Cyberbullying essay PDF

Title Cyberbullying essay
Author Kghartiie Perumall
Course Contract Law II
Institution Multimedia University
Pages 5
File Size 106.6 KB
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WHATARET HECAUSEOFCYBERBUL L YI NGANDI T SEF F ECTONT ODAY’ SSOCI ET Y? What is cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is the use of digital technologies with an intent to offend, humiliate, threaten, harass or abuse somebody. Some of the examples of cyberbullying include unpleasant messages online or on the phone, comments on your posts or posts about you, being excluded from online groups or forums, embarrassing photos being put online without your permission and rumours about you on a website. This category of bullying can be found in social media which consist of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. There is one popular question that has been running wildly in every global citizens’ mind. Will cyberbullying be the ruination and downfall of our society in this modern day era? In this age of technological wonders, numerous amount of individuals in our society are getting cyberbullied for little to no reason every day. Research shows that 7 in 10 of the public have experience of being a victim of cyberbullying in the year 2018. Cyberbullying has been the fundamental cause of many mental breakdowns nowadays because of its efficiency to bully someone without having to give much physical action towards the said victim. The main causes of cyberbullying are lack of empathy, make it as an entertainment and peer pressure. These causes can lead to multiple horrendous effects towards the victims of cyberbullying such as the development of depression, the feeling of dissatisfaction with who they are and feel disinterested in their lives.

First and foremost, one of the fundamental causes of cyberbullying is the absence of empathy in certain individuals. The word ‘empathy’ means the ability to share someone else’s feelings or experiences by imagining what it would be like to be in that situation. Individuals who lack empathy were presumably brought up in families who were maintaining a strategic distance from to connect with their sentiments and even censured others for inclination their feelings. A certain amount of people has figured out how to close down their sentiments right off the bat in their lives to such an extent, that they deterred their hearts and cannot feel their very own emotions. Another reason why some people lack empathy is because it might be the result of a genetic defect, or physical damage due to trauma, or a response to their environment. Besides that, another factor why some people lack empathy is absence of religious teaching in the individuals. As far as all of us know, every existing religion in this world educates their followers to always care about the emotions of others because hurting them is a terrible sin. But due to the absence of this teaching, it has resulted in the

development of ignorance behaviour among the bullies. Beyond that, parents also play a massive role in educating empathy among their children. But, due to their irresponsible acts which is not spending much time with their children, the said children start to care less about the surrounding people. Therefore, the parents themselves have turn their own children into bullies or in this case cyberbullies. Apart from that, some of the people lack empathy because of their own experience of being bullied by others previously. The basis of this is because when they were bullied, they were only concern about themselves and not others. Since they have adapted to that new behaviour, they start to care less towards others. Thus, lack empathy. As a consequence, these people tend to bully others especially through social media due to the fact that they obviously do not really care much about how others feel. The cyberbullies do not know or care that their insults, discrimination and criticism are hurting the emotions of the victims dreadfully. They do not see the fault in bullying others through those nasty comments and hurtful insults online. In addition to that, they find it entertaining to see the victims being emotionally disturbed and continue doing it for sport. This is something like schadenfreude. Schadenfreude is the feeling of joy some people get while seeing others fail or get hurt. Schadenfreude is usually caused by chronic anxiety, depression, or low self-esteem. So, in order to minimize the amount of cyberbullying, everyone is responsible in cultivating empathy in every single individual no matter what are the circumstances. Like what the former president of the United States of America, Barrack Obama once inspiringly quoted, “It’s the lack of empathy that makes it very easy for us to plunge into wars, it’s the lack of empathy that allows us to ignore homeless on the streets.

Beyond that, peer pressure is also another starting point of why cyberbullying is happening around us. What is peer pressure? Peer pressure happens when a peer group or individual urges others to change their mentalities, qualities, or behaviours to adjust to those of the influencing group or individual. It is an inevitable part of forming friendships and maintaining groups. it has always been a major part of our society. The group approves of the followers and sometimes relentlessly disapproves of those who do not fall in line. The consequences of being given the thumbs down by one’s peers are embarrassment, humiliation and shame. Peer pressure is not just about people throwing down the gauntlet to someone to do something. On most occasions, it is much

