Doctrine and Covenants study guide PDF

Title Doctrine and Covenants study guide
Course The Doctrine and Covenants
Institution Brigham Young University
Pages 12
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sections 1-27 of D&C...


324 STUDY QUESTIONS (2017) INTRODUCTION TO THE DOCTRINE AND COVENANTS 1. What did President Monson say is the aim of gospel study and teaching?  To inspire the individual to think about, feel about, and then do something about living gospel principles 2. What two things did Elder Richard G. Scot say will happen to you when you are willing to participate in class?  The spirit will motivate you to act and to lead you to and teach you how to recognize spiritual promptings 3. How did Elder Bednar define “doctrine?”  a truth of salvation revealed by a loving heavenly father. Gospel doctrines are eternal, do not change, and pertain to the eternal progression and exaltation of heavenly fathers sons and daughters 4. How does the Bible Dictionary define “covenant.”  A covcovenant is a sacred, enduring promise between God and man, wherein God sets the terms. That is, God determines the requirements and the blessing that will follow if man accepts the terms of the covenant 5. True or False: We believe in continuous revelation through modern prophets. 6. The Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion. What is the Doctrine and Covenants?  The capstone, with continuing latter-day revelation, the instrument to bring us into Christ’s kingdom 7. Revelation, Elder Holland said, usually comes in response to what?  An urgent question 8. The Book of Commandments was the first version of the Doctrine and Covenants. In what year was the Book of Commandments first published?  1833

9. Besides the revelations, what else was included in the first edition (1835) of the Doctrine and Covenants?  Lectures on faith 10. Who divided the sections into verses, in 1876, for the first time and then created footnotes in 1879?  Orson Pratt divided the sections into verses and created footnotes 11. In 2013, what significant revision was made to the Doctrine and Covenants?  Heading of 78 sections were revised to reflect new historical information

SECTION 1 Match the terminology from on the left with its definition on the right. 1. Sword and arm of the Lord - d 2. Arm of flesh - b 3. No respecter of persons - c 4. Idumea - a

a. Symbolizes a wicked world b. Weaknesses/imperfections of men c. Lord is fair; salvation available to all d. Power of Lord to extend justice or mercy

5. Section 1 is known as the preface of the Doctrine and Covenants. 6. Name the six major themes of the Doctrine and Covenants.  It is a voice of warning to all people  Disciples of Christ are obligated to warn the world  Teach us how to prepare ourselves and the world for the second coming of Christ  To testify that Joseph Smith was prophet of God  The doctrine and covenants is a witness that the book of Mormon is true  To testify that the restored Church is the only true and living Church upon the face of the earth 7. What three adjectives does the Lord use to describe those He calls to be His messengers?  Weak, despised, unlearned 8. True or False: The Prophet knows the time of the Second Coming of Christ.

9. President Benson said if the Book of Mormon can be discredited, then the Church and everything in it collapses as well. 10. The Lord, Himself, declared that His Church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is the “only true and living Church upon the face of the earth.” In what three ways is that statement accurate?  Only this church has the fullness of the gospel  This is the only church that possesses the authority, the power, and the keys of the priesthood  Because we are the only Church that has the revealed truth about the true nature and character of God and our relationship to Him, our testimonies of Jesus Christ are unique.

SECTIONS 2, 3, 7, 10 1. In association with what significant historical event was section 2 received?  September 21, 1823 – an extract of the worlds of the angel moroni to Jospeh Smith. The angle visited 3 times 2. In class, we noted a principle suggested by that historical event. What was that principle?  The lord teaches through repetition. The messages that are most important to the Lord at any given time are the ones repeated most of ten by apostles and prophets 3. In section 2, what was revealed by the hand of Elijah?  The priesthood keys – “plan in the hearts of the children the promise made to the fathers, and the hearts of the children shall turn to their fathers”, he restored the keys of sealing 4. In section 2, who are the fathers? Who are the children? What were the promises made? What is the significance of the words “plant,” and “turn?”  Fathers – our own ancestors who never had the chance to receive the gospel in this mortal life  Children - those now living who prepare data and ordinances

 Promises – we promised before this existence that no only to be saviors for ourselves but measurably, saviors for the whole human family  Plant – gives us the seed so that we can grow it ourselves  Turn – the placing or planting in the hearts of the children that feeling and desire which will inspire them to search out the records of the dead 5. True or False: Our faithful deceased ancestors are aware of us and may be given a mission to visit us and help us. 6. In section 7, we learn the importance of desires. What did John desire? What did Peter desire?  John- asked for power over death that he may live and bring souls unto Christ.  Peter- come speedily unto His kingdom 7. Between 1823 and 1827, Joseph Smith had four annual visits with Moroni before receiving the plates. In class, we discussed two principles we can learn from the Lord’s requirement that Joseph wait to receive the plates. Name them.  Desire and capacity are not the same thing  The lord wants to bless us but he wants to bless us when the blessing will bless us the most. Often our timing and the Lord’s timing are different and we must have the faith to accept that reality 8. What four lessons did Joseph Smith learn from the lost manuscript experience?  Be exactly obedient  Be humble  Fear God more than man  Be trustworthy 9. How did President Kimball define fear of God?  A deep inner feeling of dependence and closeness; not a fear composed of panic and terror, but a fear composed of reverence, intense love and admiration 10. In section 10, the Lord uses the word “destroy” eleven times to describe the work and desires of Satan? Of greatest concern, the Lord says, is that Satan is seeking to destroy or overthrow what?

