Differential Association Theory Essay 2021 PDF

Title Differential Association Theory Essay 2021
Author Arlyne Etchechury
Course Criminal Behavior and Victimology
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 7
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Jus 212 for Criminal behavior and victimology...


1 Differential Association Theory

Differential Association Theory

Arlyne Etchechury Grand Canyon University JUS 212: Criminal Behavior and Victimology Professor Jones October 14, 2021

2 Differential Association Theory

Differential Association Theory The first thing to consider when talking about any theory is what is does exactly in certain situations and how it came about it being a theory that can explain things. Differential Association Theory was first introduced by a man that goes by the name Edwin H. Sutherlands. He was the first person to ever make a connection with that theory in the year 1993 during that time he made a publication called Principles of Criminology. What this theory consist of is “The principles that criminal acts are related to a person’s exposure to an excess number of antisocial attitudes a value. (Siegle,2018 p240). So, with this it means that there can be various way on why someone is acting the way they do and why they hang out with certain types of groups to be associated with when it comes to the environment they are in. Whether its in school or in a work force there will always be groups and or (cliques). Regardless of what way they tend to go to when it comes to specific groups it should always take into consideration whether it can be for the good or can come with some form of a criminal act. There isn’t necessarily a specific age groups when they are being form since they tend to be strong in a sense when they are of age as in when they are teenagers that’s when cliques tend to form. High School is the main focus on where people tend to gravitate too seeing who they are more alike and where they feel the most comfortable with. “Cliques begin as early as preschool, but we focus on cliques in late childhood and adolescence, when the importance of membership intensifies. With the onset of puberty, cliques become a key conduit to new social resources (e.g., romantic and sexual partners) as for- merly segregated groups of boys and girls begin the process of coming together. (Ellis and Zarbatany,2017 p.227). With focusing on mainly being late childhood. I think to some extent it can be true because there are various different

3 Differential Association Theory kinds of groups especially in high school it ends up being a natural thing no matter what high school you go to. In my high school there were many different groups that people can relate too. I was in various forms of groups since I tended to get a lot with a lot of people who weren’t necessarily in the “group “ I was in .For example I was in basketball so off the bat there is a groups for sports meaning all the sports got along because we were athletes .I was also in AP classes so I got along with what people got to call” smart kids” .Since I went to a public school I saw a lot of my old middle school friends who went the opposite direction meaning they turned into drugs and gangs. I on the other hand didn’t go that route but I still talked to them because at the end of the day they were my friends. People tend to think because you have certain friends you are like those people. To a certain degree that can be true but in my case that is far from the truth. Till this day I have nor smoke nor drank nor have I gotten in any legal trouble. So, having those types of friends didn’t define who I was as a student athlete or as a person in general. I maintain good grades and was a student athlete for all my four years in high school. Another form of groups can not only be what you do but it can be how you value things whether its your religion or ethnicity people can bond over those sorts of things which is totally fine. Although I went to a public school that was mainly Hispanic people we didn’t judge anyone who was a different race or had different believes we mainly focused on ourselves and the people we would hang out with .Its the same as other groups if you don’t bother people they won't bother you which is an important things to think about because people think crime rates are high in high school because of the cliques or gangs associated while being in there but that’s not the case ,things happen when someone start its not just because they are bored.

Knowing what we already know about differential association theory and also knowing from personal experience I think it doesn’t come together only from seeing things first hand.

4 Differential Association Theory This is only because in theory it means who ever you surround yourself with and how your family situation is at home, then that’s how you will react to things and how you will portray yourself to be. That can be true to some people but that should define everyone due to the fact that I am a living example of it. My home living situation wasn’t the best, my family didn’t have enough money to buy certain things I needed for school mainly when it came to sports. I didn’t have the best nor the strongest relationship with any of my family members to the point being at my school basketball gym made me feel more at home then my actual home. Hanging out with a lot of different people from different groups didn’t define who I was as a person. I would talk to people who were my friends who turned into gang members but that didn’t mean I was one or I didn’t what they did. I didn’t have the best living situation but that didn’t mean I would go and steal things so I can get the things I wanted. I didn’t have the best relationship with my family but that didn’t mean my grades would drop or I wouldn’t care about school. So, the idea of criminal acts is related to someone’s exposure like groups or cliques can be far from the truth in my experience at least. Not everyone has the same mindset as me, some want to feel that love and support they never received as a child or in there teenage years. “Individuals who are open become easily excited by new experiences, are rather unconventional, and have wide interests. “(Hubner ,2021 p 5). This simply is saying if you are weak minded and can be easily manipulated then you will fall with the wrong side of the crowd and that’s where the crimes tend to happen. Just because you have a bad life or don’t have the things you want in life it should give you a reason to act out of your own character and be put in a position you wouldn’t want to put yourself in even if your life was going as planned. The main idea is to focus on what can come in the future because being in certain groups that can make your life go for the worst isn’t ideal in any given situation.

5 Differential Association Theory So, I believe that the differential association theory should define who you are as a person or what kind of groups or clique you come in contact with. It all should matter on what kind of person you are and how you carry yourself. It should matter what age you are whether you are in high school or in middle school everyone should know what is the difference form right and wrong in any given situation. Keep in mind that the people will always tell you what you want to hear in order for you to give in and help them commit a crime but only the person inside of you knows how to go about your life and actions.


6 Differential Association Theory Ellis, Wendy E.; Zarbatany, Lynne; Understanding Processes of Peer Clique Influence in Late Childhood and Early Adolescence; Child Development Perspectives, Vol 11(4), Dec, 2017 pp. 227-232. Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.; [Journal Article], Database: APAPsycInfo


Siegel, L. J. (2018). Criminology: Theories, patterns, and typologies (13th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth. ISBN-13: 9781337091848 (Available as e-book only)


Hübner, Nicolas; When academic achievement (also) reflects personality: Using the personalityachievement saturation hypothesis (PASH) to explain differential associations between achievement measures and personality traits. Journal of Educational Psychology, Aug 12, 2021 https://eds-a-ebscohost-com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=9&sid=a3e2b6fc6e14-49e9-b781-22da3d8590d5%40sdc-v-sessmgr02

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