Argumentative Essay ON Cyberbullying PDF

Title Argumentative Essay ON Cyberbullying
Author Xyriene Roco
Course BS Accountancy
Institution Lyceum of the Philippines University
Pages 6
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ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY ON CYBERBULLYING 7th April 2017 Cyberbullying is a recent form of aggression that students use to humiliate and attack their less popular peers. Like traditional bullying, this behavior is based on the imbalance of power between bullies and victims and may continue for a long time. Cyberbullying manifests itself in posting and sharing abusive comments, photos, and videos, writing intimidating e-mails and messages, spreading rumors, etc. (Völlink, Dehue, & Guckin, 2015). Unlike face-to-face school bullying, this type of aggression may occur at any time and in any place, so the victim cannot escape it. It is also more difficult to prevent bullying and punish abusers because they often remain anonymous. Cyberbullying has a detrimental effect on victims’ emotional and psychological health, so effective solutions to this phenomenon should be introduced to protect children. During the past decade, researchers paid increased attention to the phenomenon of cyberbullying, focusing specifically on its adverse effects on victims’ health and well-being. Findings from multiple studies have demonstrated that children subject to systematic online abuse have increased risks for experiencing depression and somatic symptoms, as well as feeling lonely and vulnerable (Nixon, 2014). These people may also have social and communication problems that persist into adulthood, and they do not feel safe at school even if no one abuses them face-to-face. Interestingly, research suggests that both victims and bullies suffer from cyberbullying, with latter being more subject to unexplained aggression and delinquent behaviors (Nixon, 2014). It means that efforts at eliminating cyberbullying and supporting children should be directed at both victims and perpetrators. The problem of cyberbullying is extremely difficult to address. Unlike school bullying that occurs in real life and can be detected by teachers and peers, this aggressive behavior is more elusive and invisible (Minton, 2013). Students rarely report being abused on the Internet, mostly because they realize that their parents and teachers would not help them. The problem is that even when a student reports cyberbullying, it is practically impossible to identify its source and punish abusers. For now, schools lack comprehensive anti-bulling policies and cannot come up with actual strategies and tactics to tackle this growing problem. Parents also seem to lack understanding of how detrimental cyberbullying may be for their children’s health and do not know how to support them. I strongly believe that effective solutions to cyberbullying need to be introduced. The most important thing that needs to be done is student education. Children need to understand how cyberbullying affects them and

their peers and why this type of behavior is unacceptable. They also need to be encouraged to seek professional advice and support of psychologists when cyber bullying bothers them. Parents should also be educated to detect the slight changes in their children’s behavior and help them overcome their problems successfully. Both schools and parents need to make sure that children feel protected and cared for and not allow them to suffer silently. Only an integrated approach to cyberbullying involving teachers, parents, and students can bring positive, long-term effects. Ultimately, the way schools and parents combat cyberbullying will determine students’ safety and emotional well-being. Cyberbullying is a negative social trend that affects the most vulnerable and weak children, leading to psychological and psychosomatic problems, depression, anxiety, etc. Because this phenomenon is difficult to detect and prevent, it is extremely important to involve all stakeholders including teachers, families, and students. I am convinced that a collaborative approach to dealing with cyberbullies can reduce aggressive behavior and make children feel more protected, both at home and at school.

Ar gument at i veEssayOnCyber Bul l yi ng I nt r oduct i on Wi t ht hechatr ooms ,s oc i al net wor k s ,andwebs i t esc hi l dr en,t eens ,aswel las adul t shav ebecomev i ct i msofcy berbul l yi ng.Theaf or ement i onedpl at f or ms t endt obet henewt ool t hatbul l i est endt ousebecaus et hr oughs uchav enues t heycanaswel l hi det hei ri dent i t ybyus i ngf ak eaccount s .I nes senc e,c y ber bul l yi ngoccur swhens omeonebul l i esanot heronet hr oughel ect r oni c t echnol ogy .Someoft hecommont act i cst hatcy berbul l yi ngper pet r at or sus e i ncl udeemai l s ,t extmess ages ,v i deos ,pi ct ur es ,aswel l aswebs i t es( Wi l l ar d58) . Thr oughsuc hpl at f or ms ,t heydi s semi nat emal i c i ousmes sagesandr umor s t hatar edemeani ngt ot hevi ct i m.Apar tf r om t hedemeani ngmess ages ,s ome oft hem sendt hr eat eni ngmess agesandpos tnudephot osoft hevi c t i ms onl i ne.Thec yberbul l y i ngcas eshav eadv er seeffect sont hevi c t i msandi n ext r emecas es ,someoft hem cont empl at ecommi t t i ngs ui ci deduet ot he

