Spanish 212 Final Study Guide PDF

Title Spanish 212 Final Study Guide
Course Intro to Hispanic Texts & Contexts
Institution Emory University
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Final study guide for Spanish 212 final exam...


Spanish 212 Final Study Guide Stories Lazos de Sangre: El hijo de la novia – Juan José Campanella  Characters o Rafael o Nino: father of Rafael o Norma: mother of Rafael o Naty: girlfriend of Rafael o Vicky: daughter of Rafael o Juan Carlos: childhood friend of Rafael  Plot o Rafael is having a midlife crisis. He lives in the shadow of his father, feels guilty about rarely visiting his aging mother, his ex-wife say he does not spend enough time with their daughter, and he has yet to make a commitment to his girlfriend. At his lowest point, a minor heart attack causes Rafael to reconsider his life and invest time into his family and relationships rather than job. La prodigiosa tarde de Baltazar – Gabriel García Marquez  Characters o Baltazar: carpenter o Ursula: wife of Baltazar o Chepe Montiel: wealthiest man in the town o Dr. Octavio Giraldo: town physician o Pepe Montiel: son of Chepe Montiel  Plot o Baltazar created the most beautiful cage in the world. Ursula urged Baltazar to sell it for as high a price as possible. The town doctor found out about the cage and offered to buy it for his wife, however, Ursula refused the doctor’s offer and reserved the cage for Chepe Montiel. Baltazar went to the Montiel’s house to deliver the cage, but Chepe refused that his son purchase the cage. Instead, Baltazar gave Pepe the cage as a gift, which outraged Chepe. Baltazar left the house and the entire town celebrated Baltazar’s victory against the rich. No oyes ladrar los perros – Juan Rulfo  Characters o Father: o Ignacio: the son  Plot o The father carries the son on his back on a long road and lonely night. Ignacio is a murderer who has been wounded by his enemies. The father is forced to seek

help for Ignacio because he promised his deceased wife that he will take care of Ignacio. Canción de otoño en primavera – Rubén Dario  Characters o Poetic voice  Plot o The poetic voice moves between longing for the past and old loves, and dissatisfaction with life, which enters the harsh decline of old age, leaving the youth behind.  Modernism o Images of great beauty and taste for the exotic Los gallinazos sin plumas – Julio Ramón Ribeyro  Characters o Efraín - grandson o Enrique - grandson o Don Santos – grandfather of Efraín and Enrique o Pascual – pig that Don Santos is obsessed with fattening in order to sell o Pedro – dog that the brothers adopt as a pet, but ends up being killed by the grandfather for food.  Plot o Story of two children exploited by their heartless grandfather, who forces them to search through garbage cans for food for their pig. Both children get sick, but the grandfather insists on making them work. Enrique takes charge of all the work and takes a dog home to keep his bother company. The grandfather decides to kill the dog while Enrique is absent and feeds it to the pig. Enrique returns to the house and discovers the remains of the dog and confronts his grandfather. During the confrontation, the grandfather slips, his wooden leg breaks, and he falls into the pigsty which he cannot get out of. The two brothers flee from the house while hearing the cries of their grandfather from the pigsty. Una cuestión de género Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios – Pedro Almodóvar  Characters o Pepa Marcos: actress o Carlos: son of Ivan, previous lover of Lucía, fiancée of Marisa o Lucía: previous lover of Ivan who was put in a mental institution o Marisa: fiancée of Carlos o Candela: friend of Pepa o Iván: actor and ex- boyfriend of Pepa, father of Carlos o Paulina Morales: lawyer of Pepa and Candela, lover of Iván o Ana: Pepa’s neighbor and stood up girlfriend of the motorcyclist  Plot

