Difficulties of Grade 12 ABM Students Towards Fundamentals of Accountancy Business and Management PDF

Title Difficulties of Grade 12 ABM Students Towards Fundamentals of Accountancy Business and Management
Course BS Accountancy
Institution Lyceum of the Philippines University
Pages 49
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Senior High School Department RESEARCH PAPER Difficulties of Grade 12 – ABM Students Towards Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management Subject in a Philippine University In partial fulfillment of the requirements in INQUIRIES, INVESTIGATION AND IMMERSIONSubmitted by: ABM 12 - 02 GROUP 5 B...



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Difficulties of Grade 12 – ABM Students Towards Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management Subject in a Philippine University In partial fulfillment of the requirements in INQUIRIES, INVESTIGATION AND IMMERSION

Submitted by: ABM 12 - 02 GROUP 5 Bondoy, John Gabriel E. Balidiong, Carolin G. Balonzo, Rachelle C. Bares, Jea A. Bueno, Angel Lee C. Carles, Mayrie Lyn

Submitted to: Ms. Ronalyn Bool


August 2019– April 2020

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APPROVAL SHEET This thesis entitled Difficulties of Grade 12 – ABM Students Towards Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management Subject in a Philippine University

Prepared and submitted by John Gabriel E. Bondoy, Carolin G. Balidiong, Rachelle C. Balonzo, Jea A. Bares, and Angel Lee C. Bueno in partial fulfilment of the requirements of ABM 12 - 02 in Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion.

Approved by the research adviser with a grade of PASSED on April 27, 2020

___________________________________________ Ms. Ronalyn Bool ACADEMIC ADVISER

Accepted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of ABM 12-02 in Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

___________________________________________ Mr. Holden Kenneth G. Alcazaren Research Coordinator, Basic Education Department

18 [Grab your reader’s attention with Senior High a great quote from the do iii ent or use this space to emphas key point. To place this text box anywhere on the page, just drag it.] ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

With deepest gratitude and appreciation, the researchers would like to thank to the following individuals and groups who helped and contributed to the success of this study: First, to our Almighty God for giving us knowledge and wisdom to face all the struggles and challenges, for providing us the opportunity and capability to proceed successfully, and for guidance and protection to do work. Without Him, this study is not possible. We would like to give our gratitude to our research teacher, Ms. Ronalyn Bool for understanding and being supportive to us, for correcting our mistakes and revising our papers over and over again to make our study better, and for sharing your knowledge and guide us through our research days. To Ms. April Joyce C. Umali, who helped us during our proposal days, for giving us additional knowledge, for willing to help us to finish our study and for supporting us that we can achieve and finish what we have started. To our parents, for their support and guidance, for understanding us and giving us strength to aim our dreams and finish our study, for their continued financial support that made our rough ways easier to reach this end. To our respondents, who helped us by sharing their experiences and information and willing to answers our questions, which in turn helped in achieving the objective of this study.

May the Almighty God bless all of you!

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In this Quantitative study, the researcher’s main goal is to identify the struggles of ABM students in understanding Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business, and Management subject. The subject is considered as one of the difficult subjects of Senior High School and major one in ABM strands. This paper will serve as a guide for ABM teachers in discussing every detail of the said subject. Helping students to understand the concepts and principles of Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management that would help them to develop the capability to perform the basic accounting functions (Urquiza and Usabiaga, 2015).

This study applied the Self-efficacy theory to identify the process of information and to find the difficulties of students on the specific lessons on the subject. The results show that the subject itself requires good analytical skills and in-depth memorization.

Keywords: accountancy, struggle, FABM


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TITLE PAGE......................................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL SHEET.............................................................................................................................ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT...................................................................................................................iii ABSTRACT.........................................................................................................................................iv TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................................................................v LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................................................vi LIST OF FIGURES.............................................................................................................................vii DISCLAIMER...................................................................................................................................viii ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS..........................................................................................................ix CHAPTER 1: THE PROBLEM AND REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Background of the Study....................................................................................................................1-2

Research Objectives……………………………………………………………………...……3 Significance of the Study......................................................................................................................3 Review of Related Literature.............................................................................................................4-7