s hamet heyunder go.Thus ,i thasbecomeasoc i al pr obl em gl obal l yduet ot he adv er secons equencesas soc i at edwi t ht hev i c e. Cl ai msmaki ng Ac cor di ngt oCyberbul l y i ngRes ear chCent r e,c y berbul l yi ngi smor ecommon wi t ht eens .Near l y ,hal foft het eensagedbet ween13and17y ear ss ai dt hat t heyhav eunder gonec yberbul l y i ng.I naddi t i on,t her es ear chcent r est at es t hatcel l phonesar et hecommondevi c esi ns t r ument ali ns pr eadi ngt he mal i ci ousmess ages .Gi r l sar emor evul ner abl et oc yberbul l y i ngcompar edt o t heboy s( Cy berbul l y i ngRes ear chCent er ) .Theper pet r at or st endt ouse meanandder ogat or ymess ages ;t hus ,mak i ngi tt hemostcommonf or m of c yberbul l yi ng.Ont heot herhand,boy sar ev i ct i msoft hr eat eni ngmes sages whi l egi r l st endt ober ec i pi ent sofsex ual l ys ugges t i v ephot osanddemeani ng mes sages .Mostoft hesemes sagest endt oor i gi nat ef r om t hei rf or merl ov er s whocannotsus t ai nbr eak ups .Bes i des ,t hevi c t i m mi ghtbear ec i pi entof mal i ci ousact i v i t i esofast al k er ,whowant st ogetat t ent i on. Boy sar et heoneswhoar emos t l yi nv ol v edi nspr eadi ngs uchmal i ci ous mes sageswhi l et hev i ct i mscompr i s eofbot hgender s .Mor eov er ,t hecy ber bul l yi ngi nc i denc esi scommoni nal lt her ac es .Oneoft hesoc i al pl at f or mst hat i scommonwi t hcy berbul l yi ngi sf ac ebookwi t hnear l yonemi l l i ont eens under goi ngt heor deal l as ty ear( Bul l y i ngst at i st i cs ) .Unf or t unat el y ,mos toft he t eenst hatunder gocy berbul l yi ngnev err epor ts uchi nci dent st ot hei rpar ent s . Someoft hev i ct i mst endt oi gnor esuc hv i ceswhi l esomemays eekr ev enge. Mor eov er ,t hel awenf or cer sar el es sl i k el yt ok nowofs uchcas esbecaus et he t eensnev err epor t .Att hes amet i me,mos toft hevi c t i msseem t os uffer s i l ent l yandnev erpr ef err epor t i ngt heev ent st ot heaut hor i t i es . Dur i ngs uchsc enar i os ,s omeoft hes t udent swhowi t nes st hemal i c i ous act i v i t i est endt odef endt hev i ct i m andc r i t i ci z et heaggr es sor .Ont heot her hand,ot her sav oi ds uchsi t uat i onsandi gnor eanymal i c i ouss t at ement s bec aus et heyf eart heaggr es sormi ghti nt ur nat t ackt hem.Unf or t unat el y , s omeoft hest udent swhowi t nesssuc hi nc i dencest endt oj oi nandat t ac kt he v i ct i m byex pos i ngmor ei nf or mat i ont hati sper sonal ( Wi l l ar d75) .Ther ef or e, apar tf r om t hemai naggr es sor ,mor epeopl eof t enpr opagat et heacti nst eadof c r i t i ci z i ngt hevi ce. Someoft heper pet r at or sc i t ev ar i ousr eas onsf ort hei ract i ons .Some under t ak es uchvi c esj us tt omak ef unort oembar r as st hev i ct i ms .Apar tf r om embar r as s i ngt hev i ct i ms ,somewantt obemeanort or ev engef oracer t ai n