o Pepa is depressed and taking sleeping pills because her boyfriend, Iván, broke up with her. He is about to leave on a trip and asked Pepa to pack his things in a suitcase that he will pick up later. Pepa returns home and finds her answering machine filled with frantic voicemails from Candela. Candela arrives at Pepa’s house while Carlos and Marisa arrive to look at Pepa’s house to buy. Pepa tries to find out where Iván is, but Carlos does not know. Candela attempts to kill herself by jumping off the balcony, but fails. o Marisa drinks gazpacho from the fridge that had been spiked with sleeping pills. Candela explains that she had a love affair with an Arab and she has been unknowingly harboring terrorists in her home. Pepa tries to find a lawyer to help Candela. o Paulina is acting strange and seems to know Pepa and is very rude. Candela reveals to Carlos the terrorists’ plan to hijack a flight to Stockholm. Carlos attempts to call the police, but hangs up and kisses Candela instead. o Pepa returns and is no longer interested in seeing Iván, so she throws his suitcase out, almost hitting Iván who arrives with Paulina. Pepa throws a record and the phone out the window, which ends up hitting Paulina and her car. o The police, the phone repair man, and Lucía arrive and Candela begins to panic. Carlos decides to serve everyone the spiked gazpacho. Everyone is knocked out and Carlos and Candela make out on the couch and fall asleep, which Lucía aims the policeman’s gun at Pepa. o Pepa figures out that Paulina is Iván’s new woman who he’s going to Stokholm with and that their flight is going to be hijacked. Lucía throws the gazpacho into Pepa’s face and rushes to the airport to kill Iván by forcing a motorcyclist to be her driver. o Pepa and Ana chase Lucía to the airport. At the airport, Lucía aims her gun at Iván and Paulina. Pepa stops the murder attempt by rolling a luggage cart at Lucía. Iván tries to talk to Pepa but she refuses and leaves Iván for good. o Pepa returns to her messy home and sits on her Balcony and talks to Marisa who just wakes up. Pepa reveals that her big news for Iván was that she’s pregnant. El eterno femenino – Rosario Castellanos  Characters o Lupita I: mother, middle aged woman o Juan: husband of Lupita o Lupita II: young daughter o Juanito: young son  Plot o Lupita I is not the best mother or woman of the house, however, to everyone else, she seems to be. Her husband always sends her flowers, but sometimes little gifts instead. The messenger arrives to the house with a gift from her husband, however, it is addressed to his mistress rather than Lupita. Lupita calls Juan’s secretary and calims that the bikini Juan sent is too big for her and if the

secretary could exchange the size for her. Lupita then expresses that she is the wife, not mistress and not to mix up their gifts again. Emma Zunz – Jorge Luis Borges  Characters o Emma Zunz: daughter of Emmanuel o Manuel Maier (Emmanuel Zunz): father of Emma o Loewenthal: corporate boss who framed Emmanuel  Plot o 19-year-old Emma receives a letter informing her that her father has died. A corporate boss had covered up his crime of embezzlement by framing Emma’s father. In turn, her father committed suicide through overdosing on sleeping pills. Emma creates a plan to avenge her father by killing Loewenthal. Emma shoots him with his own revolver and calls to report as the victim of sexual abuse Una lucha muy personal – Mercè Sarrias  Characters o Marta: 40-year-old woman o Sonia: 40-year-old woman, works the counter at the garage  Plot o Marta goes to the garage to pick up h er car that was towed because she parked in an illegal spot. Sonia, the counter lady refuses for Marta to pick up her car until she pays the fine. Marta tries to argue with Sonia and starts to have a panic attack. Sonia tries to help by offering a glass of vine. The women talk about Marta’s personal life, where she is a single mother of a 14-year-old daughter. Sonia eventually falls asleep and Marta takes advantage of this opportunity and takes her car back. La moral a prueba La conciencia – Ana María Matute  Characters o Mariana: wife of Antonio and co-owner of bed and breakfast o Antonio: husband of Mariana and co-owner of bed and breakfast o Vagabond: wandering man who takes refuge in the bed and breakfast o Constantino: lover of Mariana  Plot o The vagabond scares Mariana to the point that she cannot stand his presence. He asked to stay at their bed and breakfast for only one night and when she wouldn’t allow him to stay, he pounded on the doors to her house begging for shelter and bread, nothing else. Mariana gives in and let him in, but the next morning she finds the vagabond stuffing himself at her table and when she got mad, he defended himself by saying that she said he could have whatever he wanted. The vagabond ended up staying for 15 days and when Mariana tries to kick him out, he tells her that he knows her secret and that he will tell Antonio if

she tries to make him leave. She is married to Antonio for money and if Antonio found out her secret, he would be mad. Secretly, Mariana was cheating on Antonio with Constantino, her true love. Since she is afraid of Antonio, she allows the vagabond to stay. When Antonio gets home he puts up with the vagabond as well. Finally, Mariana cannot stand the vagabond anymore and kicks him out despite his threat. When she kicks him out, he tells her that he didn’t actually know her secret; all he knew was that everyone has secrets and that no one has a clear conscience, including Antonio. El delantal blanco – Sergio Vodanovic  Characters o Mother o Maid o Two children  Plot o The lady of the house and maid take the children to the beach. The lady explains that she is tired of the beach and reveals that she does not have a good relationship with her husband and is only married to him for money. The lady then mocks the people in magazines for caring about their appearance. The lady does not understand life of the countryside because she thinks they had everything very easy and does not understand that to live, they have to work. She has a very arrogant view and tells the maid not to marry because she will then have to take care of others. The lady believes that the aristocracy comes natively. She asks the maid how she feels in her uniform and asks the maid to switch clothes with her. The lady puts on the white apron and the employee puts on the swimsuit, smock, and sunglasses. They maid starts to assume the role of the lady and the lady gets mad when the maid tells the lady to take care of her son. They begin to fight and the people on the beach believe that the lady is actually the maid....

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