Designing Your Life Part 1 PDF

Title Designing Your Life Part 1
Author Thien Bui Duy
Course Career Fundamentals
Institution The University of British Columbia
Pages 5
File Size 211.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 83
Total Views 146


My work for the assignment. Got a 94/100....




Work & Study










Health: Although, to me, health is like the ingredient for smoothly running other areas of life – that is, when that ingredient is of high quality, the “cake” of work, play, and love shall become ameliorated. I have yet to actually prioritized my health. In terms of physical activity, I do cardio exercise, play badminton, and practice achery (archery) but only on spontaneity tho. Meanwhile, my mental health have (has) been struggling a bit lately due to various reasons. I, however, am confident of understanding my limits, when and where to find resources to aid some of those issues. Therefore, if I was a phone, my battery health would be 50%. To upgrade that “battery”, I want to have a consistent workout routine, which does not have to be long but still adequate to help maintain a good health. Work & Study: I have been doing relatively well despite having some challenges in this area. From the summer, I am fortunate enough to get two internship opportunities in the field of Marketing, venturing in both aspects, the client side (client-side) and the agency one. It has been an eye-openning (opening) time getting to not just hear (not only to hear) but see people in the industry work. Hence, I hope that I am on the decent trajectory. I rate this area 70% and want to acknowledge that the lacking of 30% is the inefficency (inefficiency) of and the inability to grow my social network, specially (especially) in Canada, where language is a barrier for me. Additionally, I want to equip myself with more in-depth knowledge of fields, not just Marketing but also HR, E-commerce, Cosmetics… to name a few. However, there is little time and not much energy left after fulfilling my current responsibilities. With that being said, Work & Study is currently by most stable area. In order to maintain it, what I can do today is to set clear one-year, 3-year goals and a detailed plan to materialize them. Play: I rate 40% for Play and I interpret it as the area for me to freely have fun, do activities that I enjoy, destress, and recharge myself with a more special kind of energy than the one got from simply (merely) sleeping, eating and breathing. Typically, I would listen to music of any kind (any sort of music), and read the news. As mentioned, badminton is a also a hobby of mine. However, I have recently figured out that I want to try new activities, which gives me much more pleasure. I started with archery and have been loving it. I want to try baking pastry, boxing, canoeing, skydiving so many more. You can already tell that they require a lot of courage, initiative, finance, and time. It is hard to find the time lately since I am doing 3 part-time and full-time jobs at the same time while having a workload of 4 courses online. To wrap up, I know what I want to do but currently are not able to. 40% seems accurate. I, however, intend to improve this by planning to travel around Vietnam, learning more about the culture, the national diversity, and beauty on my next vacations. Love: Love is the area that I am doing the worst currently. The reasons are threefold. Regarding family, I have not been spending the amount of time with them as I desire. In fact, there are nights I have to sleep at the office, which annoys and saddens my parents. By the

time, the relationship with my family got worse as I did not enjoy the excessive care and their lack of accommodation for my current obligations. Another reason is my love life, which I will not go into details. However, what I can say is that I realize all relationships, including romance, are significant materials building and forming a person, at least for me. The final reason related to love is the love to (of/for) the community. Do I really care about the community? That is a question I have been asking as I have never put myself out there to do voluntary works and help others. I care about stray cats, homeless children, and unfortunate lives. However, that such has never escalated into real actions. For the abovementioned reasons, my love area is only 20% fulfilled. To come to a healthier status of this, I think I should start with selflove (self-love). That is, I should find more time to do the things I enjoy and be with the people I cherish. Friendship: I mentioned that I know the resources to solve my mental issues. This is one of them. I am more than fortunate to have close friends who are willing to listen to me when I feel down or have concerns but do not expect any reciprocation. I talk to my friends a lot, about work, study, relationship and even random funny memes so, basically, everything. However, I have been doing so only with those who are in Vienam (Vietnam), my home country, but not with all the close friends I made at university. That stems from me not having an Figure 1. My friends at UBC and I managed to abundance of time and not taking initiatives. I do have a video call during over the last summer plan to catch up with all of them soon as I hope I to catch up. will have more time after finishing my current internship. This current rating of 60% should hopefully increase soon. Personal final comment: I come to a realization that it seems to be relatively impossible to have every areas (area) of my life stay balanced when I have limited time and energy. Maybe a way out of this is to practice intertwining those areas together. Befriending my colleagues, having fun while travelling (traveling) with my close friends, and filling my life with people who have the same interests and values as the ones I do (câu này hem có verb). At the end of the day, it is to bring the human element to connect different aspects of life.

