DAP Sustainability Bsbsus 501 Term 1 2021 WB PDF

Title DAP Sustainability Bsbsus 501 Term 1 2021 WB
Course Sustainable Development
Institution Murdoch University
Pages 14
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Download DAP Sustainability Bsbsus 501 Term 1 2021 WB PDF


Delivery and Assessment Plan DAP V5

Form No: F1020002 Issue Date: 25/11/2014 Re-Issue Date: 10/12/2017

DAP BSBSUS501 – Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability Qualification Details Training Package Code & Title Qualification National Code & Title Qualification National Code & Title Qualification National Code & Title Qualification National Code & Title

BSB Business Services Training Package (Release 1) BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management BSB50615 Diploma of Human Resources Management BSB50215 Diploma of Project Management

State code:


BSB50215 Diploma of Business

Units of Competency (UoC) detailed in this DAP Unit National code and title

State Code

BSBSUS501 – Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability


Unit URL


Duration of Training/location and group details End Start date 4/02/2021 15/04/2021 date:

Session Times:

Thursday 9.00 – 12.00


Thornlie Campus, Room 8F55

Group Details

Thornlie Sem 1, 2021 Pls note the first 9 weeks are in Term 1, & the final week (Week 10) will be in Term 2.

Mode of delivery

Face to face

Combination (describe)



Individual study requirements

On-the-job Students are required to: · attend all face to face classes for the full period of the session · undertake individual study outside of the scheduled class time – study requirements include research, reading materials provided, writing up assessments and assignments and business documentation · submit all assessments according to the DAP and Assessment s. In addition, students are expected to complete at least the same number of hours off campus on prescribed activities and self- study/reading/assignments for this unit, as they complete on campus in class

S220 BSBSUS501 DAP Bentley EG V5

Delivery and Assessment Plan DAP V5

Due dates

Form No: F1020002 Issue Date: 25/11/2014 Re-Issue Date: 10/12/2017

Competency Based Assessment entitles a student to two (2) attempts/opportunities at each assessment. • The first attempt is on the due date • The second attempt is within seven days of receiving feedback.

Pre-requisite requirements No prerequisite is required.

Lecturer contact information Name: Wendy Barker Email: [email protected]

Required resources, texts, equipment you will need Access to Blackboard & the documentation for SMWC. Text: K. Cole, Leadership and Management Theory and Practice 7th Ed, Chapter 23, provided on Blackboard.. Recommended texts/references: • • • •

Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability. (2016). Smallprint V3. Brueckner, M. (2010). The business with the environment. Cengage Learning. Landrum, N. E. & Edwards, S. (2012). Sustainable Business: An executive’s primer. Business Expert Press . Benn, Dunphy, Perrott, Fazey, Clarke, Jones, Connell & Teo. (2012). Sustainability at work. Tilde.

Personal stationery items and USB, as well as headphones with microphone and USB connection.

Additional Information The following information is to be read in conjunction with the “Current Students” section of the website. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) arrangements/requirements: When on campus, learners are expected to follow health, safety and well-being requirements and must ensure they do not endanger themselves, others or equipment used in this course. Normal application of OHS practices will apply during all class times/activities. • • • • •

The college has a no smoking policy throughout the college buildings and grounds. Closed footwear must be worn. No drinks or food are allowed in all lecture and computer rooms. Mobile phone are NOT to be used and MUST be switched off during class times. Students to demonstrate ergonomic awareness when working at a computer workstation.

Please ensure that you clearly understand and follow any OHS requirements. You should also refer to the student code of conduct for further details (this can be accessed via college’s internet site).

S220 BSBSUS501 DAP Bentley EG V5

Delivery and Assessment Plan DAP V5

Form No: F1020002 Issue Date: 25/11/2014 Re-Issue Date: 10/12/2017

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) / Credit / Credit Transfer You are encouraged to speak to your Lecturer if you believe you have any existing skills and knowledge that may be formally recognised towards the unit or qualification you are undertaking, speak to your Lecturer about the possibility of Recognition of Prior Learning. If you have previously completed qualifications or units speak to your Lecturer regarding the possibility of credit or credit transfer.

