Definition and Different Kinds of Ownership PDF

Title Definition and Different Kinds of Ownership
Author Mir Sahidul Ali
Course Administrative Law
Institution University of Calcutta
Pages 11
File Size 202.3 KB
File Type PDF
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ownership law ...



Defini t i onandDi ffer entKi ndsofOwne r s hi p I )Defini t i on ofOwner s hi p: Accor di ngt oAus t i n"Owne r shi pmeansaRi ghtwhi c hav ai l sagai ns t e v er y onewhoi ssubj ec tt ot hel aw c onf er r i ngt her i ghtt oputt hi ngt ouse rof i nfini t enat ur e . " Hol l and:Owne r shi pi sapl enar ycont r olov eranobj ec t "Ac c or di ngt o hi mt heownerhast hr eer i ght sont heobj e c t-1)Poss ess i on2)Enj oyme ntand 3)Owne r shi p

I I )Di ffer entKi ndsofowner shi p

a)Cor por ealOwner s hi p Cor por ealOwne r s hi pi st hecompl e t eowner shi ponmat er i al obj ec t sl i keCar ,House ,Lande t c . b)I ncor por ealOwner shi p: I ncor por ealowne r shi pi st heowne r shi pofar i ght .Owner s hi pof acopyr i ght,t r ademar k,pat enti si nc or por eal . c)Tr us tandBenefici alOwner shi p Tr us towne r shi pi sane xampl eofdupl i cat eowne r shi p. Tr us t e ei snomi nalorl eg alowner .I nt heey eofLw t het r us t e er epr esent shi s benefic i ar y .



I l l us t r at i on : I fpr oper t yi sgi v ent oAont r us tf orB ,Awoul dbet r us t e eand B woul dbet hebenefici ar y .Awoul dbet hel e galowne roft hepr oper t yandB woul dbebe nefic i alowner .Her eAi sunde robl i gat i ont ouset hepr oper t ynl y f ort hebenefitofB.

d)LegalandEqui t abl eOwner shi p Legalowner shi pi st heout comeofcommonl aw ofEngl andgi ven by commonl aw Cour t . On t heot herhandequi t abl eowner shi pi st heout come ofl aw ofequi t y. e)Sol eOwner shi p I nsol eowne r shi pt her ei sonl yoneowne r .Oneper sonc ons t i t ut edasan owne rt ot hee xc l usi onoft heot he r s . Exampl e-Aownsahouseorl ande xc l usi v e l y . f )Coowner s hi pWhent woormor epe r sonsj oi nt l yownapr oper t yt heyar ecal l edc oowne r s. Theconce pti snote xc l us i v eofanyi ndi vi dualbuti ti sexc l usi v e owne r shi pofgr oupofper son. Exampl e-Par t ner shi pPr oper t y ,Copar c enar y g)Ves t edOwner shi p



Ve s t edowner shi pi sc ompl e t ei t s el f .I ti scondi t i onalont he happeni ngofanev ent ,whi c hi sc er t ai n. Exampl e:Xt r ans f er spr ope r t yt oYagai ns tas al edeedorgi f tdee d.Y' s owne r shi pi nt hepr oper t yi sv es t edi fXt r ans f er st hepr oper t yt oYf orl i f et i me andt he nt oZaf t erY' ALL deat h.i nt hi sexampl eZ' si nt e r e s ti nt hepr ope r t yi s v e s t ed.

h)Cont i ngentOwner shi p Thewor dc ont i ngencymeanshappeni ngornonhappeni ngofanunc er t ai n f ut ur eev ent .Acont i nge ntowne r shi pi sone,whi c hi si ncompl e t e ,butbe come s c ompl e t eupont hecont i nge ncy .

