Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template - Shannon Castle PDF

Title Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template - Shannon Castle
Course Instructional Planning and Presentation
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 10
File Size 322.5 KB
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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

General Information Lesson Title: Life Cycles Subject(s): Life Science Grade/Level/Setting: 3rd grade Class has 28 students, 16 boys and 12 girls, 19 on-grade-level readers, 5 are two grades above reading level, and 2 identified as gifted/talented, 2 are English learners at intermediate level, 2 have special needs.

The students will be put into 4 heterogenous groups and there will be the one homogenous group with the above-grade level students, including the 2 gifted students. Two of the groups will have one of the special needs students in each group to assist with peer tutoring. Prerequisite Skills/Prior Knowledge: What do your students already know or what do they need to know about the selected topic to successfully participate in the lesson?

Students will need to know the difference between a living and nonliving organism. Students will need to understand that all living things go through a life cycle. Students will need to know what a butterfly is. Students will need to know what a plant is.

Standards and Objectives State/National Academic Standard(s): 3:LS1: From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes

Living organisms have unique and diverse life cycles. Learning Objective(s): Identify what students will accomplish by the end of the lesson; needs to align with the state or Common Core State Standards and needs to be measurable (condition, behavior, and criterion).

Given the life cycle of plants, students will be able to label the parts of a plant by accurately completing 3 out of 5 (80%) on the graphic organizer.



What materials will the teacher and the students need in

How will you use technology to enhance teaching and

order to complete the lesson?

learning? (Optional: Use the SAMR model to explain the technology integration strategies you plan to use.)

Teacher Materials: A copy of book The Amazing Life Cycle of Plants. Substitution: Interactive Animal and Plant Life Cycle Google Slides. Vocabulary cards (enough copies for each group)

The teacher will use the interactive Promethean Board to present the interactive Animal and Life Cycle Google slides with the entire class.

Big Idea posters. Websites for the advanced students to do research from.

Student Materials:

Augmentation: The 2 SPED students will have the prefilled graphic organizers and only have to fill the remaining 2 blanks with peer tutoring during groups.

28 copies of The Amazing Life Cycle of Plants 28 copies of the graphic organizer Writing and coloring materials

Materials for Accommodations: Websites for gifted and talented students Prefilled graphic organizers for SPED students.

Language Demands Specific ways that academic language (vocabulary, functions, discourse, syntax) is used by students to participate in learning tasks through reading, writing, listening, and/or speaking to demonstrate their understanding.

Language Function(s): The content and language focus of the learning task represented by the active verbs within the learning outcomes. Common language functions include identifying main ideas and details; analyzing and interpreting characters or events; arguing a position or point of view; or predicting, recording, and evaluating data. Common language functions in math include predicting from models and data, recording multiple ways to solve problems, justifying conclusions, evaluating data and explaining how or why certain strategies work.

The students will complete their graphic organizer and color them in groups which shows the life cycle of a plant.

They will be able to present orally 3 out of the 5 phases accurately.

Vocabulary: Includes words and phrases that are used within disciplines including: (1) words and phrases with subject-specific meanings that differ from meanings used in everyday life (e.g., table); (2) general academic vocabulary used across disciplines (e.g., compare, analyze, evaluate); and (3) subject-specific words defined for use in the discipline.

Vocabulary words: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Life cycle Egg Larva Pollinate Seed Root Stem Flower Leaf Fruit Cocoon

12. Pupa

Discourse and/or Syntax: Discourse includes the structures of written and oral language, as well as how members of the discipline talk, write, and participate in knowledge construction. Syntax refers to the set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, and phrases together into structures (e.g., sentences, graphs, tables).

The students will discuss in groups the life cycle process of a plant and animal and will be able to discuss the stages that they have gone through from being an infant to their current stage in life.

Planned Language Supports: The scaffolds, representations, and pedagogical strategies teachers intentionally provide to help learners understand and use the concepts of language they need to learn within disciplines. The students will have access to the vocabulary picture cards and there will be Big Idea posters posted on the white board where they are visible to the students.

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Anticipatory Set:

Activity Description/Teacher

The teacher will ask the class if they know what a life cycle is and would they like to share it with the class. The teacher will ask some of the students to share and will use the KWL chart and write answers on whiteboard.

Student Actions

Students will share their answers with the class and give their ideas as to what a life cycle is.

(active participation strategy) Presentation Procedures for New Information and/or Modeling: Activity Description/Teacher

Student Actions

The teacher will:

The students will:

Presentation Procedures:

Presentation Procedures:

 Discuss the definitions with the  Introduce the target teacher. information for today’s lesson and introduce the vocabulary  Ask any questions they have words with definitions – life about the directions for the cycle, egg, larva, pollinate, graphic organizer. seed, root, stem, flower, leaf, fruit, cocoon, pupa. Modeling:  Pass out copies to each student of the story, The  Listen to the read aloud of The Amazing Life Cycle of Plants Amazing Life Cycle of Plants and read the story. story.  Inform the class they will be  Listen to the instructions for the filling in a graphic organizer of graphic organizer to fill in the the plant life cycle. blanks and color the organizer. Modeling:  The teacher will read the story aloud.

 The teacher will then pull up the Google Slide interactive activity – Life and Plant Cycle.  The teacher will then pass out a copy of the graphic organizer to each student and break them into groups.

