it is now more commonly used to refer to someone who can gain unauthorized access to other computers. A hacker can "hack" his or her way through the security levels of a computer system or network.

Hacking is the one o the most dangerous cyber crime. Its very common. There are two types of hacker Black hat hacker and White hat hacker. The Black hat hackers are do this type of crime. Hackers hack banking security system and steal mony. Sometimes terrorist attack any security system and damage a lot. By hacking anybody’s account others can get their personal information. It hampered their privacy. Bad peoples use others personal information for doing crime and harass someone. Facebook id hacking is very common.

Cyberbulling: According to Wikipedia Cyberbullying or cyberharassment is a form of bullying or harassment using electronic means. Cyberbullying and

Cyberharassment are also known as online bullying. It has become increasingly common, especially among teenagers. It’s the most sensitive cyber crime. The warning thing is that this type of crime increasing day by day . Specially the teenagers are sufferes because they use internet more and they and not enough couscous. Most of the time they trapped by others. By this rape, murder, kidnap, suicide can be occurred. Every day in news paper or news channel we see this type of crimes. In recent years many suicidal cases are occurred only for cyberbulling. People give hate speech, thread via social media .Some evil people edited or photoshoped others picture . Some are spread rumor against other people. For this reason many people suffer from mental depression and they can committed suicide. Even celebrities are also bullied in online. It hampered their life and career. Here some statistics about cyber bulling 1. 2.

Nearly 43% of kids have been bullied online. 1 in 4 has had it happen more than once. 70% of students report seeing frequent bullying online. Filling up your friends' Facebook feeds with positive posts instead of negative ones can boost school-wide morale. Start a Facebook page for students to submit positive acts they see in school to promote a culture of positivity on and offline. Sign up for Positivity Page.


Over 80% of teens use a cell phone regularly, making it the most common medium for cyber bullying.


68% of teens agree that cyber bullying is a serious problem.


81% of young people think bullying online is easier to get away with than bullying in person.

Not only this three are major cyber crime but there are many type of cyber crime occurred. This type crimes are also very dangerous . Pornography: Porn industry is a million doller industry but it is not a good thing for mankind. Though some country made it legal but it’s very harmful. Because of pornography abnormal sexual behavior are increasing among the people . Pornography is the main issue behind Pedophilia. Most of the pedophilic are porn addict. Now many marriage life destroyed for porn addiction. It should be stopped because practice of porn is growing among the teenagers.

Cyber terrorism: Cyber terrorism occurred by internet. Maximum time this type of activates are organized by terrorist group. In The last decade, terrorism has become more decentralized, making it complex to police. Terrorist operational planning has become more sophisticated, by avoiding banking institutions and online public communications that normally provide law enforcement critical intelligence. Other implications for terrorism includes opportunities for unrestricted recruitment and propaganda, as the dark web provides an ideal space for extremist ideologies and hate narratives to thrive. At this stage, we can only surmise to the extent of the impact new technologies will have on terrorism. When ordinary citizens think of cyber threats, most are probably worried about their passwords and banking details, not a terrorist attack. The thought of a shooting in a mall or a bombing at an airport is probably more frightening than a cyber breach. Yet terrorists aim for mental as well as physical destruction, and our research has found that, depending on who the attackers and the victims are, the psychological effects of cyber threats can rival those of traditional terrorism.

Computer virus: Computer virus means a piece of code which is capable of copying itself and typically has a detrimental effect, such as corrupting the system or destroying data. This type of crimes are committed by group of criminals. It attacks computer software and hardware .It’s a worldwide problem. In this list, we will highlight some of the worst and notorious computer viruses that have caused a lot of damage in real life. And since people usually equate general malware like worms and trojan horses as viruses, we’re including them as well. These malware have caused tremendous harm, amounting to billions of dollars and disrupting critical real life infrastructure. Here are the some most famous and malicious computer viruses.

   

I LOVE YOU Code Red Melissa Sasser

    

Confiker Zeus Stuxnet Mydoom Cryptolocker

Cyber ethics: "Cyber ethics" refers to the code of responsible behavior on the Internet. Just as we are taught to act responsibly in everyday life with lessons such as "Don't take what doesn't belong to you" and "Do not harm others," we must act responsibly in the cyber world as well. The basic rule is "Do not do something in cyberspace that you would consider wrong or illegal in everyday life."              

Do not use rude or offensive language. Do not cyberbully. Do not plagiarize. Do not break into someone else's computer. Do not use someone else's password. Do not attempt to infect or in any way try to make someone else's computer unusable. Adhere to copyright restrictions when downloading material from the Internet, including software, games, movies, or music. Don’t use rude or hateful language. Don’t call people names, lie about them, send dirty pictures. Don’t present out your email or IM address to people you don’t know either online or in person. Don’t copy or download pictures, video without permission. Don’t give personal information to others. Don’t log in your account at any public device. Don’t use third party apps.

Necessity of cyber ethics: Everybody talks of ethics, but cyber ethics is a comparatively new term which is fast becoming widely popular because of the large-scale software piracy spree. In today’s world of hackers and pirates, all of us are somehow involved in the dirty business of software piracy. Prevent misuse of personal information. Prevent cyber bullying and cyber terrorissom. Prevents Theft of Intellectual Property Prevents Loss of Various Jobs in the field of Software Development  Makes Your Computer a Better and Safe  Safer internet for children.  Prevent unexpected rumor.    

Conclusion: Last of all we shouldn’t misuse of internet. It can be harmful for us. It has become a big problem for us so we should prevent it. We should make internet safe for people and society. By obeying the cyber ethics we can get rid from all of this problem. For prevent cyber crime we should be very careful about using internet service and obey all cyber law.


Reference: 1) 2) IJCEE 3) Lifeware 4) The Emerging Threat of Cyberterrorism 29 JUN 2018By Kendall Galbraith 5) Plagmarisom Today 6) WIPO 7) Techsprited 8) International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 8, August-2013 855 ISSN 2229-5518...

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