Pos ses si on:Meani ng,Defini t i onandKi ndsofposses si on Ac c or di ngt oSal mond,i nt hewhol er angeofl eg alt heor y ,t her ei sno c once pt i onmor edi fficul tt hant hatofPoss essi on.Poss essi oni st hemos tbasi c r e l at i onbe t weenmanandat hi ng .Posse ssi oni sanevi denc eofowne r shi p. 1)Meani ng: " Pos se ssi on"l i t er ar ymeansphy si calc ont r olov erat hi ngoranobj e c t .I t e xpr e ssest hec l oses tr e l at i onoff ac tt hatcanexi s tbe t weenat hi ngandt he per son,whoposse ssi t .I nl aw,possess i onmeansi ti nc l ude snotonl yphys i cal c ont r olov erat hi ngbutal soani nt ent i ont oe xer ci s et hatphy si calc ont r ol . Exampl e:Ahasanar t i c l ei nhi shand.I not herwor ds,hei si nposse ssi onof t hatar t i c l e .Theper sonwhoi si nposses si oni scal l eda' Poss essor ' .I nhuman l i f e ,consumpt i onofmat er i alt hi ng si sv er yess ent i alandi twoul dbeI mpos si bl e wi t houtt heposi t i onoft hemat e r i alt hi ngs .The r e f or et hec onc eptofposse ssi on i sofut mos tpr ac t i c ali mpor t anc ei nhumanl i f e. 3


2)Defini t i on: Thec onc eptofposses si oni st houghbasi candesse nt i ali nhumanl i f e , i ti sadi ffic ul tt odefine .The r ei snofixe dorpr eci sede fini t i onofpossess i on becausei ti sl egalaswe l lasf ac t ualc oncept .Supr emeCour t i nSuperi nt endentRemembr ancerLegalAffai r svsAni lKumar ,AI R 1980 SC 52,he l dt hati ti si mpossi bl et owor koutac ompl e t e l yl ogi calandpr eci se defini t i onofPosse ssi onuni f or ml yappl i cabl et oal ls i t uat i oni nt hec ont extofal l t hes t at ut es . I ti sv er ydi ffic ul tt odefinet het er m Poss essi on.SomeJur i s t shav egi v en di ffer entdefini t i ons. John Sal mond: Sal monddefinesPos se ssi onas," posses si oni st hec ont i nui ng e xe r ci seofac l ai mt ot heExc l usi v eus eofanobj ec t . " Savi gny: Savi gnyde finesPos ses si onas," i nt ent i onc oupl edwi t hphy si cal powert oexc l udeot her sf r om t heuseofmat e r i alobj e c t . Sal mondcr i t i c i z edSavi ngy' sdefini t i onandgr oundt hatSavi ngy c ommi t t edane r r orbyi nc l udi ngt hee l ementofphysi calpoweri nhi sdefini t i on. O. W.Hol mes: Hol mesde fine sPoss essi onas ," Togai nPos sess i onamanmus t s t andi nace r t ai nphys i calr e l at i ont ot heobj ec tandt ot her es toft hewor l d, andmus thav ece r t ai ni nt ent . " Mai ne: Mai nedefinest heposs essi onas ," phy si calde t e nt i oncoupl edwi t h t hei nt ent i ont ohol dt het hi ngsde t ai ne dasone' sown.



Si rFr eder i ckPol l ock: Si rFr eder i c kPol l oc kdefine sPos sess i onas ," I ncommons pe ec ha mani ssai dt opossesst obei nposs essi onofanyt hi ngofwhi c hhehast he appar entc ont r olf r om t heuseofwhi c hhehasappar entpowerf orexcl udi ng ot her s . " I her i ng: Thebes tamongt hem i st hedefini t i ongi v enbyI hi r i ng.Ac cor di ng t ohi m," whenev eraper s onl ooke dl i keanowneri nr e l at i ont oat hi ng,hehad poss essi onofi tunl essPosse ssi onwasde ni e dt ohi m byr ul esofl aw base don pr ac t i calc onv eni enc e. "

