Midterm 1 D&C Review - Summary The Doctrine and Covenants PDF

Title Midterm 1 D&C Review - Summary The Doctrine and Covenants
Author Claire Mo
Course The Doctrine and Covenants
Institution Brigham Young University
Pages 7
File Size 206.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 105
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Review for midterm 1...


REL C 325 (DOCTRINE AND COVENANTS 77-OD #2)—WINTER 2017 BROTHER HAWS DOCTRINE AND COVENANTS 77-101, 103, 105 REVIEW DOCUMENT Some General Thoughts on Reviewing/Preparing for Midterm #1: The exam will open on Wednesday, February 22, at the Testing Center. The test will be open February 22 nd-24th— Wednesday through Friday. AFTER 1:00 pm on Friday is the late period, so you will be charged a fee after that point, but your grade will not be affected. Remember to come having recited to someone, by memory, two scriptures of your choice from D&C 77-105. You won’t need to reproduce the scripture by memory, but you will be asked on the exam to report the REFERENCE for each scripture that you memorize. The exam will be closed book/closed notes. There will be around 45-50 objective questions—matching and multiple choice—and about 10-15 questions that will ask you to put historical events in chronological order (see below in this study guide) and give very brief fill-in-the-blank-type answers. (Most students complete the exam in under an hour.) Good luck on the test! Please feel free to see me before or after class, or come to my office hours next week if you would like to discuss anything in person. Here’s how you might envision using this study guide: not everything that will be on the exam is explicitly mentioned in this study guide, but this guide can help you focus your preparation time by pointing out the important themes and connections and specific areas to review. I think it’s safe to say that the exam won’t contain anything obscure, in the sense that the exam deals with points that have been highlighted in the reading guides, the “things to know” slides, the quizzes, and the class discussions. This review document can be used as a way to jog your memory about points/principles/ideas where you feel conversant and comfortable, and points/places where you might want to do some additional review. My hope is that this will help you make the most of your time, which I recognize is precious and limited. Also, because we want to do more than have you simply memorize a bunch of information, some of the questions on the exam focus on using the information you have to analyze and reason. But again, I think it’s safe to say that nothing will be intended to be obscure or tricky. If you’ve taken the quizzes, they are available (viewable on Learning Suite) to use in your review, too. MY ONE REQUEST would be that you DO NOT print or copy/post/share/distribute electronically the quizzes beyond your own personal use. I know that students often share study tips through Google Docs or other means—which I think is a great collaborative venture—but I would ask you NOT to include quiz or test questions in any online distribution system because I will recycle questions in future classes. PLEASE respect this stipulation as essential to academic honesty and to keeping the HONOR CODE! For matching/identification purposes, you will want to be familiar with the content of the seminary “scripture mastery” verses in these sections (you won’t be required to know the verses, but at least to know the section numbers for matching with the main ideas of these passages):     

D&C 82:3 D&C 82:10 D&C 84:33-39 D&C 88:123-124 D&C 89:18-21

For matching/identifying purposes, you will want to be familiar with the significance/MAJOR themes/historical setting of each of these key sections:  D&C 84  D&C 87

     

D&C 88 D&C 89 D&C 93 D&C 95 D&C 98 D&C 101

Also review . . . 

Some key D&C/Church History connections with these places (that we highlighted in class, or will highlight in class next week): Jackson County/Independence, Missouri Kirtland, Ohio (especially the Newel K. Whitney store) Hiram, Ohio and the John Johnson farm

Some key people—be familiar with their places in the D&C sections (that we highlighted in class, or will highlight in class next week): Jesse Gause Frederick G. Williams Sidney Rigdon Vienna Jaques Hyrum Smith (especially his role in D&C 94—see Section Heading) Parley P. Pratt John Murdock Zion’s Camp (collectively)

Some key events in order (that we highlighted in class, or will highlight in class next week). You won’t need to know from recall the specific dates as long as you can put the events in order: Instructions to build a “house of the Lord”/temple in Kirtland School of the Prophets in Kirtland Word of Wisdom Beginning construction for the Kirtland Temple Expulsion of the Saints from Jackson County, Missouri March of Zion’s Camp

Below are two PowerPoint slides of chronology that we’ll use in class in connection with our discussion of D&C 98105:

