Internet marketing e-marketing plan PDF

Title Internet marketing e-marketing plan
Author Mary Raven
Course Internet Marketing
Institution Curtin University
Pages 11
File Size 267.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 80
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E-marketing plan based on Frank Body ...


Frank Body is an Australian owned skincare brand based in Sydney (Frank Body, 2013) . Created in 2013, the brand quickly became a popular household name due to its attractive packaging and flirty messages to consumers. Frank Body was one of the original creators of coffee body scrub (Frank Body, 2013). As of now, they have larger range of skincare products including moisturiser, face masks and body balms. The brand started as an online store but now has various products sold in the Australian makeup store, Mecca (Frank Body, 2013) .

The skincare industry is a highly competitive market (Loboda & Lopaciuk, 2013 ) and as of 2019 , is worth 4.2 billion Australian dollars in Australia alone (Sams, 2019). The main dominators in the skincare market are Loreal, Beiersdorf and Unilever (Euromonitor International, 2019). The skincare industry has an increasingly large online e-commerce and social media presence. In this industry consumers are typically loyal (Wood, 2009) to a particular brand due to the seemingly high involvement and habitual nature of skincare products, (Rani, 2014). This e-marketing plan aims to convert customers into loyal, long term relationships and increase awareness of Frank Body.

SITUATION ANALYSIS ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS In this particular marketing environment there are two different types of factors; micro and macro. The micro factors prevalent within this environment are customers and competitors, whilst the macro factor is the technological environment.

The skincare market as stated above, is highly competitive in terms of brands, products and ingredients. Frank Body was one of the original creators of coffee scrubs in 2013 (Frank Body, 2013) and now many brands have released their own coffee scrub, including Sportsgirl, Kmart, Target, Bondai Sands and Lush Cosmetics. The two biggest competitors for Frank Body are BodyBlendz and C Lab & Co. BodyBlendz is an Australian skincare company which has successfully entered into the overseas market and now has collaborations with celebrities including Blac Chyna (BodyBlendz, 2019). Unlike Frank Body, BodyBlendz is available at multiple physical stores such as Chemist Warehouse, Hairhouse Warehouse and Priceline (BodyBlendz, 2019). They also sell a larger variety of products including skincare products whereas Frank Body is only 1

sold in person at or Mecca stores throughout Australia or online and have a smaller selection of products. This poses as a threat to Frank Body as BodyBlendz is more easily available. However, BodyBlendz does not rank as high as Frank Body does in search engine optimisation. Once the brand is typed into google, the first link that comes up is for Chemist Warehouse and BodyBlendz is the third, although once you type in Frank Body, they’re listed first.

C Lab & Co is another top competitor for Frank Body. Unlike BodyBlendz and Frank Body, they have a black, sleek and minimalistic vibe to the product packaging and website. The products they offer alongside coffee scrub include a body wash and lotion. C Lab & Co have a smaller product selection than both Frank Body and BodyBlendz, however their brand philosophy provides them with corporate social responsibility (Core-Metrics, 2019) due to the website statement that they only source coffee beans from an ethical source which appeals to the customers as they value transparency and ethics. C Lab & Co serve as a competitor and a threat to Frank Body. The second mirco factor within this environment is the consumer. The rapid rise of technology and the availability to information has resulted in high consumer power (Krishnamurphy & Kucuk, 2007), resulting in the transparency of companies and the importance of corporate social responsibility. Consumers value and search for ethically sourced, natural and non-toxic ingredients. This has resulted in higher demand for organic and ethically sourced products. Although Frank Body states on their website that they’re ingredients are natural, paraben and toxin free there is no mention of how they source their coffee beans. Consumer loyalty is a large part of the skincare industry, as they tend to stay will one familiar brand for their skin as opposed to changing and switching products and brands.

Lastly, the macro factor relevant in this market is technology. Technology is an important factor to consider when exploring the skincare market as almost every product is available online due to the growth of e-commerce and brands will continue to utilise technological developments towards their brand (Loboda & Lopaciuk, 2013). Frank Body started off as an online shop and now only sells products at Mecca stores. This was an opportunity for Frank Body as they heavily utilised technology in terms of e-commerce, social media and marketing. Technology has created easily accessible information, a large product pool, 2

consumer communication and increased the consumer buying power (Krishnamurphy & Kucuk, 2007). communication. However, Frank Body’s large online presence has resulted in social media being one of their largest strengths.


