Disadvantages Of Internet Marketing PDF

Title Disadvantages Of Internet Marketing
Course English Composition I
Institution New Jersey City University
Pages 11
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Disadvantages Of Internet Marketing...


Disadvantages Of Internet Marketing We are in the age where everything is digital and people want to buy things online. In todays time people want everything to be fast and convenient. Over the years the trend of shopping online has become one of the top ways to shop other than going to the store. Internet marketing is shopping online with complete freedom to buy any item using credit or debit cards. Internet marketing is also referred to as e-marketing. Internet marketing has changed the way companies and consumers buy and sell their products and there is advantages and disadvantages of using internet marketing. Internet marketing is used of course online and the specific target is people who use the internet to buy and sell products. Mostly what is brought online is computer, computer accessories, and consumer election. Then there are books, music, videos, packed goods, food, beverage, furniture, and gifts. Consumers shop online for various reasons. Which are convenience, choice, customization, communication, cost, and control. First there is convince. Shopping online is the fast way to shop. Most consumers use the eight-second this means that is eight seconds if they can not navigate and

download in eight seconds they will more to different website (Kerin, Hartley 605). Second there is choice. There are so many different options to online shopping. Third there is customization is the practice of not only customizing a product or service but also personalizing the marketing overall shopping and buying interaction for each customers. Fourth there is communication, there is three forms of communication online, marketer-to-consumer e-mail notification, consumer-to-marketer buying, and consumer-to-consumer chat. Fifth there is cost. Dynamic pricing is the practice of changing prices for products and services in real time in response to supply and demand conditions. Sixth there is control. This is consumers have complete control of what they want to buy. They don 't have others opinions changing their minds. So they have complete control of how they want to shop (Kerin, Hartley 610). The pressure of buying a product. When e-marketing the consumer nor the person selling them do not have to have that interpersonal interactions. Consumers get to sit in the comfort of their home and make decisions. With talking about this, sometimes consumer when buying in store feel like the are pressured into buying a product. When buying in store the seller may have a

certain goal to reach for the day or for the month so they feel like they have to push customers into buying an item. So, when purchasing online that is not a problem. The consumer can take their time and not worry about someone walking over to ask them if they need help. With this being said the company should have a good website. Knowing your target audience can help the company be successful. By having a specific audience you can customize and update your website to fit the needs of the consumers. Website designs When consumers want to take their market online they need to make sure their website is efficient and has easy of using it. When the product is not well-known consumers use a search engine to find products that meets their needs. According to Matt Bailey, the volume of success depends on how well the website works together with people. He states that a website must give the company visibility online, great customer experiences, and understanding what your amount of visitors say. The companies’ website must be easy to use for all consumers and very well organized. Accessibility is key in a good website design. To make sure all consumers can access the website easily the company should think about making the website

easy for people who are blind, death, and or reading impaired. The search bar on the website should help costumers find what they are looking for with complete easy. Always check websites for broken links this can make consumers frustrated and want to go to a different website to shop and or buy. Make sure that the text design is easy for people to read. The text font does not need to be too Big or too small. Companies marketing plan According to Ardath Albee, there is a process in the buying process which he calls the past and now. This process involves the status quo, priority shift, research, options, step backs, validation, and finally the choice. The first step is the status quo the main objective is to introduce your products to the industry and develop issues and make a plan to fix this range. In this step your company is introducing what they are selling. The second step is priority shift this is used to gain attention from your consumers and provide them educational background on your product. Then there is the third step which is research in this process the company should be discussing how, what, and when they are going to launch their product and what are the risk of launching their product. Of course every company might have step back this is when the buyer is hesitant or unsure about if they should

or should not buy your product. This is why the company needs a good website that monitors the amount of visitors they have. The next step is validation for benefits. This is where the company should include how to contact them most likely this is a link on the companies’ website page that states “About Us.” Finally, there is Choice and commitment this is when the buyer is ready to make a purchase each step helps to commitment and reach this final step (Albee 44-46). Making your company a brand Big companies such as Amazon, E-bay, big name stores, and etc. are easily to get multiple consumers to buy their products. This is because they have developed personal relationships with their consumers for having the most efficient way to shop. So, for smaller companies using online ads would be ideal in making a name brand for themselves. Companies not only should have a good website, but they need to advertise. Matt Bailey describes this as “Giving the right people the right messages with the right offer at the right time” (Bailey 4). Search engines such as google, Yahoo, Bing and etc. give companies a chance to buy from them so they can display their companies’ logo and/or website. Advertising

