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DISCUSSION TEXT This is to fulfill the final exam assignment of Linguistics and Language Teaching subject Diki Riswandi S891602009 English Education Magister Program Sebelas Maret University 2016 CHAPTER 3 DISCUSSION TEXT In this chapter you will learn: Read a discussion text Learn about the languag...


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DISCUSSION TEXT This is to fulfill the final exam assignment of Linguistics and Language Teaching subject

Diki Riswandi S891602009

English Education Magister Program Sebelas Maret University 2016

CHAPTER 3 DISCUSSION TEXT In this chapter you will learn: Read a discussion text Learn about the language feature of Discussion text Interview people Create your own discussion text Work together with your classmate


Pre-Reading Activity Activity 1

Think of your answer to the following questions: 1. Do you know computer? 2. How many times do you use computer every day? 3. What for do you use computer? 4. Do you use computer for your study? 5. How do you feel using computer? 6. Do you think computer has positive effect? 7. Do you think computer has negative effect? Activity 2

In pairs, discuss with your partner about the advantages and disadvantages of computer for students.


Reading Activity

Activity 3 Read the following passage. Pros and Cons of Computers for Students Do you know that most schools and colleges strongly recommend students to have computers to help them achieve better results of learning? With computer connected to Internet, students can learn English online. They can make reports easily by using word processing software. They can play game to get of boredom. However, a computer can also give negative impacts for a student. One thing that makes a computer useful is that students can use it to finish some assignments from schools. By connecting to Internet, they can easily surf and find any materials related to their lessons and assignments. They have unlimited resources from all over the worlds. Online libraries are open. A lot of book are free to download and read online. Finding friends from related field of study is not difficult anymore. They can work together to boost their best achievement. What more benefit is they can do all of that just by sitting on a chair of their rooms. What amazing world it is, isn t? Although a computer has many benefits, it should be considered deeply. A computer certainly does not promote students to do and move more. A computer makes students have less physical activities. Even not few of them forget to have lunch while they are playing certain game. They just sit in front of monitor. They are caught up in the mystique of the smart machines. In short, students who usually work with computers tend to have a few physical activities and exercises. So what should students do? Should they avoid using computers? Of course No ’ Computer will make even greater benefits if physical activities are also promoted to be done by the students. Source: http://englishadmin.com/2013/11/discussion-text-pros-and-cons-of-computers-forstudents.html


Post-Reading Activity

Activity 4

Answer the following questions to understand how the writer tells his/her thought. A. Skimming 1. Where probably do you find this kind of text? 2. How many paragraphs are there in the passage? 3. what does the first paragraph tell about? 4. Which paragraph that writer gives his pros about computer for students? 5. Which paragraph that writer gives his cons about computer for students? 6. If you agree with computer for students, where you can put your idea? B. Scanning 1. What is the reason for schools or colleges recommend students to have computer? 2. What are the advantages of computer for the students? 3. What are the advantages of computer for the students?

4. What is the writer s recommendation toward the use of computer for the students?


Activity 5

From the activity 4, write the arguments you find from the text and find the reason why the writer is debating the issue.

Opening Statement: ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ __

Pros Arguments:

Cons Arguments:

_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

Conclusion: ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________


Activity 6

Match the name of the stages of the passage with the correct paragraph. Issue

Argument for

Argument against


Do you know that most schools and colleges strongly recommend students to have computers to help them achieve better results of learning? With computer connected to Internet, students can learn English online. They can make reports easily by using word processing


software. They can play game to get of boredom. However, a computer can also give negative impacts for a student. One thing that makes a computer useful is that students can use it to finish some assignments from schools. By connecting to Internet, they can easily surf and find any materials related to their lessons and assignments. They have unlimited resources from all over the worlds. Online libraries are open. A lot of book are free to download and


read online. Finding friends from related field of study is not difficult anymore. They can work together to boost their best achievement. What more benefit is they can do all of that just by sitting on a chair of their rooms. What amazing world it is, isn t?

Although a computer has many benefits, it should be considered deeply. A computer certainly does not promote students to do and move more. A computes make students have less physical activities. Even not few of them forget to have lunch while they are playing


certain game. They just sit in front of monitors. They are caught up in the mystique of the smart machines. In short, students who usually work with computers tend to have a few physical activities and exercises. So what should students do? Should they avoid using computers? Of

course No ’ Computer will make even greater benefits if physical ……………………………… activities are also promoted to done by the students.


