Spanish 2 final oral exam study guide PDF

Title Spanish 2 final oral exam study guide
Author Eric Aalo
Course Beg Spanish Lang & Culture 2
Institution Florida Atlantic University
Pages 51
File Size 129.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 40
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Download Spanish 2 final oral exam study guide PDF


¿Qué tipo de comida prefiere usted? Do you prefer which type of food?

Prefiero - pollo Barbque/barbque chicken , pollo y arroz/chicken and rice, fish and grits/pescado y granos to prefer

¿Le gusta viajar?¿Adónde ha viajado usted Yes, I like to travel

Sí, me gusta viajar I've traveled to

¿Cuánto tiempo hace que estudia español? How long you been studying Spanish

que estudio español. 2 años to study Spanish

. ¿Qué deportes practica usted? What sports practice you

Practico-baloncesto, softball, piscina, pista de basketball,softball,pool,track

¿Cómo es Tallahassee? How is Tallahassee?

Tallahassee es Tallahassee es una ciudad collage, ciudad de la fiesta, capital de florida Tallahassee is a collage town ,party town,capital of florida

. ¿Cuándo toma usted vacaciones? When do you take vacation?

¿Con quién viaja? With who travels

Tomo mis vacaciones en I take my vacation in

Aprovecho mis vacaciones alrededor de mi cumpleaños el 9 de abril I take my vacation in around my birthday April 9

Viajo con I travel with- my two sister,or family members/ dos hermanas o familiares los miembros de mi

¿Cuál es su programa favorito en la television What is your favorite show on television

?Mi programa favorito es judge Judy show,centric,channel,lets make a deal American funniest video/ Juez Judy show, centrico, canal permite hacer un reparto americano video gracioso

. ¿Qué toma usted para la fiebre? What you take for fever?

¿la gripe? ¿la tos? ...

¿la queja? ¿¿la tos? ejemplo para cada enfermeda ...

Tomo para la fiebre for fever

Tomo para la tos cough

¿Qué va a hacer usted este fin de semana What will you do this weekend

Voy a studyir a cenar con la familia, iglesia, paseos, estudio go to dinner with family,church,walking,

¿Es importante el dinero? Is money important?

Explique to explain

Explique money is very important,we need it to survire pay bills,enjoy the things in life/el dinero es muy importante, que necesitamos para survire gastos, disfrutar de las cosas en la vida

. ¿Cómo era usted de niño? How was you child?

Cómo fue tu infancia?

How was your childood?

Era ...-no good ,very poor,many incident happen in family because we had no heat nor lights, for instance i got burn third degree stay in the hospital almost a year/no sirve, muy pobre, muchos incidencia se produzca en familia porque tuvimos calor ni luces, por ejemplo tengo quemadura tercer grado estancia en el hospital casi un año

¿A qué hora se durmió usted anoche? What time he fell asleep

qué hora quedó dormido usted anoche? What timeyou fell asleep you last night?

Me dormí a las I fell asleep

en el reloj 11 p.m 11 clock p.m

¿Fue usted al cine ayer? Were you at the cinema yesterday

Sí, fui al cine ayer Yes, I went to the cinema yesterday

No, no fui No, I was not

¿Cómo es un día típico para usted?

How does a typical day for you?

Me levanto I get up...

Me levanto I get up... get up at six do chores,shower dress read bible,watch morning news eat breakfast,school, back home nap bible study end of my story/ levantarse a las seis hacer las tareas, vestido de ducha Lee Biblia, ver noticias de la mañana comer desayuno, escuela, casa siesta Biblia estudio fin de mi historia

¿A usted le gusta bailar la salsa? . Do you like dancing salsa

le gusta bailar la salsa? never dance the salsa,but would love to learn it

nunca bailar la salsa, pero me encantaría aprenderlo ...

s ...

. ¿Qué toma usted para la fiebre? ...

Practico ...

¿Se habla otra lengua en su casa?

Another language is spoken at home?

Se hable otro lengua en su casa is another language is spoken at home

¿Cuál Which

no hay un otro idioma hablado en casa there is not a another language spoken at home

¿Cuáles son las fiestas que se celebran en su familia con reuniones y costumbresespeciales What are the festivals that are celebrated in his family meetings and customs

En mi familia celebramos In my family we celebrate/birthdays,christmas, passover sunday ,new years

cumpleaños, Navidad, Pascua el domingo, año familia celebramos

Quién who

Sí, mi Yes, my

nació en ... was born in

No, nadie nació No, no one was born

¿Tiene usted coche? No, no one was born

Cómo es? What is it like?