Assessment rules and appeals process Competency Based Assessment prepares students for the world of work, where meeting deadlines is essential. It entitles a student to two opportunities at each assessment. If your first submission is deemed not satisfactory you will be allowed one further attempt. This is to be negotiated with your lecturer. You are entitled to appeal if you are not satisfied with the assessment process or outcome. The appeal must be lodged within two weeks of receiving the assessment information or outcome. In the first instance, approach your lecturer for information about the process, or check the ‘current students’ section of the SM TAFE website. South Metro TAFE Policy applies. If you miss an assessment due to illness, please provide your lecturer with an original copy of a medical certificate within 24 hours in order to negotiate an alternative time for the relevant assessment. Deadlines must be met as per delivery and assessment plan in order to be assessed as satisfactory. A late submission may be deemed to be a second attempt (except with a valid medical certificate). Extensions – applications for extensions of time must be in writing, dated and signed and submitted at least one week before original due date. Missing any assessment without any valid reason will mean that you have forfeited your first attempt at the assessment – in which case, your next attempt at the assessment (must be within 7 days) will be your second and final attempt. A third opportunity to resubmit (or re-sit a test) is a privilege. It will only be granted in exceptional circumstances – where a student has shown a high standard of foundation skills for employment including meeting deadlines, courteous manner at all times, originality in submission (no plagiarism) and a high level of regular participation in class activities and Satisfactory grade for other assessments. If you have any individual needs that may affect your participation in any assessment, contact your lecturer or the College Disability Support Officer immediately. Plagiarism

It is college policy that all submitted work for assessment MUST be your own (in the case of group discussion, the work of the group). Any form of copying or seeking unauthorised assistance from others will not be tolerated and may result in a failure in the units. Where relevant, any materials used from sources must be acknowledged. The use of another person’s ideas and words without clearly acknowledging the source breaches SM TAFE By-laws on Academic Misconduct. Plagiarism is using another person's ideas and words without clearly acknowledging the source of the information. It may include copying material, paraphrasing the thoughts or works of another, or working with others without permission and presenting the resulting work as one’s own. At SM TAFE, it is not acceptable to submit an assessment that is based on another student's work and claim it as your own. Neither is work derived heavily from the internet or another published source, or written by another person other

S220 BSBSUS501 DAP Bentley EG V5

Delivery and Assessment Plan DAP V5

Form No: F1020002 Issue Date: 25/11/2014 Re-Issue Date: 10/12/2017

than the student themselves acceptable. Students who submit an assessment that is significantly or recognisably the same or similar in content as submitted by another student (current or past) or from the other sources described above may have to submit another assessment. For Certificate IV, Diploma and Advanced Diploma students who have been have informed about acknowledging sources, then any proven incident of plagiarism or cheating will be treated as an offence. The offence will be discussed with the student, the matter will go to the Portfolio Manager, the Divisional Director and possibly the Corporate Executive. The student may have to re-enrol, and may be fined. Plagiarism is Academic Misconduct Plagiarism is Academic Misconduct (SM TAFE Student Handbook): Academic Misconduct – Plagiarism, Cheating or Collusion Academic misconduct includes but is not limited to cheating (including supporting others in cheating), plagiarism, collusion (including working in groups on assessment tasks where this is not approved by the lecturer), electronic plagiarism and falsifying information. Student Misconduct Procedure If you are alleged to have committed a breach of conduct, SM TAFE undertakes to deal with the matter in accordance with the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness, guided by SM TAFE’s By-Laws, regulations and procedures. Absences If you are unable to attend any class or assessment session you must inform your lecturer as soon as possible. If you miss an assessment due to illness, please provide your lecturer with a medical certificate in order to negotiate an alternate time for the assessment.