Discussing them with your partner, answer the following questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

What does issue function for the rest of the paragraph? What aspect does it content? What do the argument for and argument against play a role for the passage? How important is the recommendation for the passage? What does the whole passage function for? Write your own issue paragraph based on the idea given’ Number one is done for you as an example. Topic Issue The Use of Facebook Everything which we have in this world has two sides; good aspect and bad one. It is also definitely true for the phenomenon of Facebook. There are a large number of people who have Facebook account. They use Facebook for socializing on the virtual world. If we see closely, Facebook also has some pros and cons. The advantages and the disadvantages of internet

School Uniform

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Activity 7

Reading from newspaper Read the text taken from newspaper (www.voi.co.id), then answer the questions bellow. Jakarta bay reclamation is now in the spotlight after dragging a member of the Regional Representatives Council, M Sanusi in a bribery case. Pros and cons about this mega project appear among the public ranging from common people, government officials, members of the House of Representatives -DPRto observers or experts.Moreover, the issue of Jakarta Bay reclamation also involves many well-known figures, from businessmen to Jakarta Governor Basuki Cahaya Purnama or better known as Ahok. Now, there is a tug o war as whether the mega project will be continued or not. Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Susi Pudjiastuti and Commission IV of the House of Representatives DPR agreed to temporarily stop the reclamation project. But, the Minister of National Development Planning (PPN) / Head of National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), Sofyan Djalil and Jakarta Governor Basuki want to continue the mega project in the north of the capital. Jakarta Bay reclamation project stemmed from the desire of the Jakarta government to conduct reclamation on 17 artificial islands in the North Coast of Jakarta. According to Basuki Cahaya Purnama, the reclamation in the Jakarta Bay is actually beneficial for Jakarta provincial government. Later, 45 percent from the whole reclamation islands will become the property of the Jakarta government and this will serve as social facilities and public facilities. In addition, the provincial government will also receive a land contribution which is 5 percent of the total reclamation area. Some people said the Jakarta Bay reclamation project has violated the law and regulations. Even, Vice President Jusuf Kalla suggested the project should be suspended while managing or studying, and taking the correct legal basis. He asked all legal aspects related to the reclamation to be carefully assessed. He had already discussed this with Minister of Environment and Forestry, Siti Nurbaya. From the environmental aspect, the reclamation project in the North Coast of Jakarta has often been complained by environmental activists. They believe the reclamation of 17 artificial islands can damage the ecosystem of the environment in the Jakarta Bay. Regardless of the pros and cons, if the Jakarta Bay reclamation project must be continued, it should bring benefits not only to the government, but also to the people, especially communities around the North Coast of Jakarta’ Don t sacrifice people s interests and ecosystems around the North Coast just for the sake of development and progress of the city.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

What is the topic? Is the target audience adult, teenager or child? What is the assumed background knowledge? Are two sides given in each text? Find examples. Is evidence, research data or elaboration used? Give examples. Is each side s argument elaborated to the same extent? What is the conclusion? Is an opinion expressed? 7. What different conclusions might have been reached? 8. Do the conclusions summarize, recommend or solve an issue?


Activity 8

Referring the words and group of words. Pay attention to the paragraph taken from the Pros and Cons of Computers for Students below. There are words and group of words that refer to the previous words. For example, the word them refers to the word students. Find the others by yourself. Do you know that most schools and colleges strongly recommend students to have computers to help them achieve better results of learning? With computer connected to Internet, students can learn English online. They can make reports easily by using word processing software. They can play game to get of boredom. However, a computer can also give negative impacts for a student. One thing that makes a computer useful is that students can use it to finish some assignments from schools. By connecting to Internet, they can easily surf and find any materials related to their lessons and assignments. They have unlimited resources from all over the worlds. Online libraries are open. A lot of book are free to download and read online. Finding friends from related field of study is not difficult anymore. They can work together to boost their best achievement. What more benefit is they can do all of that just by sitting on a chair of their rooms’ What amazing world it is, isn t? Although a computer has many benefits, it should be considered deeply. A computer certainly does not promote students to do and move more. A computer makes students have less physical activities. Even not few of them forget to have lunch while they are playing certain game. They just sit in front of monitor. They are caught up in the mystique of the smart machines. In short, students who usually work with computers tend to have a few physical activities and exercises. So what should students do? Should they avoid using computers? Of course No ’ Computer will make even greater benefits if physical activities are also promoted to be done by the students.