WEAKNESS The products may be

OPPORTUNITY Opening a pop-up

THREAT Coffee scrubs have

online following and

seen as expensive or

store in metropolitan

extremely simple

presence with 727

high in price.

areas could be an

ingredients that are

hundred thousand

200grams of the

opportunity for the

easy to purchase so

followers on

scrub is $18.95.

brand to gain

customers may


Although it is less

awareness and new

decide to create their

expensive than the

customers due to its

own DIY products.


large online

BodyBlendz is


$19.99 for the same volume. C Lab & Co have a coffee scrub at the price of $19.95 but for 330grams The packaging and

Frank Body has no

Frank Body also has

There are a large

branding of Frank

actual retail store and

the opportunity to

number of

Body is attractive

is only sold either

increase their

competitors with

and well presented.

online or in Mecca.

corporate social

coffee scrubs,

This can make the

responsibility and

especially online.

customers journey

customer favour by

more difficult if they

partnering with

don’t have this


Frank Body is an

access. The language used in

Since most coffee

Australian owned

their online website

scrubs are extremely


company which

and campaigns may

feminine in

appeals to the

be seen as

appearance and don’t

Australian customer.


appeal to men, Frank Body has the opportunity to create a mens version of their famous scrub.

Frank Body is

The branding and

available online and

appearance is very

in person at Mecca

feminine which

Stores which makes

almost cuts out the

it easily accessible.

male demographic in

The ingredients in

the skincare industry. Coffee scrub is now a

the products are

popular product

natural, paraben free,

which many brands

toxin free and are not

sell, it’s no longer

tested on animals. Frank Body’s


charismatic approach to customer communication makes the brand easily memorable and favourable. E-MARKETING STRATEGIC PLAN

SEGMENTATION AND TARGETTING In order to define and target the ideal customer, this e-marketing plan has segmented the Geographically, the target market is segmented to individuals who live in highly urban, metropolitan areas and high-income suburbs. The demographic target market for Frank Body are women who are aged 16-30. This is due to the notion that females tend to care more for 4

their skincare and appearance at this age compared to the older individuals of the population. The target customers value technology, skincare, appearance and organic components of products (Gangadharbatta, Bright, Logan, Freguson & Dix, 2012). These values were chosen as Frank Body is typically an online brand with a large social media following which sells products to fight cellulite, acne and eczema. The ingredients in these products are also organic, paraben free and toxin free, which appeals to the chosen demographic.

In regards to the psychographic segmentation, the target consumers are social young adults, any member of the household with a medium to high income who value quality, the environment, appearance, community and social media (Kelly & Brookes, 2009). Frank Body’s skincare products are of a high quality and come in biodegradable packaging. The online presence of Frank Body has created a community within their customers which the company refers to as “frankfurts”.

The behavioural segmentation selected is individuals who sought out the benefits of clean skin, cellulite prevention and reduction and being included in a beauty craze. When it comes to skincare, consumers are generally loyal to one brand (Chiu, Tsai, & Lin, 2009) . This emarketing plan focuses on creating and nurturing the consumers and the relationship they have with Frank Body by selecting individuals who fit into these areas of segmentation.

DIFFERENTIATION The skincare market has an unprecedented number of brands and companies which sell virtually similar products, especially online (Loboda & Lopaciuk, 2013). In order to make Frank Body stand out and be the preferred brand in terms of Australian coffee scrubs, two differentiation strategies are required. The two differentiation strategies proposed in this plan are service differentiation and user generated content. In order to differentiate Frank Body from other brands such as BodyBlendz and C Lab & Co, the company will need to implement a new approach to customer service. Frank Body is required to create a twenty-four-hour customer service bot which responds to frequent questions and can aid consumers in their skin care. Developing a bot which enquires with consumers in regards to their skin type and skin components and then recommend the ideal


coffee scrub for their skin will not only differentiate Frank Body from their competitor, but it makes the consumers journey to purchasing a product more personalised.

POSITIONING This e-marketing plan aims to position Frank Body as the original coffee scrub with the best cruelty free, paraben free and toxin free products. The brand is positioned to be fun and charismatic in order to appeal to the target market. This can be achieved through the maintenance of consumer relations and a strong online presence.

E-MARKETING OBJECTIVES The objectives presented in this plan are to (1) increase customer re-purchase rate by 15%, (2) increase both online and instore profits by 20%, and (3) to increase website traffic by 18% within the timeframe of three years.


The product strategies presented in this e-marketing plan are the improvement and revision of the product. Frank Body’s current product mix includes coffee scrub, body balms, body lotions and facial moisturiser and cleanser. Before improving the products, Frank Body needs to implement a consumer-focused approach to revise the current products. This can be accomplished by creating a database of the current consumers and using direct email marketing through an online service, such as MailChimp to send consumers a survey with questions regarding the quality, available products, the packaging and the current customer service technique implemented by Frank Body. For maximum results there should be an award for consumers who complete the survey, such as 10% off of the next order to increase the likeliness of consumers actually taking the survey (Seele, 2005). Once this information is gathered into a database, Frank Body can then use this information to improve the products based on the consumers feedback. Consumers are also growingly becoming aware of the environment and the biological footprint they leave (Jacob & Cherian, 2012), especially since the audience that is targeted are young adults who value the environment and the quality of ingredients used. By incorporating this information into the process of improving their current products, Frank Body can achieve higher consumer satisfaction and appeal by reducing the amount of plastic 6