Assessment ubmissions All assessment work must contain a header with Student Name, AT No Part No, Unit acronym . Unless notified otherwise, all submissions must be made in Blackboard and relevant work must be uploaded into the appropriate designated area. Work submitted in ‘draft’ mode will not be reviewed by your lecturer. Student progress can be found in the ‘grades’ section in the Blackboard unit. Work showing as ‘satisfactory’ means it is complete. Work showing ‘not yet satisfactory’ requires further amendments. Comments and amendment instructions will be provided on Blackboard. Please read them carefully.vided either in thd/or o Reasonable adjustment in the assessment process: Adjustments to assessments may be made for you, providing the adjustments comply with set principles of assessment and rules of evidence If you require support for literacy and numeracy issues; support for hearing, sight or mobility issues; change to assessment times/venues; use of special or adaptive technology; considerations relating to age, gender & cultural beliefs; format of assessment materials; or presence of a scribe you need to inform your lecturer.

S220 BSBSUS501 DAP Bentley EG V5

Delivery and Assessment Plan DAP V5

Form No: F1020002 Issue Date: 25/11/2014 Re-Issue Date: 10/12/2017

Student support services South Metropolitan TAFE has a number of services available to assist and support you while you are a student at South Metropolitan TAFE These include: • Disabilities support • Language literacy and numeracy • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Student Services • Assistive Technology

Speak to Customer Service for details for contact at various campuses.

Student support services International students International students are monitored in accordance with the International Course Progress policy and International Student Code of Conduct policy. At risk students are identified and an intervention strategy is implemented if appropriate in line with the National Code. The following support services are available to International students: • Comprehensive orientation • Pastoral care • Academic support • Counselling services • Referral services For more details, students should contact: Maria Stewart, International Student Support Officer, 9267 7529

Delivery and assessment schedule Week/ session


S220 BSBSUS501 DAP Bentley EG V5

Link to UOC (element level only)


Delivery and Assessment Plan DAP V5 Session 1

Introduction to Sustainability • Description of course outline • Sustainability for businesses

Overview EOC 1 – 5

Activities: • Lecturer presentation • Group discussion • Videos, activities and handouts Out of class activities:

• • • • Session 2

Review Session 1 PPP Review Course Outline Read – K Cole, Ch 23 P 701 – 713 Complete Website reviews as instructed

Outline DAP and Assessments EOC 1: Develop workplace sustainability policy

• • • • • • • •

Define scope of sustainability policy Use various sources to plan and develop policy Identify and consult stakeholders Include appropriate strategies in sustainability policy Recommend policy outcomes in terms of time frame and cost Make policy recommendations Develop policy that reflects the organisation’s commitment to sustainability Seek agreement on implementation methods, outcomes and KPIs

Activities: • Lecturer Presentation • Group discussion • Activities, video and handouts Out of class activities: • Review DAP and Assessment 1 and 2 • Review Session 2 PPP • Work on AT 1 Pt 1 Project – Due Session 4 Other activities as outlined by Lecturer

S220 BSBSUS501 DAP Bentley EG V5

Form No: F1020002 Issue Date: 25/11/2014 Re-Issue Date: 10/12/2017


Delivery and Assessment Plan DAP V5 Session 3

EOC 2: Communicate workplace sustainability policy

• •

Form No: F1020002 Issue Date: 25/11/2014 Re-Issue Date: 10/12/2017


Promote workplace sustainability policty to key stakeholders Inform those involved in implementing the policy

Activities: • Lecturer Presentation • Videos, handouts • Team Consultations AT 1 Pt 1 Project Out of class activities: • • •

Review Session 3 PPP Read Handout from Blackboard (Session 4) – ‘How to communicate change successfully’ . Read Handout from Blackboard (Session 4) - Behaviour Change for Combating

Climate Change

Session 4

• Other activities as outlined by Lecturer • Work on AT 1 Pt 1 Project – Due next week Session 4 EOC 3: Implement workplace sustainability policy

• •

EOC 3 3.1

Implementing change in the workplace Develop and communicate procedures to help implement workplace sustainability policy DUE AT 1 Pt 1

Activities: • • • •

Lecturer Presentation Group discussion Activities, video and handouts Team Consultations AT 1 Part 2 Project Assessment Tool 1 Pt 1 Project DUE today Session 4

Out of class activities: • • •

Session 5

Review Session 4 PPP Other activities as outlined by Lecturer Work on AT 1 Pt 2 Project Due next week Session 5

EOC 3: Implement workplace sustainability policy • Implement strategies for continuous improvement in resource efficiency • Establish and assign responsibility for recording systems to track continuous improvements in sustainability approaches Activities: • Lecturer Presentation • Group discussion • Video and handouts

