Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10 PDF

Title Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10
Author Vercita Ramos
Course Teaching Internship
Institution Central Luzon State University
Pages 9
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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10LEARNING OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to: Identify key structural elements and language features of an argumentative text Use modals verbs and adverbs correctly in writing argumentative text/essay Write an argumentative text/essay a...


Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to: 1. Identify key structural elements and language features of an argumentative text 2. Use modals verbs and adverbs correctly in writing argumentative text/essay 3. Write an argumentative text/essay applying its correct elements and language features SUBJECT MATTER A. Topic: Identifying Key Structural Elements and Language Features of an Argumentative Text B. References: English - Quarter 2–Module 1: Formulating a Statement of Opinion or Assertion by Identifying Key Structural Elements and Language Features of an Argumentative Text C. Materials: PowerPoint presentation and flashcards/pictures D. Methodology: Inductive method, Socratic Method of Questioning Teacher’s Hint A. Preliminary Activities

Teacher’s Activity Good morning, class. How are you today?


I’m so glad to hear that. So, I am expecting that you will all give your best on our class today. Can you do that? Before we start our class for this morning, please close your eyes and ask for the guidance of the Almighty God to give us the knowledge, wisdom and understanding as we discuss our lesson, ask for the guidance that no one will leave this synchronous class empty minded, we will all learn. Let us pray.


Let us pray. Dear Lord and Father of all, Thank you for today. Thank you for ways in which you provide for us all. For Your protection and love we thank you. Help us to focus our hearts and minds now on what we are about to learn. Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as we listen and write.

Student’s Activity Good morning, ma’am. We are all doing great. Yes, ma’am. (All students will close their eyes and someone will lead the prayer.)

In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Guide us by your eternal light as we discover more about the world around us. We ask all this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Classroom Management

Checking Attendance

I hope you are in good health, you eat your breakfast and in a comfortable place so that you can properly listen and internalize the lesson that we will discuss today. of Is there an absent for today’s class? For those who are with me today, thank you for coming to my class and understanding the reason why you should go to school everyday.

B. Recall

Let start by having a review. What we Evaluating spoken tackled last meeting. Anyone who wants to texts, ma’am. answer?

Great. Thank you so much. It is about evaluating spoken texts. Can someone in this class recall what the 3 ways to evaluate a spoken text?

C. Motivation

(The students will follow the instructions of their teachers.) The teacher will check the attendance.

Ma’am, these are accuracy or validity, adequacy and relevance.

Thank you very much. It seems that the previous discussions are very well taken. Before we start our lesson for today, I have a question. Can you name the characters of the anime that will flash on your screen? The first character will be.. Yes, ma’am. He is Edogawa Conan or Shinichi Kudo.

Okay, thank you for your answer. Very good. You are right, he is Edogawa Conan or Shinichi Kudo on the anime entitled

Detective Conan. How about naming this character…

He is Daisuke Kambe, ma’am.

Very well. It shows that some of you are fond of watching anime series. Moving on to the next slide, this is for those students who are watching kdrama. Can you give the title of this kdrama?

Law school is the title of that kdrama, ma’am.

Thank you. Very good. The title of that kdrama is law school. Now, can you name this kdrama?

Ma’am, that is while you were sleeping.

Yes, that kdrama is entitled while you were sleeping. Okay. I have another question for those who answered that they know the characters flashed in the powerpoint presentation or even those who haven’t watched it but have a glimpse of thought/s in their minds, may I know what have you noticed that is common on them?

Ma’am, shows detectives court trials.

these have and

Very good. It is right, they all have detectives and court trials in their respective story line.

And what do detectives do?

That is also right, aside from what you’ve mentioned, detectives do also argue or they are presenting arguments

They investigate and deduced what’s happening on the case, ma’am.

Ma’am, in court How about in the court trials? What is trials there are happening when you are in the court trials presenting of facts or evidence, or what is happening on the court trials? arguments and rebuttals.

