Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability answer PDF

Title Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability answer
Course Marketing Management
Institution University of Technology Sydney
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Table of contents Section 1 – Knowledge requirements..............................................................................................3 Outline the environmental or sustainability legislation, regulations and codes of practice that is applicable to a commercial nursery.................................................................................................3 Identify the internal and external sources and types of information you would use to identify an organisation obligation for sustainability and explain how this information can be used to plan, integrate with and develop the organisation’s sustainability plans..................................................5 Explain the principles of policy development, processes and practices that might apply for a rapidly emerging social media company in the context of sustainability........................................6 Outline the typical barriers to implementing policies and procedures in an organization and the possible strategies you could use to address them...........................................................................6 Section 2- Tasks...............................................................................................................................7 Task 1: Role play and written report................................................................................................7 You are to review and develop Tiny Opera’s sustainability policy. After evaluation of the existing policy and company information. You will need to consult with stakeholders to gain approval for the revised sustainability policy documents for Tiny Opera...........................................................7 Task 2:............................................................................................................................................10 Part A.............................................................................................................................................10 Implementation Plan......................................................................................................................10 Task 3: Written report....................................................................................................................11 Recommend modifications to the policy and management of sustainability.................................13 Reference list.................................................................................................................................14

Section 1 – Knowledge requirements

Outline the environmental or sustainability legislation, regulations and codes of practice that is applicable to a commercial nursery The commercial nursery is the firm wherein the plants are grown and sold simultaneously. Their prime motive for growing such plans is the transplant where budding, layering and grafting is accomplished through stocks and restoration (Schuler et al. 2017). The wetland mitigation and conservation through environmental landscapes for beautiful gardens are found in innumerable homes, parks and businesses along with myriads in other landscapes. Nursery & Garden Industry Australia policies:  Nursery & Garden Industry Strategic Plan 2010 -15

There are strategic planning and procedures established through Australian regulation carrying out green line industry that includes nursery, landscaping, garden and associated sectors. There are strategic policies set up to carry out effectiveness through Australian policies.  Nursery & Garden Industry Strategic Investment Plan 2012 -16

There are key strategies and activities revolving the document providing guidance towards the fund raining and investments in the nursery building. There strategic protocols are levied down in the areas of Nursery and Garden Industry within Australian spectrum.

 Environmental Sustainability Position There are environmental sustainability propositions established to build the level of commitment in demonstrating NDIA. The accurate management of operations by engaging the business principles and application shall be a prominent step to ensure sustainability ( Christ et al. 2017). The effective engagement shall be yielded if collaborative initiatives are made to include this culture of sustainability across a broader community.

 NGI Climate Change and Variability Policy Position:

It is abiding this policy framework that NGIA develops a commitment to establish environmental sustainability (Wright and Nyberg, 2017). There are nurseries and gardens within the industry of Australia that play a significant decisive role in management of climatic adversities. As climate and weather changes have contributed to become sustainability environmental factors, this climatic policy framework allows appropriateness to get established. There are simultaneous outlines created in the manner how government and authorities can lead to assist the performance framework.

 NGI Quarantine and Biosecurity Policy Position It is abiding this documentation that Australian nursery and garden industry is created with the opportunity to participate in bio-security with a continuum. There are government and authoritative outlines created to assist in this regard.

 Nursery &Garden Industry Invasion Plants Position It is on the basis of these documentation sets that the nursery and garden industry that commitments have to be generated with the attitude and objectives to help the community (Epstein, 2018). Such initiatives are originated with the objective to tackle community issues related to invasion of plants. This certainly takes into consideration the outlining of government and authorities which can integrate in enabling such sustainability issues to safeguard the natural plants.

 Nursery & Garden Industry Water Policy This documentation was set up since July 2015 and updated recently in September 2018. There are certain specific industrial operations which are intrinsically dependent upon water needs. One such is the nursery and garden industry. It is establishing this policy that helps articulate the significance of water within this industry (Irga et al. 2017). The business sector along with customers is becoming proactive to measure the industrial management through judicious and controlled use of water as a precious resource.

Identify the internal and external sources and types of information you would use to identify an organisation obligation for sustainability and explain how this information can be used to plan, integrate with and develop the organisation’s sustainability plans. There are internal sources and external sources contribute significantly in creating obligation for sustainability. Internal sources include: 

Going paperless:

Cutting out trees is not expected to meet paper requirements in organization. The internal operations carried out within the firm needs to be replaced from paper use with paperless techniques. The sensitive company data is possible to be protected through digital use which shall enable adopting a sustainable practice to be actualized through paperless technique. 