Each company needs to be original. They need to make sure that their website does not favor another competitor. To ensure that each business is different there is legal rights that people have to consider. These include: trademark rights, advertising issues, copyright issues, privacy rights, and franchise agreement terms and terminations. According to Judith A. Powell and Lauren Sullins Ralls Trademark rights are required when a franchisor protects their brand from other franchisees and third-part. This stops them from stealing their product and calling it theirs and other people using their company name to sell products from their company. Then there is advertising issues. “In an increasingly competitive landscape, comparative and other advertising claims receive heightened scrutiny” (Powell, Ralls 1). This means if false advertisement is showed the franchisor has to take full liability on the product. Copyright issues are written agreements that protects a company this is established by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act’s. Privacy rights protects the costumers from their information being shared with other third parties. Finally, there is franchise agreement terms and termination. This states that all terms an agreement must be placed on the website page for consumers to see.

Advertising can get expensive this is why a company should not just depend on it. Michael Philips and salli raspberry explain how companies especially small companies should not rely on advertising. This meaning advertising can get expenses. Maintenance for these website are already expensive. They suggest if a company uses advertising for six mouths and nothing happens meaning they are not receiving enough revenue then either the company needs to change their ads or they need to close their businesses. They also say that paying for your referrals is a good way of getting business going (11.12). Communication Communicating is the “process of conveying a message to others that requires six elements; a source, a message, a channel of communication, a receiver, and the process of encoding and decoding” (Kerin, Hartley 470). Communication is key when a company is selling a product. Not just communication with the seller and customer, but communication with-in the company. Everyone (buyers, providers, and consumers) should maintain and continue to establish relationships (Varey 223). Being transparency in your

company ensures that you are being completely honest with not only employees, but your customers also. Advantages of internet marketing Internet marketing has Its advantages. The first one is that It is easy to use. The internet is everywhere and almost everyone can access it. Not only can it reach people in certain regions like in-store, but it can reach world wide. With just at the click of a mouse costumers can buy and/or sell a product. Most importantly online marketing is available online three hundred sixty-five days a week twenty-four seven. Online marketing helps to make personal relationships with consumers. The company can send out promotions to tell consumers about sales or send out birthday promotions. Online Marketing helps consumers keep track of who is a repeat customer better than online. It is also cost effective online marketing does not require much money to keep up than in store. In stores large sums of cash is required rather than online that only requires small amounts. The cost of internet is low because only fees a consumer has is the one-time fee of a computer and a monthly fee of internet service. For companies this is the same. A monthly fee of internet, maintenance online, pay of customer service representatives (people who are on

standby to answer consumers’ questions and help them place orders), and storage. While in store pays all employees (customer service representative, cleaning crew, electricians, plumbers etc.), internet, they have to constantly restock inventory and do inventory. Internet marketing allows consumers to feel like that have a store inside their house. Almost everything can be brought online. With this being said consumers can target specific customers for their product. The last advantage of internet marketing is that Internet marketing give immediate results. This meaning that with a press of a button consumers can know what product they sell that sells the most and the least. They can know what they need to discontinue or keep. With this said, consumers online do not have to worry about having a big business or a small business. This is because online marketing levels the playing field. Disadvantages of internet marketing While everything has advantages it also can have disadvantages. Internet marketing has multiple disadvantages. The first one is that when shopping online it requires a credit card or a debit card. Some consumers are scared of this because there are multiple scammers online waiting for someone to give them money. By scammers getting

consumers information they are less likely to use it. This is why most companies now use a third party to secure cards. The most popular on is pay pal. PayPal is an anti-fraud technology that keeps personal information concealed. Internet fraud is a big topic of discussion. It has become increasing more popular in todays time. The number one problem going on now is “web spoofing” or the creation of fake websites. The FBI has described this as “the hottest, and most troubling, new scam on the internet” (Dinev 78). People are taking big name companies and selling their products cheaper and making them either, not as the picture shown of the product or it completely different. According to Dinev these attackers create a fake link, but the website in the URL is legitimate. This also happens in emails. Attackers pretend to be a company and sends costumers new products to buy from the company. When they do this is is either fake or they just take their money. Internet marketing or online marketing has changed the way companies and consumers buy and sell their products and the advantages and disadvantages of each product. While internet marketing is everywhere and available all the time consumers and

costumers may see it as a bad thing or a good thing. This is why companies need to make sure they taking precautionary messages to make sure they keep their companies happy. They need to make sure they have a good marketing plan and good websites. This keeps money in the companies’ pockets and consumers happy....

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