Diverse Teaching Methods Memory Matrix - EDF 2085 PDF

Title Diverse Teaching Methods Memory Matrix - EDF 2085
Author Bradley Craton
Course Intro Diversity for Educators
Institution Hillsborough Community College
Pages 5
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EDF 2085 Memory Matrix

Diverse Teaching Methods & Learning Theory Directions: Complete the memory matrix and respond to the reflection questions. You can type in answers, or submit a handwritten, annotated version. When complete, submit this learning checkpoint for feedback and assessment. To develop your lesson, you need to be clear on the concepts of Culturally-Responsive Teaching Theory, the Achievement Gap, and the MMECCA Framework detailed in our textbook before you select teaching methods or consider a theory. As you complete learning activities, use memory matrix to record your notes. To GAUGE - deepen learning connections, you want to add a description or definition and include an example. Test your understanding of the key term by creating a one or two sentence summary in your own words.

Diverse Teaching Methods & Theories Memory Matrix Key Theory

Description or Definition


One-Sentence Summary

Teaching for Social Justice

Social justice in education, as a more formal and organized area of study, is a relatively recent development.

Social justice in modern day education involves students of race, gender, or religion.

Cooperative Learning

An instructional technique developed to enhance academic achievement through social and interpersonal skill development.


A cognitive theory defined as a learner’s awareness of his or her own learning process.

Breaking up a classroom of students into little groups to have a better focus on the specific topic they are learning. Some students can have a better learning experience somewhere quiet like a library, some other students may feel better in an area playing low volume music.

Social justice in education is a way for schools to apply themselves to stopping or resolving social issues in school like race, gender, and religion. Cooperative learning is a technique used in schools to help students have a better understanding of learning with the help of other students in the classroom. Metacognition is a theory used to identify how some students like their environment to be for learning.

Multiple Intelligence

A theory that views

Students could

Multiple intelligences

EDF 2085 Memory Matrix

Key Theory

Description or Definition


One-Sentence Summary

human intelligence as a complex web of abilities that are evident in one’s products and preferences for learning.

learn the same topic multiple ways by using different intelligences like words, number, or pictures. As you go up each level of the taxonomy, the student further increases their ability to learn by using different learning skills.

is a theory that show what students can use to have a better way of learning using different perspectives.

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Bloom's taxonomy was developed to provide a common language for teachers to discuss and exchange learning and assessment methods.

Key Method or Strategy

Description or Definition


One-Sentence Summary

Direct Instruction

A system of teaching that was developed by Siegfried Engelmann in the 1960’s, to address the learning needs of underprivileged atrisk students. An experiential learner-centered pedagogy that values creativity and intellectual independence.

A teacher can show the class a video that presents that same information that the teacher would. The way Socrates did this method, he answered a question with more question to make his students think harder and better for an answer.

Direct instruction is a way of teaching that allows the students to learn at their own natural pace.

Two or more teachers of equal status in the classroom providing

Two teachers can be in the same classroom to

Socratic Method

Team Teaching

Bloom’s taxonomy is a hierarchal pyramid formation that has sets of levels that involves different sets of skills a student can use to better their learning.

Socratic method is a way to teach by having your students thinks more critically for the answer you are looking for.

Team teaching is a method where two teachers are in the

EDF 2085 Memory Matrix

Key Theory

Description or Definition


One-Sentence Summary

instruction to one group of students at the same time.

provide assist to students who need help when one teacher is already occupied with another student. An example can be to have levels that can prepare students for a situation and ad you progress each step, it requires a little bit more skilled thinking. An example of instructional methods can be multicultural teaching, graphic organizers, or direct instruction. A math teacher writing out a math problem and students asking questions until they fully understand the math problem. Teachers can use different strategies of teaching while in class like leading questions, open questions, or closed questions.

same class and teaching the same topic.

Instructional methods are methods of teaching that impact many different learning styles of many students.

A student asking for a clearer idea of what they are

Extended discussion can be used in classroom when

Tiered Lesson Planning or Scaffolding

Allows teachers to present a given concept to students at multiple levels of complexity or through multiple learning styles.

Instructional Modeling

Instructional methods are methods of teaching that include multiple intelligences, cooperative learning, and learning centers. To serve as a bridge to being successful when students apply the strategy(ies) independently.