Hay mucha contaminación en Tallahassee ? Is there much pollution in Tallahassee/ there is much pollution in Tallahassee dirty canal, much litter, trash burning

hay mucha contaminación en canal sucio Tallahassee, mucha basura, quema de basura Is there much pollution in Tallahassee/ there is much pollution in Tallahassee dirty canal, much litter, trash burning

Explique explain( hay mucha contaminación en canal sucio Tallahassee, mucha basura, quema de basura

. ¿Qué problemas hay en el mundo hoy en día? What problems are there in the world today

demasiados problemas en el mundo, odio, respeto de las personas, discriminación, países contra uno al otro y la más triste parte la mayoría de la gente protesta para ser cristiano too many problem in the world,hate,respect of people,discrimination ,countries against each other and the saddest part most of the people protest to be Christian

Hable sobre su familia Talk about your family

las personas dan cosas por sentado, son muy falta de respeto a sus padres, como sentarse y observar cómo los niños toman para concedido sea aquí always.if, yo podía escuchar o ver a mi abuela mamá, tía abuelo, papá su nada haría por ellos. se les olvida promise.cherish ellos mientras están aquí en la tierra su Dios, mi hermano y yo pero nos confianza Dios a hacer lo que dijo / people take things for granted,they are very disrespect to their parents, as i sit and observe how kids take it for granted they will be here always.if i could hear or see my mom grandmother,granddad auntie,dad its nothing i wouldn't do for them . you will miss them i promise.cherish them while they are here on earth its God, my sibling and i but we trust God to do just what he said/

Hable sobre su vida en Tallahassee Talk about your life in Tallahassee

Hable sobre los estereotipos Talk about stereotypes

los estereotipos es muy muy vivo en todos nosotros vemos personas diferentes y queja y basar nuestra opinión en lo que no sabemos stereotypes is very so much alive in all of us we see people different and complaint and base our opinion on what we don't know