To make things a little more convenient, here is a compilation of the “things to know” slides for D&C 77-105: Things to know from D&C 77, 79-81 • Where things stood historically--two Church Centers  Translation of the Bible! • How did we get the Doctrine and Covenants? What was the process from received revelations to printed books?  Doctrine-> From the lectures on faith at the School of the Prophets  Covenants-> the revelations we think of  Original copies (dictated to scribes) were made into a manuscript which was printed in “revelation books” and some printed in the newspaper, then those became printed books and then the Book of Commandments (1833) to Doctrine and Covenants (1885) • Doctrinal gems from D&C 77—pre-earth life; animals; scriptural symbolism; “last days” insights  Pre-earth life: we looked the same we are now. Pre-Earth Jesus appeared in Ether 3 in an earthly form  77:3: animals in the afterlife • The unfolding development of priesthood offices  Prophet’s only the prophet when acting as such  Not everything spoken by church leaders is doctrine • Jesse Gause: D&C 81 directed towards him initially but later changed • Frederick G. Williams: became part of the 1st presidency after Gause leaves the church. • “It mattereth not, ye cannot go amiss” (D&C 80:3) Things to know from D&C 78, 80, 81, *82*, 83: • What we can learn from changes in the text of the Doctrine and Covenants  We believe in continuing revelation not continuous revelation • The difference between the law of consecration and the United Order/United Firm—and what that means for us today  We still live the law of consecration, just in a different way  United Order= group of people living the law of consecration  It helps to combat pride  “Every man seeking the interest of his neighbor” (82:19) • Why the Lord values “equality”  He is a parent who wants the best for each of his children  “Scripture mastery” verses in D&C 82 (verses 3 and 10) • Thoughts about repentance and former sins in D&C 82:7 Things to know Doctrine and Covenants *84*: • “Priesthood and Proselytizing” as themes in D&C 84 • Background to D&C 84—Over two days; the thinking that had gone into it • Clearer understanding of the greater and lesser priesthoods, and how priesthood offices fit into that • Power of God manifest in the flesh • Like having an infinite number of coins and giving them to an infinite number of people – you still have an infinite number left • What is the priesthood for? To administer ordinances of the gospel • Greater vs. lesser priesthoods = different ordinances • The oath and covenant of the priesthood—and the blessings and the power of the priesthood FOR ALL • “All that the Father hath” • People are set apart with the priesthood to perform a priesthood function – just because they aren’t conferred the priesthood, doesn’t mean they don’t have authority. • The connection between the temple and the priesthood • At the temple, people are endowed with this same power • The temple gives access to the power and blessings of the priesthood – available to all! • Making covenants: • Choose to follow him

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• Binds us to God • We overcome the fall • Credentials to enter kingdom of God • Humble enough to accept God’s commandments Remembering the Book of Mormon!!!! • Remember the “covenant even the BOM and former commandments which I have given” Instructions about the “how” of missionary work

Things to know from our discussion of D&C 85-87 • Doctrine and Covenants 85 is excerpted from a November 1832 letter that Joseph Smith wrote to W. W. Phelps, who was living in Zion (Missouri) • The frustration expressed in D&C 85 with those Saints who resisted the principles of consecration • First Presidency clarification about the “one mighty and strong” • A future bishop who we will be accepted, sustained by the Church, and designated by God • Why “steadying the ark” is so spiritually dangerous—and what “steadying the ark” might look like today • Do we trust God enough to steady his own arc? • Trust God’s commandments and those who God calls • We cross the line when it becomes about us and not about the work • D&C 86 as a revelation “on priesthood”—AND apostasy (with an important allusion to the book of Revelation) • Wheat and tares – wheat is gathered first and then tares later • Apostasy and restoration – “woman driven into the wilderness and fed there”. Don’t throw away the good they’ve got, but come and get more • D&C 87 as a millennial prophecy—beyond the Civil War • Joseph repeated this revelation in section 103 11 years later • What “standing in holy places” can look like today • Zion is not where we live but HOW we live Things to know from our discussion of D&C *88, 93* • Why D&C 88 is another revelation (like D&C 84) that points us to the temple!  Instructions to build the temple • What we learn about following the Savior’s example in D&C 93  Quotes about the veil of forgetfulness  “He received not of the fullness at first” – Jesus started with the veil  He was perfect not because he had to be but because desired and was determined to be  What we learn about doctrines related to physical bodies and the resurrection; to agency and the kingdoms of glory; to our premortal existences  We live with God before as spirits  Intelligence wasn’t created yet  Every spirit was innocent and Satan came and took away light and truth  Resurrection – body and spirit must be united for full joy, a glorified body is the key to being with God  Our perfect resurrected bodies will have different glories • How these “visions of eternity” connect to daily life • School of the Prophets (D&C 88) – We can become like God • Command to build the Kirtland Temple (D&C 88) • Parenting (D&C 93) • Some thoughts on becoming like God Things to know from our discussion of D&C *89* • The historical background of the Word of Wisdom o School of the Prophets o Other temperance movements and the questions those probably created o Varied emphasis and interpretation in Kirtland and Nauvoo periods o Balance of justice and mercy in its application over the course of a century

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o The prophetic nature of the Word of Wisdom—especially verse 4 What the Church specifically teaches today in terms of interpreting the Word of Wisdom A great place to ask ourselves some questions! (Elder Scott’s “interview” question) • “Do you scrupulously avoid the use of stimulants and substances that conflict with the intent of the Word of Wisdom, or have you made some personally rationalized exceptions?”

