Discussion Blog PDF

Title Discussion Blog
Author Derk Odog
Course Marketing Information Management FW
Institution University of Guelph
Pages 1
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Main point: politicians are just spending money to get votes and not going off of aritore of the person Ppl voting from the spending but not because of real world problems Trudo made it to hard to build anything to do with oil and gas pipelines which is great for the environment but is hurting our economy much more Spending taxpayers money to get votes Intagraty, doing things for the country

Global News put out an article showing the amount of spending commitments Justin Trudo has been promising in the last few weeks, and comparing that to Steven Harper's spending commitments. The sad truth is in today's elections you can buy your votes threw tax payers money and this is exactly what Trudo is doing. Trudos image hasn't been the best lately so he's on a cross-country spending announcement promising everything from building new dressing rooms in P.E.I or fixing bus stops in London, Ont. I'm not saying these are bad things, but from Aug 11-25 he has already promised $7.75 billion in spending commitments across Canada. To have a good prime minister you need someone who deals with real world problems like how our army is very underfinanced/underdeveloped or how China has imprisoned two Canadians for trumped up charges. To put into perspective, in 2015 Stephen Harper only promised 605 spending commitments which comes out to $1.4 billion a whole month before he called the election. Justin Trudo is much over $7.75 billion in spending commitments across the country in an effort to buy people's votes. I was taught in my business class to spend money when the economy is down to pick it back up, if we are spending the amounts that Justin is promising to, then what's going to happen when the economy is down? He is spending our hard earned tax money to buy the satisfaction to stay in power instead of using it to help our economy. Especially after he made it almost impossible to build gas and oil pipelines in BC which would have been one of the most profitable ways for our country to make money. Yet he is still spending money like it grows on trees, which is a direct result of Trudo growing up in a family with lots of money. In today's day in age, the election has turned away from things like integrity and economic benefit, but using tax money to buy votes and give yourself a fake image like your helping people.

https://globalnews.ca/news/5813091/liberals-continue-spending-frenzy-on-eve-of-election-call-28b-in-277-announcements-last-week/beta/? utm_expid=.kz0UD5JkQOCo6yMqxGqECg.1&utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fglobalnews.ca %2Fnews%2F5813091%2Fliberals-continue-spending-frenzy-on-eve-of-election-call-2-8b-in277-announcements-last-week%2F...

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