Death of the Iceman listening PDF

Title Death of the Iceman listening
Course English for University Study
Institution Southeast University China
Pages 3
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UNIVERSITY OF KENT LZ005 ENGLISH FOR UNIVERSITY STUDY Listening Objective Listen to educated speakers of English, e.g. in a television documentary or ‘live’, generally understanding what is being said and responding appropriately. Prediction You are going to watch part of a BBC documentary entitled Death of the Iceman. What do you think it is going to be about? Speculate with a partner for a few minutes. Research Find out about the Iceman by looking at a couple of the websites below. You have 10 minutes. Be prepared to tell the class what you have discovered. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Vocabulary Before watching the documentary, go to an online dictionary (e.g. and check the meaning of the words below. Be prepared to discuss the meanings.  gruesome (adj)  archaeology (n), an archaeologist (n), archaeological (adj)  a corpse (n)  the Alps (n)  to deteriorate (v), deterioration (n)  a mummy (n)  a dagger (n)  an axe (n)  a pathologist (n)  a forensic pathologist (n)  a botanist (n)  a glacier (n)  hypothermia (n)  a hiker (n)  pollen (n)  a CAT scan (n)  a rib (n) Watch the documentary Go to, click on The Iceman Part 2 and watch the documentary in sections. You have about 30 minutes. Be prepared to discuss your answers.

Section 1 a) What is in the chamber at the beginning of the documentary? b) How is it suggested that the man might have died? STOP as the titles start. Section 2 a) According to the pathologist, Dr Eduard Egarter Vigl, why is the body so important? b) What does Dr Vigl do every month? c) What did Dr Vigl do in June 2001? d) What was Dr Vigl’s discovery? STOP as the mountains appear. Section 3 a) Make notes about the circumstances that led up to the discovery of the body. 

When was it discovered?

Where was it discovered?

Who discovered it?

b) Describe the state of the body when it was discovered. c) What was found around the body when it was discovered? d) How long ago did the man die? STOP when the music starts.

Section 4 a) Approximately how old was the man when he died? b) What possessions did the man have with him when he died? c) What was the man’s probable ‘occupation’? STOP at ‘ … the mystery of Oetzi’s death had begun.’

Section 5 a) What is Konrad Spindler’s theory about how the man died? b) What clue did the scientists discover that helped them to decide when the man died? c) In which season do the scientists say the man died? d) Explain the scientists’ theory regarding the cause of the man’s death. STOP at ‘ … but the investigation was far from over.’

Section 6 a) What did Wolfgang Recheis, an expert in 3D x-ray imaging, discover when the body had a CAT scan? b) What was Konrad Spindler’s theory regarding how the man died? STOP at ‘ … and it started with Oetzi going home.’

Section 7 Peter Vanezis … a) ‘Peter Vanezis is used to looking at _______________. As one of the world’s leading forensic _______________ he works closely with the police to solve murder cases. In particularly gruesome cases, the _______________ can be impossible to _______________.’ b) What was Dr Peter Vanezis’ task? c) ‘Vanezis wanted to apply modern forensic _______________ to bring Oetzi back from the past. First they created a perfect replica of Oetzi’s _______________ using the 3D x-ray data. This was then _______________ into the computer using a laser … The computer then stretched the selected face over Oetzi’s skull to _______________ the shape of his face.’ d) ‘It was then that Vanezis’ _______________ as a police forensic pathologist got the better of him. He couldn’t resist looking further into Oetzi’s _______________. Although the Disaster Theory appeared to _______________ the mystery, Vanezis felt it relied too much on _______________ and not enough on hard _______________.’ e) What methods does a forensic pathologist undertake when dealing with a criminal investigation involving a dead body? f)

‘In a forensic investigation, _______________ of death is obviously important in many cases, particularly when a _______________ is found and you don’t know how long that body’s been there.’

g) ‘The Disaster Theory claimed that Oetzi had died in _______________ because of the pollen frozen in the ice surrounding the body, but this was based on the _______________ that the ice had formed straight after the Iceman’s death. Botanist, Klaus Oeggl thought _______________. … To be sure of the season of death, Klaus Oeggl needed pollen that could only have been deposited at the same time Oetzi _______________. There was just one place to look: _______________ Oetzi himself. Pollen sometimes settles on _______________, so it might have been preserved as part of Oetzi’s last _______________.’ h) What was Oetzi’s last meal? i)

When does Professor Oeggl think the Iceman died and why?

STOP at ‘ … the time of death was wrong.’ After watching What do you think really happened to Oetzi? Speculate. Find out for next time....

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