pas tact i on( Cyberbul l y i ngRes ear chCent er ) .Mos toft hem agr eet hati ti s eas i ert obul l ysomeoneonl i net handi r ec tconf r ont at i on.Mos toft hem t endt o hi det hei ri dent i t ybyus i ngf ak eaccount s .Thi sgi v est hevi c t i m ahar dt i met o i dent i f yt heaggr es sor .Byhi di ngt hei ri dent i t y ,t heyt endt ogetawaywi t ht he c r i meeasi l y .Howev er ,i ncer t ai ncas est heI Paddr es soft heper pet r at orcan bel ocat ed. Seeot heres s aysampl es Cyberbul l yi nghasadv er s eeffect sonbot ht hevi ct i m andt heper pet r at or s bec aus eoft het r aumaandshameass oc i at edwi t ht hevi c e.Whent hev i ct i ms r epor ts uchcas esont headmi ni st r at i onoft hesoc i al pl at f or m,t heywi l l t er mi nat et heaccounti nv ol v edi nt hev i ce.Mor eov er ,t heoffender sandt hei r par ent smi ghtf acec har gesf ort hec yberbul l y i ngcr i me.Besi des ,i next r eme c aseswhent heper pet r at orhadsentnudephot os ,t henheorshemi ghtbe i ncl udedi nt hel egal document sasasexoffender .Ont heot herhand,t he v i ct i ms ’s el f confi denceseemst odet er i or at eduet ot hes hame.I nex t r eme c ases ,t heyev encont empl at ec ommi t t i ngs ui ci de,ast heyc annotwi t hst and t heshameoft hei rnudeandsex ual l ysugges t i v ei magesbei ngexpos edt ot he publ i c( Agat s t on,Kowal s ki etal 90) . Unf or t unat el y ,t heUSdonothav eanyf eder al l awst hatf ul l ycons i der sc y ber bul l yi ngasacr i mi nal offence.Howev er ,anumberofnonpr ofi tor gani z at i ons ar el obbyi ngf ort hepar l i amentt oenacts uchl egi sl at i ons .I not herst at es ,t hat donothav es t at uest hatc r i mi nal i z et heoffens e,t heyhav eot herdecr eest hat c anbei nst r ument al i nsuc hci r c ums t ances .Fori ns t anc e,i nsomest at es el ect r oni char as smentandst al ki ngl awsar ebenefic i al i nchar gi ngt he aggr es sor sf ort hei rc r i mes .I not herst at es ,s t udenthar as sments t at ut esgi v e s chool saut hor i t yt oexpel st udent st hatar ei nv ol v edi nsuc hi nc i denc es .On t heot herhand,i nt i mi dat i onandhar ass mentl awsar eal soi nst r ument al i n convi ct i ngt heper pet r at or si nsomest at es .

How t opr eventcyberbul l yi ng I nr es ponset oc yberbul l y i ng,anumberofor gani z at i onshav ecomeupt ost op t hespr eadoft hevi ce.Oneoft hem i nc l udesEndt oCy berBul l y i ng,anonpr ofitor gani z at i ont hathasbeeni nst r ument al i ncur bi ngt hemal i c i ous act i v i t i es .Suc hor gani z at i onst endt osens i t i z et hepubl i coft hecommonf or ms ofcy berbul l yi ng.Mor eov er ,t heyof t enl obbyt hepar l i amentt oenac t l egi sl at i onst hatc ur bt hec r i me( Endt oCy berBul l y i ngOr gani z at i on) .Anot her