Guided Practice: Activity Description/Teacher

Student Actions

Students will:

Teacher will:  Guide the class through the Google Slides Life Cycles of Plants and Animals on the Promethean Board and ask students to fill in the blanks as the questions come up (technology strategy)  Go over the requirements for the graphic organizer again to ensure understanding of instructions

 Actively participate in the Google Slides presentation and answer the questions that come up throughout the presentation and fill them in on the Promethean Board  They will be able to answer questions regarding various parts of the life cycle when asked

Independent Student Practice: Activity Description/Teacher

Teacher will:  Break students into groups – 4 heterogenous and 1 homogenous group (gifted/higher reading level)

Student Actions

Students will:  Work in groups to complete graphic organizer and color them in  They will discuss the various

(grouping strategy)  Go over the graphic organizer again and explain requirements  The teacher will rotate from group to group asking guiding questions, asking for answers to definitions  Will pass out exit tickets to students in each group for them to fill out after completing the graphic organizer

cycles and how they are different between plants and animals  They will have their copy of The Amazing Life Cycle of Plants story to refer to with any questions they have  They will complete exit tickets after completion of the graphic organizer

Culminating or Closing Procedure/Activity: Activity Description/Teacher

Teacher will:  Select a group to present their graphic organizer to the class and explain the life cycle of a plant (assessment strategy)  Question and answer session about the vocabulary words presented at the beginning of the lesson

Student Actions

Students will:  Present their graphic organizers to the class and be able to explain the different stages of the life cycle of a plant  Participate in a question-andanswer session over the vocabulary words that were presented at the beginning of the lesson.

Differentiated Instruction Consider how to accommodate for the needs of each type of student. Be sure that you provide content specific accommodations that help to meet a variety of learning needs.

Gifted and Talented: The 3 above-grade reading level students and 2 gifted students will be placed in a

group. They will be asked to do research and compare life cycles of a plant and a butterfly – noting stages and differences and similarities and then give a presentation to the class. EL: The 2 EL students will have a list of vocabulary words in both Spanish and English given to them as well as the graphic organizer will have the instructions written in Spanish for better understanding of directions.

Students with Other Special Needs: On the graphic organizer, 3 spots will already be prefilled, and they will only have to fill the 2 remaining blanks, and this will be accomplished with peer tutoring in groups.

Assessment Formative Describe how you will monitor, support, and extend student thinking. I will walk around the room during groups, observing and asking questions to check for understanding of the material and will pass out exit tickets for the students to complete which will help check for understanding.

Summative (Quizzes, Tests, products) The graphic organizer will serve as a graded assignment to verify that students understood the vocabulary and process of the plant life cycle by correctly identifying 3 out of the 5 blanks on the organizer.

Part B: My active participation strategy will be used during the anticipatory set. I plan to use the KWL chart in a question-and-answer session to engage my students by asking them to describe what they think a life cycle is. We will chart this on the whiteboard using the KWL strategy. I like to use this strategy as it can demonstrate the level of knowledge and gaps in understanding and provides a route for engaging students in a meaningful conversation to stimulate learning

and the course text states, “learning is promoted with higher-order questions that ask students to apply, analyze, and evaluate information.” By using the KWL chart, this promotes this higherorder thinking.” (Burden and Byrd 2013) My grouping strategy was to use both heterogenous and homogenous groups, which can be found in the independent student practice portion of the lesson plan. I put my above-level readers and gifted students into a group and gave them an additional task of doing research and comparing the life cycle of plants and animals and how they differ and then do a presentation to the class. I chose this strategy so that all students were able to work with their peers and feel comfortable with their abilities to complete the assignment. This also allowed the English learners and special needs students to have assistance from their peers in their groups. This strategy is supported by the course text as it states that students work better together in groups, which have a positive impact on learning. (Burden and Byrd 2013) My technology strategy was addressed by using the Promethean Board and using an interactive Google Slides activity that supported the information that was presented for the lesson during the guided practice portion. I selected this activity as I feel that students can remember information that is taught with a fun and meaningful presentation. An article by Promethean World states that by incorporating interactive whiteboards during lessons has shown increased engagement by students and enhances learning. (Promethean Limited, 2020) My assessment strategy that I chose was a performance assessment, which included a graphic organizer, as well as a group oral presentation, which can be found in the closing procedure portion of the lesson plan. This method was chosen because I know that younger children enjoy art projects and coloring. By using this assessment method, it encourages their creativity and allows them a break and to move about the classroom while completing this.

According to the Learning Policy Institute, performance assessments require students to show what they know instead of choosing an answer from a list to answer a question, such as a multiple-choice test. This strategy can improve educational outcomes for students. (Maier et al., 2020)

REFERENCES Promethean Limited. (2020, June 18). Most powerful and helpful features of an interactive whiteboard. Promethean World. Retrieved September 17, 2021, from Maier, A., Adams, J., Burns, D., Kaul, M., Saunders, M., & Thompson, C. (2020, October 13). Using performance assessments to support student learning. Learning Policy Institute. Retrieved September 18, 2021, from

Burden, P. R., & Byrd, D. M. (2012). Methods for Effective Teaching: Meeting the Needs of All Students, VitalSource for Western Governors University (6th Edition). Pearson Learning Solutions.

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