S220 BSBSUS501 DAP Bentley EG V5

E3 OC 3.2 – 3.3

DUE AT 1 Pt 2

Delivery and Assessment Plan DAP V5

Form No: F1020002 Issue Date: 25/11/2014 Re-Issue Date: 10/12/2017

Assessment Tool 1 Pt 2 Project DUE today Session 5 Out of class activities: • • • • •

Read – K Cole, Ch 23, pp. 713 – 726 Review Session 5 PPP Other Activites as outlined by Lecturer Work on AT 1 Pt 3 Project Due Session 6 Team Consultations for AT 1 Pt 3 Project EOC 4

Session 6

E4: Review workplace sustainability policy implementation • Document outcomes and provide feedback to key personnel and stakeholders • Investigate successes or failures of policy • Monitor records to identify trends that may require remedial action and use to promote continuous improvement of performance • Modify policy and or procedures as required to ensure improvements are made

DUE AT 1 Pt 3

Activities: • Lecturer Presentation • Video and handouts Assessment Tool 1 Pt 3 Project DUE today Session 6 Out of class activities: • • • •

Read K Cole, Ch 23 p. 726 Review Session 6 PPPs Other activities as outlined by Lecturer Revise and prepare for Assessment Tool 2 KBA to be conducted next week Session 7

Session 7 Assessment 2 Knowledge Based Assessment (KBA)


To be completed in class. Individual supervised open book assessment. Assessment Tool 2 Knowledge Based Assessment (KBA) conducted in class TODAY Out of class activities: Work on AT 1 Pt 4 Project - Due next week Session 8 and any resubmissions.

S220 BSBSUS501 DAP Bentley EG V5

Delivery and Assessment Plan DAP V5 Session 8

Form No: F1020002 Issue Date: 25/11/2014 Re-Issue Date: 10/12/2017

AT 2 KBA Resits. Work on any resubmissions.

DUE AT 1 Pt 4

No further submissions or resubmissions for Assessment Tool 1 Parts 1 - 2 will be accepted after this class.

Assessment Tool 1 Pt 4 Project DUE today Session 8

Work on AT 1 Part 5 PPP - Due next week, day before Session 9 at the latest. Session 9 AT 1 Part 5 PPP to be presented in class.


No further submissions or re-submissions for Assessment 1 Project Parts 1 – 3 will be accepted after this class. No submissions for Assessment Tool 1 Pts 4 & 5 Project will be accepted after today. Any resubmissions for Assessment 1 Pts 4 & 5 Project must be resubmitted at least 3 days before Session 10. ALL WORK must be submitted by the end of today, Session 9, in order to be marked. Session 10 Finalising and resulting

Assessment Tool 1 (AT 1) Title

Assessment Tool 1 Project Students are required to develop, communicate, implement and review a sustainability policy and procedures for the simulated business of the South Metro Wellness Centre. The project consists of 5 PARTS:

Part 1 Develop Sustainability Policy Brief description

Where When

- Due Session 5

Part 2 Communicate Sustainability Policy - Due Session 6 Part 3 Implement Sustainability Policy

- Due Session 7

Part 4 Review Sustainability Policy

- Due Session 8

Part 5 Promote the Policy PPP

- Due Session 9

On and off campus

Sessions 5 - 9

S220 BSBSUS501 DAP Bentley EG V5

Delivery and Assessment Plan DAP V5

Form No: F1020002 Issue Date: 25/11/2014 Re-Issue Date: 10/12/2017

There will be team consultations preceding each of the first 3 Parts of the Project which will be observed by your lecturer and recorded on an obervation checklists.


Students will then write up and submit their own individual work for each Part of the Project. Students will be provided some time for completion of the Assessment during scheduled class time, however work will need to be completed in students’ own time. Students may use their own notes and text book for reference. Students will prepare a Power Point Presentation of their Sustainability Policy to present to staff members of SMWC to explain and promote the Policy. This will address all components of the Policy and must be submitted on Blackboard. All documents must be follow the Assessment Submission Checklist below and must b...

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