Things to know from our discussion of D&C 90-92 • The wider principle of the Lord’s instructions about translating the Apocrypha • It could be beneficial if understood by power of the Holy Ghost • The priorities and sacrifices and roles of Frederick G. Williams and Vienna Jaques, among others • Fred. Williams – called to be a “lively member” • Prophecies fulfilled in D&C 90:11 about missionary work in many languages—and ordained servants preaching in those languages! • The keys of the kingdom and the developing First Presidency in D&C 90 • Vienna Jaques as an example of a consecrating heart • Consecrated all she had • What a “lively member” might look like (D&C 92) Things to know from our discussion of D&C 94-97 • The way these sections connect back to instructions in D&C 88 • A plan for the city of Zion, there were 24 plots of land for temples (multi-purpose church buildings called “temples”) • 88 was the commandment to build the temple • That D&C 94 was originally connected, date-wise, with what is now D&C 97—D&C 94 makes more sense that way (notice new dating in the 2013 edition section heading for D&C 94) • That the Lord chastens those He loves (D&C 95:1) • The revealed design of the Kirtland Temple • The first plot was starred and they were told to build this one first • Messages about priorities and “if, then” when it comes to the temple • Zion – the pure in heart Things to know from D&C 98-100 • Some important facts about John Murdock’s background and the Lord’s message about priorities in D&C 99 • Reflections about “dusting off one’s feet”—mentioned in D&C 99 • To testify against someone, cessation of fellowship of someone who is malicious towards the church • D&C 98, 100—”all things can work together for our good”??? • D&C 98—larger principles about proclaiming peace and forgiveness • What was happening in Kirtland in summer/fall of 1833; what was happening in Jackson County, Missouri in summer/fall of 1833 • Kirtland fall 1833 – laying foundation of the temple • Jackson County fall 1833 – agree to leave • The situation with Philastus Hurlbut (and the threats he made) as part of the background to D&C 100 • He was an excommunicated member who threatened to kill Joseph Smith • He and Sidney Rigdon pray about their families and the Lord “all things work together for your good” Things to know from our discussion of D&C 101, 103, 105 • The way the parable of the nobleman and the tower frame well what was happening in Jackson County in 1833 • Saints are kicked out of Jackson country • Trials come because: a) consequence of disobedience b) We’re prepared to grow more • Quotes about “tried, even as Abraham” and “no trial being wasted” • Elder Scott’s quote on trials • The Lord feels we are ready to grow more

“Your Father in Heaven and His Beloved Son love you perfectly. They would not require you to experience a moment more of difficulty than is absolutely needed for your personal benefit or for that of those you love.” The Prophet Joseph Smith on all things being made up in the resurrection • “All your losses will be made up to you in the resurrection, provided you continue faithful. By the vision of the Almighty, I have seen it.” The analogy of the Lord making up “His jewels” in D&C 101 • Needed to become the Lord’s jewels: • 1. Time 2. Heat 3. Pressure The chronology of major events in Kirtland , Ohio and Jackson County, Missouri in 1833 Details about life during the Millennium in D&C 101! The Lord’s statements about the U.S. Constitution and its framers in D&C 101 • Established by God The background and timing of the march of the Camp of Israel (“Zion’s Camp”) • Camp was supposed to be a government approved militia • Shows the intensity of the march (800 miles both ways and about 200 people) and the need for willingness to lay down their lives • “Thy timing be done” – the Lords timing in the redemption of Zion What D&C 105 reveals about the Lord’s purposes in the Camp of Israel’s march (especially verse 19!)—think about the “day of choosing” (verse 35) that followed—the organization of the Quorum of the Twelve and the Quorum of the Seventy • Important for us but not God The connection between the future redemption of Zion and the endowment of power • “Zion would not be redeemed until the Saints were endowed with power. All of a sudden, having submitted to the trial of their faith, the brethren could understand the promise of section 103 that Zion would be redeemed by power— by the power of righteousness, the might of an army of God both massive and moral.” •

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