DD The Preamble of the US Constitution chunk PDF

Title DD The Preamble of the US Constitution chunk
Course American History To 1877
Institution Schenectady County Community College
Pages 2
File Size 124.2 KB
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DD The Preamble of the US Constitution chunk...


DD - The Preamble - you must commit this to memory. Directions: 1. Read the question(s) below 2. Read the document and underline where you think the answer(s) to the question(s) is(are). Color code them to match the questions, highlight. (1 Point each) 3. Answer the questions – in complete sentences. (2 pts each) 1. Underline the citations for this document. (1 pt each) Historical Context: Document The Constitution was written in the summer of 1787 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by delegates from 12 states, The Preamble of the US in order to replace the Articles of Confederation with a Constitution new form of government. It created a federal system with a national government composed of 3 separated We the People of the United States, powers, and included both reserved and concurrent powers of states. The president of the Constitutional in Order to form a more perfect Union, Convention, the body that framed the new government, was George Washington, though James establish Justice, Madison is known as the “Father of the Constitution” because of his great contributions to the formation of the new government…. insure domestic Tranquility, The Constitution was a compact – though Federalists and Anti-Federalists disagreed over whether the states or the people were the agents of the compact. In September of 1787, it was sent to the states for ratification. Nine of the 13 states would have to ratify it for the Constitution to become effective for those ratifying states…. By June of 1788, 9 states had ratified the Constitution, ensuring it would go into effect for those 9 states. However, key states including Virginia and New York had not ratified. James Madison, the principal author of the Constitution, knew that grave doubts would be cast on the Constitution if those states (the home states of several of its chief architects, including Madison himself) did not adopt it.

provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

During the ratification debate in Virginia, Madison promised that a Bill of Rights would be added after ratification…. Principles of the Constitution include checks and balances, individual rights, liberty, limited government, natural rights theory, republican government, and popular sovereignty. … writings about natural rights theory and forms of government by John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, and Montesquieu, and English charters of liberty including the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights. James Madison saw one important difference between those documents and the Constitution, however: “In Europe, charters of liberty have been granted by power. America has set the example . . . of charters of power granted by liberty.”

1. When was this document written? (D) - 1787


DD - The Preamble - you must commit this to memory. 2. What is the source of this Document? (O) - Members of the Constitutional Convention 3. Pick one line of the document, copy and paste it below, beneath that, explain what it means in your own words… -

establish Justice - this means that the citizens of the United States of America will provide a fair and just judicial system to get to the bottom of a case

4. Who is the intended audience? - Anyone that resides on USA soil no matter where they are in the world....

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