Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10 4a\'s PDF

Title Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10 4a\'s
Course Biology
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A detailed lesson plan in English 10 using the 4a's strategies in teaching....


Detailed Lesson Plan in English (Grade 10-Secondary)


LEARNING COMPETENCIES ☑ENG10V-3a-13.9: Give expanded definitions of words Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students are able to: a. Define expanded definitions of words: and b. Write a good expanded definition.


LEARNING CONTENT Lesson: Expanded Definitions of Words Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Visual aids, Bond papers, Pens Reference/s:



Teacher's Activity

Student's Activity

A. Preliminary Activities - Good morning, class...

- Good morning, Ma’am!

- Let us all stand for a prayer.

(Students will stand for a prayer)

- Before taking your seats, kindly check if (Students pick up the pieces of papers and there are pieces of papers and cellophanes cellophanes and arranges their chairs and under your chairs and tables, pick it up and tables properly) arrange your respective chairs properly. (Checking of Attendance) - Now, may I know who are the absent today? (A student will report who are the absentees) - It's nice to hear that all are present today. (Stating the classroom rules) - Before we go on to our new lesson for today, I want us to have an agreement for us to have a harmonious and organize flow of discussion. - First things first: 1. Raise your right hand when you want to ask a question or when you want to speak to the class.

2. Listen and be quiet when someone is talking in the front or sharing his/her idea about the lesson. 3. Use positive language and positive attitude; avoid swearing. 4. Be respectful of others ideas; respect one another. -Did I make myself clear, class? - Loud and clear, Ma’am! (Review of the past lesson) - Last meeting, we have discussed the difference between technical definition and operational definition. - Now, who can differentiate what is technical definition and operational definition? Yes, (A student will give the difference of technical definition from the operational definition) _____? - Very well said, _____! Who can give an (A student will give an example of technical example of technical definition? Yes, ___? definition: A computer is a device or machine used in performing, assessing, evaluation and following of commands set by the users.) - How about an example of the operational (A student will also give an example of definition? Yes, _____? operational definition: An operational definition of a computer is something used in - Good job, class! I am very much delighted to doing home works or browsing the internet) hear and know that you've understood and learned from my class. - So, any clarifications or questions about the technical and operational definitions - None, Ma’am! differences? B. Motivation (Show the word "beauty" in the class) - Class, what comes in your mind when you - Ma’am, beauty is a combination of qualities, see the word beauty? Yes, ____? such as shape, color, or form that pleases the aesthetic senses, specially the sight. - Very well said! Any other definition for the - Ma’am, beauty is something pleasing or has word beauty? Yes, _____? an attractive features. - Excellent idea, _____. All of your answers are correct. Beauty talks about not just

something that pleases the human's eyes. Beauty also talks about being authentic and sincere in a way that extends love to yourself and others, and that is what we called a true beauty or inner beauty. B. Activity - Now, I will group you into three groups. Each group will be given a short story where there are underlined words. (Show the instructions of the activity) Direction: On a short bond paper, create a table with three columns. On the first column, write down the underlined words. research on the definition of those words. On the second column, write down the regular definition of each word, and on the third column, write down the extended definition of each word. - Did you understand the instructions, class? - Yes, Ma’am! - I will give you three minutes to complete the task. You may now use your cellphones or (Students will go to their groups and begin the any gadgets to research the underlined task) words. Go to your respective group now. - Are you done, class? - Yes, Ma’am! We're done. - Let us check your activity. (Reading of criteria) D. Abstraction (Reading of Objectives) - So, anyone, who has an idea of what would - I think our topic for this morning, Ma’am, is be our topic for this morning? Yes, _____? all about the "Expanded Definitions of Words". - Exactly! Our lesson for this morning is all about Expanded Definitions of Words. - So, why do you think it is called Expanded (One student will give his/ her idea) (Possible Definitions of words? answer might be: It is called Expanded Definitions of Words so that a certain word will

