Discussion Questions PDF

Title Discussion Questions
Course SEI English Language Teaching: Foundations & Methodologies
Institution Grand Canyon University
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ESL-223N: SEI English Language Teaching Recently, Sheltered English Instruction, also known as Structured English Immersion (SEI), has replaced bilingual education in a few states. Arizona is one of those states. Looking at the SEI model and bilingual education model, compare and contrast these two methods, citing advantages and disadvantages of each. As a future educator, which model would you prefer to see implemented and why?

I think that the English immersion model (SEI model) is a good way to go, considering Arizona is more based off of Spanish speakers and Native American speakers. I think that if can use this as my model and there would be easier methods to these. Being able to have students understand English for a second language, as well as their first language. According to the essay “Bilingual education vs. English immersion”, younger students who was taught by the SEI model were able to benefit this model and students were judged based on age or ability (Obudo F., 2007). Those who were taught by the bilingual model were not as good on the tests as well as those who were taught from English immersion (Obudo, 2007). Obudo, F. (2007, October 4). Bilingual education vs. English immersion: Which is better for English Language Learners? Retrieved August 28, 2018, from https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED501224.pdf Two-way dual immersion programs are gaining popularity in many states. As a future educator, what are your thoughts on this type of program for ELLs? What information from the assigned readings and videos support your opinion?

Two-way dual immersion programs use two languages for literacy and content instruction. The reason for this gaining popularity in the states is often Spanish. I think that this specific type of program is helpful for ELLs. This program is helpful, especially for two different languages over a period amount of time. According to Brown University, this specific program is integrated where Native English speakers and ELLs are put together (grouped) for any core academic instruction and require high levels of English and second languages. Brown University: The Education Alliance. Two-Way Immersion Education: The Basics. Retrieved September 3, 2018 from http://www.cal.org/twi/toolkit/PI/Basics_Eng.pdf

Why is it important for teachers to discern the cultural differences among their students? How can a teacher learn more about the cultures of their students? How could this new information influence lesson planning and student learning?

There are many important things why a teacher and a student's cultural background matter. Teachers also have to have many different interactions with students that have different cultural backgrounds. Teachers need to understand that there are differences between cultures that might make it harder for them inside of a classroom. No matter what the children’s culture or disability they have or what they may be, they have the same value and it doesn’t matter if they look differently (Moreno, M., 2015, p. 154). Teachers can learn more about the cultures of students by

asking politely and researching different things. Sometimes there are teachers that seem impolite about a certain culture, even when they don’t mean it. Lesson planning and student learning can influence new information by helping students understand the differences between difference cultures. There are many different ways to help lesson plans and students understand the objectives by being inclusive. By being inclusive in the classroom means that everyone is able to do these assignments and making sure that everyone in feeling included in a classroom. Mor eno,M.( 2015) .HowIUseMul t i c ul t ur alEducat i ont oI mpac tSt udentLear ni ngandDev el opCr i t i c al Thi nki ngSki l l s.Mul t i c ul t ur alPer s pect i v es,17( 3) ,152154.doi : 10. 1080/ 15210960. 2015. 1053322

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Review the information found in “Key Terms” on the "ESL Database." Choose two terms from the database to paraphrase. How are these terms used in relation to English language learners or education in general?

I chose the terms AZELLA (Arizona English Language Learner Assessment and PHLOTE (Primary Home Language other than English). Basically, the two terms are connected to each other because if the student becomes a PHLOTE, then the student will use AZELLA. AZELLA is an assessment in the state of Arizona that is K-12 and it follows the ELP standards. These two terms are used in relation to ELLs because it is a standard in which it shows how well a student cam perform. For example, if a student speaks a foreign language as their first language, they may need these terms to come into play to get extra help. These two terms are basically used for all of the students that need that extra boost in speaking English.

Review the information regarding BICS and CALP from your required reading. Explain why the distinction between BICS and CALP is important. Which takes longer to develop?

BICS is basic interpersonal communication skills and CALP is cognitive academic language proficiency. BICS is understanding language skills in social interactions and how to interact socially with other people. For example, students may be on the playground and they communicate with each other. With CALP, it deals more with speaking, reading, writing, etc. Students need this level of language learning to succeed in any grade school. Not only this, but CALP skills also includes comparing, evaluating, comprehending, etc. CALP takes longer than BICS because BICS is learned at a much earlier age, unlike CALP. With CALP, it takes preschool years to understand.

Review the achievement mandates for ELLs in Arizona or in your state. In your opinion, are these mandates beneficial to ELLs? Explain.

OELAS is the Office of English Language Services. This is where they review ELPS (English Language Proficiency Standard Review to align with the Department of Education. There have been multiple complaints about the issue of OELAS and they have had to conduct a couple of different investigations. I believe that these mandates are beneficial to some ELLs. I say this, mainly because they keep updating the education departments, so they match to each other. In a way, I think that this will give our students a better chance at being educated and feel more positive towards learning. http://www.azed.gov/oelas/ https://www.npr.org/2011/01/04/132655441/state-mandated-english-policy-under-fire-in-arizona

How can you meet the mandates of the Common Core Standards when teaching ELLs?

I think that I can meet the mandates of the Common Core Standards when teaching ELLs by giving enough assignments that cover all of the requirements that the mandates ask for. I also thing that there should be a lot of hands on activities that meets the standards of the Common Core Standards such as Reading, Writing, and etc. Helping the students who are ELLs need that higher standards in language arts.

The first objective is utilizing the teaching concepts that are bridged to the students’ background. This allows teaches to use this as a way to teach certain concepts to students. One way I would to this is find different phrases in English and then have the student translate that specific phrase in their first language. Another way is to try to connect with students, so they understand that we, as teachers, are trying to help and understand them. The second objective is to create links between past learning and new learning. When I was in school, we used KWL (what you know, what you want to know, and what you want to learn). This is one of the basic ways to create the different links between the learning abilities, but teachers will get a better understanding on what the student understands and then tries to comprehend how to make their understanding a lot clearer. The last objective is learning new vocabulary words in each lesson. There are a bunch of different ways to perceive the understanding of the different vocabulary words being taught. I would use different vocabulary games or using an overhead screen to help the students learn the new vocabulary. Scavenger hunts are a great form of games to get students involved. Repeating the vocabulary words explicitly is helpful for a student to have more of a specialization towards understanding. There are different ways of scaffolding for specific ELLs. I am going into high school education, so a lot of focus is on the literary devices for English. I would use different visual scaffolding such as images and words, like a PowerPoint. This is so ESL students can make more progress in literary devices and in their acquisition of English. Memorizing this can help with verbalizing with literary devices, and this topic seems to be the most complicated to memorize for students.


Select a content subject and a topic that you are teaching to English language learners. List and describe three different grouping configurations that could be used for teaching and learning this new concept. What would you expect the students to do in each of the three different group configurations?

When teaching ELLs English when in a math class, social studies class, or science class can definitely be a difficult one. With math, I think that putting them in different group projects are helpful because the students can communicate with each other and it makes them practice communication skills as well as learning the language. There is also a possibility of having them read out the question as a sort of comprehension and give them a better understanding of the problem. Social studies and science classes are easier to work with when trying to teach ELLs. In this case, the students are more aware that they are to learn certain content in the class settings. There are more strategies for them to learn their language more fluently....

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