Definitions and terms from book Lernpaket PDF

Title Definitions and terms from book Lernpaket
Course Wirtschaftskommunikation Deutsch 3
Institution Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
Pages 4
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definitions and terms from the book or "Lernpaket" English term sums of money owned by the company to suppliers for goods/services purchased on credit accounts payable (US) credits (UK)

German Verbindlichkeiten

sums of money owned to the company by customers for goods/services purchased on credit

accounts receivable


● anything owned by a business that can be used to produce goods or provide services, or be converted into money ● gives you information about: where do the resources go to


Vermögenswerte (in 2. Ebene)

resources owned by a company which are expacted to be consumed/sold within a year

current account

Aktiva (in 1. Ebene) Umlaufvermögen

● resources owned by a company and intended for use in operations over a period in excess of one year ● type of assets which usually includes plant and machinerey

fixed/ non-current assets


(the value of) inputs already purchased, work in progress and unsold finished products

inventory (US) / stock (UK) Material/Rohstoffe

● all the money that a company will have to pay in the future, such as loan reapyment ● give you the information about: where do the resources come from?


Passiva (in 1. Ebene) Fremdkapital (in 2. Ebene)

the degree of success - or failure - experienced by a company over a period of time



money held by a company at a particula point of time for future use



money received by a company through the issue of stocks

share capital

Stamm-/ Grundkapital

● a sheet which describes the company's perforemance ● is a part of the financial statement and summerizes turnover and expenditure over a certain periode (normally a year)

income statement (US)/ profit and loss account (UK)

GuV/ Gewinn und Verlustrechnung

● a sheet which is concerned with the situation of the company on a particular point in time (generally last day of the financial year) ● a sheet which gives you a brief of all you have ● is a quantitative summery of a company's financial condition at a cesific point of time

balance sheet

Bilanz (zum Bilanzstichtag)

● an external company checks your accounting ● inspectation and evaluation of accounts by a second set of accountants money collected by governments from companies and individuals in return for the provision of public services ● the amount by which a company's income exceeds ist outgoings over a given periode ● is recorded, if positive figures outweight the negative ones ● it is used to pay taxes and a futher part distributed to the shareholders the other part isploughed back/retained







the reduction in value of a fixed asset over a given period due to use and increasing age, representing the asset's deferred cost all those costs of operating a business that can be charged to any one product or process


● company's collective owners ● person who is entitled to receive a dividend and certain financial information


planmäßige Abschreibung von Anlagevermögen indirekte Kosten (z.B. Strom, Miete etc) Aktionäre/ Gesellschafter

● summeries of a company's detailed accounts in a standard format ● it gives figures for such items as production costs and overhead includiing depreciation expenditure made with the intention of generating future income all the money received ba y company during a given period

financial statement


investment turnover/sales revenue


overhead/ inirect costs

a share of the profits of a company in which the recipient owns a stake


report that includes three financial statements costs that do not vary (in the short run) with output volume

annual report fixed costs

assets that can be touched and the most of them are used in a long term

tangable assets

assets taht do not have physical substance

intangable (e.g. brand name)

writing down the details of transactions (debits andd credits) keeping financial records, recording income and expenditure, valuing assets and liabilities, and so on

bookkeping accounting

a business takes acciunt of rising prices in the amounts in records for costs, sales, etc.

current cost accounting/ current value accounting cost accounting/ management accounting

accounting that studies the costs and profits relating to different parts of a business

concerned with the preparation of financial statements rather than with examining the cost and profits in each part of the business

financial accounting

document of title is used when goods are entrusted to a shipping company and is a document of title --> you own the goods -- bill of lading / b/l > title of goods Is a b/l on which the shipowner has entered: „goods in appearent good order and condidion clean bill of lading

Dividene/ Gewinnausschüttung Jahresgeschäftsbericht Fixkosten (z.B. Miete, Strom) materielle Wirtschaftsgüter imaterielle Wirtschaftsgüter (z.B. Markenname, Kundenstock) Buchhaltung Rechnungswesen

Kostenrechnung/ Entscheidungsorientiertes Rechnungswesen Finanzbuchhaltung

Dispositionspapier Konossement/ Seefrachtbrief Reines Konnossement

a b/l which incudes a statement such as the following has been entered: „ crates 23 and 24 open, goods sennm to habe been lost“ --> if the goods are not appearently in good order --> there is a clause

claused b/l

Unreines Konnossement

a b/l that is made out to, or in order of , a particular person.

order b/l = negotiable b/e

b/l that states taht goods are on their way to port of destination a b/l on which shiopwner confirms having received goods for the purpose of shipment.

shipped b/l received b/l

a document evidencing/ confirming where goods were made or have undergone substantial transformation.

certificate of origin

Order-/Namenskonosseme nt Boardkonossement Übernahme-/Empfangsko nossement Ursprungszeugnis

a document used when goods are sent by road.

roat consignment note

a document used when goods are shipped by air Invoice used for assessing the size of import duty payable Is an agreement between a shipper and a carrier by which the carrier undertakes, against payment ( carriage or freight), to transport specific goods from one place to another.

air waybill custolms invoice contract of carriage/ transport contract

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