Discussion 2-1 What types of primary and secondary sources will you need to use to support the topic you are examining in your essay? You don\'t need the actual sources yet, but you should have an idea of what they might be (such as an eyewitness account o PDF

Title Discussion 2-1 What types of primary and secondary sources will you need to use to support the topic you are examining in your essay? You don\'t need the actual sources yet, but you should have an idea of what they might be (such as an eyewitness account o
Course Applied History
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
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What types of primary and secondary sources will you need to use to support the topic you are examining in your essay? You don't need the actual sources yet, but you should have an idea of what they might be (such as an eyewitness account of an event, for example)....


The historical event I have chosen is the writing of the Constitution. The constitution plays an important role in protecting American citizens. During the past year I have spent some time learning more about our Constitution. I have sought out more conservation news outlets as the media narratives did not seem to make any sense to me. With the covid pandemic I believe most American agreed on the 14 days lockdown to slow the spread. We did not agree to an indefinitely halt to our daily lives and freedoms. I saw governors preventing people from going to church to the gym, shutting down small business. I would like to focus my question on the election laws. Why we have an election day and why there is a procedure in place detailing the election process? How states changed their election laws using the pandemic as an excuse. Some states even changed their election laws at the last minute. If I need to narrow this topic down further, I would like to focus on Pennsylvania election law changes. Why was Pennsylvania unable to provide the election results on election day? 

Consider your webtext reading about Québécois immigration. If you were researching this topic, what else would you like to know about the experience of the Québécois immigrants in Lowell, Massachusetts in 1870 that might not be covered in this piece? The French Canadians began arriving in the United States in the late 19 th century. The overpopulation in Canada was creating poverty in Canada. The came to the United States hoping to find a job. The textile industry was looking for workers in New England. The Quebecois needed jobs so they could support their families. During this time the border between the US and Canada was not monitored. The Quebecois were looking for a fresh start and a better life. There was somewhat of a language barrier as the Quebecois were French speaking. The influx of Quebecois began to outnumber the Irish and soon they replaced the Irish in these textile jobs. The Quebecois immigrants became a part of American culture and even served in World War II. I was wondering if the Quebecois moved back to Canada as the economy improved or did, they stay in America?...

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