subtler. In this situation regarding cyberbullying, the said cyberbullies torment other people for the sake of blending in with their peers so that they would not be cast out by them. Following that, those who are in a social group would most likely not get bullied in return because they are basically untouchable. When existing in a group of peers, it is much more easy to gang up on a particular victim online and give terrible comments or insults to the said sufferer. In another incident, peer pressure is done in a way where the peers blackmail an individual to bully another person. Some immoral people pressurize the individual to do what they say in order for them to not face the consequences that might affect them horribly. Therefore, they listen to their command and do what they say which is to bully another person for their satisfaction. This usually happens when the commander is frustrated, jealous or prejudice with the person that he wants to attack. Thus, he hires others by blackmailing them to bully that person for him so that he does not get caught or he wants to make the move after that. The victims cannot really do anything by their own in this kind of situation besides just ignoring the bully because if the people who are getting cyberbullied tries to argue back to the cyberbullies, the cyberbullies will just insult them more and find various ways to make their lives more suffering. the cyberbullies could easily do this because they have the numbers in they favour. That will result in more humiliation towards the victim. Therefore, they will straightforwardly prevail. To prevent this from happening, everyone should think wisely in choosing the proper group of friends they want to join. This is to avoid negative influence between them and to shape a better future for themselves and also other individuals. Like what a British playwright, W. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965) once recited, “When you choose your friends, do not be short-changed by choosing personality over character.” Moving on, the effects of cyberbullying in our society is that it will mould the victims to feel vulnerable and powerless. When the sufferers feel vulnerable and powerless, they tend to feel hesitant to expresser needs since they dread that what little they have will be taken from them. Such delayed maltreatment can make them become reluctant to feel even their own needs. Victims of cyberbullying often find it difficult to feel secure. Typically, this is due

to the fact that the bullying can invade their comfort zone through a single text message or a comment at any time of day. The reason this is stated is because people nowadays have been glued to their phones. So, when cyberbullies do their job, they have disturbed the victim’s comfort feeling. Some of the victims who are very sensitive will feel emotionally abused. Besides that, cyberbullying has played a massive role in twenty percent of the suicide cases in the world. These reported cases were all due to the racial abuse and insults through social media. An example of a case was a 21 year-old African-American woman committed suicide due to extreme racial abuse. The woman was suffering through depression for a few months. One day, she just jumped off her 8-storey college building and died. A sad ending for an innocent girl who was criticized for her skin colour. Additionally, because some of the bullies can remain anonymous, this can escalate feelings of fear among the victims. People who are targeted have no single clue on who is inflicting the pain although some cyberbullies choose people they know. With this stated, the victims will feel afraid to even open their social media applications due to the fact that they are scared of some anonymous insults being thrown at them. Even though some victims might try to block and report the particular anonymous account owner, the cyber bully will still create another account and continue to disturb the victim. Apart from that, the said victims will feel the urge to stop socializing and stay completely isolated from their social media. This was result in the victims to be outdated on the current issues happening around the world since social media is the quickest platform to receive the latest trending news. All these effects have proven that cyberbullying should not be considered as a small issue. As once an unknown person quoted, “Bullying is not a reflection of the victim’s character, but rather a sign of the bully’s lack of character.” Finally, it may be concluded that cyberbullying is an issue in social orders that are propelled enough to have the innovation to associate with other individuals on the web and isn't effectively fixable. Cyberbullying can influence anybody however is most noticeable in the present youth. On the off chance that we can bend out this terrible conduct from the getgo in their age, they are probably not going to proceed down that way. Sadly, this isn't a simple assignment. This will require schools, and particularly guardians to know about the issue and follow up on it. Disposing of cyberbullying will require a consolidated exertion and won’t be wiped out overnight. In the event that the legislature is happy to acknowledge that cyberbullying is an issue, laws can be set up to assistance dishearten this action. Indeed, even still, guardians and schools ought to take out and stop this conduct now, at that point laws shouldn't be fundamental. So schools and guardians, know about what children are doing on

the web and their telephones, and act on the off chance that they are accomplishing something that they shouldn't be. The invention of modern technologies was supposed to lead us into better world, where the creations are used to make our lives easier and efficient. But, due to some ignorant behaviour of certain human beings who exploited the unpleasant side of modern technology, it has brought us to the brink of the doom and destruction of humanity. A very popular attorney named Anna Maria Chavez once said, “Unless and until our society recognizes cyber bullying for what it is, the suffering of thousands of silent victims will continue.”...

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