Lesson Plan on Argumentative Essay PDF

Title Lesson Plan on Argumentative Essay
Author Madeleine Marcial
Course Field Study 1
Institution New Era University
Pages 6
File Size 199.2 KB
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Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade 10 StudentsIdentifying the Parts and Features of an Argumentative Essay Time Frame: 1 hour Prepared by: Madeleine B. MarcialObjectivesAt the end of the lesson, the students must be able to: Identify the parts and features of an argumentative essay; Learn the...


Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade 10 Students Identifying the Parts and Features of an Argumentative Essay Time Frame: 1 hour Prepared by: Madeleine B. Marcial

Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to: 1. Identify the parts and features of an argumentative essay; 2. Learn the uses of an argumentative essay in real life situations; and 3. Write their own argumentative essay in response to an editorial article;

Contents Topic Identifying the Parts and Features of an Argumentative Essay

Reference Milagros G. Lapid, J. B. (n.d.). English communication arts and skills through world literature: the new grade 10 (7th ed.). Phoenix Publishing House.

Materials Digital module presentation


Procedure A. Learning Activities Teacher’s Activity Good morning, class Let us pray first (Checking of attendance) So how is your day? Is it good so far? That’s good to know. So, are you ready to for our lesson today? Okay that’s good! Let us begin with a little game called ‘Would You Rather’! Are you ready? Motivation

Students Activity Good morning, ma’am! (One student will lead the prayer) (Student will tell who’s absent for the day) It is great, ma’am! Yes, ma’am! Yes, ma’am!

The students will be read a series of statements in a slide presentation that will prompt them to choose between two options. They will type their choices on the message box in the Google Meet. The statements are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Would you rather be completely bald or covered from head to toe with hair? Would you rather live in Narnia or go to school at Hogwarts? Would you rather have overly large hands or very small feet? Would you rather live without your phone for two weeks or your computer for a month? Would you rather lose your ability to speak or have to say everything you are thinking?

Teacher’s Activity Presentation Good job, class. I am glad to see that everyone is participating. Now, can someone tell me their thought process in choosing among the options presented earlier? Discussion Very good observation! Now let me introduce to you a very interesting topic. Today, we are going to learn about what an argumentative essay is. Are you ready, class? Alright, let’s start. Please follow through the slide that I am going to present I. What is an argumentative essay? a type of essay that presents arguments about both sides of an issue. It could be that both sides are presented equally balanced, or it could be that one side is presented more forcefully than the other. It all depends on the writer, and what side he supports the most. II. Argumentative Essay Structure A. Introduction a. Hook - First of all, think about a powerful, eye-catching hook to grab your reader's attention. Sure, it is important to know who your target audience is first. Different people require different approaches.

Student’s Activity (Students give their answers)

(Students give their answers)

(Students follow and recite) (Students follow)

b. Background Information Don't try to write too much in this part. Simply name a topic and give a hint on what you'll be talking about in your argumentative text. Briefly explain why the topic is important and who cares about it. c. Thesis Statement - This part contains the main argument. Don't pose any questions here - just state your main point of view clearly and without any hesitations. B. Working on your arguments a. Claim - It is a statement to support your argumentative essay's thesis. b. Evidence - This is based on credible facts and statistics the writer finds during the research process. C. Looking for opponent’s claims - For every argument against, you should present enough evidence to prove you're right. D. Conclusion a. Rewrite the thesis statement While arguing with various opinions, you have lost the focus. Remind the readers of your topic by restating your thesis. Make it clear why your argument is a winning one. The best way to do so is to present how the things would turn without your idea being implemented ASAP. b. Write the importance of the researched topic again - To make your statement persuasive enough, use loud arguments.

Okay class do you have any questions? Analysis Moving on, let us discuss the use of argumentative essays in real life situations. Can someone tell me where can argumentative essays be used outside of the school? Alright, very good! You may use argumentative essays when resolving societal issues through organizations or private sectors. Very well, do you think you will be using this in the future? Generalization Alright class, I hope that everyone understood the topic. Can someone give me a recap of the argumentative essay’s structure? Very good class!

(Students give their answers) (Students give their answers)

(Students give their answers)

(Students give their answers)

(Students give their answers)

Thank you so much, ma’am!

Application The students will be given an example of an argumentative essay and they must be able to locate and write down the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Hook Background information Thesis Statement Claims and evidences Opponent’s claims Conclusion The Benefits of Going to School

Many young people see going to school as a chore and only go because they absolutely have to, while some will even skip school because they see it as boring and unnecessary. However, going to school is incredibly important for your career, future education you may wish to pursue, and social and communication skills. Teenagers are forever being told that they need a good education so that their can have the career they want, but many do not listen. However, it is important to remember that your schooling, no matter how long it may feel, lasts for a just a few short years compared to the rest of your life ahead of you. Therefore, it is better to sacrifice a little bit of fun now so that

you can find happiness in later life, as you will be happier if you can do a job that you enjoy and afford to do the things you want. Integrally linked to your career is the fact that you will only be able to achieve a higher level of education later on if you work hard in school now. Although at the age of fourteen and fifteen many young people may not think they want to go to college or university, you don’t know how this may change as you get older. And with unemployment among young people in the USA at its highest since the early 1960’s, you may find that you need a college degree to secure a good job because there is so much competition for so few jobs. Many people also decide that they want to study further when they get a bit older, perhaps after they have got married and had children, sometimes because they want a career change as they are not happy, or just to prove to themselves and others that they can do it. Those that don’t succeed in compulsory education will not have the opportunity to even start many courses because there will be plenty of better-qualified candidates that also want a place. Finally, school is the place where you learn a great deal of very important life skills. From communicating and empathizing with people of both genders and different ages, to listening to instructions and following orders, and developing leadership skills. It is not a coincidence that there is a negative correlation between criminal offences and level of education, in all races, ages and genders all over the world, and one of the main reasons for this is that the lessons that are learnt in school are so much more than just academic. So, although most of us only consider our career when we think about what school may do for us, the life skills we learn are equally important. Evaluation Direction: Visit the virtual library and get an editorial article that addresses the resolution of conflicts between and among individuals and groups. Write your own argumentative essay to respond to the editorial that you took. Express resolution of conflicts between and among the individuals and groups.

Assignment Read famous argumentative essays and discuss them in class during the next meeting.

Rubrics Criteria

Advanced (5pts)

Comprehensie Appropriateness and scholarly of the Content written/ and

Proficient (4 pts)

Average (3 pts)

Approaching (2pts)

Comprehensive and scholarly written/

Limited knowledge

Very limited knowledge of the topic.

Beginner (1 pt) No knowledge of the topic.


Organization (Conciseness and Cohesion)

Relevance (needs and Wants of the Audience)

Approved by:

contribute advanced information and discussion of the topic Produce sharp, clear, intelligent, and easytounderstand content discussion of the topic Discussion of the concept is very critical and logical and uses words are appropriate Connects the information and discussion of the topic to the audience effectively.

discussion of the topic

of the topic.

Produce clear, intelligent, and easytounderstand content discussion of the topic

Clear discussion of the topic.

Discussion of the concept is logical and uses appropriate words The information and discussion of the topic has strong connection to the audience

Discussion flow somewhat logical and uses appropriate words. The information and discussion of the topic has limited connection to the audience

Some discussions on the topic are not clear

Discussions of the topic are not understandable

Discussion of the concept has very limited words.

Discussion of the concept uses words are vague and not comprehensible.

The information and discussion of the topic has very limited connection to the audience

The information and discussion of the topic has no connection to the audience...

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