DHN 212 - Case Study #4 - Weight loss PDF

Title DHN 212 - Case Study #4 - Weight loss
Author N Tudor
Course Introductory Nutrition
Institution University of Kentucky
Pages 3
File Size 149.6 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 14
Total Views 121


Pretty spot on. Could have been more specific....


DHN 212: INTRODUCTORY NUTRITION Case Study 3 – Successful Approaches to Weight Loss 25 points You will be completing this case study INDEPENDENTLY and submitting on Canvas. Alexa is a 21-year old female who is concerned about her weight. She is 5’2” tall and weighs 152 lbs. Alexa is a Kinesiology major who is taking a full load of classes and working part-time for a local start-up web company. She lives in an apartment off-campus. As such, most of her meals are either home-prepared or eaten at fast food restaurants. Alexa engages in low levels of activity. (1.)

Calculate Alexa’s body mass index (BMI). Would Alexa be considered under-weight, normal-weight, overweight, or obese? SHOW YOUR WORK. (3 points)

152 lbs= 68.946 kg 5 feet 2 inches = 1.5748 m

BMI= kg/(m^2) Alexa’s BMI= 68.946/(1.5748^2)= 68.946/2.47999504= 27.80

Alexa would be considered overweight.


Calculate Alexa’s basal metabolic rate (BMR). SHOW YOUR WORK. (3 points)

Women’s BMR = 655.1 + (9.563 * 68.946 kg]) + (1.85 * 157.48 cm) − (4.676 * 21 years) =1507.5726


Calculate Alexa’s total energy expenditure given that she is considered “low activity.” SHOW YOUR WORK. (3 points) 354 – (6.91 * age) + (PA * [{9.36 * wt in kg} + {726 * ht in m}])

354 – (6.91 * 21) + (112 * [{9.36 * 68.946 kg } + {726 * 1.5748}]) 354- (145.11)+(1.12*(1788.63936) 2212.17 kcal

Based on this calculation, how many kcals would you recommend Alexa consumes daily (reduce kcals by 500 kcal daily to lose 1 lb per week)? (1 point)

2212.-500= 1712 kcals per day.


Alexa’s diet is pretty random. She tends to eat a small snack at around 11 a.m. and then does not eat anything else until dinner around 7 p.m. Her dinner meal is usually from a fast food restaurant on the way home from her part-time job. Alexa does tend to find that she gets hungry around 11 p.m., before she goes to bed. As such, she usually eats a snack right before going to sleep. Below is a sample day from Alexa’s food diary. 11 a.m. 7 p.m.

11 p.m.

Chocolate poptarts Coke Roast beef sandwich Curly fries Coke Chocolate milkshake PB&J sandwich Fruit punch Wheat thins

2 12 oz 1 large 24 oz 16 oz 1 20 oz 20

On her way to class Arby’s in the car


What six specific dietary recommendations do you have for Alexa to help her lose weight? Be specific and be positive (what CAN she eat versus what she cannot eat). (6 points). Add fruits more fruits into her diet. Add more vegetables into her diet. Add more protein throughout the day, so she is not hungry later in the day. Drink more water instead of soft drinks. Add some dairy into Alexa’s diet. Add more soluble fibers into her diet.


Look at the US News & World Report rankings of the “Best Diets” in 2020. https://health.usnews.com/best-diet/best-weight-loss-diets a. Pick TWO of the top ten diets and briefly describe those diets. (4 points)

Vegetarians eat plant based and get their vital nutrients from a variety of fruits and vegetables. They do eat animal by products, such as eggs and milk. Keto Diet is a high fat, low carb diet that is for fast weight loss.

b. Click on the “Best Diets Overall” circle on the top left-hand side of the page. What was ranked the #1 Best Diets OVERALL in 2020? Briefly describe what this diet involves. (2 points) c. The Mediterranean Diet is a diet that is low in sugar red meat, and fat. IT is helpful for heart health, brain health, cancer prevention, and diabetes prevention and control.


Is Alexa a good candidate for gastric bypass surgery? Why or why not? (2 points)

Alexa is not a good candidate for gastric bypass surgery because she is not above 35% BMI and does not have a disease that may make it harder to lose weight. She also has not proven that she has a hard time losing weight.


What other lifestyle recommendations do you have for Alexa to aid in her weight loss efforts? (1 point) Alexa needs to increase her activity level...

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