Title | Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Example (Theme - Freedom Summer) |
Course | Children's Literature |
Institution | Western Governors University |
Pages | 7 |
File Size | 330.7 KB |
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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Elementary Literacy Example
General Information Lesson Title: Determining the Theme of a Story Subject(s): Reading Comprehension Grade/Level/Setting: 4th Grade There are 20 students in the classroom that are sitting in 4 heterogeneous groups of 5. The instruction that will take place in the classroom will include whole group and small group instruction. Prerequisite Skills/Prior Knowledge:
● Students should understand how to recount stories. ● Students should understand how to identify characters and setting in a story. ● Students should also understand how to determine the central message of a story when referring to text evidence, illustrations, and character’s actions.
Standards and Objectives State/National Academic Standard(s): CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.4.2 Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text; summarize the text. Learning Objective(s): Given the text, Freedom Summer, students must be able to accurately complete 4 out of 5 sections on the graphic organizer and determine the theme with 100% accuracy.
Teacher Materials:
SAMR Level: Substitution ● The teacher will use the Promethean Board to model how to complete the Discovering the THEME graphic organizer. Augmentation: ● The teacher will provide the student with a visual impairment an audio version of
● Copy of Discovering the THEME Graphic Organizer
● Promethean Board Student Materials:
● ● ●
5 copies of Extra Yarn 20 Copies of Freedom Summer 20 Paper copies of Discovering the THEME Graphic Organizer
Freedom Summer ● The teacher will provide the student with dyslexia a C-Pen reader to support comprehension.
(TeachingResourceResort, THEME ~ An Acronym Graphic Organizer (n.d.)) ● Posterboard ● Writing Materials Materials for Accommodations:
Higher-Level Story for Gifted and talented students Audio text of Freedom Summer C-Pen Reader
● ● Language Demands Language Function:
● Determine a theme Vocabulary:
(Vocabulary list from Freedom Summer) ● theme ● ice pops ● County dump trucks ● asphalt ● blacktop ● Dairy Dip Discourse and/or Syntax:
The students will engage in discourse in the lesson through small group discussion about the theme and writing about the theme in a graphic organizer. Planned Language Supports:
Language Function Support: 1. The teacher will provide the definition of “determine”.
2. The teacher will model how to locate text evidence to determine the theme of a story. Vocabulary Support: 1. The teacher will provide definitions of the vocabulary words in Freedom Summer on chart paper. 2. The teacher and students will engage in a discussion about the vocabulary words and their definitions. Discourse Support: 1. Discovering the THEME Graphic Organizer 2. The teacher will provide the following sentence starters to help students understand how to articulate the retelling. ● The significance of the title is __________________. ● The main character changed in the story because _________________. ● The emotions I felt at the end of the story are ________________. ● The mood of the story was _________________. ● The message of the story applied to my life because _______________. ● The theme of the story is _________________.
Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks
Anticipatory Set: Activity Description/Teacher Student Actions The teacher will ask students if they have heard Students will discuss with their shoulder partner the word “theme”. They will of the word “theme”. The teacher will engage discuss if they have heard the word the students in a discussion. The teacher will before and what they think the word then show the students a BrainPop video about means. The students will watch the determining a theme. BrainPop video: Theme. Then the students will get back to their shoulder Video: Theme. BrainPOP. (n.d.). partner to discuss what they learned about https://www.brainpop.com/english/writing/the theme from the BrainPop video and what me/. they think the purpose of determining theme is. Presentation Procedures for New Information and/or Modeling: Activity Description/Teacher Student Actions
Teacher will: Presentation Procedures for New Information ● Introduce and discuss the learning target for the day’s lesson and introduce the vocabulary words from Freedom Summer ● Project the Discovering the THEME graphic organizer on the Promethean Board and explain how the graphic organizer can help pull out important information to help determine the theme of a story. Modeling ● The teacher will read aloud a book. ● The teacher will display the Discovering the THEME graphic organizer onto the Promethean Board. ● After the teacher has read the book, the teacher will model how to complete the five areas of the retelling graphic organizer: title, how, emotions, mood, and enduring. ● The teacher will reread the five areas of the graphic organizer and model how to determine the theme.
Presentation Procedure for New Information Students will: ● Discuss the vocabulary words and their definitions from Freedom Summer. The words will be posted on a word wall for the students’ reference. ● Ask any questions they have about the Discovering the THEME graphic organizer. Modeling: Students will: ● Listen to the read-aloud. ● Watch and observe how the teacher completes the Discovering the THEME graphic organizer. ● Listen to how the teacher uses the text evidence from the Discovering the THEME graphic organizer to determine the theme.