Reducing energy:

The electricity bills may be a rising indicator to create obligation through internal source within business organizations (Bendell, 2017). When a sustainable environment is decided to be established making sure of adequate temperature maintained within office, right balance of cost and comfort installing energy light globes sensing the excess of electricity shall enable effectual sustainability to be practiced. 

Adding plants:

Adding greenery within the office shall be an internal source of sustainability through refreshing the interior. Employees shall become happier and perform better which enhances productivity and improvement in performance by memory retention and positive mood by 15%. External source includes: 

There are faith based institutions

For establishing long term sustainability within the organization of business it is found that such operations are attached with faith based institutions. There are voluntary groups of institutions which are based with the prime objective of caring, sustainability and environmental aspects.

They are involved in spreading awareness about environmental safety and protection of social issues. These create obligation within business organizations and compel to engage with such organizations to enhance their sustainability quotient. 

Supply chain partners

The supply chain creates a big difference in the business to decide whether that will ensure sustainability (Lovell, 2017). When the packaging systems are involved in safe and secure manner using reuse, reduce and recycle of natural resources of energy such supply chain activities add to establish sustainability.

Explain the principles of policy development, processes and practices that might apply for a rapidly emerging social media company in the context of sustainability. The vice president of Environment, social initiatives and policy initiatives taken within Apple were laid down with nearly 800 strategies. The policies and regulations encompassing social media policies include application upon social marketing approaches. Social marketing is viewed as a strong influencing weapon that can possibly persuade the organization towards adoption of sustainability. The use of marketing principles through enhanced awareness is possible to be created so that sustainability is practiced through social media platforms. Change in attitudes, understanding through motivation is likely to create sustainability in particular behavior (Gallego‐Alvarez et al. 2017). There are varied stakeholders involved in the process of creating a wide based community through explorative social media framework.

Outline the typical barriers to implementing policies and procedures in an organization and the possible strategies you could use to address them. When sustainability is tried to be addressed, certain barriers are found to be encompassed. The following are caused: Enhancing environmental sustainability may not be valued in internal capital allocation decisions

There are often limitations in internal mechanisms to value the management benefits related with environmental sustainability (Ferro et al. 2017). Reduction in exposure to energy price volatility or water risks can potentially create environmental effects through supply-chain operatives. Corporate sustainability teams are not allied with financial teams. The financial affordability resources may not match with sustainability goals. The strategic outcomes that are possible to be adopted to meet these challenges shall be to adopt short term obligations (Moyle et al. 2018). The voluntary services with not much economic dependence shall be adhered to. The external stakeholders must be involved to contribute significantly towards the sustainability programs to engage into effective financially resourceful accomplishments.

Section 2- Tasks

Task 1: Role play and written report

You are to review and develop Tiny Opera’s sustainability policy. After evaluation of the existing policy and company information. You will need to consult with stakeholders to gain approval for the revised sustainability policy documents for Tiny Opera As the present manifestation of the sustainability structure within Tiny Opera is unable to meet the desired outcomes there are needs for revising their policy frameworks (Wright and Nyberg, 2017). The sustainability operations through the Opera approaches need to be implemented through diverse areas. However, before revising the sustainability policy at Tiny Opera Company it is necessary to gain approval from stakeholders. Being a part of the company it is my responsibility to seek approval from each stakeholder. The following depiction shall illustrate the current as well as necessary sustainability requirements for the company which shall make the stakeholders clear about their contribution. Every organization wishes to adopt effectual sustainable development in the form of operational accuracy (Fordham et al. 2017). It is only possible to be actuated in the appropriate sense if

certain policies and strategic outcomes are fixed in this regard. In case of Tiny Opera Company, adhering to sustainable outcomes is tried to be optimally secured through their policy approaches. There are definite objectives set up by the company so that they can ensure sustainability to be incorporated within their internal functional operations. The outcomes they yield shall result in the forms of effectual sustainability outcomes. Each of the domains in which Tiny Opera Company indulges in bringing sustainability includes the following objectives: 

The resources are treated as valuable options which are necessary to be minimized in their usability

The use of toxic materials and hazardous chemical uses are necessary to be controlled to enhance environmental sustainability

Sustainability is tried to be incorporated so that continued improvement in strategic measures are possible to be created (Christ et al. 2017)