3)El ement sofPoss ess i on Fr om t heabov edefini t i onwec oul dseei nt hatposses si onhast wo e ssent i al s1)Ac t ualpowerov ert heobj e c tposse ssed.i . e .c or puspos se s si oni sand 2)I nt ent i onoft heposses sort oexc l udeanyi nt er f e r enc ef r om ot her s. i . e .ani muspos si dendi . Acc or di ngt oJohnSal mond,bot hcor pusandani musmus tbepr esentt o c ons t i t ut ePoss ess i on.Owner shi pi sal eg alconc eptwher easPoss ess i oni s f ac t ualaswe l lasl eg alconce pt . Thet er m CORPUSandt het er m ANI MUS,bot ht het er msbor r owedf r om t he RomanLaw. 5


4)Cat egor i esofPossessi on: Pos se ssi oni sdi vi dedi nt ot wocat egor i es . a)Pos ses si oni nf ac tand b)Pos se s si oni nl aw. Pos se ssi oni nf ac ti sac t ualorphy si calposs essi on.I ti sphy si calr e l at i on t oat hi ng.Posses si oni nl aw meanspos sessi oni nt heey eofl aw.I tmeansa poss essi onwhi c hi sr ec ogni z edandpr ot ec t edbyl aw.The r ei ss ome t i mesa di sc r epanc ybe t wee nposs ess i oni nf ac tandposi t i oni nl aw,al t houghus ual l y poss essi one xi s t sbot hi nf ac tandi nl aw i nt hesamepe r son.Aper sonwhoi s i ndef ac t oposse ssi onofat hi ngal soc omest ohav edej ur epossess i on.

6)Modesofacqui r i ngposs essi on: The r ear et womodesofacqui r i ngpos sess i oni )De l i v er yandi i )Pos sessi on. i )Del i ver y:De l i v er ycompl e t e sv ol unt ar yac tf r om oneper s ont oanot he r .The t r ans f er orgi v esac t ualposi t i ont ot het r ans f er e e.I ti sus ual l yal awf ulmodeof poss essi on.De l i v er ymaybeac t ualofcons t r uc t i v e.I nac t ualde l i v e r yt het hi ng i sphys i cal l yde l i v er ed. i i )Taki ng:Taki ngi mpl i esanAc texc l usi v e l yont hepar toft heper sonwho phy si cal l yt akest hePos sess i on.I ti sac qui si t i onoft hePos se ssi onwi t houtt he c onsentofpr evi ousPos sessor .I ti st heposs ess i onwi t houtt hec ons entoft he Pos ses sor .Some t i mesi ti ssai dt obeuni l at er alac t .Tr ans f er eeacqui r est he poss essi onwi t houtt heknowl edgeorc onsentoft hef or merPosse ssoroft he t hi ng .I ti sus ual l yposses si oc i vi l i s.I tmayormaynotbel awf ul .I fi ti sl awf ul t he ni ti sl eg alposse ssi on.i . e .posses si oj ur i . Seei n Det ai lMet hodsofTr ansf erofpossessi on



7)Ki ndsofpos sessi on:See⏩⏩ I mpor t antKi ndsofposs essi on. 8)Possessor yRemedi es: Pos sess or yRemedi e sar et hosewhi c he xi s t st hepr ot ec t i onof Pos ses si onev enag ai nstowner s hi p.Pr opr i e t ar yr eme di esar et hos ewhi c har e av ai l abl ef ort hepr ot ec t i onofowne r shi p.I nmanyl e gals yst ems,posse ssi oni s pr ovi si onalort empor ar yt i t l eev enag ai ns tt het r ueowner .Ev enawr ongf ul Pos ses sorwhoi sdepr i v edofhi sposses si oncanr ec ov eri tf r om anype r son what soev eront hegr oundofhi sposs essi on.Ev ent het r ueowner ,whor e t akes hi sown,mus tfir s tr es t or eposse ssi ont ot hewr ongdoerandt henpr oceedt o se cur eapossess i onont hegr oundofhi sowner shi p. 9)Whyl aw pr ot ect spos ses si on? The r ear emanyr easonsf ort hepr ot e c t i onofposse ssi onReadhe r e→ Reas ons Law pr ot ect sPossessi on

10)Rel evantcas el aw: a)El vesv .Bri ggGasCo.1886Chancer yDi vi si on. Fact : I nt hi scaset hepl ai nt i ffwast heowneroft hel and.Hegav ehi sl andt o de f e ndantCompanyonl easef ort hepur poseofexc av at i onander ec t i onofgas wor kst her eon.Dur i ngt hec our seofexcav at i ononeoft hemanoft he de f e ndant sCompanyf oundapr e hi s t or i cboatbur i ed6f ee tbe l ow t hes ur f ac e. I ssue: I ss uebe f or et heCour twaswhe t hert heboatbe l ongedt ot hel andl or d orl es see .



