Direct Instruction Lesson Plan template PDF

Title Direct Instruction Lesson Plan template
Course Curriculum Instruction and Assessment
Institution Western Governors University
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Direct Instruc,on Lesson Plan Template

General Informa,on Lesson Title: Making ten, adding teen numbers Subject(s): Math Grade/Level/Se@ng: First grade classroom instruc6on Prerequisite Skills/Prior Knowledge: SWBAT: - make ten using different methods - Add numbers less than ten

Standards and Objec,ves State/Na6onal Academic Standard(s): CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.OA.C.6 SWBAT add and subtract within 20. Students will demonstrate different ways to add to 10. Learning Objec,ve(s): Each student will receive a worksheet with 10 double-ten-frame problems. I will expect students to add 10 and another number, equaling a teen number. Based on the newness of the material, I will accept 70% or 7/10 as a passing score for this lesson.



- Worksheet - Pencil - Cube manipulatives

SAMR Level: Substitution

-SMARTboard allows teachers to demonstrate the process of solving problems as students watch - Document camera allows teachers to share student examples and show students how to solve problems

Language Demands Specific ways that academic language (vocabulary, functions, discourse, syntax) is used by students to participate in learning tasks through reading, writing, listening, and/or speaking to demonstrate their understanding.

Language Func,on(s): Students will be expected to verbally explain their problem solving process by the end of the lesson.

Vocabulary: Tens, ones, ten, one, twenty, teen number, summa6on, addi6on, sum, equal, ten-frame Discourse and/or Syntax: Students will share how they made ten as well as how to make a teen number by adding ten and another number.

Planned Language Supports: Two planned supports to help all students successfully discuss their results are: - Math vocabulary cards - Sentence stems

Instruc,onal Strategies and Learning Tasks

Anticipatory Set: Activity Description/Teacher

Student Actions

The teacher will review the ten-frame and Students will answer questions during a teen number anchor charts with the class. group discussion about addends summing ten.

Presentation Procedures for New Information and/or Modeling: Activity Description/Teacher - On SMARTboard, display double tenframe worksheet ! - Review how to use double ten-frames! - Provide problem to be solved (6+9)! - Review how to add to make 10 in a ten frame (6+4=10)! - Show students a full ten frame with leftover Unifix Cubes (5)! - Demonstrate the full 10 frame added to the 5 remainders equals a teen number. (15)! - Discuss that 6+9 =10+5 =15

Student Actions - Replicate double ten frames from SMARTboard on their own whiteboards! - Observe teacher placing 8 Unifix cubes into the first 6 squares of ten frame #1. ! - Respond when asked “How many remain? (How many squares are needed to fill the first ten frame?)” (4)! - Students will tell me how many leftover Unifix cubes I have (5)! - Students will recognize that these 5 cubes go in the second 10 frame.

Guided Practice: Activity Description/Teacher - Give students Unifix cubes, pencils, and worksheets with double 10 frames.! - Write out problem on board (7+6)! - Using the document camera, show students how to fill the first ten frame. ! - There should be three remaining cubes which students will place on the second 10 frame. ! - Discuss that 7+6=10+3=13

Student Actions - Look at the problem on the SMARTboard! - Place 7 Unifix cubes in the first 10 frame. ! - Count how many are needed to fill the first ten frame (3)! - Place 3 cubes on the 1st ten frame! - Count how many cubes are left over (3)! - Place remaining cubes on second ten frame.

Differen,ated Instruc,on Consider how to accommodate for the needs of each type of student. Be sure that you provide content-specific accommodations that help meet a variety of learning needs.

GiNed and Talented: GiQed and talented children need to have increased challenges to keep their brains engaged, so I would offer them problems involving 3 digits, such as: 3+6+8=17 EL: To ensure my EL students understand the concepts and what is being asked of them, I would give them sentence stems and offer assistance from their English-speaking peers. Students with Other Special Needs: I will differen6ate their instruc6on by giving them Unifix cubes already grouped in the digits being added. I would also offer concrete models to help them explore the concepts. Addi6onally, if needed, I would use small groups for more individualized a_en6on.

Assessment Forma,ve Describe how you will monitor, support, and extend student thinking.

I will use 2 types of forma6ve assessments for this lesson. 1. Guided Conversa6ons- By using guided conversa6on during the lesson, I will make sure I hear each of my students thought processes, and I will know if they understand what I am asking of them. Not every student will speak during the whole-group instruc6on, however I will ensure while they complete their worksheets, that I circulate the room, asking ques6ons of individuals and small groups as I move around the classroom. 2. Students will receive an exit slip at the end of the lesson. They will be expected to finish the double ten frames on the sheet, individually. I will review the exit slips, and this will let me know which students need extra prac6ce and if any parts of the lesson need to be reviewed the next day, or later in the week. Summa,ve (Quizzes, tests, products)

The summa6ve assessment will be a sheet with 5 double ten frame problems. Students will be expected to compete the sheet while showing their understanding about making ten and adding to teen numbers. I expect 4/5 to be completed correctly, for an overall understanding of at least 80%. This will show me which of my students are achieving at the state standard level, and which students need more prac6ce or help during small group 6me.

B. The lesson plan could be made cross-disciplinary with an ELA lesson. One modifica...

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