 Overthrow your testimonies 11. What two consequences did Joseph Smith experience because of the lost manuscript experience?  Lost the plates  Lost the gift to translate 12. After the loss of the 116 pages, Joseph Smith wanted to know if he should retranslate the same portion of the Book of Mormon. What did the Lord tell him?  Don’t do it

SECTIONS 4, 11-12 1. Drawn from the historical background of these sections, we suggested one of the best questions we could ever ask in our homes, our callings, and our careers?  How can I help? 2. The Lord’s work is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. What is our work?  Church: Proclaim the gospel, perfect the saints, redeem the dead, care for the poor and the needy  Us: Keep my commandments and to seek to bring forth and establish the cause of Zion 3. Name three keys of effective service.  Proper motive (the why of service) – why do you make the time to serve? The higher the motive the greater the joy  Proper tools (how of service)  Proper teaching (what) 4. What often determines the amount of joy we receive from service?  The higher the motive for service, the greater the joy we will receive form service 5. Name four tools essential to the Lord’s work.

 Desire – if ye desire to serve God then you are called to the work. And if you desire you shall be the means of doing much good in this generation. You develop the desire to do things through doing them.  Authority – you need not suppose that you are called to preach until you are called and have my word, my church, and my gospel  Knowledge – seek not to declare my word, but first seek to obtain my word…  Attributes of godliness – and faith, hope, charity and love with an eye single to the glory of God…. 6. What did Robert D. Hales say is required to have the Holy Ghost with us?  To retain the companionship of the HG, we must serve. With eh HG dwelling in us, we feel a love for God and all His children. 7. In section 4, the Lord gave a list of atributes of godliness that facilitate Christlike service. Which of the attributes are listed twice?  Faith and charity 8. How did President Nelson define having “an eye single to the glory of God?”  When we see people how God sees them our visions align and we see with an eye single to the glory of God, you must look through both the right and left side of the binoculars to really see 9. Complete the following: The proper tools constitute the how of service; the proper motive constitutes the why of service; proper teachings and practices constitute the what of service. 10. Complete the following: “Say nothing but repentance unto this generation. What does that mean?  We talk about Christ so that our children will know where to look for a remission of their sins. If they cannot repent then they cannot come into the kingdom of God. this is how we feel peace and hope.

SECTIONS 14-16 1. Sections 15-16, revelations directed to John Whitmer and Peter Whitmer Jr., respectively, are identical. In class, we discussed two reasons why the Lord would do that.  The lord teaches through repetition  The lord’s will is the same for all of us in some things. “ the tings which will be of the most worth unto you will be to declare repentance unto this people, that you may bring souls unto me” (15:6, 16:6). 2. What does it mean to “thrust in your sickle?”  It's all of who you are, your testimony and your heart and your hard work. Do not be bystander in this church 3. What are “iffy” blessings?  All over D&C. “if… then…”  If you ask then you shall receive. If you knock then it will be opened unto you  If you keep my commandments and endure to the end, then you will have eternal life  If you ask the father in my name, in faith believing you shall receive, then you shall receive the holy ghost and will stand as a witness of the things which you shall both hear and see  You are called to assist in this work, which thing if ye do and are faithful, then y shall be blessed both spiritually and temporally 4. The Lord counseled David Whitmer to “seek to bring forth and establish Zion.” Where, did Brigham Young say, Zion is to be found?  We can make Zion or we can make Babylon, we can make whatever we please of this place, when people gather here, they should come with a determination to make Zion within themselves 5. How did President Uchtdorf define “enduring to the end?”  It means to remain faithful to the laws and ordinances of the gospel throughout our lives 6. What is the doctrine of adversity?

 Adversity is a trial that can be a way for use to be driven to our knees and seek comfort and help of the Lord 7. All of us will experience both the biter and the sweet. What should each of those experiences do for us?  When we experience the bitter, we should let it humble and temper us. When we experience the sweet, we should let it increase our gratitude to God and our commitment to go out and help someone else. 8. What is the principle of compensation?  The Lord compensates the faithful for every loss… every tear of pain and sorrow today will eventually be returned a hundredfold with tears of rejoicing and gratitude. 9. What three things did Elder Ballard say will throw us off balance?  Too much of anything  Too little of the important things  Lack of clear direction and goals 10. Complete the following: “Don’t lose faith in what you do know because of what you don’t know.”