Hel d: J.Chi t t yobse r v edt hatt hel andl or dwase nt i t l e dt ot heboatagai ns tt he Companyt houghi twasdi s cov er e dbyt heCompany .I twasobser v edt hati twas i mmat er i alt hatt hel andl or dwasnotawar eoft heexi s t e nc eoft heboat .Hewas i nposs essi onoft hegr oundnotme r e l yoft hes ur f ac e.Henceev er yt hi ngt hat l aybeneat ht hesur f ac edownt ot hec ent eroft heear t hc onsequent l yi n poss essi onoft heboat .I tdi dnotmat t ert hatt hepl ai nt i ffwasnotawar eoft he e xi s t enceoft heboat . b)Sout h St affor dshi r eWat erwor ksCo.V.Sharman,1896. Fact : I nt hei ns t antcasePl ai nt i ffCompanyappoi nt edde f e ndantser vantt o c l eanoutapondupont hei rl andandi ndoi ngsohef oundcer t ai ngol dr i ngat t hebot t om ofi t .Di s put ear os ebe t wee npl ai nt i ffCompanyandt hede f endant se r v antast ot hepos sess i onoft hegol dr i ng. I ssue: Towhom t heGol dr i ngbe l ong? Hel d: Thepl ai nt i ffCompanywasi nfir s tpossess i onoft hegol dr i ngandi snot t hede f endant ,whoac qui r ednot i t l et ot hem.I twasobser ve dt hatt he poss essi onofl andcar r i e swi t hi ti ngener alposses si onofe v er yt hi ngwhi c hi s at t ac hedt oorundert hel and.

11)Concl usi on: Pos sess i oni st hemos tbasi cr e l at i onbe t we enmanandat hi ng . Pos ses si oni spr i maf ac i eapr ooforanevi denceofowne r shi pt her ei snofixed orpr e ci sedefini t i onofposs ess i onbe causei ti sl e galaswe l lf act ualconce pt . Thef oures sent i al sofposses si onar esubj ec tmat t erofposses si on,phy si cal 8


c ont r ol ,i nt ent i onandknowl edg e .Poss essi oni sni nepoi nt si nl aw andl aw pr ovi desr emedi e st ope r sonhavi ngposse ssi on. Anal yt i c alSc hoolofj ur i s pr udenc e Anal yt i calSchoolofj ur i s pr udence

Di ffe r entappr oac hest ot het r eat me ntofj ur i s pr ude nc ear e r epr ese nt edbyi t sv ar i ousSc hooloft hought s.Anal yt i c alSc hooli soneoft hem .Themaj orpr emi seofanal yt i calSc hoolofj ur i s pr udencei st odealwi t hl aw as i te xi s t si nt hepr esentf or m.I tse e kst oanal ysi st hefir s tpr i nci pl esofl aw as t he yac t ual l yexi s ti nagi v enl e gals ys t em.Thepur poseoft hi sbr anc hofs t udy i st oanal yseanddi ss ec tt hel aw oft hel andasi texi s tt oday .Thi sanal ys i sast o t hepr i nci paloft hel aw i sdonewi t houtr e f e r enc et ot he i r hi s t or i calor i gi onor t he i re t hi calsi gni ficance .Thesuppor t eroft het hi st he or yt r eatl aw asa c ommandgi v enbyt hesov e r ei gn,name l yt hes t at e .TheSc hooli st he r e f or eal s o cal l e dasi mper at i v eSc hool .Theadv ocat esoft hi ss choolar enei t herc oncer ned wi t ht hepas toft hel aw norwi t ht hef ut ur eofi tbutt he yc onfinet hemse l v est o t hes t udyofl aw asi tac t ual l yexi s t s .The ys t udywhatl aw"i s"andwhatnot whatl aw," oughtt obe " .I ti sf ort her easont hatt hi sSc hooli sal sot er medas posi t i v eSc hoolofj ur i s pr udenc e.

