discussion post dis PDF

Title discussion post dis
Author jon seeeee
Course Introduction to Philosophy
Institution University of the People
Pages 2
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discussion post disdiscussion post disdiscussion post dis...


1. Employers in financial services must have stringent codes of professional behavior for their employees to observe. Even given such a code, how should employees honor their fiduciary duty to safeguard the firm's assets and treat clients equitably?

•Employees must be unswerving to their employers and honor their fiduciary duties. They ought to act unswerving for the enterprise's blessings and the corporation at large (Smith, 2014). Employees can honor their obligation through now no longer running towards the employers, whether or not it's miles soliciting the company's contacts or fellow personnel for his or her personal benefit. Not handiest ought to personnel now no longer use paintings time to pursue their very own interests, they ought to additionally now no longer percentage change secrets and techniques in their corporation and to be honest whilst coping with organization transactions.

1.1 What mechanisms would you suggest for keeping employees in banking, equities trading, and financial advising within the limits of the law and ethical behavior?

•Mechanisms to preserve personnel in the limits of the regulation might be to offer incentives for accomplishments and goals reached to maintain the personnel excited, stated and preferred. When personnel are satisfied and sense favored through the employer they may be most probable to carry out at their best. This might permit them to paintings in the limits of the regulation. Another might be to authenticate and authorize sensitive corporation facts for destiny reference in case the corporation wishes to be audited. Ethically personnel might be honest, trusting and use the agencies statistics appropriately. When the organisation is privy to the personnel' history and popularity in beyond organization they labored at might be useful in relation to understanding who works for them and if whatever arises how they could deal with the situation. 2.This case dominated the headlines in the 1980s and the accused in this case were all severely fined and received prison sentences. How do you think this case might be treated today?

•The case of insider buying and selling that implicated Michael Milken, Dennis Levine, and Martin Siegel and the business enterprise itself became a huge one with

inside the Nineteen Eighties that affected many. The manner this situation might be dealt with these days relies upon at the severity of the case and the judge. Prison phrases for insider buying and selling convictions have lengthened in latest years with instances being convicted of up to twenty-five years in jail and wherein agencies face consequences of up to $25 million, but this will range from case to case.

3.Should employees in these industries be encouraged or even required to receive ethical certification from the state or from professional associations? Why or why not?

•Yes I do consider that it need to be recommended and acquire moral certifications due to the fact this maintains precious records tightly closed and now no longer permitting any grasping humans that intend to take advantage of it. This method will spotlight fantastic personnel and feature them be recognized. When personnel obtain moral certification from the kingdom or from expert institutions it lets in them to be happy with themselves and this additionally enables with their recognition in the organization they paintings in or with outdoor agencies a good way to additionally understand their difficult paintings and efforts.

References: Smith, J. R. (2014). Fiduciary duties of employees. Lexology. https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=724a91e1-94f1-4514-9e303749303c7c26 Picardo E., (Jun 25, 2019), How The SEC Tracks Insider Trading, Investopedia, retrieved from https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/021815/how-sec-tracks-insidertrading.asp#:~:text=Insider%20trading%20in%20the%20US,for%20individuals %20of%20%245%20m...

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