Darwin Secret Notebook A PDF

Title Darwin Secret Notebook A
Author Sergio Martinez
Course Biology
Institution Estrella Mountain Community College
Pages 2
File Size 55.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Darwins secret notebook, 1-8...


Darwin’s Secret Notebook 1) Paley used the idea of a watch to support the generally accepted idea that each living thing is individually designed by a supernatural creator. For the example used by Paley, the watch represented the accepted idea because a watch will not just fall from the sky, considering we are talking about “automatic watches” these are all individually designed and to run on their own, which most are all created by their individual creator. Hence, if there was no creator, there would be no watch. As if there was no creator, there would be no life. 2) There is a powerful relationship between animals that once lives in south America and those who do today and show how an entire species can disappear entirely. Both fossil and creatures they resemble are found in one corner of the world and why only this corner???? 3) While travelling to Patagonia, the radically different uses for wings suggested to Darwin that the use of wings was quite universal, opposed to flight as being the only purpose. The radically different uses for wings could suggest that these creatures have “changed” evolved. Hinting that they could have flew in the past. They could have lost their ability to fly. 4) It was surprising to find oyster shells fossilized in the rocks of the Andes because 2 miles above sea level, the rocks are filled with fossilized seashells. Darwin determines that these rocks full of osier shells used to be part of the sea floor 5) What did Darwin personally experience and see in its aftermath that convinced him his idea of how the oyster shells got to be over 2 miles above sea level was correct? Darwin experienced a powerful earthquake that struck near-by villages and changed the landscape raising the floor undoubtably. Captain Fitzroy also found beds of muscle shells still adhering to the rocks 10 feet of the previously existing water marks. The deposits must have sunk 6) The deposits must have sunk into earth over time, immense forces like earthquakes rise the layers it was striking because he was able to visualize beneath the crust of earth using what he seen above earth to determine that layers would be risen throughout geologically violent events such as earthquakes for this example. Many people also believed that the earth was thousands of years old through scripture. He discovers events that earth might be millions of years old. Able to recognize that small actions can multiple over time and create extraordinary results. The earth and all living things may have been formed over countless eons.

7) Darwin’s take home message of the essay from Thomas Malthus after his five year voyage is favorable variation will be preserved and those who are not will be destroyed; and the generation of new species. (natural selection) any trait that give organisms a higher chance of survival and reproduction, it will be carried over to the next. 8) I could interpret this quote as someone who would reject the bible. The first part I

interpreted as the mystical earth, with its power( its natural flow of earth) such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, water flow, etc. “have been breathed into a few forms or into one” means to me that he is referring to how all creatures are associated with each other of the same species. But determined by their environment, this who were more adapt to their environment had the higher chance to survive and continue its journey and those who were not, did not see the face of earth to this date. How we continue to move with earths law of gravity, and how simple earth has been since the creation, it has evolved with all factors of the flow of earth to the natural selection adapt to its environment to choose. My interpretation consists of my believe that the ideology of God (the bible) is being rejected....

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