be understood deeply if it is too difficult to understand) - That is right! Now, let us discuss what Expanded Definitions is. - Would someone read this sentence for me? (A student will volunteer to read the sentence: An expanded definition, is a type of technical definition that is used when a certain word or phrase needs to be explained with much detail to be defined in a particular context or situation. - Okay, thank you, ______. Now, let's take an example from the word "poverty". What (A student will give his/her idea; answers may comes into your mind when you hear the vary) word "poverty"? - Nice answer! The word 'poverty' carries a lot of meaning or definition. An example of it (One student will read the passage or paragraph) is: Poverty is the state of having insufficient resources or possessions. People who suffer from poverty include the homeless. They are seen on the streets begging for alms, their clothes are dirty, sometimes tattered and their feet were bare. Also, informal settlers live in poverty, even though they have a home. The unemployed and the families with large number of members with only one breadwinner are among the poor, too. - Thank you, _____. What do you notice on the first sentence? - The first sentence of the paragraph is the technical definition of the word 'poverty', Ma’am. - How can you say it is the technical definition of the word 'poverty'? - It is because, Ma’am, as we have learned from our previous discussion that a technical definition describes a word in its simplest form. - Very good answer, ____. Yes, it is the technical definition of the word 'poverty' because it explains or describes the word in its most particular meaning. In other words, its definition can be found on the dictionary or can be searched on the different search engines like the Google and explained in the exact manner. - Then, how about the second sentence? - It is the elaboration of the definition of the What can you say about it? Yes, ____? word 'poverty', Ma’am.

- Excellent answer! It is the elaboration of the word poverty in which it describes the context by mentioning the people living in poverty and describing the situation. In other words, it is the regular definition of the word. - Lastly, the added information makes the concept easier to understand by adding relevant ideas. Thus, the expanded or extended definitions of the words were added. E. Analysis - So, any question regarding the lesson?

- None, Ma’am!

- Since you don't have a question, I, then, have a questions for you. - What is an expanded definition? Yes, ____?

- An expanded definition, also known as extended definition, is a type of technical definition where a certain word or word phrase needs to be explained with much detail.

- We usually use an expanded definition if a - Very good! Where do we usually we use an certain word or word phrase need to be explained with much detail. expanded definition? Yes, ____? (Students answer may vary) - How is an expanded definition different from the usual definition of a word? - Excellent answer, _____. Now that you have a clearer understanding of what is an expanded definition, let us see if you can answer this. F. Application - Class, I have a list of words here: (Students will volunteer to answer) 1. candy

2. youth

3. Doctors

and a set of definitions for each word. I want you to paste and indicate whether these definitions are technical or an expanded definition. I need 6 volunteers.


A crystallized sugar A sweet food made formed by boiling with sugar or other down sugar syrup. sweeteners, typically

formed in small, shaped pieces and flavored with chocolate, fruit or nuts. youth A young person who It is the time of life is between infancy when one person is and adulthood. young, and often means the time between childhood and adulthood. doctors

- Job well done, class! I know you can do it. So, at this point, let us have our short quiz.

A qualified A person specially practitioner of trained in healing medicine. human medical disorders.

IV. ASSESSMENT Directions. Select and match the appropriate expanded definition of the following words from Column B and Column C. Write your answer after the word. COLUMN A



1. computer games

a. A book is a medium for recording information in the form of writing or images, typically composed of many pages (made of papyrus, parchment, vellum, or paper) bound together and protected by a cover.

a1. Hemoglobin is the protein molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body's tissues and returns carbon dioxide from the tissues back to the lungs.

2. books

b. Religious belief means the belief in a religion's central articles of faith, for example, within Christianity that Jesus is the Son of God.

b1. A computer game is a computer-controlled game where players interact with objects displayed on a screen for the sake of entertainment.

3. religious belief

c. A computer or video game is c1. A set of written, printed, or essentially the same form of blank sheets bound together entertainment, but refers not only between a front and back cover. to games played on a personal computer, but also to games run by a console or arcade machine.

4. coffee

d. Hemoglobin is made up of four d1. It also means beliefs which

5. hemoglobin

protein molecules (globulin chains) that are connected together.

exist within a religion, but which are not shared by everybody within that religion.

e. A beverage made by percolation, infusion, or decoction from the roasted and ground seeds of a coffee plant.

e1. Coffee is darkly colored, bitter, slightly acidic and has a stimulating effect in humans, primarily due to its caffeine content.

V. ASSIGNMENT Advance study on the common approaches in writing expanded definitions.

Prepared by: Anniza S. Dagadas Student JHCSC-Tabina Offsite Class...

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