Thec hi e fe xpone ntoft heposi t i vi s toranal yt i calSc hooli nEngl andar e 1835Bent ham,Aust i n,Si rWi l l i am Mar kby( 1829t o1914) ,She l donAmos( 1886) ,Hol l and( 18351926)Sal mond(18621924)andPr of essorH.L. A.Har t ( 1907)t heSc hoolr e cei vedencour ag ementi nt heUni t edSt at e sf r om Gr ayand Hohf e l dandont hecont i nentofEur opef r om Ke l senHans ,Kor kunovand ot her s . . . . LegalSt at usofDeadPer son Deadper son -Someonewhoi snol ong eral i v ei scal l edde ad.



Legalst at usofDeadPer s on: Deadper sonshav enol e galper s onal i t yandhenc e,cannotsueand bes ued.Deadme nar enol ongerper sonsi nt hee yeofl aw.Legalpe r sonal i t yof ape r sondi eswi t hhi sper son.The ydonotr emai nt heowner soft hei rpr oper t y unt i lt hei rs ucc ess or sent e rupont hei ri nher i t ance .Whe naper sondi esl eavi ng Wi l l ,hi spr oper t yi sdi s t r i but edac cor di ngt ot heWi l l .Law r ec ogni sesandt akes ac c ountaf t e rt hedeat hoft hepe r sonofhi sde si r esandi nt er es twhenal i v e . The r ear et hr eet hi ngsi nr es pec tofwhi c ht heanxi e t i esofl i vi ngmene xt end e v enaf t ert he i rdeat h.Thosear ehi sbody ,hi sr eput at i onandhi spr oper t y .

1)Hi sBody: Al i vi ngper s oni si nt er es t edi nt het r eat mentt obegi v ent ohi sownbody .A per soni si nt e r es t edi nadece ntf uner alandgoodbur i al .Cr i mi nall aw se cur esa dec entbur i alf oral ldeadper s onsandt hevi ol at i onofagr av ei sacr i mi nal offence .I ti sbecauset ot her e s pe c tt hef e e l i ngsoft her e l at i v esofadead per son,noti npr ot ec t i onofdeadpe r son' sr i ght . 2)Hi sr eput at i on: Ev er yonei si nt er es t edi nmai nt ai ni ngr eput at i onev enaf t erdeat h.The r eput at i onofadeadper sonr ec ei v ess omedegr eeofpr ot ec t i onf r om t he c r i mi nall aw.Def amat i on s ui tcanbefil edf orl ossofr eput at i onofade ad per son.I ft hepubl i cat i oni sanat t ac kont hei nt er ne tofl i vi ngper sons ,asa mat t e roff ac t ,t hi sr i ghti si nr eal i t ynott hatoft hedeadpe r sonbutofhi s l i vi ngdesc endant s . 3)Hi sPr oper t y/Es t at e: Amani sdeadbuthi shandmayc ont i nuet or egul at eandde t er mi net he 10


enj oymentoft hepr oper t yheownedwhi l ehewasal i ve .Hecandi s poseofhi s pr oper t ybyWI LL.whenaper sondi esi nt es t at e(di esl i vi ngwi l l )t hepr oper t yi s di s t r i but edac cor di ngt ot heWI LL. Cas el aw: Wi l l i am Vs.Wi l l i am 33Bombay122. I nt hi scase ,c our the l dt hataper sondur i nghi sl i f e t i mecannotmakeaWi l l , di s posi ngofhi sbody .e . vi nghi sbr ai n,bonese t ct ot hemuseum orgi vi ng anypar tofhi sde adbodyt ot heme di calcol l ege .Butt het r endc hangedt oday andi ti sl eg alt odonat eone' sey esofpar tofhi sbodyaf t e rhi sdeat h.


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