used in their already recyclable packaging and marketing this to their consumers. Another suggestion is that Frank Body increases their transparency by marketing the cleanliness and benefits of each ingredient used in their products. This strategy has a heavy focus on emarketing objectives 1 and 2. The pricing strategy proposed in this plan is promotional pricing. Frank Body can utilize this strategy by developing a database of consumer information, including how often they repurchase. Once this database is created and collected, consumers who have not repurchased from the online store in five months will be sent an automatic e-mail which states that the brand “misses them” and includes a 15% off discount voucher. Alongside this will be the introduction of a “refer a friend” award. This will require the creation of a pop-up window which appears after a consumer has purchased their product. The consumer will place their “friends” email address into the window, select send and it will automatically send an email via an online service, and request they make a customer account in order to receive a 10% discount for both consumers. Although these strategies may slightly counteract e-marketing objective 2, it will increase the awareness of the brand through organic word-of-mouth and create more and stronger consumer relationships which will ultimately help Frank Body achieve e-marketing objectives 1 and 3. By utilizing a promotion strategy heavily focused on social media and public relations, Frank Body will successfully achieve e-marketing objectives 2 and 3. Frank Body already has a very large Instagram following of 727 hundred thousand followers (Frank Body, 2013) , which makes it a lot easier to implement a social media promotional strategy than it would be for a brand with less. The way in which Frank Body will implement the social media aspect of a promotional strategy is by increasing consumer interactions, social media advertising via Facebook or Google AdWords and targeting influencers. Increasing the online presence of Frank Body in terms of social media can be achieved by increasing the amount which Frank Body posts on its accounts to twice a day, every day of relevant images and statuses, interacting with its consumers by live videos on its platforms discussing the benefits of the product, the ingredients and answering questions live, replying to comments consumers post on the posts, reposting pictures consumers take with their product and encouraging them to use the hashtag “frankfurts” will increase the perceived reliability of the brand and strengthen the relationship 7

with the consumers. Another way in which Frank Body will utilise social media as a promotional strategy is by sending their products to popular and relevant influencers who would be able to drive traffic from their Instagram, Twitter or Facebook posts. This will require strong communication between Frank Body and the influencers, analytics of website traffic and creating and sending the influencers packages of their products for them to post. A strong and constant social media strategy will push the brand towards accomplishing emarketing objectives 2 & 3. Another promotional strategy which will be implemented is public relations. The public relations techniques which will be included within the promotional strategy are sponsorships and publicity. Frank Body is typically a feminine skincare brand which includes a multitude of body, shower and facial products, by sponsoring popular female targeted events and television shows such as “Meccaland” by the Mecca stores which sell their products, The All Women’s Expo, Married At First Sight and The Bachelor, Frank Body will successfully secure a larger consumer pool and increase their profits. To achieve this, Frank Body will need to continuously communicate with the desired sponsorships. Consumers are becoming increasingly aware and holding themselves responsible in terms of ethics and are continuously purchasing products from brands with the same ethical values (Shiu & Shaw, 2013). Frank Body can use this information to appeal more to the consumer, gain publicity and increase their corporate social responsibility by creating campaigns surrounding their donations and support for charities relevant to their products and consumers such as McGrath Foundation, One Girl Australia and Sierra Club foundation or creating a campaign in which each purchase results in a tree being planted in order to appear et. In order to gain publicity from online magazines, websites and blogs which specially target the same demographic pool targeted in the e-marketing plan such as Girlfriend, Dolly, Cleo, Cosmopolitan and Vogue Australia, Frank Body will need to create media releases and media kits describing the quality and results of their products, new sponsorships they’re created or recent charitable work they’ve done and send them to journalists which work within relevant industries, such as; beauty, women’s interests, fashion and shopping. Implementation of a social media and public relations focused promotional strategy will result in brand awareness and will make the brand a favourable choice for consumers as it follows their values, ultimately resulting in the accomplishment of e-marketing objective 3 and ideally 1 and 3.


The final strategy included within this e-marketing plan is place. Frank Body currently has a strong e-commerce position as it’s predominately sold online and in Mecca stores. It’s advised that the company continues with this approach as it already has an online website which acts as a successful transactional function and allows consumers to directly purchase products once in their cart and apply discount codes. The website also has a reward system called “Hotel Pink” which allows consumers to create an account and receive discounts and gifts once they’ve spent over a specific amount through the website.






GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Design email layout &

Preparation should

(a)Revision: survey

advertisements when required by marketing,

begin November

(b)Implementation &

design advertisement graphics

2019, launch, send

improvements: bot &

IT: Set up automatic email system & create

emails and begin ads

new packaging

database for marketing

Jan 2020 and post

OB: 1 & 2

MARKETING: Create content for survey,


advertisements, sample new packaging and order & analyse and edit database Price

FINANCE: fund GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Work with IT to design

Preparation should

Promotional pricing:

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