Synthesis………………………………………………………………………………...…..7-8 Theoretical Framework.........................................................................................................................8 Conceptual Framework.........................................................................................................................9 Scope and Limitation............................................................................................................................9

Definition of Terms……………………………………………………………………………9 CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY Research Design and Data Collection.................................................................................................10 Research Site.......................................................................................................................................10 Respondents of the Study....................................................................................................................10 Data Analysis.......................................................................................................................................11 Research Instrument............................................................................................................................11 CHAPTER 3: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION................................................................................12 CHAPTER 4: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusion......................................................................................................................................... 22 Recommendation.................................................................................................................................23 References..................................................................................................................................... 24-25 Appendices.....................................................................................................................................26-39

18 [Grab your reader’s attention with Senior High a great quote from the document or use this space to emphasize a key point. To place this text box anywhere on the page, just drag it.] LIST OF TABLES Table 1.................................................................................................................................................13 Table 2………………………………………………………………………………………………...14 Table 3………………………………………………………………………………………………...15 Table 4………………………………………………………………………………………………...16 Table 5………………………………………………………………………………………………...17 Table 6………………………………………………………………………………………………...18 Table 7………………………………………………………………………………………………...19 Table 8……………………………………………………………………………………………...…20 Table 9……………………………………………………………………………………………..….20 Table 10……………………………………………………………………………………………….21


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The study has been made the product of hard work of the researchers. It has been approved and accepted by the panel of reviewers. Hence, no part of this paper may be used without proper citation or approval from the authors.

18 [Grab your reader’s attention with Senior High a great quote from the document or use this space to emphasize a key point. To place this text box anywhere on the page, just drag it.] ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS

Dear Respondents: This survey is intended to find out your difficulties toward Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management and what are your reasons for comprehension difficulties in this subject. This is part of our performance task in Practical Research 2, a subject of grade 12 students. Bearing this in mind, we respectfully request your participation by filling out this survey. The first part aims to elicit information on your background. While the second part requires your perceptions or opinions about your struggles and difficulties regarding this subject and your level of comprehensions regarding the topics of FABM subject. (Difficulties of Grade 12 – ABM Students in Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management Subject in a Philippine University). On the other hand, the third part focuses on the different coping strategies that students used in the understanding of FABM subject. By signing your name on the conforme below, this would mean that you consent to respond to this survey. We assure you that the information disclosed here shall not be used for any other purposes except for the ones mentioned above.

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1.1 Background of the Study

Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management’s main goal is to teach students the basic concepts and principles of bookkeeping as an introductory level towards Accounting career. Not only to Accounting career but also to help incoming college students who will take courses that are related to Business Administration, Management and Commerce. In a study conducted by Urquiza and Usabiaga (2015) stated that the main objective of Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business, and Management is to help students understand the fundamental accounting concepts and principles as well as to develop the capability to perform the basic accounting functions: the recognition, valuation, measurement and recording of the most common business transactions and the preparations of accounting statements.

Learning professional subjects in accounting is not like reading a novel, memorizing, or even like just mastering the accounting terms (Mercado et al., 2016). That is the reason why the subject is challenging in nature. It is considered as one of the difficult subjects of Senior High School and one of the major subjects and building blocks of ABM strand. Mostly, the students have failed to understand the lessons due to the complexity of the said

18 [Grab your reader’s attention with Senior High a great quote from the document or use this space to emphasize a key point. To place this text box subject. Lack of liberal education in English and Math should also anywhere on the page, just drag it.] consider in these situations because the nature of the subject is analysis and comprehension of a given situation.

Students find it hard to understand the lessons. Some are struggling to use worksheet, and some did not understand the accounting cycle. The financial statements, which are crucial in making economic decision of the business, also find it difficult by the students since they are still struggling to understand the basic foundations of accounting. While several foreign and local literatures existed in the context of basic accounting, none of these deals with the difficulties of Grade 12 ABM students in Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business, and Management. However, some studies focused primarily on learning styles and lecturing issues of the teachers but difficulties of students in every lesson on basic accounting (Fundamentals of ABM 2) were not indicated on these studies. In the view of this situation, the main objective of the study is to explore the different lessons in Fundamentals of ABM that the students might be difficult to understand with. Furthermore, this study is intended to be used by students, primarily the incoming ABM Senior High students, as a preparation for the subject so that they can decide early if they will continue taking up the ABM strand. To meet the previously mentioned gap in this paper, the researchers decided to get data from the current ABM students of the University of Perpetual Help – Molino.