. Hable sobre su mejor amigo/a Talk about your best friend to estudiar to study

escuchar to listen

hablar to speak, to talk

mirar to look at, to watch

preparar to prepare

ayudar to help

buscar to look for, to search

contestar to answer

entrar to enter

esperar to wait, to hope for, to expect

llevar to take, to wear, to carry

llegar to arrive

necesitar to need

pasar to pass, to happen

usar to use

aprender to learn

beber to drink

comprender to understand, to comprehend

comer to eat

abrir to open

compartir to share

escribir to write


to attend

bailar to dance

buscar to look for/search

caminar to walk

cantar to sing

cenar to have dinner

comprar to buy

contestar to answer

conversar to converse/chat

desayunar to have breakfast

descansar to rest

desear to wish/desire

dibujar to draw

enseñar to teach

escuchar to listen

esperar to wait (for)/hope

estar to be

estudiar to study

explicar to explain

gustar to like

hablar to speak

llegar to arrive

llevar to carry

mirar to look/watch

necesitar to need

practicar to practice

preguntar to ask

preparar to prepare

regresar to return


to finish/end

tomar to take/drink

trabajar to work

viajar to travel

abrir to open

aprender to learn

asistir to attend

beber to drink

comer to eat

compartir to share

comprender to understand

correr to run

creer to believe

deber should/must/ought to

decidir to decide

describir to describe

escribir to write

leer to read

recibir to receive

tener to have

venir to come

vivir to live

almorzar to have lunch

cerrar to close

comenzar to begin

conseguir to get/obtain

contar to count/tell

decir to say/tell

dormir to sleep


to begin

encontrar to find

entender to understand

hacer to do/make

ir to go

jugar to play

mostrar to show

oir to hear

pedir to ask for/request

pensar to think

poner to intend

preferir to prefer

querer to want/love

recordar to record

repetir to repeat

salir to leave

seguir to follow/continue

suponer to suppose

traer to bring

ver to see

volver to return

acampar to camp

montar to ride

confirmar to confirm

pasear to go for a walk

jugar to play

sacar to take/take out

costar to cost

vender to sell


to spend

pagar to pay

regatear to bargain

usar to use

conocer to know

ofrecer to offer

perder to lose; to miss

poder to be able to; can

conducir to drive

parecer to seem

saber to know; to know how

traducir to translate

estudiar to study

escuchar to listen

hablar to speak, to talk

mirar to look at, to watch

preparar to prepare

ayudar to help

buscar to look for, to search

contestar to answer

entrar to enter

esperar to wait, to hope for, to expect

llevar to take, to wear, to carry

llegar to arrive

necesitar to need

pasar to pass, to happen

usar to use

aprender to learn

beber to drink


to understand, to comprehend

comer to eat

abrir to open

compartir to share

escribir to write

asistir to attend

bailar to dance

buscar to look for/search

caminar to walk

cantar to sing

cenar to have dinner

comprar to buy

contestar to answer

conversar to converse/chat

desayunar to have breakfast

descansar to rest

desear to wish/desire

dibujar to draw

enseñar to teach

escuchar to listen

esperar to wait (for)/hope

estar to be

estudiar to study

explicar to explain

gustar to like

hablar to speak

llegar to arrive

llevar to carry

mirar to look/watch


to need

practicar to practice

preguntar to ask

preparar to prepare

regresar to return

terminar to finish/end

tomar to take/drink

trabajar to work

viajar to travel

abrir to open

aprender to learn

asistir to attend

beber to drink

comer to eat

compartir to share

comprender to understand

correr to run

creer to believe

deber should/must/ought to

decidir to decide

describir to describe

escribir to write

leer to read

recibir to receive

tener to have

venir to come

vivir to live

almorzar to have lunch

cerrar to close


to begin

conseguir to get/obtain

contar to count/tell

decir to say/tell

dormir to sleep

empezar to begin

encontrar to find

entender to understand

hacer to do/make

ir to go

jugar to play

mostrar to show

oir to hear

pedir to ask for/request

pensar to think

poner to intend

preferir to prefer

querer to want/love

recordar to record

repetir to repeat

salir to leave

seguir to follow/continue

suponer to suppose

traer to bring

ver to see

volver to return

acampar to camp

montar to ride

confirmar to confirm


to go for a walk

jugar to play

sacar to take/take out

costar to cost

vender to sell

gastar to spend

pagar to pay

regatear to bargain

usar to use

conocer to know

ofrecer to offer

perder to lose; to miss

poder to be able to; can

conducir to drive

parecer to seem

saber to know; to know how

traducir to translate

estudiar to study

escuchar to listen

hablar to speak, to talk

mirar to look at, to watch

preparar to prepare

ayudar to help

buscar to look for, to search

contestar to answer

entrar to enter

esperar to wait, to hope for, to expect

llevar to take, to wear, to carry los dedos del pie toes

los dedos fingers

la espalda back

el estómago stomach

la garganta throat

el hígado liver

el hombro shoulder

el hueso bone

la mano hand

el órgano interno internal organ

el pecho chest

el pie


la pierna leg

el pulmón lung

la rodilla knee

la nariz nose

cortar(se) to cut (oneself)

doler (ue) to hurt, ache

enfermarse to get sick

estar enfermo/a to be sick

hacer gárgaras to gargle

lastimar(se) to hurt (oneself)

padecer (zc) de to suffer from

poner(le) una inyección (a alguien) to give (someone) a shot

respirar to breathe

romper(se) to break

sacar (qu) la lengua to stick out one's tongue

sacar(le) (qu) sangre (a alguien) to draw (someone's) blood

tener fiebre to have a fever

tener (la) gripe to have the flu

tener la nariz tapada to have a stuffed-up nose

tener tos to have a cough

tener un resfriado to have a cold

tomar(le) la temperature (a alguien) to take (someone's) temperature

el consultorio (del médico) doctor's office

el/la enfermero/a nurse

el/la farmacéutico/a pharmacist

el/la médico/a doctor

la pastilla pill

la presión arterial blood pressure

la receta


examinar to examine

la alergia allergy

la aspirina aspirin

el examen médico medical examination; check-up

la medicina medicine

el/la paciente patient

los rayos X X-rays

la farmacia pharmacy

hace + time time ago

abrazar (c) to hug

amar to love

besar to kiss

darle (irregular) un beso a alguien to give someone a kiss

despreciar to despise

estimar to think highly of

extrañar to miss (someone)

no aguantar not to be able to stand, put up with

querer (irregular) to love

tenerle (irregular) envidia a alguien to be envious of someone

adorar to adore

detestar to detest

respetar to respect

caerle (irregular) bien/mal a alguien to make a good/bad impression on someone

gustar to like

odiar to hate

atento/a considerate

cariñoso/a affectionate

comprensivo/a understanding



descarado/a shameless

detallista detail-oriented

encantador(a) charming

engañador(a) deceitful

entrometido/a nosy; meddlesome

fiel faithful

infiel unfaithful

mandón (mandona) bossy

porfiado/a persistent

resuelto/a determined

sensible sensitive

vano/a vain

vengativo/a vengeful

espontáneo/a spontaneous

generoso/a generous

posesivo/a possessive

romántico/a romantic

apasionado/a passionate

cabezón (cabezona) stubborn

celoso/a jealous

divertido/a fun

orgulloso/a proud

esperar to hope, wish

ojalá I hope, wish

subjunctive conjugation of haber (irregular) haya hayas haya hayamos hayáis hayan

subjunctive conjugation of ir (irregular) vaya vayas vaya vayamos

vayáis vayan

subjunctive conjugation of saber (irregular) sepa sepas sepa sepa sepamos sepáis sepan

subjunctive conjugation of ser (irregular) sea seas sea seamos seáis sean

subjunctive conjugation of dar (irregular) dé des dé demos deis den

subjunctive conjugation of estar (irregular)

esté estés esté estemos estéis estén

subjunctive conjugation of stem-changing -ir verbs have altered nosotros and vosotros forms

ex: dormir : durmamos servir : sirvamos preferir : prefiramos

subjunctive conjugation of regular -ar verbs take present tense yo form stem and add "e" then just add normal present tense endings ex: hablar hable hables hable hablemos hablen

subjunctive conjugation of regular -er/-ir verbs take present tense yo form stem and add "a" then just add normal present tense endings ex: beber beba bebas beba

bebamos beban

subjunctive form expresses wants, desires, doubt, uncertainty uses "espreso/ojalá" que verb = I hope (that)...

arrepentirse (ie,i) (de) to be sorry (about); to regret


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