Guided Practice: Student Actions Students will: ● Break into predetermined groups and chorally read the book. In ● Provide each student group with one groups, the students will complete Discovering the THEME graphic the Discovering the THEME organizer. graphic organizer. ● Break the students into five ● The students will identify the title,
Activity Description/Teacher Teacher will: ● Introduce a second story.
heterogeneous groups with at least one stronger reader. ● Provide the students with a poster board and writing materials to write and illustrate the theme of the story. ● The teacher will rotate from group to group, asking guiding questions, providing support, and extending students’ thinking on determining the theme. ● The teacher will observe student conversations and monitor understanding using an observational theme checklist.
how, emotions, mood, and enduring. ● The students will discuss the text evidence they wrote on the graphic organizer to determine the theme of the story.. ● The students will write and illustrate the theme on a poster board. ● Each student group will have the opportunity to show the illustration and tell the class the theme of the story.
Independent Student Practice: Activity Description/Teacher Student Actions Students will: Teacher will: ● Read Freedom Summer ● Pass out individual Discovering the independently. THEME graphic organizers for each student and instruct students to complete ● Complete the Discovering the the graphic organizer for the story THEME graphic organizer. The Freedom Summer. students must complete all 5 areas of the graphic organizer: title, how, ● Monitor students as they complete the emotions, mood, and enduring and Discovering the THEME graphic write the theme on the back. organizer and answer questions as needed to support and extend thinking. Culminating or Closing Procedure/Activity: Activity Description/Teacher Student Actions Students will: Teacher will: ● Complete the exit ticket on what ● Provide the students an exit ticket about the determining the theme lesson. they learned about determining the theme. ● The students will conference with the teacher individually to discuss what they learned, their ah-ha moments, and one big question they still have.
(Learning with Lindsey, 3,2,1 Formative Assessment and Activity Reflection (n.d.))
● The teacher will review the exit ticket and have individual conferences with the students about what they wrote on their exit tickets.
Differentiated Instruction Gifted and Talented: The Gifted and Talented students will participate in a small group discussion about how to determine the theme in various genres. This will engage the students in higher-order thinking about if how the theme is determined changes depending on the genre of the test. ELL: English Language Learners will be provided with a bilingual version of Freedom Summer. This accommodation will support reading comprehension. Students with Other Special Needs: The student with a visual impairment will be provided an audio text and larger font of all stories in the lesson. They will also be provided with a larger print Discovering the THEME graphic organizer. This accommodation will help my student with a visual impairment to read the story and see the text clearly to complete the lesson. My student with dyslexia will be provided with a C-Pen reader to help them read the text and determine the meaning of unknown words using the dictionary feature of the pen. This accommodation will support the student in fluency and reading comprehension.
Assessment Formative:
Monitor: The teacher will monitor the students’ ability to locate text evidence and determine the theme during the guided practice using an observational checklist. Support: The teacher will ask the students guiding questions about the story and the text evidence that will help them determine the theme during the guided practice. Extend: The teacher will extend on theme during the culmination portion of the lesson. The teacher will have individual conferences with the students about what they learned, their ah-ha moments, and one big question they still have. Summative:
Given the text, Freedom Summer, the students will complete the Discovering the THEME graphic organizer. The students will need to complete the five areas of the graphic organizer and write the theme on the back of the graphic organizer. For students to demonstrate mastery, they must accurately complete 4 out of 5 sections on the graphic organizer and determine the
theme of Freedom with 100% accuracy. References Wiles, D. (2001). Freedom summer. New York, NY: Atheneum Books for Young Readers. Login. Teachers Pay Teachers. (n.d.). https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/FreeDownload/321-FormativeAssessment-and-Activity-Reflection-276213. THEME ~ An Acronym Graphic Organizer. Teachers Pay Teachers. (n.d.). https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/THEME-An-AcronymGraphic-Organizer-193834? epik=dj0yJnU9VFpvU191UDRxb19UWnlTV1B4bEN0MjBZMzhaMl BrZ3QmcD0wJm49MVBhSjhWTC1XM1NYYURRMFVwRVhGUS Z0PUFBQUFBR0QyNmxj. Theme. BrainPOP. (n.d.). https://www.brainpop.com/english/writing/theme/....