Employing the approaches of life cycle management through, reduce, reuse and recycle the resources can enable sustainability precursors

There are definite policies that Nic Tan developed within Tiny Opera Company for measuring the resources. Reviewing and using resources were recorded through periodic recording. Improvement within their organization is tried to be established through sustainability strategies and formulation. Tiny Opera Company takes initiatives in pursuing new sustainability initiatives: The reversible cycle of air conditioners are programmed within the office to get switched off through automated mechanism after 4.45 pm every day (Schuler et al. 2017). As the currently functioning air conditioners are manually switched off greater electricity consumptions are lowering sustainability determinant. The paper sorting through recycle paper for reuse is incorporated from the general rubbish. Going paperless is tried to be incorporated so that greater sustainability practices are possible to be implied. There are low volatile organic compound (VOC) paint tried t be painted with in the sets of performances. This is likely to enable protection from health and safety of workers.

The Tiny Opera Company Sustainability Policy incorporates the following adhering to all the above mentioned domains of practices:  The environmental impacts are tried to be controlled through effectual sustainability practices:  Encouragement of visitors for considering sustainability  Use of resources wisely  Maintaining focus and attention upon appropriate management principles Decision making to benefit through economic, social and cultural and environmental factors are tried to be established (Loach et al. 2017). There are sufficient arrangements and panning made in terms of gaining financial resource appropriateness through past few years’ objectivity to create change in next few years. Nic Tan has potentially created a marketing budget so that new sustainability initiatives are allowed through marketing accuracies. The profits generated by this company are expressed to be quite fluctuating in nature.

Task 2:

Part A

Implementation Plan Objective s

Reduction of electricity annually by 2%

1. Reducing gas use by 4% on an annual basis Reduction of landfill wastes and enhancing reuse and recycle 2.

Reduce toxic and environmental harmful products and materials Engaging staffs to enhance sustainability Training and inform employees


Everyday choices need to adopt sustainability Recording resource usage on a monthly basis


Action Required


electricity control

target create generated switch technique




Timelin e for 1 month


Accountabilit y energy conservation by employees

off switch employee training

environmental sustainability

cutting down reduce, reuse landfill wastes and recycle

2 weeks

employees and management

Implementation Plan engaging and inspiring staffs


and inspiring



for awareness


1 month to




sustainability reduction of toxic chemical and




environmental control





from harmful wastage and products

environmenta l



Task 2: PART B Presentation attached alongside

Task 3: Written report You are required to complete a review of the implementation of the actions they developed in Assessment Task 2. As part of the review process, you need to: Sydney Opera House manage The beauty and inspired opera of Sydney Opera House is managed by human creative geniuses and the staff commitment (Lovell, 2017). There are needs for sustainability policies to be met effectually. Sustainability design brings innovation to make it a premium tourist attraction in Australia. The green building dedicates to environmental sustainability across 11 theatres, six restaurants and two retail stores.

Sustainability policy framed is through effective waste management system in their internal operations. Electricity consumptions are controlled with less energy usage. Waste of resources in terms of energy is conserved. Paperless means of operation ( Stubbs, 2017). Using reuse, reduce and recycle method for creating materials as sustainable utility purpose. Training employees to adopt sustainability, developing effectual communication skills and transparency in performance to reach standards of the company are established. Supply chain staffs shall be incorporated with effective sustainable information to adopt these practices. The sustainability policy is framed so that sustainability is possible to be established in an effectual manner within Sydney Opera House. The performances that are taken place are necessary to be assessed and monitored following the stipulated norms and policy framework. The public reporting of the performances are necessary to be maintained by Sydney Opera House. This shall enable the organization to maintain and continue transparency in an optimized manner. the performance that they show towards the environmental conservation are likely get evaluated annually. Each of the staffs must create aa communication platform among themselves. It is simultaneously possible for expecting commitment from each staff and stakeholder. The benchmarks that are set as standards are necessary to be secured and reached effectually through the performance appropriateness. The supply chain sources are necessary to be given the responsibility maintain sustainability requisites for enhancing the standards of Sydney Opera House as a whole. The government of Australia is expected to lay out appropriate legislation adhering to which the policies and industrial standards are supposed to be actualized. Sydney Opera House is expected to incorporate those terms within their policies so that adequate legislative requisites are reached and maintained optimally. In order to monitor each of these dimensions accurately the monitoring protocols are used. Implementation of survey questionnaires are used for receiving responses in terms of audience perspectives. Post the waste management,...

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