My Compass: Workview & Lifeview Workview: Explaining work, I would like to apply the Golden Circle model by Simon Sinek, starting with Why. I want to challenge myself with a different approach, so I wonder what if I did not work. I would make no money, rely on my family, and have no purpose or goal. I would not be able to do the things I like, pay for dates or hangouts with friends. To me, it is now clear that work gives me money and finances my interests, relationships, and selfcare (selfcare). Also, it acts like a life purpose for me to set goals and pursue them. In a way, it is a catalyst for self-betterment. Looking at the wider (broader) picture, works of individuals

help the society move forth as they are exchanges of values. While working, I create some value with the hope to transfer (of transferring) it into a currency that I can use to facilitate my interests. So, above are the simplest personal reasons why I am working. The next part of the model is How. How to work as pleasurably as I desire is the second thing to be addressed. Although I am still finding the answer for (to) that, at this time, work needs to provide me with new learnings, which promote growth. With that mindset, I perform those duties with a curious mind, always searching for knowledge, different ways of doing, unmet customers and new people. That might sound cheesy, but it is effective for me. Yet, at the same time, the job also needs to renumerate (remunerate/enumerate) adequately, matching the values I contribute. The final question is what job gives me those mentioned above. Although I have to leave it unanswered, my plan to solve this is to try out as many doors and paths as possible. It will be an effortful but fruitful journey. Lifeview My best birthday present given by my parents is life. Like many other things gifted to a person, one gets to choose how to use it. Personally, I use that gift as a visa, a camera, and a smartphone. A visa allows to (us to) go far, try many things in life while with the camera, I retain them as memories, experiences and learnings. Most importantly, the gift acts as a smartphone so that I can communicate, reach out to others, get both updates of the latest trends and “interal (internal) system updates” to become better versions of itself. I pick up that phone, open contact list, select sorting by time added, and see family, friends, teammates, and colleagues while along the list scatter(s) some neigbors (neighbors), the woman who asked me to volunteer and serve food for the homeless elderly, the guy who helped me with my broken bike that one time. It seem(s) implausible for an individual like me to carry on with my life without adding those names in my social network. – community. To me, either weak or strong bonds with those people are inevitable as I do not want to feel lonely in this world. In fact, I enjoy helping them and caring for them, which really speaks who I am as a person. Browsing history, I find some good deeds and things that I now consider bad. Why now? Will they still be bad in the future? Honestly, I think goodness and evilness are temporary categories where between exists a fine line. I follow one rule which is that my actions can benefit my self, my family and loved ones but not at the expese (expense) of other people. The rule matches my current value and belief and, by default, is applied to viewing others’ actions as well. I have just got a new text message saying “Stop the overuse of metahoric (metaphoric) anology (analogy)!”. Message received. Where workview meets lifeview At this time, there is much similarity between my workview and life view. First, the things I desire and cherish in life push me to strive in the work aspect as it is the only way. When looking to either a near or far future, only with working can I pay for necessities. Second, I cherish experience and new things, which give me inspiration to move forth, in both views. That is, I want to travel and roam around different places, positions, and companies but, moreover, go to different cities over the world. Finally, the complement lies in the fact that I am willing to change at work and in life. For me, updating my knowledge, values, priorities so that they best fit the circumstance is of great importance.

In contrast, workview and lifeview do clash at some points. One is that aspects of life all require a lot of time cultivating and it is, therefore, difficult to maintain harmony. I do not believe that there are tricks of (to) achieve total balance but do think mutual understanding, the human element, among one’s circle of relationships allows pleasantness and ease. So, I stive (strive) for that every day by communication and actions, setting goals, making promises, and keep them. These almost three pages of words are just an effort of me trying to understand where I am right now. Although the interpretation is not even definite to myself (me), I have got to journey into my cognition in search of the meaning of life and work as well as a clearer vision of how I can balance them....

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