Differential Association Theory JUS-212 PDF

Title Differential Association Theory JUS-212
Author Anonymous User
Course Criminal Behavior and Victimology
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 5
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Download Differential Association Theory JUS-212 PDF



Differential Association Theory

CHSS, Grand Canyon University JUS-212 October 18, 2020


Differential Association Theory


What is Differential Association Theory? Differential association theory came around in 1939 because Edward Sutherland introduced the theory to the world. The theory was first published by Mr. Sutherland in the Principals of Criminology (Siegel, 2018). Differential association theory is defined as according to Mr. Sutherland, the principle that criminal acts are related to a person’s exposure to an excess amount of antisocial attitudes and values. Differential association theory has multiple principles such as the fact that criminal behavior is learned, learning is a by-product of interaction, criminal techniques are learned and many more. Cliques Within the High School Society High school has always been known as a melting pot filled with different religions, ethnicity, and gender identification. According to Ellis and Zarbatany high school also has cliques based on the sport you decide to play or even in the academics that you want to excel in. Many aspects of live involve differential association theory so it can help explain why someone’s personality is the way it is. “Differential association theory according to Sutherland, is the principle that criminal acts are related to a person’s exposure to an excess amount of antisocial attitudes and values” (Siegel, 2018). In all truth, cliques are nothing more but a group of similar minded friends and in high school that is the most important thing. At Horizon High School there were many different groups/cliques that infested the campus and with that being said the most well-know clique was of course the jocks. This clique included anyone who played any sport and was a mix of both males and females. They were known for throwing the biggest parties and they were able to illegally acquire illegal substances and alcohol. Personally, I did not relate to them at all as I was a part of a clique that included the musically talented. Cliques were where you made your friends and you rarely migrated to a different one.

Differential Association Theory


Cliques relativeness to Criminal Acts “Cliques play a vital role in adjustment and emerging behavior during childhood and adolescence” (Ellis & Zarbatany, 2017). Assuming that all schools deal with the same issue of each separate clique behaving in ways all throughout their school years. Personally, seeing some of the kids from Horizon High School now I have noticed that not much has changed when looking at their personalities. The jocks are still known for parting and playing sports and the all of the “princesses” have joined sororities and have found more people exactly like them. When making a guess about how the popular kids, not including the jocks, were somehow always the troublemakers and possibly made some of the worst decisions and always tried to get the outcasts to join them for their own fun. “Peer groups also influence adolescent behavior including peer victimization” (Vidourek & King, 2019). Explanation of Behaviors of Cliques at the Age Using Differential Association Theory “To Sutherland, criminality stemmed neither from individual traits nor from socioeconomic position; instead, he believed it to be a function of a learning process that could affect any individual in any culture” (Siegel, 2018). And high school kids do what they have to do to fit in and differential association theory is how you can explain certain behaviors and certain high school kids. Peer pressure is real and some kids feel that they genuinely have no choice but to do what their peers are doing or telling them to do even if they know that they will get in trouble because making friends is the most important thing at that time in your life. High school kids spend a lot of time together especially at my school since it was so small so before, during and after school everybody was around everybody and even on weekends since the town was so small everybody saw everybody, so behavior was learned very quickly. It’s inevitable that

Differential Association Theory when you hang out with the same people day in and day out, you're going to start acting like each other and if the kids you are hanging out with our criminals you will start becoming a criminal.



Differential Association Theory

References Ellis, W. E., & Zarbatany, L. (2017). Understanding Processes of Peer Clique Influence in Late Childhood and Early Adolescence. Child Development Perspectives, 11(4), 227. Retrieved from https://lopes.idm.oclc.org/login? url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx? direct=true&db=edb&AN=126244481&site=eds-live&scope=site Vidourek A. Rebecca, & King A. Keith. (2019). Risk Factors for Peer Victimization among Middle and High School Students. Children, Vol 6, Iss 1, p 11 (2019), (1), 11. https://doiorg.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.3390/children6010011 Siegel, L. J. (2018). Criminology: Theories, patterns, and typologies. Retrieved from https://www.gcumedia.com/digital-resources/cengage/2018/criminology_theoriespatterns-and-typologies_13e.php Zaharia, J., Taggart, S., & Chudoska, I. (2018). Vulnerability to Crime in Balkans? Paths against. Vizione, (30), 255. Retrieved from https://lopes.idm.oclc.org/login? url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx? direct=true&db=edb&AN=134270098&site=eds-live&scope=site...

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