18 [Grab your reader’s attention with Senior High a great quote from the document or use this space to emphasize a key point. To place this text box anywhere on the page, just drag it.] 1.2 Research Objectives The study aims to help the Grade 12 ABM Students on what kind of lessons they are difficult to understand with. This paper will serve as a guide to ABM teachers especially the new people in teaching career. •

To identify the struggles of Grade 12 – ABM students regarding FABM subject.

To quantify student’s comprehension towards FABM topics.

To determine different coping strategies that students used in understanding the

FABM subject.

1.3 Significance of the Study The study will be beneficial to the following: STUDENTS. This study would help them adapt different strategies to develop a better understanding of FABM subject. ACADEME. This study would serve as guide for them to know what part of the topic that students find it more difficult and help them to enhance and develop students’ understanding in FABM subject. FUTURE RESEARCHERS. This study would generate new knowledge that could serve as the basis for further studies.

18 [Grab your reader’s attention with Senior High a great quote from the document or use this space to emphasize a key point. To place this text box anywhere on the page, just drag it.] 1.4 Review of Related Literature Importance of basic accounting in Senior High It is vital to address the importance of Fundamentals of ABM 2 to identify the significance of the subject in ABM strand. According to Gadiano et al. (2017) Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business, and Management introduce basic accounting principles, accounting concepts, and accounting terminology. This subject teaches the rules of debit and credit which allow performances in accounting to be done successfully. It serves as the foundation of knowledge of every ABM student. There are several existing foreign and local studies conducted that focuses primarily on the significance of basic accounting in Senior High. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (2016) announced that they have partnered with state CPA societies to increase the number of high school educators trained to teach higher order accounting courses across the country. Rankin et al. (2003) cited in (Kwarteng, 2019) argues that high school accounting can be beneficial to the performance of students in first-year university accounting since there is a close association between the high school and university accounting curricula. It is important to realize that accounting education often starts earlier, at the high school level. Understanding how high school accounting affects the development of accounting students can help further the development of accounting education programs (Marinaccio, 2017). Papageorgiou (2017) further emphasizes the correlation of academic performance of accounting students in college who took Grade 12 accounting and the other college students who didn’t took Grade 12 accounting. He explains that there was a very high significant difference in the students’

18 [Grab your reader’s attention with Senior High a great quote from the document or use this space to emphasize a key point. To place this text box Accounting I marks who had Accounting in Grade 12 and students anywhere on the page, just drag it.] with no Accounting in Grade 12. Marinaccio (2017) conducted a study about the effects of high school accounting in student’s performance on accounting proper. He emphasizes that students who take high school accounting are more likely to select accounting as a major, perform better in introductory managerial accounting courses, and are more likely to be retained within the major. These findings confirmed that students with accounting as a Grade 12 subject tend to display high academic performance in college accounting. With the development of more effective high school accounting programs courses, students can gain experience to help them throughout their higher education. These related studies suggest that basic accounting is incredibly significant for those students who will take accounting course in college. Performance in basic accounting Learning professional subjects in accounting is not like reading a novel, memorizing, or even like just mastering the accounting terms. In other words, it is very challenging (Mercado et al., 2016). Some related studies also focused in performance of students in basic accounting by means of studying their satisfaction, learning style, and also their common problems which links to different struggles of accounting students primarily in Grade 12. According to Laguador et al. (2014) Learning professional subjects as an accounting student is a big challenge. Accounting students use different kinds of strategies in order to excel in their professional subjects. They use learning strategies. Learning Style is correlated with student’s satisfaction because it determines if his/her strategy in studying produces the expected outcome such as higher grades and effective learning. If the student is not satisfied

18 [Grab your reader’s attention with Senior High a great quote from the document or use this space to emphasize a key point. To place this text box with his/her efforts, he/she might choose a different learning style anywhere on the page, just drag it.] in order to derive a better result in his/her studies (Mercado et al., 2016)...

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