ABC - Meeting Policy and Procedures V1.0 PDF

Title ABC - Meeting Policy and Procedures V1.0
Author Lakshay Chandan
Course International Accounting
Institution Western Sydney University
Pages 4
File Size 94.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 15
Total Views 141


This relates to a project in which you are supposed to host a meeting....



Objective To ensure management and staff engage in effective meetings, and records of said meetings are stored and maintained. Overview Meetings in the workplace can take two forms: 

Formal meetings

Informal meetings.

Formal meetings will be chaired by a departmental manager. Informal workplace meetings can and do often occur at short notice. These types of meetings will often not require (or have time) for an agenda to be prepared and disseminated. Meeting minutes do not need to be developed for informal meetings – an email from the Chair that provides a summary of the discussion and outcomes/action to be taken is sufficient. Informal meetings do not need to be held in our conference rooms and may take place at a person’s desk, in a manager’s office or even off site (such as a during lunch or an extended coffee break). This document provides guidance for formal workplace meetings. Scope This document applies to all management staff. In the event that any non-management staff wish to hold a formal meeting, they must obtain permission from their supervisor. Agenda It is the responsibility of the Chair to develop the meeting agenda. The Meeting Agenda Template V1.0 must be used. All matters requiring discussion must be added to the agenda. Agenda items must be numbered consecutively. Appropriate time must be scheduled for each agenda item. Ensure timeframes are provided, for example: 10.00am–10.30am. Each item in the agenda must have a summary of what will be discussed. Agendas must be saved in the following format: Topic of meeting_date of meeting. For example: Marketing Meeting_11-06-2016. Agendas must be formatted in Verdana 10 pt. Notice to attendees Meeting attendees must be provided with at least one week’s notice. Attendees will receive notification of the meeting via an email message. The agenda and any supporting documentation (where relevant) will be attached to this email. The Chair will send out the meeting notification.

ABC Meeting Policy and Procedures



Attendance All meeting attendees must respond via email to the Chair within two days. Should leave, other business appointments or other circumstances deem it impossible for a staff member to attend, they must respond immediately and provide a short reason as to why they cannot come to the meeting. Declined invitations will be noted in the apologies. Venue The venue for all meetings will depend of number of attendees. There are two meeting rooms onsite, each one has different levels of accommodation. 

Conference Room A: this room can accommodate up to six people.

Conference Room B: this room can accommodate up to 18 people.

If there are six or less attendees and Conference Room A is booked, the Chair may book Conference Room B if it is free. Conference room bookings can be checked and scheduled via the email program’s calendar system. The Chair should ensure that the venue is safe to use prior to the meeting and address any hazards. Chair’s responsibilities during the meeting During the meeting, the Chair is required to: 

start the meeting on time

welcome all attendees

list apologies

ensure the meeting proceeds according to the items on the agenda

maintain order and keep discussion on track

encourage all attendees to put forth their opinions and participate actively in discussion

ensure one person is not dominating the discussion or intimidating others

encourage ‘healthy debate’ where appropriate

ensure future actions are made clear to all attendees

role model respectful, professional behaviour and communication – avoid making inflammatory statements, avoid making derogatory statements (ie putting down) about other staff members and the company and its directors, demonstrate respectful and sensitive practice when communicating with or discussing others who may have different backgrounds, race, religion, abilities and so on

value the opinions of attendees and do not belittle their ideas/suggestions

attendees have the right to feel safe at all times during the meeting – any bullying or abuse from others must be dealt with immediately

inform all attendees when the minutes will be disseminated

ABC Meeting Policy and Procedures



end the meeting on time.

Minute taking Minutes must record: 

start time

attendees (including late arrivals or early departures)

outcomes of each agenda item

any motions or recommendations

end time.

The minutes, while reflecting a true and accurate record of the meeting, will not be a word-for-word transcript. Draft and review of meeting minutes Minutes will be documented using the Meeting Minutes Template V1.0. Meeting minutes must be saved as: Minutes_Meeting topic_date of meeting. For example: Minutes_Marketing Meeting_11-06-2016. Guidance to the minute taker Include: 

Date and time of the meeting.

Venue of meeting.


Names of the meeting attendees and those unable to attend (if all attendees are present, state ‘Nil’). Check off attendees as they arrive.

Each agenda item and a brief summary of what is discussed – take notes as discussion occurs, the minutes do not have to be a word-for-word account.

Actions taken or agreed to be taken for each agenda item – do this as soon as the resolution/outcome is agreed.

Do not: 

Use people’s names or use statements such as ‘Gerda said…’

Use insulting statements or inflammatory comments.

Add your own opinions – this is a formal business document.

Minutes must be formatted in Verdana 10 pt. Draft minutes must be submitted to the Chair for edit and approval within one week of the meeting. The Chair must review the minutes to ensure they reflect a true and accurate record of the meeting’s discussions and outcomes.

ABC Meeting Policy and Procedures



The Chair will have two days in which approved the minutes. This document must be saved as Approved Minutes_Meeting topic_date of meeting. For example: Approved Minutes_Marketing Meeting_11-06-2016. This document will be saved on the organisation’s server under the following folder structure: Department name>Administration>Meeting minutes. Dissemination of meeting minutes Minutes must be disseminated to all attendees within two weeks of the meeting being held. The Chair must send the Word file to all attendees via email. Summary of timeframes Distribution of agenda and notice of meeting

1 week prior to meeting

Attendance confirmation

2 days after notification

Draft of meeting minutes to Chair for approval

1 week after meeting is held

Dissemination of meeting minutes to attendees

2 weeks after meeting is held

ABC Meeting Policy and Procedures


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