Activity 9

Combining the description 1. Identifying the meaning and function of the conjunction 1 The discussion of pros and cons of computer for students is composed in sentences connected

by connectors or conjunction’ Let s take a look at the following examples taken from the discussion text above: a. However, a computer can also give negative impacts for a student. b. Although a computer has many benefits, it should be considered deeply. c. So what should students do? Conjunction however is used to give the additional information that indicates a contradiction. Conjunction although is used to connect different opinion/fact. Conjunction so is used to show the consequences.

Note: there are three kinds of connection that commonly used in discussion text, they are additive, contrastive, and Concessive connection. Here are some examples of them Additive connection and, also, in

Contrastive connection but, however, in

Concessive connection though,

addition, not only

contrast, on the


contrary, instead,

despite, in spite

nevertheless, yet, still,


… but also,

moreover, further, besides.

even so, neither … nor.

notwithstanding, whereas, while

Now, re-read the discussion text above. Find out the clause/sentences which are connected to each other by the use of conjunctions.


2. Identifying the meaning and function of the conjunction 2 Read the text below and find the function of the conjunction that can be found in the text. Is Nuclear Good? Nuclear power is a kind power supply that is generated by using uranium which is a metal mined in various part of the world. Nuclear power becomes the answer to produce clean and efficient energy that will make this world better. However, not all people agree with that. Some of them believe that nuclear power supply is dangerous. Pro-contra of building nuclear power supply becomes a major topic to discuss among society. Nuclear power produces around 11% of the world's energy needed, and produces huge amounts of energy. It causes no pollution as we would get when burning fossil fuels. It does not produce smoke or carbon dioxide, so it does not contribute to the greenhouse effect. In addition, it also produces huge amounts of energy from small amount of uranium. So, it is reliable for our life. On the other hand, nuclear power is very, very dangerous. If the nuclear power supply is leak off or blow up, the radiation can bring harm to any living being surrounding. Nuclear radiation is deadly which can make people physically defect. It must be sealed up and buried for many years to allow the radioactivity to die away. Furthermore, although it is reliable, a lot of money has to be spent on safety because if it does go wrong, a nuclear accident ca be a major accident. Nuclear power is a better alternative energy supply to replace fossil fuels energy supply. However, nuclear power is also dangerous if it is not built properly. In conclusion, nuclear power is the best answer to fulfill our needs of clean and efficient energy which is sustainable in the future. Government should make careful constructions and good maintains to make nuclear power save. Sources: http://www.belajarbahasainggris.us/2014/02/discussion-text-penjelasan-contoh.html


Type of Conjunctions



3. Creating your own sentences using conjunction Make your own sentence using the conjunctions below: In addition, However So Although but 1. ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. ____________________________________________________________________________

Activity 10

Subject and verb 1. Subject In discussion text, it is common that the subject could be generic and non-human participants. Let s take a look at sentences below and find the subject’ a. The students can make reports easily

[ generic participant]

b. A computer has many benefits.

[ non-human participant]

Underline the subject from the sentences below and decide what kind of participants involved. Sentences 1. Nuclear power is a better alternative energy supply to replace fossil fuels energy supply. 2. Some people believe that nuclear is the best choice. 3. A computer makes students have less physical activities. 4. Some parents believe that school uniforms will make such good advantages to their children while learning at school.



2. Verb In discussion text, the tense commonly used is simple present and the verbs that used are thinking verb’ Let s take a look at the sentences below and pay attention to the verbs used’

a. Some parents believe that school uniforms will make such good advantages to their children while learning at school. b. the students feel that wearing uniform is not comfortable.

Here are some other examples of thinking verbs: Think, Believe, Expect, Decide, Hope, Know, Understand, Feel, and guess

Create your own sentence by using the verb provided below: Decide Know Understand Guess

……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………

Note: in composing the sentence, subject verb agreement is needed. Here is the agreement between subject and verb in simple present. Subject I You We They She/he it

Verb V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 + s V1 + s

Example I agree with the statement that uniform should be dismissed. You are such a nice student We believe that government can solve the problems The propose new pinion about computer. She understands the subject very well. It is believed that computers give negative effect for the students.


Activity 11

Word Power Words


Parts of speech





























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