Guided Practice

Questioning Strategies

One's ability to formulate and respond to questions about situations, objects, concepts, and ideas.

Extended Discussion

Anything that is not a clarification of the question/answer or

Tiered lesson planning can be used to show students certain steps for a certain topic like preparing for a school related attack, weather, etc.

Guided practice is a teaching method that teachers use to make sure that the students understand what they are learning before doing independent work. Questioning strategies are used in classes to have the students think critically depending on how the question is asked.

EDF 2085 Memory Matrix

Key Theory

Description or Definition


One-Sentence Summary

a request for a clarification.

learning to better understand the topic.

Visual and spatial displays that arrange information graphically so that key concepts and the relationships among the concepts are displayed. Places where a variety of activities introduce, reinforce, and/or extend learning, often without the assistance of the classroom teacher.

A slide show that involve pictures can be impactful for students to have an understanding on the topic being learned. At some schools, the library is used as learning centers for students to use when studying or tutoring.

students ask question that lead to a discussion about said question until the students have a better understanding. Graphic organizers can be used in classrooms as posters or other pictures that students can see to have a better grasp of the topic they are learning. Learning centers are used to help students learn by being in a place where they can clearly focus on school work.

Personalized Learning

Establishing materials and settings that will best support the individual learning process.

Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs)

Generally simple, non-graded, anonymous, in-class activities designed to give you and your students useful feedback on the teaching-learning process as it is happening.

Examples of personalized learning can be guided practice, cooperative learning, and differentiated instruction. Some classes have a form o assessment that have a few questions that focus on what they have been learning to see how much they still remember from memory.

Graphic Organizers or Concept Mapping

Learning Centers

Personalized learning is used in the classroom by having different learning methods to fir the students individual learning fit. Classroom assessment techniques are used in classrooms for letting the teacher know where their students are based on the lesson they are learning.

EDF 2085 Memory Matrix

Key Method Reflection To help you make connections, answer the following questions in a complete paragraph of 7 to 10 sentences. You may want to test your knowledge by interacting with peers or asking your instructor for clarification. 1. Values, Attitudes, and Self-Awareness. Which teaching method or theory presents the strongest reaction to your existing values? Describe the idea and explain why it clashes or reinforces what you already believe or value. Classroom assessment techniques are one of the teaching methods that present the strongest reaction to my existing values. I say this because I feel that as a teacher, you want to always know where your students are academically all the time. These CATs are a perfect way to let you know where your students are placed compared to other students or other classes. In my high school, most of my math and science classes had these CATs so that the teachers know what they can do to make their students have a better understanding of the lessons. Even some of the college classes I currently take have these CATs. In my college classes, my professor use eight to eleven questions based on what we are currently learning to see where all the students are currently placed and how hey can improve their academic placement. I would definite plan on using these in my classes. 2. Muddiest Point: Which teaching method or theory is the most confusing or concerning and why? Explain what you find challenging about the idea. The teaching method that I find confusing or concerning is team teaching. I find it confusing because I never was in a class where there were more than one teacher teaching the same subject. Every single class I can remember in every school I was in only had one teacher teach the class. The only situation that I can relate to having two teacher in a classroom is when there needs to be a translator or a teacher that helps control a student who has a disability. I could probably think that in an elementary school there would be more situations where more than one teacher would be needed. But when students go to middle or high school, I cannot think of a reason why there would need to be more than one teacher in the classroom. 3. Real-Life Application: Which teaching method or learning theory do you want to apply to your teaching portfolio, role as an educator, or to your understanding of diversity as an educator? List the idea, and explain how you want to apply it. One teaching method that would want to apply to my role as an educator is the use of learning centers. In most of my high school years, we went to our library a lot as a learning center to either work on a class project, to study, or learn something that involves the librarian or needs a big open area. I would want to apply this to me as an educator because I feel that if I have my students in the learning center for projects or other school related reasons, they can focus more easily and get their work done more efficiently. I also remember some of my classes even used the cafeteria as a learning center. Of course, it would be when lunch either has not started, or ended. It still served as an area where we could have a better focus on school work or do group work. I would love to use a learning center for my classes when I become an educator....

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