SECTIONS 5, 17 1. What is the subject of sections 5 and 17?  5 – revelation to Martin Harris (march 1829)  17 – a revelation to the three witnesses (june 1829) 2. Martin Harris wanted to know if Joseph Smith still had the plates and desired a further witness of the Book of Mormon. Through what two means did that witness come?  He told Martin Harris that he (JS) is to stand as a witness of the BoM, and that he cannot show them to anyone else unless God commands. Came through JS and Lord Himself. 3. The Lord Joseph Smith not to pretend to any other gift. What did the Lord mean by that?

 Pretend: literally means to reach or stretch forward for. And I think it means that he should not try to get other gifts from God because JS has what he needs right now, and he will get more gifts later on when they are needed. 4. What is the law of witnesses?  There will always be a testimony of three witnesses 5. Name the three witnesses of the Book of Mormon.  Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, Martin Harris 6. Name three differences between the witness given to the three witnesses of the Bok of Mormon and the witness given to the eight witnesses.  3 wtinesses would be shown the plates of by angel moroni. The 8 would be shown the plates by JS  the 3 would hear the voice of Jesus Christ bearing witness of the BoM. The 8 would hear the voice and testimony of JS.  The 3 would see the plates, breastplate, the sword of laban, the urim and thummim and the liahona. The 8 saw only the plates 7. Martin Harris wanted to know if he had been forgiven by the Lord for the lost manuscript experience. The Lord gave three answers. Name them.  You are still not sufficiently humble  You haven’t learned that privilege brings responsibility and responbility brings accountability.  You haven’t learned to be obedient and true to your promises. 8. Complete the following: privilege brings responsibility and responsibility brings accountability. 9. The Lord promised to give Joseph Smith the means to accomplish His purposes. In what form, do those means generally come?  Commandments (listening to God’s counsel ) and people 10. During the vision of the three witnesses, one of the men was specifically told by the angel Moroni to keep the commandments. Who was it and what principle did we draw from that, in class?  David Whitmer  We learn “one by one” principle

SECTIONS 6, 8-9 1. Define the word, “mystery.” For what purpose would God reveal a mystery to any of us?  A sacred secret, a truth that can only be known through divine revelation. Even the basic principles of the gospel are mysteries to those to whom they have not been revealed.  So that thou mayest bring many to the knowledge of the truth 2. Most of the time, said Elder Bruce R. McConkie, the word “salvation” as used in the scriptures, refers to exaltation or eternal life. 3. The Lord told Joseph Smith, “Make not thy gift (of translation) known unto any save it be those who are of thy faith. Trifle not with sacred things.” As discussed in class, what did that counsel mean?  We have to protect ourselves from those who would stop the coming forth of the book of Mormon, so we can’t just go broadcasting it around  It was not intended to tell the world all the particulars of the coming forth of the book of Mormon 4. The original manuscript version of section 8 referred to a gift Oliver Cowdery had—a “thing of nature.” What was that gift?  The gift of working with the sprout or rod. He probably used divining rods to find water or minerals. 5. What is the “spirit of revelation” as taught in section 8?  HG testifies of truth in your mind (through your thoughts) and in your heart (through your feelings) 6. Oliver Cowdery was told he would be given the gift to translate if he desired it and if he asked in faith. What did Elder Bruce R. McConkie say asking in faith means?  We do everything in our power to accomplish the goal we seek. We use every faculty and capacity and ability we posess to achieve our righteous desires.

7. Name the three common deterrents to the flow of revelation, taught in section 9, and discussed in class.  Inconsistency  Not understanding the balance of agency and inspiration, ours and the Lord’s  fear 8. In teaching the balance of agency (our part) and inspiration (the Lord’s part), the Lord noted two things that we must do with our agency and two things the Lord will do by way of inspiration. Name them.  You must study and you must ask me it if be right  If it is right I will cause you to feel that it is right. If it be not right you shall have a stupor of thought. 9. In section 9, the Lord told Oliver Cowdery, “If you had known these things, you could have translated.” As suggested in class, why didn’t the Lord teach Oliver Cowdery these things in advance?  They were things he needed to learn, not be told to do. You can’t just become consistent, balances and faithful, its something that develops. ___________________________________________________________________

SECTIONS 13, 27 1. When was the Aaronic priesthood restored and by whom?  Friday, May 15, 1829  John the Baptist under the direction of Peter, James and John to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery 2. According to Oliver Cowdery, what did John the Baptist do before he fulfilled his purpose as a messenger of God  Ordained the Aaronic priesthood with each hand on one head.  Reordained to the priesthood after baptism 3. Who was the first person baptized in this dispensation?  Oliver Cowdery

4. Name the three keys of the Aaronic priesthood.  Baptism by immersion  Repentance  Ministering of Angels 5. When we are baptized, we are cleansed and promised the remission of sins. But, we all sin afterward. Elder Oaks described the process we must go through to be cleansed once again. He said there are three things we must do. Name them.  Repent of our sins  Come to the lord with a broken heart and contrite spirit. (attend sacrament meeting with a…)  Partake of the sacrament 6. Elder Oaks said Aaronic priesthood holders, who administer the sacrament, make it possible for Church members to receive two blessings. Name them.  Cleansed of our sins  Always have his sprit to be with us and the ministering of angels...

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