or gani z at i oni st heSt ompoutBul l yi ngt hati sont hef or ef r onti ncampai gni ng agai nstc y berbul l yi ng.Theyv i s i tsc hool st ocar r youteduc at i v eses s i onst hat conc er nt hev i c e.I naddi t i on,t heyhav ec r eat edt s hi r t sandwr i st bandst hat s ensi t i z et hepubl i cont hedanger sofc yberbul l yi ng( St ompoutBul l y i ng) . Concl usi on Thev i c eseem t oes cal at ebecaus eoncesomeonei sc yberbul l i ed,heorshe optf orr ev enge.Henc e,t hec y cl econt i nues ,ast hev i ct i m becomest he aggr es sorandt hef or merper pet r at orbecomest hev i ct i m.Ther ef or e,f ort he v i c et oendi ti st heobl i gat i onofs chool st oi nf or mt hes t udent soft hedanger s as soc i at edwi t ht hec yberbul l yi ng.Ont heot herhand,t hes chool sshoul d t eac ht hes t udent sont hedanger sofseek i ngr ev engebyi nc or por at i ng et i quet t el es sonsi nt hecur r i c ul um.I nst ead,t heyshoul doptf orot herway st o s ol v econfl i ct s . Thes chool s houl des t abl i s hpol i ci est hatwi l l cur bt hespr eadoft hec yber bul l yi ngcas es .I nr es ponse,t heys houl df ol l owupt oens ur et hateac hst udent compl ywi t ht hest r i c tl egi sl at i ons .I ncas es ,wher et hevi ct i mr ec ei v es mal i ci ousmess agesi nt hec el l phone,t heyshoul dsav es uchmess agesas ev i dence.Whent hemess agesper si s t ,t hebes twayt ohandl et hei ss uei sby c hangi ngt hephonenumber .

160,000 kids stay home from school every day because of the fear of getting bullied. Getting bullied is the third leading cause of death among young people. Bullying has become an epidemic. Being targeted by cyber bullies is not just emotional, but also physical. Cyberbullying can create anxiety and depression and sometimes it can lead to suicide. Cyberbullying is bullying that occurs through cell phones, tablets, and other devices. This type of bullying is done in many ways. For example, through text, apps, online, social media, or even gaming. People usually share content that others can view and participate in. Online bullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or meaningful content about someone else. Cyberbullying includes causing embarrassment and humiliation by sharing someone else’s personal or private information. Some cyberbullying crosses the line into unlawful or criminal behavior. When cyberbullied all of the information that was placed online is saved, permanent, and public. Unfortunately, cyberbullying is very common. Many victims of cyberbullying feel like it’s something they can’t overcome. Although bullies have been around for years, technology gives them a whole new way to intimidate their victims. Cyberbullying can result in anxiety and depression by causing added stress to those getting bullied on a regular basis. This destroys the victims’ feelings of happiness and contentment. Sometimes the stress of cyberbullying possibly causes kids or teens to

feel overwhelmed with the situation. Often it is more than they can handle. This occurs primarily by lowering the self-confidence and self-esteem of the victim. It is even more devastating when multiple kids are participating in the cyberbullying. Most of the time bullies face long-term emotional problems because they might feel bad about what they have done to others. They will especially feel bad if they cause a person to commit suicide. Finally, cyberbullying can cause suicide or revenge. There are times when victims of cyberbullying become angry about what is happening to them. As a result, they may plot revenge to whom bullied them. The results are dangerous because it keeps both the victim and the bully in a continuous vicious circle. Victims of cyberbullying often begin to doubt their worth and value. They may respond to these feelings by harming themselves in some way. According to The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) states that approximately 4,400 deaths occur from suicide each year. There are about 100 attempts of suicide to every 1 successful suicide. A little over 14% of students in high school consider suicide and just about 7% of them attempt suicide. Cyberbullying can create anxiety and depression and sometimes it can lead to suicide. Cyberbullying is a big problem in many kid’s lives today. It can be an emotional and hurtful situation. Online bullying is no little problem that people should take lightly. People should not act like it never happens. More kids need to be aware of cyberbullying and how harmful it is. Kids all around the world get cyberbullied not just people around you. Cyberbullying is awful and needs to stop.

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