Very well. It seems that you have a glimpse of thought or an idea what we will going to have this morning. D. Lesson Proper Lesson Presentatio n


The topic that we’re going to discuss this morning is about Identifying Key Structural The students will Elements and Language Features of an answer according Argumentative Text. Do you have any idea to their knowledge. what is an argumentative text?

Okay. Very good. That is an argumentative text or essay. Do you know that you are How is using argumentative essay in real life or in ma’am? daily basis but it is not a literal essay form?


Are you having an argument with your Yes, ma’am. parents? Or with your siblings? That argument with your parents or siblings is an example of informal argument or you are simply and unconsciously using the parts of an argumentative essay. I have here two scenarios. Put yourselves into these scenarios and try to construct your own argument. The first one will be this.. Your friend is talking to you during class. The teacher gives you both detentions. You The student will try are angry with your friend for getting you in to answer. trouble. What will you say to your teacher?

How about to your friend? Very good, your argument is valid. Any other answer? That is also a very good argument. Thank you for your answers. The next scenario will be this one. You are having breakfast before heading to school. Your mother is furious because she thinks that the miniskirt that you are wearing is too short to be worn at school? The student will Please take note that you can answer even raise hand and if you are male, just simply put your feet tries to answer. onto their shoes. Anyone who wanted to try answering it? Thank you for your answer. Very good argument. Another student? That is also one of the possible argument that you can have when you are in that situation. Thank you for your participation and wonderful answers. Now, we will move on to the lesson that we will have for today.

We have here the Key Structural Elements of an Argumentative Text/Essay. In your module, there are seven elements stated there about argumentative essay/text. First is the introduction. Can someone in Ma’am, I’ll read it. the class read it. Yes, please, Cassandra. Introduction - introduces the problem, states the claim and gives background information needed for the argument - has an attention getting hook

Introduction - introduces the problem, states the claim and gives background information needed

for the argument - has an attention getting hook Thank you very much. As what your classmate have read, the introduction is the first paragraph of the essay you are writing, it should have the outline of the topic, providing the necessary background information to understand your argument, outline of the evidence and states your thesis or your thesis statement. For the second element, we have here the Ma’am, I volunteer thesis statement. Can someone in the class to read it. read what’s on the slide? Yes, Rhiene. Please read it for us. Thesis Statement - a short statement that summarizes the main claim or point/ main idea of an essay supported by reasons and evidence.

Thesis Statement - a short statement that summarizes the main claim or point/ main idea of an essay supported by reasons and evidence

Thank you, Rhiene. Your thesis statement is also part of your paragraph. It should be a concise, one-sentence summary of your main point and claim. To further understand the body and the thesis statement, I have here an example paragraph. The New York Times study shows that 9 out of 12 girls are pressured to have a perfect body (1). Many girls around the world are pressured to have thin thighs, rounded buttocks, and a slim waist (2). That is what society today thinks every girl’s body should look like (3). Girls are too pressured to have a perfect body because of selfesteem, influence and bullying (4).

E. Generalizati on

In this paragraph, can you identify Have you learned something today?

The students will answer.

What’s that? Can you give me one? Okay. Very good. Thank you. Another one? Very well. What do we have under characters? Excellent. What are the two kinds of characterization? Nice! Any other elements? Good job. What do we have under setting? Can you enumerate?

You got it right. Two more. Who want to answer the one element?

Yes, ma’am. The elements the short story.



Characters. It’s characterization. Direct and indirect characterization. Setting, ma’am. Ma’am, these are: • Place(Geographic al location) • Time(Historical period time, time of the day, year, etc.) • Weather condition • Social condition • Mood or Atmosphere Ma’am, it’s plot.

Exactly. What are the parts of plot?

Terrific! And the last one? Anyone who wanted to answer?

Ma’am, I know it. Its exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and ending.

Wow! It is a proof that you all listen to the discussion that we have today and ready for assessment.

IV. Evaluation


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